Book Of PDR - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Apr 19 2014
The Book of PDR is the personal website of Patrick D Ryall, or PDR. It serves as the home to a number of webcomics by PDR including:
- Adventure Dennis: A completed comic about a man who goes on a Platform Game-style adventure to save his town's mayor.
- Secret Government Robots: And ongoing comic about a secret government staffed by robots and their attempts to control the world.
- Hover Head: A comedic superhero comic, still ongoing but updated irregularly.
- Phone Guys: A weekly comic that features two guys having phone conversations.
As well as a number of standalone strips and short stories.
PDR also creates sketches of new superheroes or supervillains every Sunday.
These superheroes provides examples of:
- Action Girl: There's a variety of superhero women, but among the most Action-y would be Stegosauress
and Demonoclast
- Alternate Universe: The Beam(s)
are four heroes with the same identity in four universes.
- Animal Superhero: Drona of the Ultimate Ants
is an ant superhero and Wizardog
is a dog.
- Animal-Themed Superbeing: Many, such as the Volcano Rabbit
- Barrier Warrior: Forcefieldo
- Blob Monster: The Astounding Gunk
, sort of.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Volcanocles
- Captain Ersatz: Noblewoman and the Surrealist
are meant to be Superman and Batman inspred characters.
- Captain Ethnic: Discussed with Forcefieldo
- Crapsack World: The world of Lex Techno
- Demon Slaying: Demonoclast
- Detective Animal: Panda Detective
- Distaff Counterpart: Justice-Woman
to the Justice-Man character.
- Elemental Shapeshifter: Regolith
has a space-version of Sandman from Spider-Man's powers.
- Freak Lab Accident: The origin of the Astounding Gunk
- Genius Bruiser: The Warrior Poet
, a villain whose crime sprees all relate to his poetry career.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Monstrona is given the vague description of being the child of a monster and a heroic monster hunter.
- Henshin Hero: Mythologikelly
can transform into various heroes of myth.
- Humanoid Aliens: Discussed with Dr. Vedzax
- Instant A.I.: Just Add Water!: Nobody knows how Robotomaton
gained sentience.
- Intrepid Reporter: The Golden Age-style superhero the Green Camera
- Legacy Character: Diamondtough
is the daughter of a former superhero.
- Magitek: The Conjuroid
, a demon-fighting and demon-using robot.
- '90s Anti-Hero: Gun-toting cyborg Lex Techno
and the vampire Killshadow
- Plant Person: CommandOak
and the Forest Force.
- Powered Armor Cicada
- Psychic Powers: Several characters, including the Mind Agent
have mental powers. Also mentioned is a casual gathering of mental-powered heroes called the Mind Set.
- Raygun Gothic: Evoked with Gus Comet
- Superhero Gods: This post
features two heroes that, while not gods, are connected to mythology. One is a Minotaur, the other can turn into mortal heroes from myth.
- Super-Speed: The Beam(s)
are flying speedsters.
- Super Team: The Guild of Crime Fighters
. Other profiles have mentioned the Strange Squad, Forest Force, the Megacavalry, and Raid Force Zero.
- Weather Manipulation: The Guild of Crime-Fighters
includes the Whirl, who can generate winds, and the Human Cloudburst, who can cover herself in a stormcloud.