Twitch - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Dec 19 2023
Twitch (formerly named and still located at is a website that, like its former sister site, is used as a platform for livestreaming video broadcasts over the web. However, it was built with a focus on Video Games and eSports rather than the more general audience focus of Despite only being around since June 2011, it became so popular that it eclipsed its sister site in terms of monthly viewership, becoming one of the top 500 most-visited sites on the web (according to Alexa
). This caused its parent company to rename itself Twitch Interactive and later decide to shut down on August 5, 2014.
Despite rumors that the company would be purchased by Google, Twitch instead was purchased by Amazon for $970 million in 2014. In September 2016, Amazon began including Twitch Prime with Amazon Prime.
In recent years, Twitch has expanded to allow more general live streaming. In 2015 and 2016, it officially opened its doors for non-gaming content with new categories like Creative and IRL. This was broadened in 2018 when said categories were split into new sections, including Just Chatting, Music and Art. The new approach proved effective, with Just Chatting — category for talking to chat and general non-gaming content — climbing to a consistent spot at the top of the most watched categories.
Twitch has also begun expanding into sports, with a channel for Impact Wrestling, presentation of pre-season games for the Australian National Basketball League, and a channel for the National Women's Hockey League, which began airing games live on Twitch in October 2019.
Shows, groups and Let's Players on Twitchnote with TV Tropes pages include:
- 4Player Podcast
- The 8-Bit Drummer
- Act Promptly
- Always Breaktime
- Alpharad
- Anna Brisbin (under her internet name Brizzy Voices)
- Arcade Pit
- Ashens
- The Attack: A show airing live on Twitch, with an edited-down version airing on Disney XD.
- Austin Creed
- Aye Cash
- Azuritereaction
- Best Pal Brigade: A channel that streams Tabletop RPG along with Video Games.
- Brian Hull, also has another account with his friend Paul, Life is a Bowl of Cashews
- BryanCroiDragon
- CaptainSparklez
- Call Me Carson
- Chuck E. Cheese
- Corpse Husband
- The Creatures
- Criken2
- Critical Role
- Cr1TiKaL
- Cryaotic
- The Cynical Brit: A YouTube-based personality who often streamed his gameplay through here, including Hearthstone and numerous games to research.
- Dan The Enigma
- Day9
- DebbieNancy
- Diabetus
- Digimon: Seasons 1, 2, 3 and 4 as part of the Twitch Presents series.
- Doctor Who: A stream of all classic episodes sponsored by the BBC.
- DougDoug
- Dream SMP: While some of the SMP's members stream on YouTube, most prominently Technoblade, the vast majority of them stream exclusively on Twitch.
- Dzwiedz 24: Moved to Twitch from YouTube in August 2018.
- Donnabellez
- Factory Factory
- Games Done Quick
- Generation Loss
- Grace Van Dien
- HANA, or HANAWINS on Twitch, a musician who hosts DJ livestreams.
- H.Bomberguy
- Hero Club
- Helloween 4545
- hololive members will occasionally stream on Twitch as opposed to their usual YouTube location. Former member Artia of the Chinese branch was the main example of a Twitch first Hololive streamer.
- Hyoon
- Hyper RPG: A Twitch channel that runs a lot of RPGs.
- Impact Wrestling
- Inspector Gadget: As part of the Twitch Presents series.
- It's Me I'm Alex
- Jared S. Gilmore
- Jason Mewes
- Jerma985: Has a second YouTube channel where his stream highlights are posted, with the help of a small team of editors.
- Jesse Cox
- JimmyHere
- John Wolfe
- Joseph Anderson
- JoshJepson
- The Joy of Painting: PBS had a streaming event of the entire series featuring art instructor Bob Ross.
- Kaiju Big Battel — comical wrestling promotion posts videos of events.
- KickThePJ
- Kingdom of Loathing periodically has a world event while simultaneously livestreaming its development.
- Kitboga: mainly deals in prank calls to phone scammers.
- Knight Rider: A stream of all episodes of the 1982 series, sponsored by Sport Clips.
- Koibu
- K Popp
- Liana K
- Lilsimsie
- LilyPichu
- LordMinion777
- Lost Pause
- Lucah Jin
- Markiplier
- MarzGurl
- MasaeAnela
- MattDoes_
- Maximillian_DOOD
- Mister Rogers' Neighborhood had a marathon of every episode of the series, including many that hadn't been seen for decades note .
- Mianite
- Mixtopher
- Mystery Science Theater 3000 / RiffTrax
- The Nerd Slam — Professional Wrestler Player Uno plays games.
- Nerd³
- Neuro-sama
- NintendoCapriSun
- N. K. Jemisin
- NoPixel
- Northernlion
- Nothing, Forever
- Outsiders SMP: While some of the SMP's members stream on YouTube, the vast majority of them stream exclusively on Twitch.
- Paige
- Paper Mario DND
- Party Crashers (specifically King of Skill and TCNick3)
- Pat Stares At
- Patty
- Perpetual Players
- Pikasprey
- Pink Kitty Rose
- Pirates SMP: While some of the SMP's members stream on YouTube, the vast majority of them stream exclusively on Twitch.
- Pokemon Marathon Stream, as part of the Twitch Presents series.
- Power Rangers Marathon Stream
- Super Sentai stream
- Previously Recorded (Currently defunct)
- ProtonJon
- Quicky Baby: A seriously good World of Tanks player who gets thousands watching him play.
- Ranboo
- Rats SMP: While some of the SMP's members stream on YouTube, the vast majority of them stream exclusively on Twitch.
- Rats: In Paris: While some of the SMP's members stream on YouTube, the vast majority of them stream exclusively on Twitch.
- Ray Fisher
- Ray Narvaez Jr: Famous for previously being one of main cast members of Rooster Teeth's Achievement Hunter, he left the company so he could do livestreaming full-time.
- Rawrzaur
- Rollplay
- TheRussianBadger
- Ryan Ribbity
- Saltydkdan
- Shooshies
- Slay Awhile The Slumbering Dark
- Slowbeef
- Sly Fox Hound
- SMPEarth
- SMPLive
- Sofia Gomez
- SomeOrdinaryGamers
- Soviet Womble: his videos are edited clips of his Twitch streams with the ZF Clan in various games.
- Stacey Roy
- StephenPlays
- Strippin
- Stryder7x
- Super Eyepatch Wolf
- Super Great Friend
- Star: Has a mostly Overwatch stream, with the highlights put onto YouTube.
- Sykkuno
- The Mighty Jingles: While better known on YouTube, Jingles is also a pretty popular streamer.
- TeamFourStar now maintains their main public channel there. They debut their original programming to the public there before releasing on YouTube, and also run several Let's Play programs there.
- Tom Fawkes
- Twitch Plays Pokémon: Tens of thousands of chat users play Pokémon at the same time.
- UberHaxorNova
- Unlimited Steam
- Valkyrae
- Video Game Championship Wrestling: A league of recreated characters from several video games fight against one another in WWE video games in AI versus AI matches. It is one of few original entities not a Let's Play series, a podcast or an eSports broadcast.
- Video Games Awesome!: Livestream-based video gamers with significant interaction with their chat.
- Vinesauce
- VShojo
- WayneRadioTV
- Woolie Versus
- Yogscast: While their usual gaming content is YouTube-based and edited down, almost every day in December since 2012, the Yogscast has hosted charity Twitch livestreams with most of its members and special guests. Notably, Yog Towers has an office dedicated to streaming with special equipment and monitors.
- Hat Films: Along with the aforementioned December Yogscast livestreams involving gaming, roleplaying and eating contests with the three Sirs, their podcast Hat Chat has also been recorded live on Twitch.
- Yu-Gi-Oh!, as part of the Twitch Presents series.
- Yuriofwind
- Zero9teen