Aladdin: The Series
- ️Sat Jun 22 2013
All spoilers for Aladdin and Aladdin: The Return of Jafar are unmarked. You Have Been Warned!
Follow me to a place where incredible feats are routine every hour or so
Where enchantment runs rampant, gets wild in the streets
Open sesame, here we go!
The sequel and spin-off television series to Disney's Aladdin, which aired from February 6, 1994 to November 25, 1995 (the original film's third anniversary, coincidentally). Before the series' official airing, nine episodes were previewed on The Disney Channel, even before the release of the first sequel. The series then started airing on The Disney Afternoon and CBS and reran on Disney Channel until it was replaced by their preteen lineup. The series later reran on Toon Disney until the channel was shut down in 2009.
Set after The Return of Jafar, the series shows the many adventures of Aladdin and the gang in and outside of Agrabah, as they meet new enemies and friends, and encounter mysteries and treasures found all over the world they could never dream of. Many of the stories are based on tales from the 1,001 Nights.
Aladdin and the King of Thieves served as a full-length finale to both the TV series and Aladdin's story as a whole.
The series was animated by eight different animation studios: Sunwoo Entertainment, South Korea (21 episodes), Walt Disney Japan (14 episodes)note , Wang Film Productions, Taiwan (14 episodes), Kennedy Cartoons, Canada (12 episodes), Toon City, Philippines (11 episodes), Walt Disney Australia (10 episodes), Guimaraes, Brazil (3 episodes) and Jaime Diaz Productions, Argentina (1 episode).
Tropes used in the animated series:
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- Action Girl: Jasmine, who takes down Mozenrath in one episode and survives an Amazonian training course in another. That's not even mentioning her time as 'Scourge of the Desert'.
- Actor Allusion:
- The Genie says "D'oh!" at least once (complete with a face resembling Homer Simpson).
- Abis Mal is the Iraqi version of George Costanza. Both characters are also portrayed by Jason Alexander.
- In The Flawed Couple, Iago calls Jasmine "toots", something Beetle, also voiced by Gottfried, frequently calls Thumbelina. This could be a coincidence, though.
- The Russian dub has Iago voiced by Boris Bystrov, who played the leading role in Alladin's Magic Lamp
, a Soviet Alladin film.
- Adaptational Protagonist: Unlike the Aladdin tale and following the trend set by the animated film, this subsequent TV series has Jasmine share the spotlight with her beloved.
- An Ice Person: Frigeed from the episode "Of Ice and Men". And he is literally made out of ice.
- Alas, Poor Villain: Arbutus. (In his defense, the Sultan - then Prince Bobolonius - stole from Arbutus 20 years ago.)
- All Amazons Want Hercules: In Queen Hippsodeth's first appearance, she's defeated by the Sultan, and suffers a minor breakdown; by her next appearance, she's smitten with him.
- All Your Base Are Belong to Us: All four of the main villains have done this with the palace (and sometimes Agrahbah as a whole) at least once. Abis Mal in "Forget Me Lots", Mechanicles in "I Never Mechanism I Didn't Like", Mirage in "While the City Snoozes", and Mozenrath in "Black Sand".
- Always a Bigger Fish: For as all-powerful as Chaos is, he still seems to be inferior to Fate, which annoys him greatly. Whosoever Fate smiles upon, Chaos usually tends to frown upon.
- Always Someone Better: Carpet is left feeling like this compared to the Sprites in "Love at First Sprite", as the Sprites can make his human friends fly without him.
- Amazon Brigade: The Galafems. They also kidnap and forcibly-induct women into their numbers, making their army stronger.
- Anachronism Stew: Apparently, the writers once again mixed up medieval Arabia with ancient Arabia. The Greeks Aladdin runs into seem to be from ancient Greece.
- Animation Bump: In the Walt Disney Japannote and Australia-animated episodes.
- The Genie whenever Kennedy Cartoons animated had the benefit of reusing bits of movie animation. This made him move much more fluidly than whenever anyone else animated.
- Amnesiac Dissonance: In an episode Jasmine lost her memory due to a magic rose and Abis Mal convinced her that she was evil. This backfired when Jasmine became a Dark Action Girl and decided the idiotic Abis Mal was beneath her.
- Amnesiac Lover: In the episode Sandswich, everyone but the animals sidekicks is rendered amnesiac, and believe Sadira is the princess - and Aladdin's fianceé. Thus Aladdin and Jasmine fall both under the trope; and it rings a bell to the both of them when they meet again. They finally break the curse with a spontaneous True Love's Kiss.
- In Forget Me Lots, Jasmine's new memories of a Criminal Amnesiac are so strong that even after seeing her loved ones, she is still trying to kill them. Still, when Aladdin reminds her that they met and fell in love exactly a year ago, it cures her.
- Armor-Piercing Question: In "Seems Like Old Crimes Part 2", Fatima gets angry when she found out she and her partners captured Jasmine instead of Aladdin by mistake.
Fatima: You were a fool to get in our way!
Jasmine: I would never let you hurt Aladdin!
Fatima: What does it matter to you!? You have beauty, wealth, and power! Why would you risk your life for Aladdin!? Why!?
Jasmine: Don't you know, Fatima? Wouldn't you do the same... for Minos?
Fatima: (shocked) I-I...!? ...I...
- Artifact of Doom: In the episode "Armored and Dangerous", the Sultan puts on the invincible armor of Kileem, a powerful warlord, and ends up being taken over by the spirit of the warlord himself.
- Artistic License – Paleontology: In "Lost and Founded", Aladdin briefly goes back to prehistoric times. In the background you can see a massive ceratopsid skeleton, so at first one would presume they had gone back in time at about 65 million years or so, give or take a few. Then a smilodon appears, a creature that not only lived a mere 1.8 MYA to 10,000 years ago, but also lived in the Americas, not northeastern Africa. Later in the episode, fluxes in time cause a man and his camel to transform into a caveman and a ceratopsid, a rather silly thing considering that humans and non-avian dinosaurs are separated by about 65 million-ish years.
- Art Shift: Genie's explanation of man in "The Secret of Dagger Rock" is drawn in UPA style.
- "Ass" in Ambassador: The ambassadors in "Riders Redux", who boss Jasmine around and constantly threaten war.
- Badass Back: Mozenrath blasts Jasmine to the ground this way at one point.
- Badass Crew: The heroes. Even somewhat weaker ones like Abu and Iago have moments that earn their place in the team.
- Badass in Distress: Each member of Team Aladdin, such as Genie, Jasmine and Al himself have their share of awesome moments in defeating monstrous villains. But they also have moments of being captured, brainwashed, erased from existence or the like. A common plot point of the series is to have the majority of the team put out of commision so it's all up to one or two of the remaining members left to save the day.
- Badass Normal: Aladdin, Jasmine and Abu have all triumphed against monsters and mages without having magic like Genie.
- Bad Boss: Mirage, on the rare occasion she's shown with followers. At one point she leaves a bunch of her loyal minions to die (minions made from kidnapped children) simply because a different one dared to say "no" to her.
- Bad Guy Bar: The Skull and Dagger.
- Balking Summoned Spirit: In "Strike Up the Sand", Sadira summons a sand demon to try and get Jasmine out of the way so she can have Aladdin to herself. While the demon initially goes along with her orders, Sadira's lack of a plan and general indecision ultimately annoys it enough that it swallows the amulet used to summon it and decides to smash everyone around it, including Sadira.
- Barbarian Tribe: The Odifferous. They're usually friendly, although their leader isn't the brightest, making it relatively easy to set him against the heroes.
- Bare Midriffs Are Feminine: Being a show set in the "Arabian Nights" Days, many female characters wear midriff-baring Bedlah Babe outfits, including Princess Jasmine, Eden the Genie of the Bottle (a Distaff Counterpart to the male, shirtless Genie of the Lamp), Mirage the Evil Sorceress, and Fatima the circus performer-turned-harpy.
- Barefoot Poverty: Despite being engaged to a ludicrously wealthy woman, Aladdin still wears the same clothes as when he was poor — including no shoes. Sadira also goes barefoot, as does Jasmine when she and Jasmine exchange places.
- Battle in the Center of the Mind: The last episode to have Mozenrath in it ended with the sorcerer attempting to possess Aladdin's body after his own suffers total organ failure from overuse of dark magic (which turns out to apparently be the source of his interest in Aladdin through most of the series). Aladdin is seemingly out-matched, but doesn't realise that he has all the power he could ever need. After he stops being afraid, Aladdin uses his soul's energies to curbstomp Mozenrath's ass. Cue Mozenrath whining about it not being fair despite him attacking someone supposedly powerless with magic attacks. Aladdin calls out when the hell he started caring about fighting fair.
- Beast and Beauty: Apparently, the writers were very fond of this trope, because they used it three times: in "Garden of Evil", "Eye of the Beholder" (Jasmine as the 'Beast')and in "Seems Like Old Crimes", with both Fatima and Minos turned into monsters. The latter even has a recreation of the scene where Beast dies, transformation and all.
- Beleaguered Assistant: Haroud has the unfortunate job of being Abis Mal's lackey, but makes up for it by being much, much smarter than his boss.
- Benevolent Genie: Eden; when Dhandi's first wish is for a sandwich, Eden allows her to take it back, and convinces her to wish to never be hungry again.
- And, of course, our big blue pal.
- Berserk Button:
- Amin Damoola's is being called by his nickname Butterfingers.
- Ordering Chaos around, people will be lucky if the only thing he does is yell at them.
- Jasmine: Being called "Princess" (for the episode "Do the Rat Thing" only - as being called "Princess" offends and angers her enough to leave the palace and attempt to prove she can be a "street rat." She lashes out at Aladdin again for using the term after being restored to her human form. In no other episode, however, does she have this same problem with being referred to as a princess).
- Best Her to Bed Her: After the Sultan rescues his daughter Jasmine from the Galafems, an army of Amazon-like warrior women, we find out in a later episode that their leader, Queen Hipsodeth, has fallen for the Sultan, the only man to ever defeat her in battle.
- Beware the Nice Ones: In, "Moonlight Madness", after suffering too many fruits being thrown at him by his friends during a food fight game at the marketplace, Aladdin suddenly loses his temper and decides to take out his anger on his friends.
- Beware the Silly Ones:
- Chaos the silly cat has beyond "cosmic power". Pissing him off is a really bad idea.
- Genie also qualifies. Do not try to hurt his friends. Also, as he's now a free genie, it's implied that he's no longer bound to the "can't kill anybody" rule. In "The Way We War", just the threat of his rage singlehandedly led to a ceasefire between Odiferous and Agrabah, who had been manipulated into warring against each other by Nefir.
- Genie's girlfriend, Eden. She's just as lovably goofy, but if you mess with her man or Dhandi, watch out.
- Big Bad Ensemble: Abis Mal, Mechanicles, Mirage, and Mozenrath. The 1st appears the most often, the 2nd has the most dangerous arsenal, the 3rd is the incarnation of all evil and the 4th is the most serious villain on the series.
- Big Red Devil: Amok Monra, the antagonist of "Hero With a Thousand Feathers".
- Bilingual Bonus:
- One episode has Mozenrath seeking the power of Shamash, which turns out to be a miniature sun. The Arabic word for sun is "Shams". (Though, this is less of a Bilingual Bonus and more of a reference to Utu/Shamash
, Mesopotamian pagan god of the sun.)
- Most of the names in the series are fake Arabic/Persian sounding for foreign flavor, but some are real or close to real. Mozenrath's mamluks (though mispronounced as "mamlock"), for example, come from an Arabic word meaning "owned" and refer to slave-soldiers imported from Central Asia primarily to serve in Egypt. Some of the other names are real too, like Aladdin, Khartoum the sorcerer, Fatima and Aziz, two of Aladdin's former partners in crime; and Farida, one of the sand witches. The urchin Waheed's name is real as well, and fittingly means "lonely." Ayam Aghoul, though intended as a lame pun (I am a ghoul), is one letter away from being a possible Arabic phrase, ayam al-ghoul, which would mean "days of the demon."
- One episode has Mozenrath seeking the power of Shamash, which turns out to be a miniature sun. The Arabic word for sun is "Shams". (Though, this is less of a Bilingual Bonus and more of a reference to Utu/Shamash
- Bittersweet Ending: The plant-being Arbutus kidnaps Jasmine as payback for a slight the Sultan committed against him decades ago. Aladdin rescues Jasmine and kills Arbutus, but by then, Arbutus had been shown in a sympathetic light, and was more a victim than a villain.
- Blind Seer: Fasir, a mysterious robed figure with the upper half of his face wrapped in a blindfold, who appears with mystic pronouncements whenever an episode starts getting epic. He's not actually blind, but without the blindfold it would be obvious he isn't human ...
- Body Horror: Mozenrath's gauntlet gives him remarkable magical powers, but at a cost, as the hand he wears it on has been completely stripped of its flesh.
- Boisterous Bruiser: The Odifferous are a tribe of these. Their solution to problems is bashing them over the head with a club. They're friendly otherwise.
- Brainwashed: One of the show's most frequently used tropes.
- In "The Sands of Fate," anyone who interferes in the "Groundhog Day" Loop trapping the Riders of Ramon and the marauders is sucked into the loop. Aladdin is brainwashed into being a Rider, while Abu and Carpet are brainwashed into the marauders' sidekicks.
- In "Forget Me Lots," Abis Mal and Haroud conspire to give Jasmine magical amnesia and make her think she's Mal's daughter.
- In "Dune Quixote," Sadira brainwashes Aladdin into thinking he's a fairy tale prince with Abu as his horse and her as his princess. When Genie interferes, most of Sadira's magic is undone but the brainwashing isn't, leaving Aladdin a Windmill Crusader.
- In "Sandswitch," all of the human characters and Genie are brainwashed into thinking Sadira is the Princess and Jasmine is a street rat, leaving Abu, Iago, and Rajah to save the day.
- In "I Never Mechanism I Didn't Like," all of the non-magical characters are brainwashed into obeying Mechanicles' robot Gregarious, leaving Genie and Carpet to save the day.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: The Sultan donned a magical set of armor in order to fight a giant monster and wins. Unfortunately, it was possessed, causing the Sultan to be like a violent warlord.
- Buffy Speak: Abis Mal.
- Genie in the episode "Sea No Evil". "Yeah, we'd be crushed like... uh, easily crushed... things".
- Butt-Monkey: Iago. According to the
DVD Commentary, the filmmakers' motto was "When in doubt, hurt the bird."
- Can't Get Away with Nuthin':
- Happens once again to Jasmine in "Do The Rat Thing", in an even bigger way than in the original movie. After Aladdin says she couldn't understand what it means to be a street rat, she decides to spend a day in the marketplace pretending to be a poor thief to prove to Aladdin she can do it. While there, she is goaded into stealing a small trinket just once to prove to an angry thug that she can. The shopkeeper (Fasir the mystic) warns her that there could be a horrible retribution should she go through with the act, but she figured she could get away with the robbery then come back to pay later. The trinket was actually a magical cursed mirror that immediately turns her into a rat and Iago a frilled lizard. Oops.
- Cast from Lifespan: Mozenrath's gauntlet draws magic power at the cost of his lifespan and possibly (see
Word of Dante in the Trivia tab) his flesh.
- Catapult Nightmare: Iago has this in "The Vapor Chase" when he wakes up screaming, "You got the wrong guy! You want my evil twin brother, Othello!"
- Catchphrase: "It's showtime!" Most commonly Genie but everyone gets a crack at it.
- Mechanicles is "The master of machines!" or "Greatest of the Great Greek Geniuses!"
- Abis-Mal, after having his sentences finished by Haroud: "I was going to say that!"
- Cats Are Mean: Mirage the catfolk.
Iago: She's mean! She's beyond mean! She invented "mean"!
- Changed My Mind, Kid: Iago and Abu at the end of "The Secret of Dagger Rock". Subverted in that they arrived late.
- Character Exaggeration: In the films (the first and third one anyway) The Genie is a cartoonish, but highly intelligent and formidable ally. In the series he was reduced to a playful, silly, and just plain weird well-meaning buffoon who often did as much harm as he did good. This may have been sneakiness/laziness on the part of the writers — if the Genie is magical, smart and free to use his magic to solve problems and fight bad guys, then who needs Aladdin? Also, Genie is a living Deus ex Machina. If he were smart enough to use his powers to just defeat conflict by himself, what would the writers do with the other twenty minutes of the episode?
- The Charmer: Aladdin, as part of his origin as a combination petty thief and grifter. While he generally goes for an actual opponent with his fists, if someone's just in the way he'll frequently use his charisma and bluff his way out of it.
- Chekhov's Gun: In "Lost and Founded", Iago, Abu, and Genie make Founder's Day merchandise to sell to the people of Agrabah. Genie keeps a spill-proof cup for himself. Later, he uses it to contain the time portal.
- In "Scare Necessities", Iago finds a mirror that scares him when he sees his reflection. Later, he uses it to scare the creature that's been granting wishes whenever it gets scared.
- Chick Magnet: A fun drinking game is to chug every time a girl has the hots for Aladdin. He once accidentally bragged to Jasmine that he had dated tons of girls before meeting her.
- City of Adventure: Agrabah, especially in the later episodes. (Earlier they visited a lot more Adventure Towns.)
- Clock King: Mechanicles keeps constant track of his schedule, reading out loud from a scroll he uses as a day-planner. He frequently knows down to the minute when Aladdin and company will show up to ruin his plans.
- Cloning Splits Attributes: "Seven Faces of Genie" sees Genie attacked by an explosive device while on a diplomatic mission that separates him into seven separate Genies who all act weirder than average. It is later revealed that while the bomb may have initiated the separation, the actual cause was because Genie was being metaphysically torn apart trying to fulfill all the roles of a diplomat without success. Hence why the individual Genies were limited in their ability to use their magic as they could only apply it in a way that reflected the role they represented. Ultimately once Genie understands he was never expected to be perfect in any one role, he's able to pull himself together and regain access to his full power.
- Color-Coded Emotions: One episode had the characters enchanted by colored gemstones which instilled them with corresponding emotions—blue for depression, green for envy, yellow for fear, etc.
- Company Cross-References: Several. For example, in one episode, Saleen the mermaid attempts to give Jasmine a new hairstyle and ends up giving her one resembling the hairstyle of Ariel ("She looks like any other princess under the sea.").
- Conspicuous Gloves: The Evil Sorcerer Mozenrath wears a magical gauntlet that stripped the skin and flesh from his hand as a price. Under the gauntlet, his hand is just bone.
- Criminal Amnesiac: Jasmine in "Forget Me Lots". Abis Mal hits her with a magical amnesia drug, and Haroud takes advantage of the opportunity to Brainwash her into a servant for Abis Mal called the Scourge of the Desert. She retains her intelligence and resourcefulness, making her far more dangerous than Abis Mal.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: The Sultan is (or at least was) this, apparently. You should see all the ass he kicks in episode 75.
of course, somebody had to run a kingdom so rife with disaster before Aladdin came along, right?
- The Sultan's badassery is touched on in a mid-1990s Disney Adventures comic, which features a flashback to a young Sultan brandishing a sword on horseback while kicking some villains out of his kingdom.
- Cue the Flying Pigs: Happens when genies fall in love.
- Curse Escape Clause: Agrabah was once attacked by a would-be conqueror while Aladdin, Jasmine and Genie were away on other business. In desperation, the Sultan donned a suit of enchanted armor that would make him "as strong as stone". The armor allowed him to defeat the conqueror, but also allowed the spirit of the armor's original wearer, an evil sultan of Agrabah's past, to possess him, turning him evil and paranoid to the point where he tried having Jasmine executed. Aladdin realized that "as strong as stone" meant that the armor drew its magic from a stone statue of the evil sultan, and was able to break the spell and restore Jasmine's father to his old self by coercing him into destroying the statue.
- Cursed with Awesome: Fatima in “Seems Like Old Crimes Part 2” after she discovers that she was transformed into a harpy (complete with the ability of flight and a sonic screech) by the Destiny Stone. While Minos and Aziz are reveling in their new powers, she just sees herself as a monster and wants to be human again.
- Cute Witch: Sadira starts out as a pretty young street rat with a crush on Aladdin. She becomes a Sand Witch when she stumbles over a cache of their scrolls and artifacts and begins using them to attempt to get him away from Jasmine.
- Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon: Genie of all people makes a threat like this in "Mission Imp-Possible". When Aladdin is poisoned, Genie has no choice but to team up with Nefir to get the cure, despite the mutual animosity between their species. During their journey, after facing each obstacle that protects the temple in which the cure is kept, Genie, to his growing irritation, is repeatedly charged ridiculous amounts of money by Nefir. When they finally reach the temple, Nefir is all ready to charge him another fee, but then Genie shoots back with this.
Genie: (in a sing-song type voice) Give me another bill, and I'll rip out your spine and floss with it.
Nefir: (quickly puts the bill away) - David Versus Goliath: Many of the enemies Aladdin and the gang faces are powerful sorcerers, monsters, gods, and giants the size of skyscrapers and the strength to crush mountains. A common theme in the show is that he and his friends always have to rely on wit and trickery to overcome their enemies.
- Deadpan Snarker: Mozenrath, as part of his Faux Affably Evil schtick. Most obvious in "The Wind Jackals of Mozenrath," where he spares no opportunity to shred Genie for giving the heroes away.
- Death Is Dramatic: Arbutus' death in Garden of Evil, is very much milked for tragedy and feels.
- Demorphing Denouement: In "Eye of the Beholder," thanks to a magical ointment provided by Mirage, Princess Jasmine is progressively transformed into a naga-like creature over the course of the episode. Worse still, the tree with the fruit that could cure her is destroyed. However, against all expectations, Aladdin uses the ointment on him himself so the two of them can been together, proving Mirage wrong about true love in the process. With Mirage having lost the bet with him, Fasir restores the tree, allowing Aladdin and Jasmine to cure themselves and end the episode having fully reverted to human beings.
- Demoted to Extra: Rajah.
Word of God says that this is because his stripes are a lot tougher for the lower-budget TV animation studios. It's not especially noticeable since he was never a very important character to begin with, though quite a few episodes give him major roles.
- De-power: As a side-effect of being freed, the Genie has gone from having "Phenomenal Cosmic Powers" in the film to only possessing "Semi-Phenomenal, Nearly Cosmic Powers" in the series. His magic is still useful, but each episode he gets hit with one of three restrictions on his Story-Breaker Power. Either he's weaker than the villain, he wastes his time being a Cloud Cuckoolander and makes things worse, or the villain's magic is incompatible with his ("you can't mix magics"). This is an Acceptable Break from Reality to keep the genie from being an answer to all of Aladdin's recurring foes.
- Deus Exit Machina: Genie is kept from resolving the plot of every episode in two minutes through a combination of this trope, the rules of his Weird Trade Union, and Forgot About His Powers. In maybe one episode, they actually meet a rare villain that is more powerful than him; he specifically notes that the creature is about as powerful as a palace full of genies.
- Did I Say That Out Loud: Iago in the episode Vocal Hero after Aladdin has exposed his scam of operating a mechanical donkey to fool the Sultan into "feeding" the donkey some treasures.
Sultan: Are you trying to make a fool of me, Iago?
Iago (to himself): There's a challenge. (Sultan grabs him) Did I say that out loud?
- Didn't Think This Through: Iago's reckless use of his genie powers in "Power to the Parrot" causes problems in this vein, since he cares more about winning people's immediate favour and doesn't consider the long-term consequences of his actions.
- Did You Actually Believe...?: Mozenrath falls on both sides of this. When he captures Genie to use as fuel to release Khartoum, he lies about releasing him if Eden offered herself in his place. Once he released Khartoum, he pulls this on Mozenrath himself, saying that there’s no way a higher being like himself would share his power with a lowly wizard.
- The Drag-Along: Iago. In fact, maybe a third of his lines are complaints about this.
- Duck Season, Rabbit Season: Aladdin manages to pull this trick on Genie in "Genie Hunt" after the latter gets frightened by Rajah.
Aladdin: You were scared.
Genie: Was not.
Aladdin: Were too.
Genie: Was not.
Aladdin: Were too.
Genie: Was not.
Aladdin: Was not.
Genie: Were too.
- Dwindling Party:
- In "The Hunted", Aladdin's group vanish one by one by a mysterious assailant until only Genie was left. It's revealed the Muktar is responsible for it as he imprisoned the others to blackmail Genie into helping him deal with Mozenrath.
- In "The Sands of Fate," the heroes are sucked one by one into the "Groundhog Day" Loop, each becoming convinced they're part of events. After the brainwashed Aladdin captures Genie, only Iago is left to break the cycle.
- In “While the City Snoozes”, Mirage cast a sleeping spell over Agrabah, in which Aladdin’s group slowly succumbed to it once returning to see what was happening. Worse, they awaken as mind-controlled puppets tasked with taking out Aladdin and his friends. Near the end of the episode, only Aladdin was left standing to deal with Mirage and break her spell.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: Double subverted: when Jasmine is turned into a snake-woman, our heroes brave through a multitude of challenges to find the cure, which Mirage destroys before they can use it; defeated, Jasmine wants the others to leave her, so Aladdin turns himself into a snake to stay with Jasmine. Mirage takes solace in that while she couldn't break the love between the two, at least they'll live the rest of their lives as monsters; Fasir insists that they beat her, and gives them the cure.
Easily Forgiven: The sprites. The first episode they appear ends with them almost killing everyone in the palace. By their second appearance, when Mozenrath has captured them, they're treated like poor, innocent creatures who must be rescued, completely ignoring their previous malicious intentions.
- Embarrassing Rescue: Captain al-Butros, a heroic sailor, doesn't want Aladdin, a landlubber, to rescue him from Mechanikles, saying it's not manly. Iago Takes a Third Option, letting Aladdin rescue him, while Butros tags along to protect him; the captain finds this much more agreeable.
- Empowered Badass Normal: Aladdin winds up getting possessed by Mozenrath and fighting for control of the body. In the middle of the fight, he blocks Mozenrath's magic with his spirit's own mystical power and wins a Beam-O-War with Mozenrath. Unusually for an Empowered Badass Normal, this is never seen again, and it's heavily implied that he can't use it outside his body.
- Emotions vs. Stoicism: Kapok is a literal Head vs. Heart case, with his cold calculating head and his emotional heart; naturally the head is evil while the heart is good. As a powerful wizard, the heart defeats the head with a spell that decapitates himself, leaving the heart in full control of the body.
- Enraged by Idiocy: Aladdin felt this way towards Captain Al-Butros, who is nothing more than an arrogant dumb jock who thinks recklessness is "manly".
- Evil Costume Switch: Princess Jasmine gets one of these thanks to Abys Mal and a flower that causes Laser-Guided Amnesia. In her new identity as "The Scourge of the Desert", she wears a dark-blue version of her usual clothes, a hooded cape, her hair in a ponytail (just like how she wore it when she was Jafar's slave in the original movie), and wields a whip. Interestingly, after getting her memory back, she keeps the outfit (and the whip), wearing it as a Spy Cat Suit when Aladdin & Co. infiltrate Mozenrath's city.
- Evil Counterpart: Again, Mozenrath, towards Aladdin. If rumors are to be believed, there were plans to reveal they were in fact brothers. Said rumors being helped by just how much they look alike.
- Evil-Detecting Dog: In "Sandswitch", Sadira attempts to swap herself with Jasmine, becoming a princess while Jasmine becomes a street rat. Thanks to her Reality Warper level magic, everyone (including Genie) is fooled except the animals; Rajah, Abu, and Iago. The three spend the rest of the episode playing Cassandra Truth until The Power of Love breaks the spell.
- Eviler than Thou: Mozenrath ends up on both sides of this. He proved to be the bigger evil against Destane, but the lesser evil against Khartoum.
- Evil Gloating: In "Shadow of a Doubt", Mirage captured Jasmine, Carpet, Abu and Iago, and releases them as her obelisk destroys Agrabah, just so she can gloat.
- Evil Is Bigger: The T-Rex in "Much Abu About Something". Doubly awesome that the tiny Abu defeats it.
- Evil Is Hammy:
- Mechanicles takes the cake. Leave him in a room by himself for five minutes and he'll start ranting and raving about his genius and his inventions. Most of his lines are delivered at the top of his lungs.
- Mirage essentially has two different modes of operation. Normally, she's an unfathomable source of quiet menace. When her schemes come to fruition, though, she goes directly to Chewing the Scenery.
- One-shot villain Amok Mon-Ra is also no slouch in this department. It helps that he's voiced by Tim Curry, who can devour scenery like no tomorrow.
- Evil Is Not a Toy: Constantly. Abis Mal makes a habit of finding artifacts and beings of awesome power that he cannot hope to control, but Sadira, Mozenrath, and even the heroes also sometimes try to harness things that are simply beyond them. It's lampshaded expertly when a violent monster Sadira summons loses all patience with her indecision when it comes to doing anything actually evil.
- Played for laughs by Genie against Mirage.
Genie: (After getting blasted by Mirage') Kids... never play with evil incarnate... someone always gets hurt... (collapses)
- Played for laughs by Genie against Mirage.
- Evil Sorcerer: Mozenrath commands a nation of "mamluks", casts lethal magic with his enchanted right hand, and has enough magical strength to seriously threaten Genie.
- Evil Twin: Aladdin is faced with an evil version of himself, thanks to Chaos. Though aside from how the twin looks, he's really more of Aladdin's complete opposite than anything else.
- Eye Poke: In one episode, a magic disembodied hand is sent to attack Al. Inevitably, it pulls this move on him, but Aladdin is smart enough to use the hand block on it.
- Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: In "Garden of Evil", The Sultan tells the gang the story of how on the night of his wedding to Jasmine's mother, he made a promise to Arbutus that he would give him his most precious treasure in 20 years' time, so the plant elemental wouldn't kill him for plucking a flower from his garden. And tonight is the night that Arbutus will come to collect. Everyone does guard duty outside the treasure room, falling asleep. Meanwhile, the Sultan has a nightmare of his encounter with Arbutus, and wakes up with one name on his lips, as he realizes all too late what Arbutus is truly after.
The Sultan: Jasmine!
(Cut to Aladdin and the others sleeping in the hall)
The Sultan: (offscreen) JASMINE!
(They all startle awake)
Genie: Jasmine?
Aladdin: The most precious treasure! - Fantastic Racism: Aladdin, Genie, Abu, and Iago accidentally come across a secret hidden valley inhabited by anthromorphic animals who hate humans. Aladdin is jailed immediately despite the fact he rescued a child animal being.
- Imps and Genies are shown to have a mutual enmity.
- Fantasy Counterpart Culture: Agrabah, of course, which resembles an amalgam of Arabic, North African, Persian, Turkish and Indian cultures. Also, Odiferous, whose people are Viking/Dark Age Barbarian expies, the Amazon-like Galifems and Mechanicles, who evoke a Greco-Roman appearance.
- Fantasy Kitchen Sink: In a world already established as having genies, sorcerers, magic carpets, and talking animals, it seems like every other episode introduces a new supernatural element. These include (but are not limited to) imps, cyclopes, elementals, mud creatures, Big Creepy-Crawlies, Roc Birds, Physical Gods, Clockwork Creatures, dragons, witches, ghouls, mermaids, sprites, magic mirrors, mood-altering gemstones, a yeti, a thunderbird, a Fisher King, a Plant Person, a Land Shark, and a giant obelisk whose shadow wipes things out of existence. Lampshaded in "When Chaos Comes Calling" when the characters list off the supernatural threats they've encountered.
- Fat and Skinny: Abis Mal and Harud.
- Abis Mal and Mechanicles when they temporarily teamed up. When they're fighting in a bar they're refered to as the fat one and the skinny one by onlookers.
- Feathered Serpent: Malcho is a nature spirit with this form.
- Find the Cure!: A few — a cure for Genie's cold in "Sneeze the Day", something to reverse Jasmine's transformation in "Eye of the Beholder", and something to awaken a poisoned Aladdin in "Mission Imp Possible" (the last one had Nefir poison Aladdin just so that the other heroes would get the rare and expensive cure, letting the imp steal and sell the rest of it).
- Fire-Forged Friends: Jasmine and Sadira.
- Not exactly friends, but Razoul lightens up after he and Aladdin have to team up against Aziz.
- Fish out of Temporal Water: Being a genie, Genie is a wealth of magical knowledge, but having been trapped in a lamp for thousands of years, some of his info is out of date.
- Fisher King: This time, a child-king whose perpetual sulk makes his domain barren and ugly.
- Five-Second Foreshadowing: When Aladdin and co. follow the El-Khatib to the missing children, they find them trapped inside a magical cage. Aladdin concludes that someone else is turning the children into El-Khatib. That someone else is Mirage, and she's sitting in a chair twenty feet behind him.
- Foe Romance Subtext:
- Whenever Mozenrath appears, Aladdin usually ends up in some kind of bondage. They also tend to end up wrestling on the ground.
- Mozenrath has this with Jasmine too from time to time, with the way he's constantly teasing her and calling her cute, or gently touching her chin when she's captured. She also has a very impish smile on her face when she uses her whip on him.
- His brief encounter with Eden. A lot of it simply comes from the way Mozenrath talks to people.
- Foot Bath Treatment: In the episode "Sneeze the Day", Genie catches a cold, leading to Power Incontinence. At one point, the ailing Genie is briefly shown being treated with a foot bath.
- Forced Transformation: Over the course of the series, Aladdin becomes a shark, the Sultan becomes a small gold statue, and Iago becomes a genie (when he acquires Genie's powers), a stone statue, a human woman, a frilled lizard and had his head turned into Gilbert Gottfried 's. Jasmine becomes a rat, an ugly snake creature, a small purple jewel, and (in the span of ten seconds) a koala, a carrot, and the Mona Lisa. But Abu holds the crown for being the victim of so many transformations (due to Genie) that listing them all would be pointless. Other examples include a woman who turns into a jackal in the moonlight (and her husband who was changed into a magical treasure). One of Aladdin's friends becomes a monster due to Mirage.
- For the Evulz: Mirage. Unlike other villains with more common desires like greed (Abis Mal) or power (Mozenrath), her whole motivation is to do things just because they are evil; her title is "Evil Incarnate".
Mirage: Chalk up another one for the forces of evil.
- Forgot About His Powers: "The Citadel" has two moments:
- Mozenrath kidnaps Genie to make Aladdin help him and leaves Genie in the citadel, where he's hunted by the thirdac. As a result, he runs away or makes a wall between them but doesn't even think about teleporting as far as he can from that place.
- In the end, Iago removes thirdac's collar to make Mozenrath send it to its native world. He's a sorcerer, and his first thought in such a situation must be "to teleport away", but he just runs away from the monster before finally doing what the heroes want and losing his potential live weapon.
- Forgotten Anniversary: In Forget Me Lots, the initial problem starts when Aladdin forgets about the anniversary of his and Jasmine's first date. When Jasmine is brainwashed to become Abis Mal's "daughter", Carpet has to help Aladdin remember what he forgot to try and help Jasmine remember what she forgot, recreating some of his moments during their first date.
- Four-Fingered Hands: Lampshaded when Genie attempts to activate a hand-print switch, but is unable to until he grows a fifth finger.
- Genki Girl: Eden, the female genie, is just as energetic as Genie himself.
- Glad I Thought of It: Abis Mal and Haroud do this a lot.
- Goggles Do Something Unusual: One lens of Mechanicles' weird-looking goggles is able to expand, telescoping outwards. Based on how he uses it, the telescoping effect works like a jeweler's loupe to see small things.
- Gold Fever: Iago. It's even worse in Poor Iago, where he goes for three sleepless weeks trying to uncover gold dust stored in a ceiling in the palace.
- Goldfish Poop Gang: Dominus Tusk. Although he's by no means harmless, in every episode he appears he ends up being quickly defeated due to circumstances.
- Goofy Print Underwear: To convince Aladdin that they are in a dream, Iago asks him why he isn't wearing pants, revealing heart shaped underwear.
- Goo Goo Get Up: In "The Lost Ones", a demon is kidnapping children, so Aladdin and Genie force Iago to dress as a baby to lure it out.
- Grand Theft Me: In "Two to Tangle", Mozenrath tries to take over Aladdin's body.
- Gravity Is a Harsh Seamstress: While a possible clever reference to the movie, this trope is subverted in a crossover episode with Hercules: The Animated Series. Hercules gets tricked into flying Pegasus into Agrabah's "Alley of a Thousand Sheets", where it looks like the clothesline is going to send him flying. In spite of Phil's complaints, he manages to muscle through and break the clothesline.
- Great Gazoo: Chaos. He looks completely out of place in the series (looking more like he's from Alice in Wonderland (1951)) and has so much power he scares Mirage.
- "Groundhog Day" Loop: In "Sands of Fate", the main cast nearly gets caught up in one until Iago manages to prevent a magical crystal from shattering, thus breaking the loop and freeing the rest of the characters.
- I Am a Monster: Jasmine, when she is turned into a naga.
- Fatima, when she is turned into a harpy.
- "I Can't Look!" Gesture: When a series of booby traps in the Sultan's treasury goes off, Iago gets caught in one intended to behead its victim, and Jasmine covers her eyes moments before the blade strikes. Fortunately, in addition to being one of the main characters, Iago's much smaller than a human and the blade only removes the feathers on the top of his head.
- Jasmine does this again in "Dune Quixote" when Genie was showing a film reel movie of the possible "cures" for Aladdin, specifically the "puree him in a blender" part.
- Hair-Trigger Temper:
- Iago, naturally. In one episode, the rest of the gang makes a bet with him that he couldn’t go 24 hours without getting mad over something. Iago of course loses the bet, even though it was him getting mad that actually helped save the day.
- In the episode "The Seven Faces of Genie", Genie's Anger is this personified. Literally anything and everything will set him off. Abis Mal learned that the hard way.
- Hall of Mirrors: One episode had the heroes try to find a certain magic mirror to ward off an obelisk whose shadow destroyed whatever it fell on; they would know it because it reflected one's true self. Aladdin found it when, although he was dressed in his royal garb, it reflected him as a "street rat".
- Hammerspace: Genie seems to keep a lot of odds and ends hoarded away for him to pull out when needed. And yes, these are different from the ones he just poofs into existence on the spot.
- Hated by All: Iago became this when granted Genie's powers for a day. He went a bit overboard with trying to solve the poverty and drought problem in Agrabah by conjuring a river to the city and jewels in abundance for everyone. All it did was cause a flood as well as ruin the economy where it took hundreds of jewels to buy just one loaf of bread. Once everything is fixed in the end, Iago is forced to be in a water-dunking booth, in which the ENTIRE CITY was lined up to dunk him.
- Heel–Face Turn:
- Sadira was never evil, but in her first few appearances, she tried to use magic to steal Aladdin away from Jasmine; eventually she got over her crush and became friends with Jasmine.
- Queen Hippsodeth and Prince Uncouthma played it the opposite way, each trying to steal Jasmine, but became friends later on.
- Akbar, from the Skull and Dagger gave up his thieving ways when Iago decided to try to be generous. Even after Iago decided to go back to being greedy, Akbar still continues to give.
- The Mukhtar (who is a natural enemy of genies) spent his first appearance trying to hunt down and capture Genie, as he was working for hire under one of Genie's old masters. In his second and final appearance, he once again was hired to capture Genie, this time by Mozenrath. But after Genie saves his life, he helps Aladdin rescue him from Mozenrath's clutches and even befriends Genie in the end.
- Here We Go Again!: Each Sadira episode ends by directly setting up her next appearance (making hers the only episodes with direct continuity), usually by way of her failing to learn a lesson from her defeat and instead deciding to try another spell to make Aladdin love her - she finds the Sands of Time at the end of the first episode, then picks up Sand Mesmerism after that fails. This stops in her next to last appearance, which instead ends with her and Jasmine becoming friends - the premise of her final episode.
- Heroic BSoD: Aladdin goes into one when he suddenly recalls childhood memories of his old friend, Amal, who mysteriously vanished one day without a trace (caused by Mirage).
- Heroic Sacrifice: When the Ethereal judges Agrabah to be unworthy and starts destroying it, Jasmine sacrifices her life to save a child; this selfless act is what convinces the Ethereal that Agrabah is worthy, and she restores both Agrabah and Jasmine.
- Heroic Willpower: In "The Flawed Couple", Abis Mal and Mechanicles used mood stones to incapacitate Aladdin and Co. and kill them with a giant robot. Aladdin got the fear stone. But even when his agility and savvy became useless (and his courage was missing), he used his willpower to resist the stone and make it explode before defeating the villains again.
- Hoist by His Own Petard:
- Aladdin defeats Kileem by tricking him (i.e. the invincible armor possessed Sultan) into destroying the statue that was the source of his curse.
- Mirage uses a magical music box to put a spell on all of Agrabah, causing everyone to fall asleep but our heroes. One by one, they drop off until only Aladdin is left, and any of them who fall asleep become mind-controlled zombies programmed to hunt and try to stop Aladdin. Just as Aladdin was about to succumb and fall asleep right in front of Mirage herself (and in the same room as the music box), zombie Jasmine and zombie Fasir barge in to chase him just as they've been programmed to do. Much to Mirage's chagrin, their appearance jolts Aladdin awake and he runs to shut the music box, breaking the spell.
- Honor Before Reason: Aladdin lives in his home in the slums and wears the same old peasant rags throughout the series because he doesn't want to mooch off the Sultan. At the time depicted (whenever it's supposed to be anyway) it would be considered improper for him to live in the same house as his girlfriend and not be married, even if it is a huge freaking palace. However, several episodes show that he sometimes sleeps in one of the Palace's rooms, demonstrating that Aladdin seems to alternate between spending nights in his old hovel and spending nights in the Palace.
- Horse of a Different Color: The bounty hunter Mukhtar rides around on a creature called Saurus, which is somewhere between an ostrich and a velociraptor in appearance.
- Hourglass Plot: In "Eggs-tra Protection", Aladdin suffers a few bruised ribs, resulting in Jasmine having Genie care for and nurse him until he heals, much to his annoyance. At the end of the episode, Jasmine suffers a few bruised ribs, and Aladdin gleefully has Genie care for and nurse her until she heals, much to her displeasure.
- In "Mission: Imp Possible", Genie is forced to work with Nefir (because the latter secretly poisoned Aladdin to get magic silk with his help and sell it), and the imp spends most of the episode abusing Genie: makes Genie beg him for help, lets him fall into all the traps on their way that Nefir knows, gives him bills with huge amounts for any contrived reason and puts him in a bottle with Evil Gloating and insults. Later, he begs Genie to save him from a giant imp-eating moth, and Genie uses him as a bait to catch the moth, gives him a bill for saving his life (that leaves Nefir shocked) and leaves him there with a giant winged lion that they've overcomed earlier.
- Humongous Mecha: Clock Punk inventor Mechanikles must have read this trope entry, because most of his giant mecha are based on arthropods. One exception was a Humongous Mecha shaped like himself, but he soon lost it to a boy who fell into the cockpit.
- Hurl It into the Sun: How they get rid of the fire elemental Magma, and it's suggested he would prefer it there.
- Hypnosis-Proof Dogs: Sadira altered reality so that she and Jasmine swapped places. All the humans were affected, including Genie and Carpet, but Iago, Abu, and Rajah were unaffected, overlapping with Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory.
- Hypnotic Eyes: Mechanicles builds a robot named Gregarious with these in the episode "I Never Mechanism I Didn't Like". Thankfully, Genie and Carpet were unaffected.
- Hypocrite: Many of the villains have moments of complaining about the heroes not fighting fair.
- Iconic Outfit: Aladdin wears his street rat rags most of the time, even though he's already become the Prince of Agrabah by the time of the series. Possibly justified in that his royal garb might not be quite as well-equipped for adventuring.
- Illness Blanket: In "Sneeze the Day", Genie is wrapped in a blanket after he catches a cold. He later does the same for Aladdin when the latter gets sick at the end of the episode.
- At the end of "Smolder and Wiser", Abis Mal is duped into thinking he has the flu, and his last scene shows him wrapped in a blanket and giving himself a Foot Bath Treatment while Haroud brings him soup.
- Immune to Mind Control: Genie and Carpet in the episode "I Never Mechanism I Didn’t Like", due to them being magical.
- In One Ear, Out The Other: In the episode "Strike Up the Sand" Genie, having transformed himself into an insect, buzzes around Razoul to distract him while Abu steals his badge. At one point Genie flies into one Razoul's ears and straight out the opposite ear.
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Despite being a thief, Aladdin has always been pure of heart, and only stole out of necessity; in the series, Mirage explicitly refers to Aladdin as "uncorruptable".
- Insistent Terminology: In "Never Say Nefir", Aladdin would try to boost Genie’s confidence by reminding him of his "phenomenal cosmic power", to which Genie would correct with "semi-phenomenal nearly cosmic power", since his powers were slightly diminished after he was freed.
- Jaw Drop: In "Eye of the Beholder", Genie, in a Call-Back to the original movie, does this once he and the others see that Jasmine's transformation has accelerated.
- Jerk Jock: Captain Al-Butros. The Riders of Ramond in spades as they believe nothing can defeat them because "danger means nothing to the Riders of Ramond!"
- I Just Knew: In "Mission: Imp Possible", it remains a mystery how does Nefir know where Aladdin lives and how does Genie know where Nefir lives.
- Kansas City Shuffle: Mirage once threatened Agrabah with an obelisk with a killer shadow, and taunted Aladdin by telling him where to find a magic mirror that could stop the obelisk, which turns out to be a Cave of Wonders style death trap. Aladdin gets the mirror and saves the day, but Mirage created an illusionary Agrabah while Aladdin was gone. Aladdin really saved the fake, and while he's basking in the glory of a job well done, the real Agrabah is being erased by the real obelisk.
- Mirage is beaten when Genie pulls a shuffle on her. Genie used an illusion of his own to make it look like she successfully defeated them, just to get Mirage to come out, bringing her captives with her. Once Mirage appeared, Genie dropped the facade so that Aladdin could destroy the obelisk once and for all.
- Kids Are Cruel: The sprites fit this perfectly, even though their actual age is never confirmed.
- Kitchen Sink Included: Genie's fight against Aziz, where he throws anything he can conjure up at him, only to be eaten.
Genie: "Come on! Know when to say when! Okay... it's come to this..." (conjures a kitchen sink, but gets attacked by Minos before throwing it)
- Knight of Cerebus:
- Mozenrath. You know you're a great villain when even the immortal genie is in danger.
- Let's not talk Mirage down; in her debut episode she burned a village simply because they've grown enough food. She and Mozenrath are tied for being one of Aladdin's most powerful enemies.
- Kryptonite Factor: "Sneeze the Day" reveals that guava juice gives Genies colds that render them unable to control their magic, creating a random magical effect every time they sneeze, with such colds lasting potentially for up to a century unless cured by outside factors.
- Lampshade Hanging:
- Mechanicles does this every time he makes an escape via a Deus ex Machina. "People might ask, 'Why build an X?'"
Mechanikles: People might ask, "Why put retractable bat wings on the head?"
- Done for why Genie wears the golden wrist-bands that came off when Aladdin wished for his freedom:
Genie: The only thing I'm a slave to is to fashion!
- Iago and Abu go into Aladdin's dream in "As the Netherworld Turns" and find him being chased by a giant eyeball. Iago remarks "Oh, man, like he doesn't get enough of this stuff when he's awake!" and Al himself admits that "Weirder things have happened".
- Laser-Guided Karma: In “Power to the Parrot”, Iago with Genie’s loaned powers focuses on improving Agrabah to curry favour with the citizens. This comes back to bite him when his short-sighted solutions cause even more problems and the angry citizens turn against him. And then the giant worm monster turns up.
- Late-Arrival Spoiler: Iago's Heel–Face Turn, a major plot point in The Return of Jafar, is spoiled for anyone watching the series first since he's a regular member of the gang here, which wasn't helped by the fact that the Disney Channel aired the series weekend mornings months before the movie was released to video.
- Leave Him to Me!: When Mozenrath is tricked into believing Aladdin is dead, he's disappointed and says "I wanted to finish Aladdin!" He then responds to the titular hero's actual entrance with "Aladdin! I'm so glad to see you're alive! For the moment."
- Let's See YOU Do Better!:
- In "Power to the Parrot", after helping deal with a giant worm monster, Iago gets into an argument with Genie over not being sensible enough with his powers. Genie decides to make a deal with Iago; he'll give him all of his powers for one day and they'll see who's better at it. At first, Iago does seem to do the job pretty well, such as granting Abu the Midas Touch, giving large amounts of treasure and food to the city, and even providing a river and rain. This quickly backfires, however, as Abu realizes that due to his "infinite treasure touch" he can't eat anything, the numerous treasures have thrown the city's economy out of whack, and the rain overflowed the river, flooding Agrabah. And to top it all off, the excess food has begun to rot, which draws back the worm monster from before. Iago begs Genie to take his powers back and fix everything, and he obliges.
- Invoked in "The Game". Genie is tired of losing to Carpet whenever they play a game. Two Reality Warper wizards, a brother and sister named Ding and Oopo, appear and offer to help. So Genie, Carpet and the rest of the gang are split into two teams and put through a series of increasingly dangerous games. When it finally reaches the point that Abu and Iago's lives are put on the line, Genie does this as a way of tricking the two wizards into letting him and his friends go free.
Ding: Aw, Oopo, your team is in about the same shape as mine. (tsks) Sad.
Ding: But of course we could!
Oopo: If we wanted to!
Genie: (crosses his arms and grins at them) Prove it.
Oopo: (taken aback) Hm, well... an interesting idea!
Ding: It’s just… never been done!
Genie: Oh, I get it! You two have never actually played a game yourselves… BECAUSE YOU CAN’T!
Oopo: Ha! Rubbish!
Ding: We can so!
Genie: Can’t!
Ding and Oopo: CAN!
Genie: Yeah, right!
- Life Saving Misfortune: In "The Day the Bird Stood Still", the palace gets a ransom note from Abis Mal stating he has cursed the Sultan to slowly turn to stone. Wondering how in the world he did that, the note also reads that he spiked the Sultan's bath oils. The Sultan sighs in relief, saying he hasn't bathed yet. Cue Iago screaming since he was the one who used the bath oils earlier.
- Limited Wardrobe: Aladdin rarely ever wears anything except his peasant rags, even though it would have made a lot more sense to get a new wardrobe like the one in KoT. Later episodes do sometimes show him wearing an outfit that resembles his usual clothes, but includes boots and gold trim on his vest, in fact he wears this same outfit at the beginning of Aladdin and the King of Thieves.
- Literal Split Personality: A magic stone causes Genie to split by emotion in "The Seven Faces of Genie" (although it later turns out that the stone didn't do anything and Genie split because he was trying to be too many things on his own).
- Load-Bearing Boss: Arbutus' death also destroys his garden; justified in that he was a plant being with control over plants, so the garden was more likely an extension of himself, rather than a separate construct.
- Loophole Abuse: “Power to the Parrot” has Iago (with Genie's loaned powers) consistently find ways to bend the rules of being a good genie, much to Genie's shock.
- Lord Error-Prone: A brainwashed Aladdin becomes this in "Dune Quixote".
- Losing Your Head: Kapok and Aladdin. Don't worry, the latter gets better. Losing his head makes Kapok better.
- Love Redeems:
- Minos and Fatima, a pair of villains from Aladdin's past wind up being redeemed and cured of their Forced Transformations through The Power of Love.
- What prevented Mirage from being completely irredeemable is that she and Fasir has a thing in the past with the former believing there's still good in the latter despite her atrocities.
- Love Transcends Spacetime: The reason Sadira's reality-altering scheme failed. She used a spell to take Jasmine's place as Princess of Agrabah and making her a street rat, ensuring that Aladdin and Jasmine never met. Despite that, they still manage to find each other. Once Aladdin and Jasmine locked eyes, they discover the truth, breaking the spell.
- I Love You Because I Can't Control You: Saleen wants Aladdin, not because she finds him attractive, but because it's a challenge as well as to stroke her own ego.
- Low Clearance: In one episode, several main characters riding a dragon which is flying just above a river have to duck twice, once when the Genie announces "Low bridge" and once when the Genie announces "Even-lower bridge".
- Mad Scientist: Mechanicles' entire schtick is building giant robots with technology way ahead of his time, either to Take Over the World or to force his Obsessively Organized nature on the world around him.
- Mage-Hunting Monster:
- Mukhtars are reptilian humanoids who hunted and ate genies for centuries. They can sense magic and possess Anti-Magic gadgets which allow them to nullify the power of their targets. The one who goes after Genie in "Genie Hunt" was hired by his former master to bring him back in servitude.
- In "The Citadel", Mozenrath summons a thirdac, a magic-eating creature from another world, which he wants to use as weapon against other magic users. Because the Thirdac targets everything that is even remotely magical, Mozenrath can't capture it himself, so he ensures that the thirdac sets its eyes on Genie and Carpet, forcing Aladdin to help Mozenrath capture the thirdac with a special collar. At the end of the episode, Aladdin has Iago free the thirdac and sicks him onto Mozenrath, forcing the sorcerer to quickly send it back to its home dimension.
- Magic Eater: The thirdak is a creature from Another Dimension that eats magic, which is why Mozenrath wants a non-magical hero to catch it for him. It doesn't end well once Aladdin figures out that the thirdak just wants to go home and, more importantly, that Mozenrath is an Evil Sorcerer intent on using it to attack cities.
- Magic Is Evil: Zig Zagging. Magic as a concept didn't seem evil, as there were plenty of benign creatures who used it (Like Genie, obviously). Wizards, on the other hand... Suffice to say that if there were any who weren't evil, the heroes never met any (And it took a couple of averted disasters that resulted from trusting them to finally figure this out).
- Major Injury Underreaction: Aladdin falls down a latter and bruises his ribs. He is in pain but wants to continue his mission anyways, returning an egg stolen by Abis Mal to a mother griffin. Genie becomes ridden with guilt for not preventing his fall and becomes overprotective, much to Aladdin's annoyance.
- Mama Bear: Abis Mal has stolen a griffin egg and is holding Iago hostage, what do you do? Release the hounds... er, mother griffin.
- Maximum Fun Chamber: In an episode where someone puts the city to sleep and sends them nightmares, Iago ends up yelling in his sleep "No! Not the Cage of Torment!"
- Meaningful Name: Saleen the mermaid (saline is salt water).
- Mental Picture Projector: Genie uses one to probe Abu's mind to find out who played pranks during Jasmine's dinner party. Chaos appears and comments on the remarkable likeness.
- Midas Touch: Iago with Genie's powers rashly gives Abu this power in "Power to the Parrot". Naturally, Abu ends up being unable to eat or drink due to food and water turning into gems.
- Mind-Control Device: Mechanicles' robot, Gregarious.
- Moby Schtick: A desert version complete with a sand whale and a ship that moves on its as though it were water.
- More Criminals Than Targets: The Thieves' Quarter, where only thieves are allowed and they steal from each other.
- Mundane Wish: Averted in one episode, when Eden actually refuses to grant her master's first wish for a sandwich (fortunately, lacking the words "I wish" in front of it) and instead talks her into wishing never to go hungry again.
- Murder the Hypotenuse: Averted with Sadira, who has had the opportunity and motive, but not the will. She wants Jasmine out of the way, not dead.
- My God, You Are Serious!: Jasmine and Aladdin get into an argument about how her privileged upbringing has left gaps in her education concerning how most people live their lives, and Jasmine turns to the Genie to back her up.
Jasmine: Well, I know plenty about the real world, don't I, Genie?
Genie: (puts on a trenchcoat, hat, and gangster accent) Sure, you know all about the dark, dank underbelly of this sleazy city of sin! (returns to normal, laughs)
Genie: Oh ... you're serious.
- My Instincts Are Showing: Not explicitly called out, but during the brief time we see Mirage disguised as a human guest of the sultan in "Shadow of a Doubt", she's busy exploring places she's not supposed to go, messing with small objects and knocking them over. You know, like a cat.
- My Master, Right or Wrong: Subverted, Razoul is loyal to the Sultan and Jasmine, but despises Aladdin, intending to quit when he marries Jasmine; he eventually lightens up on the "street mouse", even saying that he'll think about calling Aladdin "Your Highness" if Aladdin gets rid of Iago. Plus, he will not hesitate to turn on the Sultan if he notices his ruler acting out of character.
- Mysterious Past:
- Mozenrath. Part of what makes him interesting is all the unanswered questions about him.
- Aladdin too, for all we learn about him there are still a thousand unanswered questions about his past. Even after meeting his father we still don't find out all the answers.
- Mythology Gag:
- "Sneeze The Day" starts out with Amin Damoola running away from the guards (and Aladdin) in a way reminiscent of how Aladdin ran away from the guards in the first movie. It even lifts a familiar exchange from the scene - except of course, in this case Amin does get caught rather pathetically.
Old Woman / Genie: Getting into trouble a little early today, aren't we Aladdin/Amin?
Aladdin / Amin: Trouble? You're only in trouble if you get caught!
- In "When Chaos Comes Calling", Genie's Evil Twin is purple instead of blue, which is the color Genie was originally going to be based on some of his earlier concept art
◊ for the film.
- "Sneeze The Day" starts out with Amin Damoola running away from the guards (and Aladdin) in a way reminiscent of how Aladdin ran away from the guards in the first movie. It even lifts a familiar exchange from the scene - except of course, in this case Amin does get caught rather pathetically.
- Near-Villain Victory:
- Most of Mozenrath's episodes, which gets on his nerves a few times.
Mozenrath: "I'll get him yet. I'm so close!"
- Not to say that other villains doesn't get close to winning at times, like Mirage in Eye of the Beholder, or Mechanikles in I Never Mechanism I Didn't Like.
- Neat Freak: Mechanikles, in one episode, he tries to fuse the desert into glass because sand isn't tidy. In another, he tries to steam clean the planet by boiling the ocean.
- The Necrocracy: The Land of the Black Sand is populated only by zombies, although its ruler, Evil Sorcerer Mozenrath, is likely not undead. (Although he has a Dead Right Hand, so he's not exactly a normal human being either.)
- This may have something to do with his being bald, which he seems to have a complex about (he makes fairly frequent comments about Aladdin's hair).
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!:
- In "The Vapor Chase", a disguised Abis Mal sells Jasmine a bunch of powder he says is for heating but actually releases a sentient smoke monster that steals valuables when lit. Aladdin is suspicious of the substance from the start and questions if it's safe, but as Jasmine admits later she was too stubborn to admit she might be wrong.
- In another episode, Aladdin, Jasmine, and Abu were on a top secret mission in Mozenrath's kingdom, but Iago goads Genie and Carpet to follow them, thinking they're on a secret treasure hunt and wanting to keep the whole cut themselves. What they wound up doing was blow Aladdin, Jasmine, and Abu's cover and got them all captured. Aladdin reveals the reason he didn't tell them was because Mozenrath has crystals that could sense magical creatures like Genie and Carpet. As for why he didn't tell Iago...
- In "Power to the Parrot", Iago gets Genie's powers for a day as part of a bet. He decides to gain the people's favor by helping out Agrabah with its poverty (conjuring jewels for everyone in town and giving Abu a Midas Touch ability), food shortage (holding an all-you-can-eat banquet) and drought (diverting a river around the city and providing rain). But since Iago cares more about bending the rules to ensure he benefits from his actions than actually doing good, he goes overboard. The twin rivers flood the city from the overnight downpour, the economy is ruined due to the surplus of jewels and Abu practically starves since any food he touches turns to gold or gems. And then the rotten leftover food attracts a giant worm monster lurking under the desert sands.
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain!:
- After Mozenrath uses Amin Damoolah to turn the Sultan into a small statue. The ingredient needed to make a cure for him is a shaving of a griffon's claw. Amin then uses a shape-shifting relic provided by Mozenrath to fight against the heroes. What does he choose to turn into? A griffon. He even knew a griffon claw was needed as he bragged earlier that his clan cornered the market on it.
Amin: Oh Stone of Transformation! Turn me into a... oh, I don't know, a griffon!
Mozenrath: No no! Not a griffon!
- Mirage, in "When Chaos Comes Calling". Which was Chaos' plan all along. She accidentally gives Aladdin the idea of using the evil genie's lamp to trap the Evil Genie back inside, saving Agrabah inadvertently saving it instead of destroying it as she intended.
Chaos: How surprising! Instead of destroying Agrabah, you helped save it.
- Night of the Living Mooks: Mozenrath's mamluks are zombies.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Amin Damoola's voice is loosely based on the Peter Sellers version of Inspector Clouseau, including his mangled pronunciation of the word 'monkey'.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: In "The Vapor Chase" after Jasmine finds out Abis Mal tricked her she tries to give him a beatdown. The good guys have to save Abis Mal from her.
Aladdin: Abis Mal! Haroud! I should've known!
Jasmine: I can't believe I was taken in by these bandits! You… DOGS! (lunges and tackles Abis Mal)
Abis Mal: GET OFF ME, PRINCESS! Get her off me!… goh— GET HER OFF!
Aladdin: Jasmine, stop! Stop Jasmine before she strangles Abis Mal! - Noodle Incident: The show loved these - the idea was that Aladdin was constantly having adventures, not just the ones we see, so the characters often casually discuss battles and exploits that the viewers will never see. Sometimes used as a plot point, like the episode where an exhausted Aladdin needs a day off after a long string of over a dozen Noodle Incidents.
Genie: "Don't forget the Crimson Fear! You battled him the same day you stopped the Howling Hyenas of the Himalayas! And the Legion of The Doom... that was the Thursday before last, right?"
Jasmine: "Actually, Thursday was the Seven-Headed Hydra..."
- No-One Could Have Survived That: Stated word for word by the Genie towards Abis Maul and Mechanikles in "The Flawed Couple", but...
Aladdin: If anyone could survive, it'd be those two snakes. (And they do.)
- Non-Human Sidekick: Mozenrath has Xerxes, a solo act version of Flotsam and Jetsam who flies instead of swimming and serves as The Igor.
- Not Good with Rejection:
- Sadira is a "street rat" like Aladdin was, and falls for Aladdin the way he did for Jasmine, but, since he's in love with Jasmine he refuses her. Then she stumbles onto an ancient library of forgotten magic, and the end result is increasingly dangerous plots to get rid of Jasmine and take Aladdin for herself, including rewriting reality at one point and altering his mind. Eventually she gets over her crush and befriends the gang, but almost has a brief relapse when she believes they don't trust her.
- Saleen is worse, being a mermaid temptress, she gets angry at Aladdin's rejecting her while ranting how she "never loses in the game of love".
- Not Me This Time: In "Witch Way Did She Go?", the heroes fight with sand snakes and think that Sadira sent them (while she seems to make Heel–Face Turn, but they don't fully trust her). Actually, it were three ancient sand witches who did it; Sadira accidentally freed them when she spilt her half-soup, half-potion on the sand.
- Not Rare Over There: Al and Iago go on a quest for the legendary Orb of Machina, the only thing that could cure a sick Genie. They have to overcome three arduous trials, and after completing each one, the guardian of the Orb goes to a chamber and retrieves it... from among thousands of identical orbs. The guardian complains that at this rate he'll never be able to get rid of them all.
- Not Using the "Z" Word: Mozenrath's mamluks are definitely zombies - undead, gaunt, green skin etc. But they're not called that.
- "Not Wearing Pants" Dream: In "As the Netherworld Turns", this is used to convince people that they are dreaming.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Chaos; when Mirage tricks the "Master Trickster" into bringing his brand of fun to Agrabah, she doesn't realize that she's walked right into his plan.
- Obsessed Are the Listmakers: The recurring villain Mechanikles is found to have a checklist with items like "Do dishes, do laundry, destroy world". The heroes even comment: "Boy, is he serious". Later, he adds "Destroy Aladdin" to the list, and wonders to himself whether he should do the dishes before or after he destroys the world.
- Obsessively Organized: Mechanicles in a nutshell. All his schemes revolve around his need for cleanliness. He flies off the handle whenever he himself or his clothes, floors, and inventions get dirty.
- Offscreen Villain Dark Matter: Abis Mal. He must be a lot better at being a thief than trying to take over Agrabah...
- Off with His Head!: Parodied in the episode, "Heads, You Lose".
- Ominous Floating Castle: Mirage lives inside a sphinx in an asteroid belt.
- O.O.C. Is Serious Business: In "The Way We War", when it looks like Aladdin and Prince Uncouthma were just killed, Genie becomes unusually serious and angry (and dozen(s) of times bigger) and demands to stop the war.
- Open Mouth, Insert Foot: This happens often to Aladdin.
- Our Founder: The episode "Lost and Founded" has the Founder's Day celebration of Agrabah, and Abis Mal going back in time to make it so that his family, rather than Sultan's, founded Agrabah.
- Our Imps Are Different: Nefir Hasenuf and his band of fellow imps are recurring antagonists. Their get-rich-quick schemes tend to involve a lot of trickery, such as getting Agrabah and Odiferous into a war or using magic shoes to cause a giant to destroy a city night after night so they can charge for rebuilding it. Typically, once their underhanded deeds are exposed, their schemes fall apart rapidly and the imps are forced to flee rather than fight.
- Our Werebeasts Are Different: In the episode "Moonlight Madness", a woman who is the lover of the equally mysterious man turns into a were-jackal by the full moon.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Secret of Dagger Rock has Jasmine and Genie disguising themselves as a guard to rescue Aladdin from Mozenrath. Jasmine's disguise of "Jamal" consists of a fake mustache and beard (and the beard is not the steadiest one in the book, as it's in constant danger of falling off.) Genie's guard disguise "Ned" is a tad more convincing since all he has to do is change his blue skin to normal skin (much like the Prince Ali number from the original film.) But being the guards...they fall for it.
- Phlebotinum Muncher: The thirdac, a creature from another dimension that Mozenrath wants. He has to trick Aladdin into procuring it for him, since Mozenrath himself is magic enough for the thirdac to attack him.
- Picked Flowers Are Dead: A sympathetic Plant Person villain of the week mentioned picking flowers and condemning them to a slow death in a vase as one of humanity's crimes against nature.
- Picky Eater: In "Mission: Imp Possible", Nefir the imp's scheme to make Aladdin's friends help him steal the golden silk cocoon of a giant silkworm backfires horribly because the silkworm had metamorphosed into Mothias, one of the legendary giant moths of yore that ravaged cities, spread plague and pestilence, and ate imps — and only imps. When Mothias accidentally ate Iago, it immediately spat him out in disgust.
- Plot-Relevant Age-Up: Prince Uncouthma's son Bud, who's a toddler just a few episodes after his parents were married.
- Police Are Useless
- Possibly the best example of the guards being useless is in the episode "Black Sand". They fail to stop an eel.
- They fail to stop the Gallaphims from kidnapping Jasmine in her room. Hakim was depressed they were bested by women.
Hakim:(listlessly) They were women... we were beaten by women...
- They also failed to stop Aladdin for years, earning their animosity when he becomes their boss.
- Pooled Funds:
- Iago dives in a pile of money in "The Spice Is Right" and a pile of gold dust in "Poor Iago" ("I love gold! I love to burrow through it like a gopher, dive through it like a dolphin, and throw it up and let it hit me in the head!").
- Nefir does the same with a wheelbarrow of gold in "Never Say Nefir". He also spits out a trickle of coins as if they're water while lying on it in the other scene.
- Poor Communication Kills: The ending of "Garden of Evil" is built on this. After getting to know Arbutus better, Jasmine pleads with Aladdin to stop fighting with him, but he’s too distracted to listen. She tries to get Genie to break up the fight, but Arbutus knocks Genie aside before he can fully explain to Aladdin the situation. This ultimately ends in Arbutus’ death.
- Post-Victory Collapse: When Mirage casts a sleep spell all over Agrabah, causing everyone to fall asleep (then wake up as mind-controlled zombies) until only Aladdin was left standing. After thwarting Mirage and restoring everyone in Agrabah back to normal, Aladdin collapses to much needed slumber since he was the only one who didn't get any sleep the whole episode.
- Power at a Price: Mozenrath's gauntlet grants him great power, but wearing it causes him physical pain, and the gauntlet is also implied to have dissolved the flesh on his hand and arm until it's worn on down to the bone.
- Princesses Rule: Prince Uncouthma is the ruler of Odiferous. No "king" is ever mentioned.
- Prophecy Twist: In the episode "Garden of Evil", Arbutus makes a deal with a young Sultan; as payment for picking a flower from his garden, in 20 years he’ll come for the Sultan’s “most precious treasure”. Aladdin assumes that means the Royal Treasury, which he, Iago, Abu, Carpet and Genie offer to guard for the night. Unfortunately, they and the Sultan figure out too late that Arbutus isn’t interested in material wealth.
- Punny Name: Abis Mal note , Abnor Mal note , Amin Damoola note , Hippsodeth note , Ayam Aghoul note , Al-Butros note , Haroud Hazi Bin note , Eden note , Saleen note , Al Muddi note , Nefir Hasenuf note , Al Gebraic note , Prince Mammood note , Khartoum note ... and probably more. Suffice to say, the writers love puns.
- The Disney Adventures comics got into it too, with Ibn Bahd note .
- Reality Warper: Genie of course. Eden as well. We also have Mirage and Chaos in spades.
- Sadira also gets special mentions as she once used her magic to alter the current timeline where she herself is the princess of Agrabah and engaged to Aladdin, while Jasmine is a homeless street rat. All the people's minds have also been altered to accept this as reality. Too bad for her that the spell only affected humans and magical beings, but not animals.
- Redemption Earns Life: Amal is the only human-turned-Al-katib to survive in the human world, and this is because he refused to kill his old friend, Aladdin, when he had the chance.
- Redemption Rejection: While Minos and Fatima return back to their human selves, Aziz chooses to remain how he is.
- Red Right Hand: Mozenrath. His magical glove allows him to access terrifying necromantic power, but it also reduced the arm he wore it on to a skeleton.
- Redshirt Army: The Royal Guards—They were said to have been easily defeated/killed trying to stop Dominus Tusk.
- Rescue Romance: Invoked. Aladdin saves fellow street rat Sadira in a situation that is intentionally reminiscent to the way he saved Jasmine in the movie. Sadira falls hard for him as a result and doesn't really care that he already has a girlfriend, which proves unfortunate when she later gains access to powerful magic.
- Reverse Psychology: Ayam Aghoul's debut episode has a moment like this with Aladdin and Genie after Aladdin unwittingly releases Aghoul, who declares Jasmine his bride.
Aladdin: I'm gonna lose her, Genie, and it's all my fault!
Genie: You're right, kid. All your fault.
Aladdin: Huh?
Genie: You know, the situation: Mingle with zombies, pay the price. You have every right to feel like a creep... creep!
Aladdin: Now, wait a minute here! How was I supposed to know giving Jasmine a gift was going to unleash that guy? - Ridiculously Cute Critter:
- Squirt (as Iago calls him), the little magical wallaby-gorilla like creature who Jasmine takes in as her pet in the episode "Scare Necessities". He has the power to grant the wish of whoever scares him, allowing him to run away.
- The Sprites from “Love at First Sprite” and “The Lost City of the Sun” also qualify. Iago even lampshades it in their first appearance.
- Roc Birds: In one episode, Abis Mal uses magical feathers from a baby roc to turn his men into living tornadoes and loot Agrabah (and indirectly frames Aladdin's friend Abu), so Aladdin tires to free the baby roc and sends Genie to find the mother. There's also running gag where people keep mistaking "roc" and "rock" in conversation.
- Rogues Gallery: The reoccurring villains of the show include Mozenrath, Abis Mal, Mechanicles, Mirage, Ayam Aghoul, and Amin Damoola.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Jasmine regularly helps with the villain busting and there are occasions of her doing more mundane stuff to help her subjects On some instances, even the Sultan.
- Safety Worst: In one episode, the Genie shelters Aladdin in a bubble for protection in this manner. At the end of the episode, Genie gives this treatment to Jasmine.
- Sand Worm: “Power to the Parrot” introduces Slugguthu, a gigantic “scavenger worm” with a huge maw, multiple eyes and a sensitive trunk. He loves rotten food and is drawn to it by the smell from miles away… which spells trouble for Agrabah when he catches a whiff of the discarded food from Iago’s ill-conceived all-you-can-eat banquet.
- Save the Villain:
- In the episode "Black Sand", Aladdin tries to save Mozenrath from falling off the palace into his black sand trap. Obviously, Mozenrath attempts to pull Aladdin down with him, but ends up falling into his own black sand.
- In the episode "The Hunted", Genie has to save Mukhtar, a Genie Hunter, from a man-eating Venus flytrap in Mozenrath's citadel. He then says "Saving people we might not like. It's a good guy thing!" Afterwards, Mukhtar seems to be an Ungrateful Bastard and betray Genie to Mozenrath, but after reflecting on what Genie did for him for a while, comes back and helps save Genie and defeat Mozenrath.
- Season Fluidity: Very fluid. Episodes and entire seasons can be watched in almost any order not only because the show was very episodic in nature but the show was also very good and providing light but informative exposition for returning characters.
- Security Cling: Iago and Abu do this in "Genie Hunt". Then they realize what they're doing.
- Self-Deprecation: When Iago's head is turned into a human's (Gilbert Gottfried's, to be exact):
Iago: My eyes! They're so beady and squinty! I've been turned into some kind of mutant! HEEEEEELP MEEEEEEEEE!
- Series Continuity Error: At the beginning of the episode Elemental, My Dear Jasmine, Aladdin states that he used to have tons of girlfriends, in order to get Jasmine angry. But this contradicts his past as it is told on all others supports. In Aladdin and the King of Thieves, Aladdin states that he always lived on his own. In others episodes of the series or in books (such as Tales of Agrabah), his past friends rather used to be boys (or already taken girls). There is a reason why Abu was "his only friend" as an adult. Due to his low status, girls either were disgusted by him (the harem ladies in the movie), or the relatives of girls chase him away (the old woman who was seen with the harem ladies and almost whacked Aladdin with a broom in the movie). Plus, Aladdin's Insecure Love Interest characterization in the first movie prove that he was not used at all to successful relationships with women before meeting Jasmine. Not to mention his Single-Target Sexuality towards the former, matching the pure heart of the diamond on the rough. In fact, in that very same episode, he actually resists (as he always do), the advances of another woman.
- Sharing a Body: Aladdin and Mozenrath, after a botched Grand Theft Me.
- Shell Game: In the episode "Sneeze the Day", the second trial in obtaining a cure for Genie's sickness is to find a sword in a classic shell game. When told to pick which cup the sword is under, Aladdin sees from the spider guardian's shadow that he's taken the sword from the cups and hid it behind his back. So Aladdin picks a cup saying it had the sword and has Abu and Carpet take the other two cups to show they were empty. Rather than admit he had cheated, the spider says Aladdin was right and lets him pass the trial.
- Considering the context, he may have just been lying to provoke a reaction.
- Shoplift and Die: Fasir, on occasion, runs a mystic's shop in dark corners of the marketplace. He doesn't take kindly to shoplifters, as Jasmine found out the hard way. She was in disguise and planning on coming back later to pay, not that it mattered to the artifact she stole. She spends the rest of the episode in the form of a rat. Though knowing Fasir, it's just as possible he knew all along and was intentionally teaching her a lesson.
Fasir: (with Dramatic Thunder) "A word of warning to the inexperienced. Those who do wrong may find themselves punished by mysterious forces"
- Shout-Out:
- Razoul is named after Rasoul Azadani, who worked at the Disney Studios and proved invaluable in the movie. It didn't make it into the original movie, however. "Rasoul Azadani!" was also the original incantation Jafar shouts to open the Cave of Wonders, but that was considered too in-joke-y.
- The series also has some Shout-Outs to other Disney movies. For example, Saleen the mermaid makes an allusion to The Little Mermaid when an attempt to restyle Jasmine's hair leaves her with an Ariel-style 'do. ("She looks like any other princess under the sea.")
- In the same episode Saleen is offered fish in the marketplace and recognizes the unfortunate tuna as a certain StarKist mascot.
Saleen: Charlie?! You reckless fool...
- Saleen is based on an earlier design for Ursula.
- One of the fish in her pool looks remarkably like Flounder...
- A female genie named Eden also appears, who lives in a bottle instead of a lamp.
- "Forget Me Lots" features the Blue Rose of Forgetfulness. And here you thought they were done stealing from The Thief of Bagdad with Jafar...
- Chaos' design is based off of The Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland (1951). He turns everything but his eyes and smile invisible.
- In "When Chaos Comes Calling", Chaos turns a couple of dinner guests into a whale and a bowl of flowers.
- Iago waking from a dream, "It wasn't me, I swear! It was my twin brother Othello!"
- In "Of Ice and Men", Frigeed quotes the famous "I'm melting! Melting!" line from The Wizard of Oz.
- In "Poor Iago", Iago swims in gold dust, acting an awful lot like Scrooge McDuck with his money-swimming, and even paraphrases one of Scrooge's more famous speeches as he does so: "I love gold! I love to burrow through it like a gopher! Dive through it like a dolphin! And throw it up and let it hit me on the head!"
- The Return of Malcho shouts out to Disney's The Jungle Book (1967), by having the guards defeat Malcho by tying a weight to a his tail and dropping off a ledge a la Kaa falling out the tree. They even continue the shout out into a scene where he slinks away swearing revenge, his tail bent out of shape as he complains about his spine...
- In “Seems Like Old Crimes, part 2”, the scene with Minos’ Disney Death, followed by him (and Fatima) becoming human again is eerily similar to Beauty and the Beast (1991).
- Single-Target Sexuality: Aladdin and Jasmine have no romantic interest but each other despite the attempts of villains to break them up.
- Slapstick: Jasmine is usually immune to comedic misfortune, with things that might be funny when happening to other characters being played a bit more seriously when happening to her, but certain episodes do avert that - for example, in "Sneeze the Day" Genie gets sick and loses control of his powers. Aladdin and Iago go off to find a cure, leaving Jasmine behind to be the brunt of a bunch of gags as Genie's magic goes crazy. And then of course there's "Do The Rat Thing." In general, Sadira is a bit more prone to getting into goofy situations as well. Even Mirage gets subjected to this by Genie or Chaos.
- Soup Is Medicine: In "Egg-stra Protection", Genie gives both Aladdin and Jasmine chicken soup when they break their ribs.
- So What Do We Do Now?: Merc, the captain of a flying ship that spent his whole life chasing a giant sand shark, found himself in this situation when he (and Aladdin) finally caught it; faced with the prospect of an empty life, he sets the shark free, just so he could chase it again.
- This also came up again when the sand shark was killed by a tribe of rat creatures who used it for food. Merc ended up as tribe leader after they overthrew their old master, a cruel shaman.
- Sore Loser: Many of the villains, but especially Mirage.
"NO! It's not over until I'VE won!"
- Space Whale Aesop: "Did you learn anything today?" "Yeah, never walk off a cliff inside a giant mechanical man."
- Spanner in the Works: In “Sandswitch”, Sadira managed to alter reality where she’s the princess and Jasmine is a street rat in order to have Aladdin for herself. Her plans all became undone due to the interference of Abu, Iago, and Raja, because her spell didn’t affect animals.
- Stable Time Loop: Aladdin has to follow Abis Mal back in time to ensure the Sultan's ancestor founds Agrabah, and not Mal's; as a result of their interference of the time line, Abnor Mal gets kicked out of the tribe and forced to live as a bandit, which ensures Abis Mal's life as a thief.
- Stalker with a Crush: Sadira. Despite the great power she has access to as a Sand Witch, she never uses her power to improve her life (which, as a street rat, is pretty precarious). All she's interested in is stealing Aladdin away from Jasmine.
- Steampunk: Mechanicles has invented drones, giant mechs, and sentient robots using nothing more than brass, oil, and steam. Taken a bit more literally with one such machine, which was specifically designed to vent steam into the desert and fuse it into glass (as Aladdin points out, he's trying to iron the desert).
- The Stormbringer: One episode centers around the child ruler of the kingdom of Quirkistan, whose mood influences the weather around him. When he's in a good mood, the trope is subverted and the land he rules becomes fertile and sunny. On the contrary, the trope is played straight when someone makes him furious or sad, with downpours and lightning laying waste to the landscape around him.
- Super-Speed: Imps work very fast. That's why most of Nefir's schemes look like "create some disaster and offer people to hire my minions to deal with it (preferably several times)".
- Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: We see in "Power to The Parrot" that if jewels are in abundance and easily accessible, inflation increases and the price of things like bread become more expensive.
- Take Me Instead:
- When Mirage reveals that Waheed will die if he doesn't submit to her, Aladdin offers himself in Waheed's place, pointing out that having beaten Mirage several times already, she'd rather have him over some random kid. Except it was actually Genie shape-shifted as Aladdin.
- Eden offers herself to Mozenrath to free Genie from him. He imprisons her, but predictably goes back on his word of freeing Genie.
- Take My Hand!: Aladdin does this for Mozenrath in "Black Sand". Mozenrath seems to accept, but pridefully shuts him down, wanting his life instead.
- Taken for Granite: Iago in "The Day the Bird Stood Still" and the Sultan in "Vocal Hero" (only he was turned into a gold statue instead of a stone one).
- The Friends Who Never Hang: "Do the Rat Thing" is an early episode starring Jasmine and Iago as they deal with being turned into a rat and lizard respectively. Also doubles as the first of many A Day in the Limelight episodes for both.
- Third-Person Person: Malcho, usually when he's gloating to himself. Even though he later openly admits he tires this bad habit of his.
- They Just Dont Get It: The Odifferans can't seem to grasp the idea that just using brute force doesn't always work, until they are up against a foe that can't be smashed.
- Thunderbird: Thundra, the giant bird goddess of weather, who can summon stormclouds and lightning as part of her powers. Luckily, she takes a fancy to Iago, who even fills in for her in one episode (of course, being Iago, it doesn't take much for Thundra's arch-enemy, the Feathered Serpent Malcho, to steal her necklace from Iago)
- Title Montage: There are three different versions of the opening sequence, each showing clips from the series while a new version of "Arabian Nights" plays.
- Took a Level in Badass: Jasmine was bold and brave in the original movie, but for the series she gets a huge boost to her ninja abilities. The Sultan could also be said to have a boost as well.
- Took a Level in Dumbass: Genie. In the original movie, Genie did silly impressions and stunts during casual conversation, but he dropped the gags when they weren't appropriate for the situation. In this series, Genie can barely do anything right; even in the heat of battle against dangerous foes he can't stop the pop culture references and sight gags.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Aladdin's head when separated from his body by Kapok becomes nasty because it is separated by his body. Thankfully reversed in the end.
- Transformation Trauma: Several, most obviously Jasmine's downplayed Slow Transformation into a naga in "Eye of the Beholder".
- Trapped on the Astral Plane: In the episode "As The Netherworld Turns", Iago and Abu are sent to the Netherworld by the Eye of Gazeem, an artifact they find in Jafar's old lab. They can't interact with anyone living and no one can see or hear them, and the only way they can communicate is through people's dreams.
- Trauma Button: In "The Lost Ones", a young street rat named Wahid accidentally pushes Aladdin's by saying the exact same words his childhood friend Amal did right before he disappeared.
Wahid: I'm not going to be a street rat forever, you know! Someday…
Aladdin: (in unison with him) I'm gonna make something of myself… - Trojan Prisoner: In "A Sultan Worth His Salt", Aladdin allows himself to be captured by the Galafems during a rescue mission to save Jasmine. While the Galafem queen and her troops interrogate Aladdin, Genie and the Sultan infiltrate the island, tie up and gag the queen's sentries, and ultimately save the day.
- True Love's Kiss:
- In Sadira's altered reality where she takes Jasmine's place. When Aladdin and Jasmine lock eyes, both instantly realise that they love each other. Aladdin realises he can't possibly marry Sadira when he loves this strange girl, and the moment they share a kiss, the reality is reverted back the way it once was.
Iago: (dancing with Abu) The kiss broke the spell! The kiss broke the spell!
- Played with in Sadira's third scheme to claim Aladdin for herself where she uses a spell to brainwash him into thinking he's her knight in shining armor, but then he wanders off into the desert. The spell was made to end once he kisses Sadira, much to Jasmine's annoyance.
- It's worth mentioning that in these 'Love Breaks Spell' episodes, Jasmine often recognises her beloved father, suggesting that given a moment or two he might have broken the spell too, so it wasn't Frozen that was the first to play with multiple kinds of true love.
- Discussed in Forget Me lots when Jasmine, under a spell, became a Criminal Amnesiac. Aladdin wonders if it is the kind of spell that can be broken by a true love's kiss. However, she gets her memories back when she has heard Aladdin telling her that he loves her (specifically, this was based on Aladdin trying to remember something that he had forgotten earlier, although it took Carpet to remind Aladdin that he was forgetting the anniversary of their first date).
- Tuckerization: "Mozenrath" is a mashup of his creators' surnames, Bill Motz and Bob Roth. Apparently, they toyed around with "Motzenroth", but felt that it sounded too Jewish for the character.)
- TV Genius: In an episode, Aladdin's head was separated from his body. The head, containing the brain, suddenly became a TV Genius and was able to spout scientific knowledge that no one in this period (barring perhaps genies) should have access to, such as how nerves work. Aladdin's headless body, containing his good heart, became an embodiment of Dumb Is Good, whereas the head turned into an
Anvilicious Straw Vulcan.
- Two Beings, One Body: An episode has Aladdin and Mozenrath's spirits both trapped in Aladdin's body after a botched Grand Theft Me.
- Underestimating Badassery:
- Generally, Genie's power is much greater than Mozenrath's and has on several occasions been able to neutralize and humiliate Mozenrath. However, on just as many occasions, Genie just doesn't take Mozenrath as seriously as he should, leading to Mozenrath defeating or capturing him with special magical items meant specifically for genies. And during "The Lost City of the Sun", Mozenrath outright demolishes an overconfident Genie with a magical blast powerful enough to send him flying.
- On the flip-side, Mozenrath spends the majority of “The Secret of Dagger Rock” dismissing Jasmine as no real threat since in his eyes, she’s just a dainty little princess, but Aladdin (and the audience) knows that Mozenrath lost this fight the moment he made Jasmine mad. She single-handedly saves Aladdin and Genie, and imprisons Mozenrath in his own trap.
Jasmine: Next time, know who you’re up against!
- Unequal Rites: A common plot point. According to Genie, different creatures of even kinds of wizards use magic that work completely differently and mixing them is wild, dangerous and predictable - possibly even explosively so. This is often used to explain why Genie might not be able to do much against other magical creatures, or as a reason why he can't fix the current problem if it's inflicted by another magical being. Some cases, like with Nefir and his imps, their magic is implied to be in direct rivalry with Genie's own.
- Unkempt Beauty: Jasmine is obviously less put-together in Sadira's alternate reality where she's a street rat but still quite pretty. Also in "Elemental My Dear Jasmine", where Jasmine was drenched in seawater and disheveled, and Aladdin assures she's still beautiful to him.
- Uptight Loves Wild: Jasmine, who grew up in a regimented royal lifestyle, loves Aladdin's perky and loose personality. When he attempts to conform with the elite after embarrassing himself at an official dinner, Jasmine just tells him he was being himself and becomes annoyed when he tries to be "cultured".
- Villain Team-Up: Mechanikles and Abis Mal; later, there's also a rather less likely team-up between Mozenrath and Amin Damoolah.
- Walking Ossuary: One episode features a villain with skeleton minions. The main characters try to deal with them by knocking them into pile of bones, only for the skeletons to pull themselves back together into new shapes, including two who get smashed together to form a centaur with four arms and two heads.
- Walking Spoiler: If you didn't see Aladdin: The Return of Jafar prior to watching the series, you may be confused as to why Iago's one of the good guys and why Genie's no longer travelling around the world. Notably, the first season aired before The Return of Jafar.
- Warrior vs. Sorcerer: Aladdin and Jasmine clash against a few evil sorcerers and sorceresses in the show. The most memorable and recurring of them is Mozenrath, whom Iago goes as far as calling "Jafar jr".
- Watching the Sunset: In "The Sands of Fate," Aladdin stops in the middle of a mission to watch the sun set over a picturesque canyon. As Iago points out, desert temperatures drop below freezing at night, so they should be getting to shelter instead of staring at the sky.
- Weakness Turns Her On: Brawnhilda has a severe motherly instinct and is interested in men that she can take care of, so when the smaller Aladdin arrives, she becomes smitten with him instead of her betrothed Prince Uncouthma; Uncouthma gets jealous and tries to fight Aladdin for Brawnhilda's attention, which only makes Aladdin look weaker and more desirable. Near the end of the episode, Uncouthma blows himself up with an explosive cheese warhammer, and Brawnhilda brushes Aladdin aside to be with her "frail darling".
- Weaksauce Weakness: Guava juice makes genies lose control of their powers.
- Weird Trade Union: "Power to the Parrot" implies that there is a union for genies that ensures that they use their powers seflessly and for the benefit of others, not themselves.
- We Want Our Jerk Back!: In "Poor Iago", Iago takes a vow of poverty and decides to give up greed. However, he ends up taking other people's belongings (including Genie's lamp) and causes chaos in the city. Aladdin decides he wants the old greedy Iago back.
- We Will Meet Again: The calling card of nearly all the villains, but most disturbingly is Chaos' valediction. He warns Aladdin he's always watching and vows that if his life ever gets too peaceful and predictable, he will return.
- What the Hell, Hero?: In "I Never Mechanism I Didn't Like", Mechanikles creates a robot named Gregarius, who infiltrates and hypnotizes everyone in the palace (except Genie and Carpet), which makes it all the easier for him to invade and take over Agrabah with no resistance. It finally reaches a point where Genie has had enough of this insanity and tries to talk sense into Aladdin.
Aladdin: Genie! What's the big idea?
Genie: Al, there comes a time where a genie has to stand up and say what’s right. With that in mind, you'll understand when I say (grabs Aladdin by the shoulders and gets right in his face) ARE YOU NUTS?! - Whip of Dominance: In "Forget Me Lots", Princess Jasmine is turned against the heroes by Abis Mal. She gets a new domineering attitude, starts calling herself "Scourge of the Desert" and gets an Evil Costume Switch which includes a whip and a black as-close-to-dominatrix-gear-as-Disney-will-allow outfit.
- Whole Episode Flashback: "Seems Like Old Crimes: Part 1", which centers around how Aladdin met Abu.
- Whole-Plot Reference: The episode with Arbutus ("Garden of Evil") is very similar to "Beauty and the Beast", including the Beast intending to hold Beauty captive because her father stole a flower, and though Jasmine doesn't fall in love with Arbutus she's the one who ends up feeling the most sympathy for him. Plus, Arbutus is voiced by Ron Perlman, who has played the Beast before in Beauty and the Beast (1987).
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity:
- In a less malevolent example, "Power to the Parrot" had Genie's powers be transferred to Iago. He also picks up on Genie's shape-shifting and eccentric goofy mannerisms, while the de-powered Genie loses them and and becomes more morose and depressed. Apparently, possessing semi-phenomenal, nearly-cosmic power makes you a Cloudcuckoolander by default and it's implied all Genies undergo this because they are beings charged and made of magical energy.
- Played straight when Sultan dons the armor of Killeem, which grants him superhuman strength and speed, but at the cost of his identity and conscience.
- Wretched Hive: Despite being led by a Reasonable Authority Figure like the Sultan and being a hotspot for ambassadors and diplomats, the city of Agrabah has been shown as filled with dangerous criminals and thieves with many living in poverty while being plagued by the various supernatural threats faced by Aladdin and his friends.
- Written-In Absence: Only Genie and Abu appeared in every single episode. (Yep, even the title character missed one episode, being "Rain of Terror".) Sometimes a character's absence was explained, other times not. In "Rain of Terror", for example, Aladdin's (plus most of the characters') absence is simply due to the action taking place completely out of Agrabah.
- Xanatos Gambit:
- One of Mozenrath's plans involves using Genie as bait for a magic-eating monster, forcing Aladdin to capture said monster in order to save him. One outcome leaves Mozenrath with control over the beast. The other gets Genie out of his way. He does indeed end up with the monster in his possession... for a while.
- Another plan also left him with a smaller victory if he lost; a plan where he would either end up with the Sultan as his hostage, or with Amin Damoola forever in his debt, repaying him for his "generosity".
- You Can't Fight Fate: One episode has the Anthropomorphic Personification of Chaos become convinced that Fate is on Aladdin's side after hearing about his many victories against impossible odds. This upsets him, to say the least, and that's when the episode gets a little more serious.
Chaos: To always win against such odds, Fate must have smiled on you.
Aladdin: Well, I try not to... brag...
Chaos: But I never liked Fate. Predestination goes against the grain. Besides, he cheats at cards. But if Fate has decreed that Aladdin always wins, what can I do? I mean, where's the unpredictability in that? I've got it! Allow me to produce a little scenario I call "Evil Twin". I have no problem with Aladdin winning all his battles. The question is, which Aladdin? - You Need to Get Laid: In one episode, Aladdin says Mozenrath needs a girlfriend, but Iago says "I think he's married to his work" and Mozenrath says it's true.
- You're Nothing Without Your Phlebotinum: Aladdin gets this for Genie at times. Also, Mozenrath seems to think of himself this way, as he breaks down when he loses his gauntlet, even though he still has his kingdom and army of mamluks left. Without his gauntlet, all that he gave up for it
would all be for nothing.