DC Super Hero Girls (2019)

  • ️Tue Dec 18 2018

DC Super Hero Girls (2019) (Western Animation)

Now that we're together, gonna get that super life! Wow!note 

"A lifetime career goal for me has always been wanting to lift up little girls. I feel like society has contempt for girls and little girl things. there's something contemptuous and unworthy about girl things and being a girl. We live in a society where saying that something is for girls is the equivalent to saying that something is stupid, or saying that something isn't worthwhile. I think that's awful and I think that kind of attitude needs to be changed."

DC Super Hero Girls is a 2019 television series produced by Warner Bros. Animation and based on the DC Super Hero Girls franchise. It premiered on Cartoon Network on March 8, 2019. The show is developed by Lauren Faust, known for her work on countless other animated series, including the Super Best Friends Forever shorts which effectively serve as this show's predecessor. (Faust left the series after the end of the first season in a failed attempt to create material for Netflix.)

A separate continuity from the original web-series, this incarnation follows Barbara "Babs" Gordon, a Batman-fanatic whose father's new job, unfortunately, has them move across the river from Gotham City to Metropolis. Thankfully, the usual stress of moving to a new place is eased by her not only quickly finding a new group of friends to hang out with, but all of those friends also being fellow aspiring superheroes: Diana Prince, Kara Danvers, Zee Zatara, Jessica Cruz, and Karen Beecher. With Diana as team leader, these girls now set out to hone their skills, fight crime, and hopefully pass next period's math test.

The series kicked off with a theatrical short, #TheLateBatsby, which was shown alongside Teen Titans Go! To the Movies. On January 10, 2019, said short was uploaded to the official YouTube page, with various other shorts and character trailers being uploaded in the following weeks leading to the show's premiere and beyond. These shorts and character trailers were then frequently broadcast as unlisted "bumper" sequences between scheduled shows on the Boomerang network.

Starting from August 2019, the Season 1 episodes were made available for streaming on Netflix, following the episodes' debuts on both Cartoon Network and Boomerang.

On May 29, 2019, a lower budget version of WarioWare called DC Super Hero Girls Blitz was made available for Android and I Phone devices, the first two to eight games featuring Batgirl Barbara Gordon and Bumblebee Karen Beecher being free to download but the either sixteen featuring the other four girls requring users to purchase the full version. Another Action Platform Game based on the series known as DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power was released on June 4, 2021, exclusively on Nintendo Switch. In it players can control Super Hero Girls Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Batgirl, or Super Villain Girls Catwoman, Star Sapphire and Harley Quinn, with the other members of the main cast in supporting roles.

A feature length direct-to-video film, Teen Titans Go! & DC Super Hero Girls: Mayhem in the Multiverse, was released on May 24, 2022 and doubles as the Grand Finale.

DC Super Hero Girls provides examples of:

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Tropes # to B 

  • #HashtagForLaughs: Look at all of the episode titles.
  • Abled in the Adaptation
    • There is no mention of Garth being color blind, though the Post Flashpoint comic books also seem to have done away with this, and on this show Garth shows no signs of albinism, which could explain why his earlier comic book counterpart could not see many colors.
    • Rose Wilson in this continuity has both of her eyes intact, when in the comics she cut out her own eye as a testament to her initial loyalty to her father.
  • Adaptational Angst Downgrade
    • Jessica Cruz, who has her PTSD from witnessing her friends getting killed by a pair of criminals they caught burying a dead body skipped over in this adaptation, as it would be too dark for a comedy. "#LivingTheNightmare" is the only time it's revealed that Jessica has any insecurities or anxieties.
    • The trauma of Garth's city, family, birth and childhood seem to be non existent in this setting, and he definitely doesn't have the Friendless Background. However, Garth is a Bully Magnet who gets no respect from the general public on this show, where comic book Garth was at least recognized and respected for his power.
  • Adaptational Dumbass:
    • Supergirl is more of an impulsive Dumb Muscle than her standard incarnation, as she's shown consistently to not do very well academically and is prone to relying on beating the crap out of whatever's in her way instead of taking the time to think over a strategy to determine the best way of handling the threat.
    • Barry Allen is shown to be much stupider than his counterpart in the mainline comics, as "#BackInAFlash" has him mystified by Batgirl's verbose explanation for how he can use his super speed to travel through time before she puts it in layman's terms and in "#ScrambledEggs", he ends up breaking his and Carter Hall's egg by putting it beneath Carter's rear under the flawed logic that Carter's alter ego Hawkman being avian-themed and birds typically hatching eggs mean that the best way to keep the egg safe is by having Carter sit on it.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Jessica Cruz is this relative to her counterpart in the 2015 continuity, as the previous series introduced her in the fourth season while this continuity includes her among the main heroines from the beginning.
  • Adaptational Friendship: Barbara Gordon is best friends with an Age-Lifted Harleen Quinzel, neither of whom know the other's secret identity as heroic Batgirl and villainous Harley Quinn respectively at least, at first. When Harley does learn of this, it starts her Heel–Face Turn arc, though she remains The Friend Nobody Likes in later appearances.
  • Adaptational Intelligence: While Catwoman isn't dumb by any means, she's described as the brains of her villain group, preferring to avoid fighting herself.
  • Adaptational Job Change:
    • Also counts as Adaptational Badass; Steve Lombard, a sports reporter for the Daily Planet in the comics, is a football player with a sneaker line in the show. (In his comics backstory, Lombard was a football player, so this ties in to the general Age Lift most of the show's characters have.)
    • Barry Allen here has a part-time job at the Sweet Justice ice cream parlor, as his being reinterpreted as a teenager here makes him too young to have his traditional occupation of a forensics scientist.
    • Oliver Queen is an actor instead of a politician or industrialist
  • Adaptational Modesty
    • Wonder Woman wears a more modest version of Donna Troy's Wonder Woman suit, which was already more modest than Diana's usually is.
    • Due to Revisiting the Roots, Harley's scrapped her New 52-inspired outfit for her original one. Though, in a bit of clever compromise, her civilian wear is still based on the New 52 style.
    • Carol Ferris's Star Sapphire outfit is more akin to her Silver/Bronze Age and Pre Rebirth suits than the more standardized corps unitard, but it is still far less revealing than her classic look.
  • Adaptational Mundanity: Themyscira does not have the magical storms, dimensional wards, patroling megalodons or magic spells typical to most DC adaptations that make it so hard to get to. It's apparently just a remote island that has nothing to offer anyone other than a fight with unwelcoming Amazons, who don't seem to have the advanced technology of their post Infinite Crisis and DC Rebirth counterparts. It's implied kangas may not actually be real creatures on this show, and there are no mention of other fantastic fauna like saddle rabbits, but the island is home to some fantastic flora and fauna that isn't present in the comic books, most notably griffons.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Rose Wilson is far removed from the moody anti-hero she was in the comics, instead being a well-adjusted young girl who vocally disapproves of her father's career as an assassin. For that matter, Slade Wilson is a much better father than his comic book incarnations.
  • Adaptational Skimpiness:
    • Wonder Woman, who is no longer wearing pants while in costume. She's back to something resembling her classic design, though the bottom is still a Greco-Roman skirt like the DCEU version rather than the usual Leotard of Power. Unique here, though, are spaulders on her shoulders.
    • Poison Ivy dresses more like her typical comic book self, and not even like one of the more modest ones either.
  • Adaptational Villainy:
    • Technically speaking, most of the Super Villain Girls all get this to varying degrees compared to their current comicbook alternatives, half of whom are heroes at any given point in the comic books. Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn were originally villains in the comic books, but were made heroes in the original web series. Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy were replaced in this series by Green Lantern and Zatanna here. Comic Book Harley Quinn essentially became a hero for good in the New 52, while comic book Poison Ivy and Livewire have been bouncing back between hero and villain, supporting character and antagonist, since Infinite Crisis. The Post Crisis Giganta has never been a hero, but she has consistently been portrayed as an amoral Friendly Enemy who at times can be persuaded to use her talents for the common good. Comic book Carol Ferris is shown to be hostile to Green Laterns and Flashes due to Mind Manipulation imposed on her by the Zamarons or the original Star Sapphire, otherwise having no intent to cause any trouble, while this Carol clearly enjoys mischief and attacks other corps members by her own free will.
    • Zatanna's mother is revealed by Zatara to have been a dark sorceress. Sindella was not a villain in the comics. She did seal away Zee's dark magic, so it wouldn't cause trouble in her absence, however.
    • This show deliberately portrays Lyssa, a friendly goddess in Classical Mythology who had powers that unfortunately made her dangerous to mortals in the exact opposite manner of her recorded myths.
  • Adaptation Dye-Job:
    • Batgirl's costume has changed from its contemporary dark blue design to classic purple and yellow. Barbara Gordon also has green eyes instead of blue.
    • Zatanna's black hair is now a sparkling, glowing purple that transitions from a normal shade to a lighter one.
    • Karen Beecher has brown hair and green eyes instead of black hair and brown eyes.
    • Hippolyta has brown hair, instead of the black or blonde the comic books keep flipping back and forth on. Garth also has blue eyes instead of purple.
  • Adaptation Name Change: Harley's hyenas are named Lucy and Ethel instead of Bud and Lou.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: Both in comparison to their main comic book portrayals and their previous portrayals in the last generation of the DCSHG franchise:
    • Supergirl is more rebellious, tomboyish, and brash than her usual Nice Girl persona. This personality, however, was also used in Lauren Faust's Super Best Friends Forever.
    • Batgirl is spunkier than before, which also comes from Super Best Friends Forever.
    • Bumblebee is shyer, more submissive and less impish than in her previous portrayals.
    • Jessica Cruz is less of a former shut-in recovering from trauma than she is in the comics, and now a Granola Girl.
  • Adapted Out:
    • Dan Garret, the Blue Beetle before Ted Kord, Jay Garrik, The Flash before Barry Allen, Alan Scott, the Green Lantern before the Corps, Priscilla Rich, The First Cheetah and Bette Kane, the Batgirl before Barbara Gordon, apparently don't exist in this setting.
    • In the comic books Diana Prince was a retired nurse who happened to resemble Diana of Paradise Island/Themyscira and allowed Wonder Woman to impersonate her for the sake of her mission. Here Diana Prince is just an allias Zee Zatara thinks up, though this is hardly the first adaptation to drop the nurse.
    • Jumpa is now a simple kangaroo doll Diana owned when she was 72, rather than a flying alien that vaguely resembles a kangaroo.
    • Rose Wilson is the only one of Deathstroke's children to appear, with no indication whatsoever that his sons Grant and Joseph exist in this continuity.
    • John Zatara's assistant Tong is completely replaced by Zee, who comes into his life much earlier here.
  • Age Lift: On top of almost every adult DC superhero and villain being teenagers or young adults in this series, Lena Luthor is now a child. Likewise, The Teen Titans instead appear as the "Tween Titans".
  • The Alleged Car: Jessica's '80s minivan in "#TheSlowAndTheFurious". It clearly shows its age.
  • All for Nothing: Twice in the shorts.
    • "#CandyCrushed" had Livewire and Giganta fight over a vending machine's last candy bar, only for Selina to steal it while they do so.
    • "#PurseScratcher" has Selina and Barbi eyeing the same purse, and change into Catwoman and Cheetah to take it from each other. In the end, Selina wins the fight, but Zee snags the purse before she is able to.
  • Alternate Continuity: This incarnation of the franchise has few ties to the preceding 2015 webseries or the LEGO projects beyond the basic "superheroes in high school" concept. It's not even a super hero school but a couple of schools in a City of Adventure.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: While they're clearly meant as a foil to Kara, the Danvers are so outwardly nice and loving, they’d make even the most loving and proper daughter cringe.
  • Anachronic Order: How they are shown after the pilot. Lauren Faust released a "viewing guide" online so people could watch the episodes in the intended order.
  • And I'm the Queen of Sheba: At the end of "#AllAboutZee", Casey Krinsky tries to reveal the Super Hero Girls' secret identities to everyone else at Metropolis High, but no one believes her.

    Casey: They're lying to you, everyone! Diana Prince is Wonder Woman! And Kara Danvers, she's Supergirl!
    Boy: And I'm Bumblebee.
    Casey: No, Karen Beecher is!

  • Animation Bump: In a general sense. The episodes animated by Jam Filled Entertainment are far more fluid than the episodes handed to Boulder Media.
  • Annoying Patient: Supergirl in "#KaraCare", after being exposed to Kryptonite during a fight with Metallo, quickly drives Diana batty by her exigent demands as she recovers.
  • Apologises a Lot: Bumblebee is this way. In the pilot, Karen tries to angrily shut the door in Barbara's face but keeps on apologizing, leading Babs to just shut it herself.
  • Art Evolution: The designs are like a mix between Super Best Friends Forever and Teen Titans as opposed to the more mainstream, thick line look of the original series.
  • Artistic License – Biology: The out-of-nowhere Gender Flip for Harley's hyenas from Bud and Lou to Lucy and Ethel only makes her dominance of them less explicable; given that hyenas are matriarchal, males are far more likely to submit to a female than females are.
  • Artistic License – Sports: Diana doesn't tie her waist-length hair back or remove her earrings when practicing her vault for the school's gymnastics team, both of which are major safety hazards as they could get caught or wrapped around something while performing. Also, Diana is already wearing the official team uniform, even though she's not actually on the team yet.
  • Art Shift: Bumblebee's appearance becomes much more cartoony when she shrinks down.
  • Ascended Extra:
    • Superman and Batman actually make a fair number of physical appearances this time, when in the Shea Fontana series the former only got occasional mentions as well as having his own statue at Super Hero High, while the latter's only acknowledgements came from a cameo as a plushy in the graphic novel tie-in Finals Crisis and an indirect mention by his son Damian Wayne in the fifth season episode "Kid Napped".
    • Lex Luthor is featured as a recurring character, when in the previous continuity his only appearance besides occasional mentions was in the Finals Crisis tie-in graphic novel.
    • Jessica Cruz is featured among the main cast from the beginning, when the previous continuity took until the fourth season to introduce her and only had her appear a handful of times.
  • Astonishingly Appropriate Interruption: Happens in "#VanityInsanity" when Bumblebee notices Zatanna's hair coming into contact with a chemical.

    Bumblebee: There's nothing wrong with— Your hair!

  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever:
    • Supergirl and Zatanna has to fight a multistory monster made out of a swarm of rabbits after Zatanna misphrases one of her spells.
    • Supergirl again, taking on a larger-than-normal Shaggy Man in "#StainedFighter" and "#FightAtTheMuseum".
  • Awesome, but Impractical: Zatanna's showboating has her do incredible light shows to do fairly minor things. (That frequently go wrong anyway.)
  • The B Grade: "#TheMinus" has Diana upset that she has an A- on her report card.
  • Badass in Distress: "#BurritoBucket" has Batgirl encountering The Flash. Tied up by bank robbers with animal masks.
  • Badly Battered Babysitter: Jess and Karen babysitting Dick Grayson and his rambunctious friends in "#TweenTitans".
  • Bait-and-Switch:
    • In "#PictureDaze", when it becomes blatantly apparent to him that Carol is stalking him again, Hal desperately searches for a place to hide. It seems like Carol manages to catch him, only for him to turn around and find that the person who surprised him is the relatively harmless Jessica Cruz.
    • At first it appears that Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn are pals here, like they're always shown to be in comics and every previous animation. But quickly it's shown that Ivy can barely tolerate Harley in this continuity.
    • When Harley shows Diana Crime Alley in "#TheWarriorAndTheJester", she mentions that it was where two of the city's greatest treasures were lost. While it seems like she's talking about Bruce Wayne's parents Thomas and Martha being shot there, it turns out Harley is actually talking about two pieces of candy that fell out of her mouth.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: When Barbi Minerva and Diana Prince both perform equally impressive vaults in tryouts for the gymnastics team, their coach is impressed enough to suggest making the two of them be co-captains. Barbi protests...and then immediately regrets it.

    Barbi: (when the coach proposes making her be co-captains with Diana Prince) What? Absolutely not!

    Coach: Well, okay. (Barbi smirks) Congratulations, Prince! You're the new team captain!

  • Be the Ball: In "#SheMightBeGiant", Giganta grabs Batgirl and uses her as a ball to play some bowling with mannequins as the pins.
  • Beyond the Impossible: In "#CrashCourse", Diana manages to stall the car before even leaving the parking lot, which should be virtually impossible for an automatic vehicle. Then, when she sees the villains out joyriding in a stolen car, she goes to the other end of the extreme, managing to make an automatic car drift without a real hand brake.
  • Big "NO!": Some occasions have characters scream "NO!" when facing situations that greatly distress them, some examples including Supergirl doing so in the short "#Booked" after reading from a text sent by Carter Hall that she missed the concert by the time she was done organizing the library's books and Batgirl doing so in the episode "#BurritoBucket" when she sees that her difficulty in balancing her work life and her duties as a heroine resulted in the bank robbers she tried to stop getting away with their loot.
  • Birthday Episode: "#HappyBirthdayZee" takes place around Zee Zatara's birthday and has her accidentally cast a spell that turns her friends into mindless zombies who will stop at nothing to throw the best party for her.
  • Bittersweet Ending: "#TacoTuesday" ends with Giganta getting punished for trying to eat Bumblebee's taco when the librarian drags her away for unwittingly violating the rule that no food is allowed in the library, but Bumblebee is left to still suffer a growling stomach due to never getting her taco back.
  • Bland-Name Product: In "#MisgivingTree", Barbara eats a cup of Cup Filled With Noodles brand ramen (based on the Cup Noodles brand).
  • Boyish Short Hair: The rebellious Supergirl has a messy bob haircut.
  • Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs:
    • In "#AmBatgirl", Robin's incorrect answers to a riddle ("What has branches and leaves but no bark?") are "a tree", "a silent dog" and "a silent dog tree".
    • "#AccordingToGarth" has Kara dismiss her friends' suggestions on what extracurriculars she should take as "lame", "boring" and "lame and boring".
  • Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: In "#Frenemies", Barry Allen created a new dessert made with ice-cream, toffee, and jalapenos (plus salt).
  • Broke the Rating Scale: Diana scores 102% on her calculus test. This is one of Diana's many triumphs that enrages (Pre-Cheetah) Barbi Minerva, who got a mere 100%.
  • Brutal Honesty: In "#Frenemies", the girls are forced to admit that they don't like Harleen Quinzel after Barbara uses the Lasso of Truth on them. Kara, however, wasn't bound by the lasso.

Tropes C to D 

  • Cape Snag: An amazon prevent's Batgirl's escape by stepping on her cape.
  • Car Radio Dispute: Kara and Jessica fight over the radio in "Super Wonder Bat Bee Zee Lantern Mobile"; Jessica wants classical music, Kara wants heavy metal. Kara instigates another in The Slow And The Furious between herself, Zee and Diana.
  • Casting Gag:
  • Cat Girl: Wonder Woman fights this version of the Cheetah.
  • Cat Up a Tree: Superman and Wonder Woman both earn public support not just for their grand accomplishments like stopping trains or beating monsters, but also from helping cats stuck in trees. This annoys Supergirl and Livewire, respectively, to the point of irrational retribution. The Flash also tries to pull Cheetah out of a tree, to her annoyance.
  • Cats Are Mean: Instead of a tragic backstory, Red Lantern Dex-Starr is depicted in the show as just a particularly cranky and spiteful cat pushed over the edge by Jessica's enthusiasm to get him adopted.
  • Cerebus Call-Back: In "#SweetJustice", the Danvers keep mentioning an incident Kara "didn't" do, as a way to set up how Kara clashes with them. It is revealed in "#TheGoodTheBadAndTheBizarre" said incident was the destruction of Smallville High's gymnasium, which Kara was blamed and expelled for.
  • Chalk Outline:
    • "#GothamCon" has a scene where Barbara and Harleen lie in a pair of chalk outlines and then get up and leave, afterwards the chalk outlines start dancing.
    • "#TheWarriorAndTheJester" shows some children skipping around a chalk outline as if they were playing hopscotch.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The Kryptonite Sample in the Metropolis Museum from "#FightAtTheMuseum" is used against Zod and his forces in "#DCSuperHeroBoys".
  • The Chosen Many: The Green Lantern Corps, as per usual. Jessica isn't the only Earth-based Green Lantern, as she pals around with a Green-Lantern-ring-sporting Hal Jordan.
  • The City Narrows: Metropolis is a much cleaner, safer city than Gotham, so long as one stays outside of Sinister Slum. Batgirl's the only member of the team that enjoys it.
  • Clark Kenting: It'd be easier to list the exceptions, but here goes.
    • Wonder Woman changes her large gold tiara... for a large gold hairband. And she wears a sweater and skirt in the exact same color scheme as her superhero outfit. And spent an entire first day at school in her superhero outfit (albeit with a hooded robe over it).
    • Batgirl's costume would be effective normally, if she didn't wear a bat-eared hoodie in the exact same color as her batsuit all the time.
    • Supergirl doesn't do anything to disguise her face or hair at all, and her civvies are in the same color scheme as her superhero outfit. When she briefly becomes Power Girl, all she does is change her wardrobe to convince people she's a different person.
    • Jessica Cruz's face remains exposed except for a Green Lantern Corps symbol around one eye, and her civilian clothes are the same color as her costume and marked with the symbol. She also continues to wear her Green Lantern ring.
    • Bumblebee's helmet is entirely transparent from the front — and once again, her clothes are the same color as her costume.
    • Zatanna openly practices magic in her civilian identity and just makes her hair shinier without wearing a mask.
    • Katana's civilian clothing has a very similar color palate.
    • Harley Quinn. Harleen Quinzel. Her civilian attire also has the same quartered asymmetrical scheme as her costume, just in blue and red instead of black and red, and her dip-dyed pigtails resemble her alter-ego's jester cap. Diana would eventually come to realize this, as would Babs and the rest of the team later on.
    • Poison Ivy can only be told apart from Pamela Isley by the fact that her skin and hair color are more saturated, her hair's wilder, and her clothes are more provocative than the frumpy and unflattering ensemble she usually goes with.
    • Star Sapphire isn't wearing a mask and her civilian clothes are the same color as her costume.
    • Catwoman would probably be less obvious if she didn't keep wearing her stolen jewelry out of costume. Even so she's one of the few with at least some level of disguise.
    • Giganta's "costume" is her regular outfit ripped up and with her hair out of its ponytail. Oh, and not wearing a mask. She does get a few bonus points for being significantly bigger and more muscular than she is in her normal form... meaning, ironically, the dumbest super villain is probably the LEAST guilty of all this.
    • Livewire... do we even have to say it? And then she "hands off" her show and immediately takes it over in her supervillain identity. Not to mention that her real initials, LW, are the same as her codename.
    • Hal Jordan wears a Domino Mask, which his cinematic debut pointed out doesn't really cover much of anything, and like Jessica continues to wear his Green Lantern ring.
    • The Flash both openly exhibits Super-Speed out of costume, and goes around doing his deliveries for Sweet Justice in costume.
    • Aqualad... well, you know. More to the point, his civilian clothes are completely indistinct from his superhero getup, the only difference being that the latter includes gloves and a belt buckle.
    • Green Arrow, apart from his civilian clothes matching his superhero costume almost perfectly, has that massively over-the-top Goatee of his that he doesn't bother to hide.
    • Hawkman is the only person his size and costume doesn't cover his light-tanned skin. Plus, he makes no attempt to change the brooding demeanor he keeps during class.
    • When Jessica and Karen babysit Dick Grayson and his friends on his birthday, they let Alfred introduce them by their civilian names and then instantly reveal themselves (complete with a roll call) as the Tween Titans. In turn, they don't hide being Green Lantern and Bumblebee from the kids.
  • Class Pet: In the short "#HamsterConQueso", it's Batgirl's turn to take care of Hammy the hamster, the school pet and mascot, while she works at the Burrito Bucket the same day the health inspector visits. Hilarity Ensues.
  • Color-Coded Secret Identity: Exaggerated; as mentioned under Clark Kenting, every single character has civilian clothing in either the same hues as their costume / other self, or evoking it in some way (like Barbara Ann's fur coat).
  • Composite Character:
    • Supergirl has some qualities of Power Girl (who in standard canon is her Earth-2 counterpart presently co-existing with her in the main universe), including a rougher personality and sporting short hair. She also takes on the identity in "#PowerSurge".
    • Batgirl is Barbara Gordon but has a more bubbly personality akin to Stephanie Brown.
    • This Wonder Woman is Diana of Themyscira, but also takes some cues from Donna Troy, particularly the New 52 version of Donna Troy, who had an even harder time adapting to the world of man than Diana. Visually her outfit is a less armored version of Pre Flashpoint Donna Troy's Wonder Woman suit, in Diana's colors instead of Donna's.
    • The Condiment King resembles a mustached version of his original Batman: The Animated Series incarnation, but like the mainline comics version his real name is Mitchell Mayo and he used to be a fast food employee.
    • This continuity's Toyman is a merging of the Winslow Schott, Hiro Okamura and Jack Nimball versions, having the identity of Winslow Schott, using a mecha similar to an alternate future self of Hiro Okamura that appeared in Sean McKeever's run on Teen Titans and wearing Jack Nimball's jester costume in his second appearance.
  • Continuity Cameo: Sojourner Mullein appears in "#CruzControl" as a student of Metropolis High non-verbally showing her support for Jessica Cruz running for class president.
  • Cover Innocent Eyes and Ears: Parodied in the short "#Vegecide", where Pamela tells her potted plant Phil not to look (and even uses her hand to cover the plant's non-existent eyes) when she is horrified to see vegetables being cut up and prepared as food at the vegan cafe Jessica Cruz frequents.
  • Crazy-Prepared: #DyeHarder shows that Paulette keeps a circular saw capable of slicing through ceramic tile, a blow torch and dynamite on hand. Paulette runs a hair salon! But it turns out she wasn't prepaired enough!
  • Culture Chop Suey: Greek Amazons travel in a Viking Longboat.
  • Cut Short: Only half of season 2 was aired before Cartoon Network canceled the show and stuffed it in the vault as a tax write off, meaning no one will ever see the remaining 25 episodes!
  • Dark Reprise: "#HappyBirthdayZee" begins with Zee Zatara singing a song about how she's looking forward to her birthday. After overhearing her friends complain about her excessive demands, she then sings a dark reprise where she complains about her friends not seeming to care (and in the process accidentally casts a spell that makes them excessively devoted to throwing her the best party).
  • Darker and Edgier: In general, while there's still plenty of comedy and lightheartedness like its predecessor, there's also more emphasis on character trauma, and with this show being rated PG as opposed to TV-Y7, the violence is more realistic.
    • The second half of "#MeetTheCheetah". Someone destroys the fuse box while the girls are about to search the school, then something stalks the and picks them off one at a time in the darkened hallways, and only Zatanna accidentally taking out Supergirl with her magic is played for the slightest bit of humor.
    • "#SoulSisters" is another episode that doesn't fully run on humor, with the main plot being Katana stealing everyone's souls. It makes a certain amount of sense knowing this aired near Halloween of 2019.
  • Darkhorse Victory: In "#BeastsInShow", Kara and Babs enter their dogs Krypto and Ace in a dog show to see which of them is the best dog. When Harley's pet hyenas disrupt the show during the talent competition, Ace and Krypto catch them and save the dog that was competing at the time, Waffles. Unfortunately, the announcer thought the whole thing was part of Waffles' routine, so Waffles gets the top prize.
  • Dartboard of Hate: The short "#ArtificialIntelligence" has Doris Zeul aggressively wipe her feet on a doormat with Batgirl's picture on it, beat up punching bags and a boxing dummy with Jessica Cruz, Zatanna and Supergirl's pictures attached to them and get knocked out trying to punch a punching bag with Wonder Woman's picture taped to it.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Certain shorts like "#SpeedyDelivery" and "#GoFish" focus instead on the guys that aren't even the actual leads, like the Flash and Aqualad.
  • Deadline News: "#LetThemEatPie" has Lois Lane reporting on the local pie eating contest, where Diana comes in from behind due to developing a pie addiction during said contest. Then she spots the one remaining pie in Lois' hand... and charges at her and the camera.
  • Demoted to Extra:
    • Unlike her incarnation in the 2015 series, Katana is not in the main lineup and was replaced with Zatanna and Jessica Cruz. She doesn't appear until the 19th episode, "#SoulSisters". She remains a recurring character, however.
    • This continuity's interpretations of Cyborg, Raven, Starfire and Beast Boy are also this compared to their counterparts in the 2015 series, as they only appear in a single episode here when their incarnations in the previous canon were prominently included as recurring characters.
    • Shiera Saunders only appears in one episode without ever becoming Hawkgirl, when she was a regularly appearing character as Hawkgirl in the previous continuity.
  • Denser and Wackier: This version of the series heavily ramps up the humor compared to the 2015 series.
    • Diana of Themyscira is a Fish out of Water in both series, but this one makes far more jokes at her expense, at various points showing a passing family refuse to make eye contact with her out of the belief she was crazy, depicting her as homeless and showing her draw weapons on people over misunderstandings.
    • Web series Kara Zor El is a little awkward like Diana, as she also comes from a different culture. This show's Kara is a combat boot stomping rebel of limited intelligence who is prone to destroyng both objects and relationships.
    • Web series Harley Quinn is a bit of a weirdo who sometimes perplexes the other kids, but is a considerate friend and enthusiastic student widely appreciated in the school. This Harleen Quinzel is a social ignoramous who quickly earns the ire of almost all around her, and is one of the top three worst students in her entire class.
  • Determinator: In #TheLateBatsby, a determined Batgirl manages to reach Mr. Freeze before the others, despite them having a headstart and 3/5ths of them having flight powers.
  • Diabolus ex Machina: Barbara Gordan finds a pristine couch in ''#SofaSoGood and calls Karen Beecher to help her carry it to their secret hideout. Almost everything that could go wrong with carrying a piece of furniture down a city street does go wrong, and only 80% or so is due to the girls' bad judgment. Still, this was totally deserved by Barbara, who has three super powered teammates and the fairly tall, athletic Jessica Cruz, but thought unpowered and tiny Karen Beecher was the best choice to sneak it into their hideout!
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: In the episode "#SoulSisters" Katana attempts to take the soul of a man who appears to be breaking into a car. It turns out, it's his own car and he simply locked his keys in his car. This is uncomfortably similar to some reports of police brutality.
  • Donut Mess with a Cop: Commissioner Gordon is shown eating a donut in "#FromBatToWorse".
  • Driving Test: In "#CrashCourse," Diana takes a driving test. During that test, she decides to help stop a group of villains in a getaway chase.
  • Dumped via Text Message: Hal Jordan dumped Carrol Ferris via a text. Not bad enough? Turns out she's a love crazy Violet Lantern known as Star Sapphire and will not take no for an answer.

Tropes E to F 

  • Ear Ache:
    • In the pilot, Diana's mother drags her to the boat by her ear.
    • When the Amazons try to throw Diana's friends off the boat, they drag them by their ears. It backfires when Kara suddenly remembers she has super-strength.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: The Tween Titans appear in the Powerless graphic novel, which ended up coming out almost a month before their self-titled debut cartoon episode.
  • Easter Egg:
    • In Supergirl's "#AdventuresInBunnysitting", there is a more traditional painting of Wonder Woman on a building in the background of one scene.
    • The hippie-trippie vision that briefly appears with Supergirl's picture day dress includes what looks like "The Mystery Machine", as WB Animation now produces Scooby-Doo.
  • Egg Sitting:
    • In the episode "#ScrambledEggs," the Super Hero Girls, Super Villain Girls, and Invincibros are randomly paired up into groups of two with each group assigned to watch over an egg for the weekend. Hilarity Ensues as they all try and fail to keep the eggs safe. The teacher even points out at the end of the episode how cliche and overused this trope is when she returns to work and sees what Mr. Chapin assigned the class in her absence.
    • A similar plot is used in the short "#ShellShock", where Karen and Kara have to watch over an egg as a class assignment. They are more successful in keeping the egg intact here, though Kara admits craving an omelet after all the trouble she went through to keep the egg from harm.
  • Elaborate Underground Base: At the end of "#SweetJustice," Batgirl doctors the building plans to get one set up under the Sweet Justice ice cream shop while it's being rebuilt. It has specialized work/training areas for all six heroes, and the entrance can only be opened by sitting at a particular table and fiddling with its straw dispenser.
  • Embarrassing Old Photo: In "#AcceptNoSubstitute", Barbara tries to use her hacking skills to get rid of a baby picture of herself James Gordon shows to the class, only to cause a home movie of her dad picking her up when she was a baby and remarking that she just dirtied her diaper to appear in the projector.
  • Embarrassing Relative Teacher: James Gordon becomes a substitute teacher at Metropolis High in "#AcceptNoSubstitute" and wastes no time humiliating his daughter Barbara in the process.
  • Epic Fail:
    • In "#BurritoBucket", Barbara tells Flash to go take care of the bank robbers while she has to go back to work. The next time she checks on the bank, Flash is now tied up with the hostages.

    Flash: Dude, I'm as surprised as you are.

    • Diana gets subjected to an entire school week of these in "#CrushingIt", blowing her tasks the instant she sees Steve Trevor enter the room.
    • In "#AngerManagement", Mr. Chapin reveals that Kara is such a terrible student that she's somehow failed homeroom.

    Mr. Chapin: How do you manage to fail a block of time that doesn't even give grades?

  • Establishing Character Moment: In the first few seconds of "#MeetTheCheetah", Barbi Minerva pulls of a near-perfect vault before insulting a teammate who complimented her.

    Girl: Nice work, Barbi! If you keep vaulting like that, we might actually win gold this year!

  • Everybody Loves Zeus: Diana of Themyscira invokes the power of Zeus for strength anyway. She advises against doing this for his wife, however.
  • Everybody Hates Hades: Implied, anyway, as Diana of Themyscira has a sour relationship with Hades, though she does call him a worthy foe.
  • Everyone Went to School Together: The whole point of the show. Along with our team, Metropolis High's student body includes Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, Catwoman, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, and Poison Ivy, among others.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: As Zee starts answering Oliver's Ask a Stupid Question... in "#ScrambledEggs", she then realizes that she made the stupid mistake.
  • Explosive Breeder: Bunnies, (super)naturally, as bred magical creatures, owned by Zatanna in "#AdventuresInBunnysitting". They hug and produce a literal flood of baby bunnies that magically disappear when they're finally separated.
  • Extra-Strength Masquerade: Somehow, everyone's secret identities are intact despite how blatantly obvious it all is.
  • Face Doodling: Kara can't resist the urge to scribble on the faces of the comatose supervillains in "#SoulSisters".
  • Face Palm: Done thrice by the same character. Catwoman does it in "#Beeline" (because of Harley Quinn), then at the end of "#SoulSisters", and again at the end of "#PurseScratcther".
  • Failure Is the Only Option: Karen originally built her Bumblebee suit to make herself grow, not shrink. No matter how many tweaks she makes, the power to get bigger eludes her.
  • Faking the Dead: When Livewire seemingly kills Supergirl in "#PowerSurge", Kara decides to take on a new identity and get a new start as Power Girl.
  • Family-Friendly Firearms: The bank robbers in "#BurritoBucket" use guns that are not only laser guns but visually not much different from toy guns - they even have priming handles!
  • Fan Disservice: When the girls take Wonder Woman out for her first pedicure there's a closeup of her hairy leg and her foot with giant calluses and craggy untrimmed nails. Giganta has a similar closeup of her hands when she tries and fails to smash Bumblebee.
  • Fanservice: Avoided nearly completely due to the intended audience. The closest the series ever comes to having it is Hal Jordan getting a Shower Scene in the short "#PictureDaze", and a closeup showing that Diana has six-pack abs in the episode "#SoulSisters".
  • Fantastic Fruits and Vegetables: Diana Prince reveals the Amazons eat a special fruit before battle to give themselves an energy boost, and that she hadn't been using it until #TheMinus. It seems to have an even greater affect on regular humans, as Barbara Gordon is literally bouncing off of walls after just one bite and Batgirl is even able to outrun Wonder Woman as Wonder Woman chases down Green Lantern!
  • Finale Movie: Teen Titans Go! & DC Super Hero Girls: Mayhem in the Multiverse is a direct-to-video film released after this show ended its run that serves as the series' conclusion, the plot having the Super Hero Girls and their universe's Justice League face off against Lex Luthor and the Legion of Doom as well as the evil Kryptonian goddess Cythonna.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: Kara and Harleen seem to end up becoming that way during their situation in "#ScrambledEggs".
  • "Freaky Friday" Flip: In "#BatAndSwitch", Zee attempts to make Barbara and her father switch bodies, but she ends up switching Barbara first with a black alley cat, then with a skater dude, and then a weather girl, a woman being proposed to, and many other random people. When she finally does the switch with her father, it's at a bad time, when he's getting his back hair removed.
  • Free the Frogs: The short "#PhotoOops" shows a newspaper photo of Jessica Cruz protesting against her class dissecting frogs.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: You know what kind of show this is going to be when there are jokes and foreshadowing within the first three frames of its intro sequence!
    • The first shot of the yearbook in the title sequence has pictures of several characters that will appear as the series progresses. Of special note, Selina Kyle (Catwoman) is in there despite zero indication she's even a student.
    • While Karen's walking alone and feeling that she's a failure in "#Beeline", on a wall there are advertising posters with: "Blowing It Hair-Dryer", and "U-Suk Vacuums", and "Fail-Safe Safes".
    • In "#GothamCon", there are several jokes in the graffiti as Barbara and Harleen romp through the grimy city to the convention.
    • Aside from The Odyssey (a Call-Back to "#CrushingIt"), the four other library books that Katana hurls at Diana in "#SoulSisters" each have hilariously appropriate titles.
  • Frothy Mugs of Water: At demoralized moments, these girls and boys sit at the Sweet Justice counter to drown their sorrows in milkshakes.
  • Fur and Loathing: The Pre-Cheetah Barbi Minerva wears a golden fur coat (with white fur trim), a sign she's a Rich Bitch. Once she becomes the Cheetah, she is a Cat Girl who's also literally a Green-Eyed Monster (her jealousy of Diana caused Barbi to unleash the Cheetah's curse, not realizing it would envelop HER instead, giving her glowing green eyes instead of her original brown ones when she feels the curse.)

Tropes G to L 

  • Gasshole: Babs in "#BackInAFlash" accidentally toots during a school assembly due to eating a breakfast burrito.
  • Genki Girl: Batgirl is described as an energetic fangirl for the Dark Knight, with even her civilian clothes and bedroom being covered in bat iconography.
  • Genius Serum: In the short "#ArtificalIntelligence", Doris Zeul (aka Giganta) accidentally injects herself with a serum that boosts her intellect to genius levels instead of her usual growth serum, utilizing her new smarts against the protagonists. She almost wins until the serum wears off at the last minute, causing Doris to forget how to use her machine and wind up blowing herself up.
  • Glass Smack and Slide: After Barbara Gordon spends the whole of "#StressTest" trying to escape from the classroom where a test is held to join a superhero fight, she finally manages to get away in costume... only for Batgirl to get caught in an explosion and sent flying back to the window of the same classroom, her face smushed, before sliding down.
  • Gosh Dang It to Heck!: Along with Heck the characters typically use terms like Crud and OM Jeepers and Oh, Hades (by Diana).
  • G-Rated Sex: In "AdventuresInBunnysitting", Zatanna's magic rabbits spontaneously produce offspring at an exponential rate just by hugging.
  • Green-Eyed Monster:
    • "Barbi" Minerva finds herself becoming very jealous of Diana in "#MeetTheCheetah" to where she tries to unleash the Cheetah's curse on Diana. However, the curse then affects the jealous Barbi instead, and she turns into a green-eyed Cat Girl. When she turns back into Barbi, she briefly has her original brown eyes until she looks in the mirror, in which the curse asserts itself by having her eyes glow green while the power rush hits Barbi again.
    • Star Sapphire is romantically obsessed with getting back together with Hal Jordan and continues to act as though they're still boyfriend and girlfriend in "#HateTriangle" and "#PictureDaze". And when she sees Hal hanging out with Jessica Cruz in both episodes, she furiously views it as a romantic interlude between the two.
    • Hal Jordan both envies The Justice League, accept Superman, for being more famous than The Invicibros, and is jealous towards the Super Hero Girls, who he thinks might steal glory from The Invincibros.
    • Zatanna really gets this way whenever another performer steals the spotlight from her magic shows; such as an amateur street-magician in "#IllusionsOfGrandeur", and Oliver Queen being scheduled to perform on the school stage the same day and time that her act is scheduled on the school's other stage in "#AdBlockers".
  • Gross-Up Close-Up: When Bumblebee sees that her ability to shrink enabled her to avoid getting crushed by Giganta's hands in "#SheMightBeGiant", we see a grotesquely detailed close-up of Giganta's fingers. Diana Prince accidentally texts one of herself to the entire school later when trying to find her phone's calculator.
  • Growling Gut
    • In "#TacoTuesday", Karen's stomach growls 7 times.
    • This happens to Hal in "#AsteroidBelter".
    • This happens to Leslie and Doris in "#CandyCrushed".
  • Hall of Mirrors: After Casey Krinsky swaps bodies with Zee, thereby gaining her powers, Zee hides in a house of mirrors. Not only is Casey unable to find the real Zee, she's forced to face her own reflection which, thanks to her crippling self-loathing, is the last thing she wants to do.
  • Halloween Episode: The series' Halloween episode is in the second season's two-part finale "#NightmareInGotham", where the Super Hero Girls have to stop the Joker, Harley Quinn, She-Bat, Gentleman Ghost and Solomon Grundy from destroying Gotham City on Halloween night.
  • Hard Truth Aesop: Parodied in "#HateTriangle", with Jessica's faith in pacifism being mocked and ultimately useless in saving the day. Jessica tries her best to hold onto resolving her battle with Star Sapphire peacefully, preaches on about how violence is terrible, but the villainess decides that she'll come back worse than before, rendering Jessica's message about true love completely moot. Though the show seems to hint that this was intentional for comedic purposes.
  • Hero Insurance: Averted for laughs in "#PowerSurge" when Kara gets criticized by a power plant foreman for all the destruction she caused defending it. Twice.
  • Hippie Parents: If the dress they foisted on her for picture day is any indication, Supergirl's foster parents/legal guardians, the Danvers, are these.
  • Hopeless with Tech: In "#Beeline", Bumblebee tries to call Diana about a bomb on the bridge, but Diana can't seem to handle her phone very well; the phone screen shows various close-ups as she moves the phone around before she accidentally hangs up. Bumblebee learns from this and makes sure to keep things as simple as possible when she requests technical assistance from Wonder Woman, though things still almost end up failing due to poor communication on Bumblebee's part.
  • Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: The title of every short and episode is styled as a Twitter hashtag.
  • Imagine Spot: #AllyCat sees the team follow Catwoman's instructions to infiltrate Lex Corp near flawlessly...then it cuts them them actually trying, with Supergirl being unable to walk in heels and Bumblebee getting caught in a spider web. More incompetence, bad luck and mistaken assumptions on Catwoman's part just cause things to go worse from there.
  • Impact Silhouette: In "#SheMightBeGiant", Giganta leaves her silhouette as she falls through the floor of the mall and several levels of the parking lot.
  • I'm Standing Right Here: At the end of "#DramaQueen", Zee indignantly points out to Oliver Queen and Mortimer Drake that she's in earshot when they bond over their mutual hatred of Zee and insult the quality of her play.
  • In Name Only: The toyline itself isn't to different but the Cartoon Network series isn't much like the original DC Super Hero Girls shorts, being more like Super Best Friends Forever in both art style and story. About the only things the two continuities have in common are the premise involving an interpretation of the DC Universe taking place in a high school setting where the majority of the characters are teenagers and both continuities having the starting point of Wonder Woman first becoming a superheroine and learning the existence of her peers.
  • Innocent Innuendo: When Jessica tries to change Hal's look to make him dumpy and unappealing in "#HateTriangle":

    Jessica: Garth! Take off your clothes!

  • Innocently Insensitive: And then the previous leads to:

    Jessica: Perfect! That's super unattractive!
    Garth: Wait. What?

  • Insult Friendly Fire: In "#SoulSisters", Supergirl remarks how she hates magic, resulting in an indignant Zatanna reminding her that she has magic powers.
  • Ironic Fear: Batgirl is scared of bats, with "#BatCatcher" revolving around her panicked reaction to one getting stuck in her room.
  • Irony:
    • In "#IllusionsOfGrandeur", Zee's magic is constantly called out as being fake, while the Kris Angel expy performs basic illusions that everyone fawns over.
    • Jessica Cruz hypnotizing Kara Danvers to be less angry doesn't actually solve her impulsiveness or two dimensional thinking. It makes them worse to the point the pacifistic Green Lantern has to become more aggressive to save Supergirl.
    • Diana and Karen being partnered together in "#ScrambledEggs" would guarantee that they succeed over all the mismatched pairs. Instead, they're the first to fail.
  • Joke of the Butt: In "#ShockItToMe", Livewire humiliates Green Lantern(Jessica Cruz) with a photograph where she's lying on the ground in defeat with her butt in the air, joking that her bottom is the source of greenhouse gases.
  • Juxtaposed Halves Shot: The intro sequence starts with a zoom on the school's yearbook, showing a black-and-white photo of Barbara Gordon quickly juxtaposed on the right side with her (colored) Batgirl persona. Same thing with the next picture (but on the left side) between Jessica Cruz and Green Lantern. Zatanna gets another variant, with both halves replacing the black-and-white photo, one with her magician costume, the other with her superhero one. The other girls' pictures use other kind of transitions, though.
  • Karma Houdini: "#NightmareInGotham" ends with the Joker getting away with his attempt at destroying Gotham City on Halloween night, escaping with Harley Quinn before the Super Hero Girls could apprehend him.
  • Kneel Before Zod: The main antagonists of "#DCSuperheroBoys" feature the Trope Namer, so he naturally says this when he descends upon Metropolis.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Catwoman spends most of "#FightAtTheMuseum" effortlessly running circles around Supergirl. When the rest of the team shows up, she shamelessly dumps the loot as a distraction and runs away.
  • Kung-Fu Sonic Boom
    • Bumblebee headbutts Harley Quinn during #BeeLine, attracting the attention of Giganta, who tries to hit Bumblebee. Wonder Woman saves Bumblebee with a Punch Catch, but the wind from Giganta's halted fist is still strong enough to push Bumblebee away while Wonder Woman stands firm.
    • Despite usually being portrayed as human teenagers with no super human strength, speed or durability, Pamela Isley and Harleen Quinzel clash with enough force to destroy most of Pamela's room, all for the sake of a gag during #RemoteUncontrolled.
  • Lawyer-Friendly Cameo: Among the archetypes/stereotypes of English people glimpsed in London in "#TheGoodTheBadAndTheBizarre" are two kids with their nanny.
  • Leeroy Jenkins
    • Supergirl in "#FightAtTheMuseum". When the team is fighting a series of giant monsters, she just flies in and punches them out of sight rather than listen to any strategic plan the team comes up with. This backfires when Catwoman tricks her into busting open a safe containing Kryptonite, knowing full well Supergirl would just barrel through without any forethought or strategy. Special note to the first battle of this episode. In a Shout-Out to the trope namer's video, Wonder Woman is explaining the strategy to the girls when Supergirl says, "Time's up, let's do this. Supergirl!"
    • Supergirl gets to learn how annoying this is to everyone else when trying to train a rookie super hero during #WhySoBlue.
  • Let Us Never Speak of This Again: After Katana returns everyone's souls in "#SoulSisters", the Girls (sans Diana) and Villains wake up, still in Babs's room where they were being hidden. The thing is the latter had to pretend they were having a slumber party. Catwoman says the trope name word-for-word after finding this out, to which everyone agrees.
  • Living with the Villain: The female heroes and female villains all attend school together and frequent the same malt shop. Harleen "Harley Quinn" Quinzel and Barbara "Batgirl" Gordon are even best friends who are both unaware of the other's alter ego, in which they are sworn enemies.
  • Lost Food Grievance: Harley reveals in "#TheWarriorAndTheJester" that she considers Crime Alley the site of Gotham's greatest tragedy. We're misled into assuming she's talking about the deaths of Thomas and Martha Wayne, but it turns out she's actually crying over a time two pieces of candy she was enjoying fell out of her mouth. She then sees what seems to be her lost candy pieces, but, after putting them in her mouth, she states that this isn't the same candy before shrugging and chewing on it anyway.
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch: Zatanna is pretty and popular, as well as being pretty full of herself, but is still a nice enough girl in general.
  • Love Bubbles: Steve Trevor is surrounded by these each time Wonder Woman looks at him.
  • Lower-Deck Episode: The short "#StarStruck" is one that centers on Lois and Jimmy during the episode "#HateTriangle".

Tropes M to R 

  • Mad Artist: Paulette is reduced to a raving lunatic by Kara Danvers during #DyeHarder, but Paulette remains committed to styling Kara's hair.
  • Magic Pants: When Dr. Francine Langstrom transforms into She-Bat in the second season finale "#NightmareInGotham", she appears to be naked, but after Bumblebee successfully administers the antidote to restore her to human form, her clothes are inexplicably intact as if they hadn't been torn to shreds by her transformation into a mutant bat creature in the first place.
  • Malaproper: Often from Diana, since American-English — teenage American-English especially — is a new language for her.
  • Mexican Standoff: In "#BatAndSwitch", we briefly see the Terrible Trio all Guns Akimbo and pointing at each other.
  • Mistaken for Profound: When Karen is trying to tell Jess that the Super Villain Girls are planting a bomb on the bridge into town so Harley Quinn won't have to take a test the next day, Jess thinks "There's a bomb on the bridge" is a perfect metaphor in favor of vegetarianism and incorporates it into her protest against the Burrito Bucket restaurant.
  • Mistaken for Romance: Between Jessica and Hal, by Star Sapphire. Jessica goes from confusion to laughing and saying "No" in various paces and tones for nearly ten seconds. It happens again in "#PictureDaze".
  • Mood Dissonance: #GothamCon has a lovely example with Barbara and Harleen prancing through the Wretched Hive of Gotham City - with music! And dancing cops!
  • Mundane Utility:
    • Zee’s father uses his magic to "hand" Zee her backpack from fifty feet away.
    • Jessica often uses her Green Lantern ring to create tools for everyday tasks, such as a welding torch for car repair work or a long stretchy arm to pull a file from a drawer.
  • Murder the Hypotenuse: In "#CrushingIt", after suffering through Diana's uncontrollable infatuation over Steve Trevor, Batgirl suggests that her and rest of the girls "take out" Trevor. After tracking down a lonesome Trevor, Bumblebee, Supergirl, Zatanna, and even Jessica Cruz strike at him at once, attempting to kill him behind his back. This is all interrupted when Batgirl's successful hack gets Trevor accepted into a military school, wondering if the others were on the same page regarding to "take him out".
  • Mustache Vandalism: In the short "#AdBlockers", Oliver Queen vandalizes a poster for Zatanna's magic show by drawing an eyepatch and a mustache on Zatanna and writing that people should see his show instead. Zatanna then retaliates by vandalizing one of Queen's posters so that he appears to have zits and writing that his show has been cancelled because of bad acne.
  • Mythology Gag: Has their own page.
  • Ninja Pirate Robot Zombie: The in-universe movie series Exploding Ninja Pirates from Outer Space.
  • No Kill like Overkill: In "#Beeline", Harley wants to blow up the bridge just so her teacher won't come to school tomorrow.
  • Nonverbal Miscommunication: "#HashtagFrownyFace" has Diana and the others confuse Barbara's emoji texts where she's asking for help fighting Poison Ivy as her talking about a bad experience at a new vegan restaurant. Poison Ivy suffers this at the end as well as she grumbles at Harley doing this to her.
  • Noodle Incident:
    • "#CrushingIt" has Bumblebee bring up that her first crush was "brutal", with no further details given.
    • In "#AmBatgirl", Robin cheats in a competition with Batgirl on who can capture the most criminals by apprehending an old woman trying to cross the street for not using the crosswalk, a man who violated the rule of bringing outside food into a restaurant by sneaking a Burrito Bucket burrito into the Big Borger, a goldfish and a baby. It's never explained what the fish and baby did that Robin used as an excuse to consider them criminals, with Batgirl even asking what law a fish could possibly break.
    • "#DetentionClub" has Garth cut off before he can reveal what he did that got him into detention.
  • No, You: When Supergirl tells Lena that her Evil Plan is "the dumbest plan [she] ever heard", Lena angrily replies with, "You’re the dumbest plan I ever heard!"
  • Not So Safe Harbour: Metropolis Shipyard is located in Sinister Slum, an area so rundown and polluted every member of the main cast besides Batgirl avoids it when they can.
  • Odd Couple:
    • Among the teammate pairings with the Invinci-bros, Bumblebee gets paired with Hawkman.
    • Supergirl and Aqualad are regularly team-paired in Season 1, and Kara and Garth become school pals in Season 2.
  • Offscreen Teleportation: We don't actually see Zatara teleport Zee's backpack. Babs sees him waving it in the air, she looks the other way, and when she looks back it's in Zee's hand.
  • Oh, Crap!: It's not a stretch that this has become the girls' default reaction whenever Steve Trevor is in the same space as Diana.
  • Oh, No... Not Again!: Jessica Cruz helps Hal Jordan to block someone annoying him on his phone in "#PictureDaze", unaware that said person is his ex-girlfriend Carol Ferris who in their last encounter presumed Jessica to be romantically interested in Hal. When an enraged Carol shows up and sees the two together, she leaps to conclusions and attacks Jessica.

    Carol: Jessica Cruz. I should have known it was you! I'LL NEVER LET YOU HAVE HIM!
    Jessica: [groans] Oh no. Not again.

  • One-Steve Limit: Karen Beecher's smart home assistant program is named Athena, which causes problems when Diana prays to the wisdom/war goddess Athena for courage/assistance, setting off the yard sprinklers and home security measures.
  • Only One Female Mold: Completely averted. Not only do all six main girls have completely distinct and unique silhouettes, body shapes, and physiques, but even the nameless background girls have totally different builds, as seen in this screenshot.
  • Pain to the Ass: The short "#BigScreenBully" has Bumblebee get back at Doris Zeul for ruining her movie-watching experience by shrinking and stinging her in the butt, and subsequently it's implied she does the same to Harley.
  • Parental Obliviousness: In "#SoulSisters", the girls push the soulless villains through Babs' living room in front of her dad who fell asleep watching Make It Wayne.
  • Parting-from-Consciousness Words: Delivered by Bumblebee, who has been racing to get to class on time, after Supergirl accidentally knocks her silly in "#PlightOfTheBumblebee":

    Karen: Did the bell ring yet? [passes out]

  • Passionate Sports Girl: Diana and Barbara Ann Minerva are both star members of the Metropolis High gymnastics team, which forms a significant part of their rivalry and Barbara's motivations for becoming the Cheetah, as while Barbara is an excellent gymnast, Diana is even better.`
  • Pass the Popcorn: Zee Zatara and Oliver Queen sabotaging each other's efforts at advertising their respective shows in "#AdBlockers" is entertaining enough that Kara, Barbara and Karen end up watching them while eating popcorn.
  • Picture Day: A character trying to look their best on picture day is used as the plot of four shorts, with Kara being the relevant character in "#StreetStyle", Hal Jordan in "#PictureDaze", Jessica Cruz (and Garth Bernstein) in "#CruzControl" and Zatanna (as well as Oliver and possibly half of the entire school) in "#VanityInsanity".
  • Pilot Movie: Zig-zagged with the hour-length series premiere "#SweetJustice", which isn't necessarily the first installment of this continuity due to being predated by the short "#TheLateBatsby" (which was included in the theatrical release of Teen Titans Go! To the Movies before later being uploaded to the DC Super Hero Girls YouTube channel) and eight other shorts before the actual series premiered, but still serves as this continuity's chronological starting point by establishing how the Super Hero Girls met each other and became a team.
  • Pineapple Ruins Pizza:
    • The short "#SofaSoGood" has two potshots at pineapple as a pizza topping, with Barbara quipping to the man carrying pizzas she and Karen accidentally knock over while carrying a couch that they did him a favor by making him drop the pizzas because the pizzas have pineapple on them and a rat later trying to take one of the pizzas stuck to the couch after it falls off, only to be deterred by Barbara yelling that the pizza has pineapple on it.
    • Wonder Woman states that pineapple shouldn't be on pizza in "#TheMinus".
  • Potty Emergency: In "#BurritoBucket", one of Batgirl's attempts at thwarting the bank robbers is interrupted because she suddenly realizes she has to pee.
  • Pluto Is Expendable: During a game of cat and mouse with Supergirl in "#FightAtTheMuseum", Catwoman cuts lose a huge model of the earth for Supergirl to catch. Once Supergirl does catch it, Catwoman proceeds to drop the entire solar system on her... until she gets to Pluto.

    Catwoman: Pluto, planet or no? Ah, who cares? [cuts it down too]

  • Punch-Clock Villain: Phil likes Jessica Cruz and thinks it is a good thing Pam Isley has another human being to socialize with. It's Pam herself who can't come to terms with Jessica eating plants.
  • Race Lift:
    • Catwoman is black in this universe.
    • Giganta is biracial, with a white father and a black mother.
    • Zigzagged with Wonder Woman, who is now Ambiguously Brown but didn't have her ethnic background changed. Hawkman, Hawkgirl and Hathset are all ambiguously brown as well.
  • Reading the Stage Directions Out Loud: In "#DramaQueen", Hal Jordan blows his audition for Zee's play by mistaking stage directions for lines.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Karen gives one to all the other girls in #EnterNightSting except Diana Prince after being ignored one too many times, as well as herself twice over. We don't get to find out what Karen thinks is wrong with Diana until #TheMinus, but since Karen is in a better mood it is less "you suck" and more "I care".
  • Recycled Title: "Powerless" is used as a title for both an episode of the show and one of the tie-in graphic novels.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Mix those colors together and it makes green. Green Lantern and Poison Ivy are both would-be eco-warriors, though Lantern tries to be an eco-activist while Ivy plays at being an eco-terrorist. And while Jessica Cruz tries to be a helpful friend to anybody and is a fanatical vegetarian, Pamela Isley is a misanthropic loner and fanatically against eating anything from plants.
  • Refusal of the Call: Diana loves Barbara's idea of them, Kara, Karen, Jessica and Zee teaming up, but the other four refuses at first, with their reasoning being that Kara breaks stuff, Jessica's a Pacifist, Zee's an "art-eest" and Karen's really timid. Thankfully, Diana's Call keeps ringing loud enough they finally give in.
  • Revisiting the Roots: Wonder Woman no longer wears pants, Harley Quinn is wearing her traditional jester outfit, and Batgirl is wearing something more similar to her pre-New 52 clothes.
  • Rewatch Bonus: With "#HappyBirthdayZee" revealing more about Zatanna's blue magic, it can be easy to go back to previous episodes knowing WHY her magic gets blue.
  • Ring-Ring-CRUNCH!: Supergirl does this to her alarm clock. It seems to be a common enough occurrence that she has spares.
  • Rise of Zitboy: "#Abracadabrapalooza" begins with Karen discovering she has a zit and leads to Zee informing her of how she dealt with acne on the first day she developed her magic powers.
  • Rule of Symbolism: Zatanna's magical bunnies hug each other and form the shape of a heart, which Kara has to pull in half.
  • Running Gag:
    • Almost every time Garth turns up, something bad happens to him.
    • When someone is getting their school picture taken, it doesn't go as planned.
    • The villain girls always escape and the superhero girls remain clueless of their real identities, and vice-versa.

Tropes S 

  • Scenery Gorn: Somehow the fate of all of those poor mannequins in the Training Montage do the best job showing all of the things that COULD happen in the genre than any superhero cartoon yet.
  • Schizo Tech: Where smartphones, tablets, and notebook computers are used, why is Jimmy Olsen still using a film camera instead of digital cameras? Because for Rule of Funny, there are more laughs (and drama) from the old fashioned laboring in a darkroom.
  • School Newspaper News Hound: Metropolis High's Daily Planetoid. Justified, because the editor is Lois Lane, who is using the school paper as the first step to becoming a serious journalist.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: "#FantasticBeastsAndHowToMindThem" has a hydra that was imprisoned in an urn among Julia Kapatelis' collection of Ancient Greek artifacts before the urn was broken by Wonder Woman's new pet griffin Steve. After defeating the beast, Wonder Woman later realizes that repairing the urn is the key to re-imprisoning it.
  • Secret Secret-Keeper: "#BreakingNews" has Lois Lane obsessed with finding out the Super Hero Girls' secret identities as her next scoop. She succeeds, but decides in the end not to reveal their identities after considering how detrimental revealing the information to the public would be for the heroines. The Super Hero Girls aren't aware that Lois chose not to expose their secret identities and instead go on assuming they successfully convinced her that her suspicions on their secret identities were wrong.
  • Series Continuity Error: "#AllAboutZee" shows Wonder Woman cuddling a kitten without issue, when the earlier episode "#RageCat" established that she was allergic to cats.
  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Barbara spends a lot of "#BurritoBucket" doing this about herself, her job, and stopping the robbers.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: The short "#FlashForwardFlashback" has Barry Allen try to make it to school on time within two minutes, which proves difficult even with his super speed because he forgets things like getting dressed and eating breakfast, plus he is constantly delayed by things like having to stop Giganta from robbing a bank, having to wait for the person in front of him at the Burrito Bucket to make up her mind on what to order and getting in trouble for speeding. By the time he finally makes it to class, he finds that the classroom is empty and is informed by the janitor that he came to school on a Saturday.
  • Ship Tease: There are now two episodes (though technically, it's one episode and one short) centering on a furious Star Sapphire mistakenly assuming Hal Jordan and Jessica Cruz are a couple.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Show Within a Show:
    • Just Before Dusk and Just Before Dawn are part of a film series Karen Beecher enjoys
    • Princess Pumpkin Pants, which is Barbara's favorite show.
    • Summer of Danger is a film series Kara Danvers enjoys
    • Another example is Make It Wayne, a reality show featuring Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson. Ironically, Barbara Gordon, who idolizes Batman and despises Robin, finds Bruce Wayne boorish and adores Dick Grayson.
    • Stop Sign Massacre is a film series only Kara Danvers seems to enjoy, with seasoned warrior Diana Prince, Gotham resident Barbara Gordon and even Comissioner Gordon finding it disturbing.
  • Sneaky Departure: In #TheLateBatsby, Barbara can't leave the house to join the others as Batgirl til her dad falls asleep, so she can sneak out of the house through the window.
  • Something We Forgot:
    • "#AllyCat" ends with the revelation that, in their efforts to thwart Luthor's plan, the Super Hero Girls did nothing to free their male colleagues and they're still imprisoned in chambers at Lex's lair.
    • At the end of "#Retreat", Jessica Cruz drives off with Pamela Isley, Garth Bernstein and Karen Beecher, only to realize they forgot to let Hal Jordan out of the closet after defeating Poison Ivy's army of plant monsters (being forced to lock Hal in the closet earlier after he transformed into a plant zombie).
    • "#TheGreenRoom" ends with Garth left behind at the Oan court room after Hal Jordan summoned him to testify at Jessica Cruz's trial.
  • Spared by the Adaptation:
    • Lex and Lena Luthor's parents are still alive, when traditionally Lex's parents died during his youth, with some versions of his origin even establishing that he caused his own father's death so he could use the insurance money to start his own company.
    • Zatanna's father Giovanni Zatara is shown to be alive and well, when the comics had him sacrifice his life during the "American Gothic" storyline of Alan Moore's run on Swamp Thing, and the ten most recent comics killed him off even more quickly.
  • The Spartan Way: Judging from Diana's anecdotes, Themyscira operates on this. Not only was her training to become a warrior long and brutal, there is little room in Amazon life for much else. Even mealtime conversation consists of Diana being berated for her failures, which are suppose to inspire her to be better next time. Diana makes fast friends with Tatsu Yamashiro, who also knows little beyond fierce training.
  • Spear Counterpart: Each member of the Invincibros plays counterpoint to one of the girls.
    • Naturally, Green Lantern Hal for Green Lantern Jessica
    • Green Arrow to Zee, both being dramatic personalities
    • The Flash to Batgirl, both being excitable personalities who are easily distracted
    • Aqualad to Bumblebee, both being ignored by the student body at large
    • Hawkman to Supergirl, both being The Big Guy
    • Steve might not be as strong as Wonder Woman, but he certainly is her weakness. They are also both the leaders of their respective teams.
  • Special Guest: "#AwesomeAuntAntiope" featured Lilly Aspell reprising her role as little Diana.
  • Spinoff Sendoff: The 2015 iteration of the franchise's final graphic novel tie-in, titled Spaced Out, concluded with a final chapter where their Zatanna shows their main cast an alternate universe which turns out to be this continuity. Amusingly, their versions of Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy (who underwent Adaptational Heroism) are a little put off that they're villains here. For extra irony, Frost takes solace that at least she doesn't have an evil version, when Killer Frost is a villain in the mainline comics and doesn't show up at all in this continuity.
  • Spotlight-Stealing Crossover: The heroes are an even balance of representatives from various parts of the DC comics setting. The supporting cast skew more heavily towards the Batman subfranchise, however, and the villains even further still. Superman and Wonder Woman are most represented after Batman, then Green Lantern, then Zatara, with Teen Titans getting the least. Other properties such as Aquaman, The Flash, Justice League, Firestorm and Black Lightning fill in in gaps where convienient.
  • Staging an Intervention
    • Diana Prince and Jessica Cruz confront Barbara Gordon in #PackBat about the fact she's a hoarder who is cluttering up their hideout and offer to help her. At first they try to make her toss redundant gadgets, then they try to make her toss rotting food, then she agrees to clean up and starts with the disposal of Diana and Jessica.
    • Jessica Cruz has the entire team confront Diana Prince in #TheMinus over Diana's workaholic tendencies after Karen Beecher's individual effort backfired.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Even after he broke up with her, Star Sapphire is romantically obsessed with Hal Jordan.
  • Stock Scream: "#Powerless" uses the Howie Long Scream when Toyman holds up a board game called Death Trap.
  • Stop Being Stereotypical: In "#CrushingIt", Kara gets angry at Diana for having such a cliche lovestruck reaction to Steve when she's a literal symbol of female empowerment.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Zatanna and Green Lantern replace Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy from the original incarnation in their positions among the main group of heroines.
  • Sure, Let's Go with That: Babs catches herself saying she wants to find a team to her father, as she desperately tries to cover her slip, Commissioner Gordon assumes she meant clique.

Tropes T to W 

  • Take a Third Option: Jessica Cruz is very good at coming up with non-violent solutions. She can be quite smug about it.
  • Tentacle Rope: Zee Zatara accidentally creates one out of Kara Danvers's uneaten sushi when she uses her chopsticks for a transfiguration spell instead of her wand in a fit of annoyance in #WasabiWar. It binds Zee's arms before she can use her wand to fix it.
  • This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: Not Garth. Oliver defeats Cavalier using "heckler" Trick Arrows, which have little speakers in them that shout "Boo!" as they remain in place thanks to rotors. They wouldn't have worked on anyone other than Cavalier, who is obsessed with his own acting talent.

    Oliver: Always knew they'd come in handy some day.

  • Too Dumb to Live: The roof selfie guy from "#FaultyPowers" endangers himself solely because he thinks it would be a good idea to take a selfie while frighteningly close to falling off.
  • Totem Pole Trench: In "#BreakingNews", one of the girls' efforts in trying to throw Lois off her investigation of their secret identities involves having Karen Beecher stand on Jessica Cruz' shoulders to disguise themselves as Wonder Woman.
  • Toyless Toyline Character: Much like the 2015 continuity, this iteration of DC Super Hero Girls has its own toyline, but has even less representation due to the only characters besides the main heroines getting their own dolls being Katana, Catwoman, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy (the last one being a Target exclusive) and none of the male characters getting any toys when the preceding continuity's toyline at least included minifigures of Steve Trevor and the Flash in the LEGO sub-line as well as a figure of Beast Boy in the Action Figures toyline aimed at collectors.
  • Transformation Sequence: All of the Super Hero Girls and Super Villain Girls have their own sequences revealed in "#Frenemies".note  Diana Prince has a separate transformation animation based on the the live action television show, while Jessica Cruz has another one for the Green Lantern Corps rather than the Super Hero Girls.
  • Truer to the Text:
  • Twinkle in the Sky: In "FightAtTheMuseum", Supergirl punches a robot and sends it flying in the sky, where it appears as a twinkle.
  • Unknown Rival: Oliver Queen to Zee Zatara. Eventually she remembers him after he gets super dramatic. Averted afterwards, with the two having an intense rivalry. Zee also doesn't remember Mortimer Drake right away, inspite him hating Zee just as much as Oliver and in a much more unhealthy way.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left: The main villains will often escape before anyone can find out their true identity.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: It's heavily implied that Lex Luthor is villainous, but manages to project a positive public image. Ultimately confirmed in #AllyCat. He's even able to frame his battle with the super heroes as himself being the victim (though it doesn't seem to push them into Hero with Bad Publicity territory).
  • Voices Are Mental: Exaggerated in "#BatAndSwitch", with Babs' voice coming out of everyone she gets soul-swapped with - even the cat!
  • Wham Episode:
    • "#HappyBirthdayZee" reveals more about the blue aura that overcomes Zee sometimes, as well as her Missing Mom: a nasty fight between her parents led to her mother leaving and since then Zee's been building up a lot of negative energy that she inherited from her mom. Which is the reason for the blue aura, seen in previous episodes.
    • "#TheWarriorAndTheJester" seems set to end like most episodes with the conflict being due to Harleen helping Diana find a better piece of Batman memorabilia for Babs, and both sides remaining clueless of each other's secret identities... until Diana asks exactly how she got it. After specifically hearing the crumbs on said piece are from the exact wall type that restrained Harley Quinn, she fully puts the pieces together, only for Harleen to remind her of her "favor" keeping her from shouting it. Needless to say, the status quo broke with this ending.
    • Following the above. In "#NightmareInGotham", Batgirl and Harley finally discover each others identities.
  • Wham Shot: The short "#PrizeFighter" ends with a shot showing that the fortune-telling machine Diana consulted wasn't plugged in.
  • Whoopee Cushion: Barbara intercepts a whoopee cushion her dad is about to sit on in "#AcceptNoSubstitute", only to fall victim to it herself after she puts it in her backpack. The cushion is later used to take out Bane.
  • Wimp Fight:
    • Zatanna gets into this with one of Hippolyta's Amazons, which shows that even the Amazons have a wimp or two amongst them.
    • Superman and Supergirl, of all people, engage in this as a Funny Background Event in "#SuperWho?" after their argument becomes physical.
    • Diana and Tatsu start having one due to being required to fight quietly in the library.
  • Wingding Eyes: Anyone who gets knocked silly or out cold (heroes and villains alike) have their eyes turned into spirals.
  • With Friends Like These...: Hal tries to impress Superman by showing him a certain green rock he found, right when Superman is trying to throw a bomb into space. Superman's expression says it all.
  • Word, Schmord!: Batgirl cheers "Growth tech, schmowth tech!" in "#SheMightBeGiant" in response to Bumblebee defeating Giganta without growing big like her.
  • The Worf Effect: In "#DCSuperHeroBoys", the first action the rival gang does is punch Supergirl hard enough to knock her off her feet. Downplayed because she's back on her feet and fighting back a moment later.
  • Wretched Hive: The brief portrayals of Gotham City lean straight into this, with a mixture of slightly distressing realism and a few absurd details. Barbara has great nostalgia for the place anyway, which is played for laughs.
  • Worf Had the Flu:
    • Wonder Woman's lasso didn't do her any good against Giganta, seemingly because it got looped around only one of Giganta's arms. When Harley Quinn looped it around both of Giganta's arms, the lasso immobilized her.
    • In "#ScrambledEggs", Carol Ferris pounces on Tatsu, whose strength and workout regime can rival Diana's, and who as Katana defeated Carol (as Star Sapphire). Now, Carol gets Tatsu pinned down while twisting her leg.