Sandswept - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Mar 18 2014
Sandswept is an in-progress Homestuck Fan Adventure, stemming from a joke AndrewHussie made regarding the session that created the trolls' session.
It follows 48 Squiddles as they play their version of SBURB, SGLUB, and the hijinks they get up to. The main focus is on a young Squiddle named Rode who is celebrating her birthday, and happens to receive SGLUB in the mail. Among other things, it features a cryptic and eloquent Squiddle, a prankster Squiddle who employs the use of creative language, and the princess of the Squiddles. You can read the adventure so far here.
> Provides examples of:
- Aliens Speaking English: The squiddles all speak English for unclear reasons. Humans DO exist on their planet as well, but that doesn't explain why the squiddles speak the same language.
- Alternate Universe: Subverted, this was spawned from a one-off joke by the author of Homestuck regarding the session that created the Trolls' session, and that the players of said session 48 Squiddles. Thus, this is technically an AU, but at the same time, not really.
- Awesome, but Impractical: Surfboardkind,
- Berserk Button: Don't you dare disparage freshwater squiddles
in front of gc!
- Bizarrchitecture: Like Sburb, Sglub facilitates amateur exterior design with predictably interesting results.
- Bizarre Alien Reproduction: Squiddle reproduction is an interesting topic.
- Character Class System: As a fan prequel to Homestuck, Sandswept piggybacks off the class and aspect system for its player characters.
- UA: You are the Hero of Heart, and as such you must learn to heal the Hearts of others, but before you can do that you must learn to control your Own.
- Colour-Coded for Your Convenience: Many of the player squiddles type in the colour of their skin.
- Crapsaccharine World: Their home planet is called The Happy Sea (even the land), but there is more going on there than meets the eye.
- Easter Egg: As in most Homestuck walkarounds, there are secret extras in Sandswept's playable pages.
- Emoticon: Several squiddles use them regularly in their ticklelogs, but Rode has to actually take the time to explain them to Nois.
- CA: See, something like this:
CA: :)
CA: is supposed to be me smiling.
UA: I don't see it.
CA: Uhh... turn your head?
- CA: See, something like this:
- Fictional Document: Excerpts of 'The Founders Saga', a work of historical fiction featured in the comic, turn out to have been written in universe by Utah Polanski.
- High School AU: During a hiatus, a fan and later a writer of the comic began a high school alternate universe.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Squiddle Steak, anyone?
- A special meat that is super sweet, and ultrapeace tasty. You wonder what this meat is made out of, though...
- Meanwhile, in the Future…: Billions of years in the future (but not many)...
- Medium Blending: Like its parent comic, Sandswept switches between many art styles, animations, and playable games.
- Online Alias: Where kids have chumhandles, squiddles have ticklehandles. They are intended to foreshadow or define a character, often before they are seen or officially introduced in comic.
- The Prankster: To quote the comic: "Your name is KENT and you REALLY LOVE PRANKS"
- Poster-Gallery Bedroom: Utah's bedroom in particular employs this trope.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Nois employs the usage of flowery language often in his speech.
- Stylistic Suck: Sometimes the art takes a back seat to the story. Note the intentionally bad stand in pages
for walkarounds
in particular.