
  • ️Mon Aug 01 2016

Dofus (Western Animation)

Dofus - Book 1: Julith is a French animated fantasy film that act as a sequel to Dofus: Kerub's Bazaar, a prequel spin-off of Wakfu. It was released in its home country in 2016, with Steam and later VRV gaining the rights to stream it for a time.

Several years have passed since the end of Treasures of Kerubim, and the retired hero Kerubim and his adopted grandson Joris now live in Bonta. The two enjoy a mostly peaceful life and Joris has made a friend of a homeless Ouginak named Lilotte, who all but lives with the two. But all that changes when the dark Huppermage Julith resurfaces after being presumed dead long ago. Now Joris and Kerubim are in a fight for their lives, while Joris discovers the truth of his parentage.

The film was the planned first in a franchise based around the Dofus MMORPG. However, due to this film's poor marketing and becoming a box office bomb, plans for the other films stalled, and plans shifted to continuing Wakfu instead.


  • Always Someone Better: Subtly implied to be the case with Julith towards Bakara: both are skilled female Huppermages tied to Jahash, but Julith greatly surpasses her sister-in-law in both powers, maturity, fame and beauty.
  • And Now for Someone Completely Different: The Treasures of Kerub has Kerubim Crispin as the main protagonist. After he dies in this film, Joris takes over.
  • Animal Motifs: Mouse for Bakara, thanks to the shape of her nose and the ear-like decoration typical of Huppermages. Lampshaded by Atcham, who actually call her mouse.
  • Arc Welding: To the Wakfu special episodes that take place between season 2 and 3. We are shown the reason why in those specials Kerubim and Atcham refer to Joris as Papyche/Dad.
  • Back from the Dead: As shown in this movie, Ecaflip Demigods can revive from the dead thanks to their nine lives.
  • Badass Cape: Julith's cape would give Spawn a serious case of envy. Not only she can attack with it, it also acts as a multi-dimensional Bag of Holding.
  • Break the Cutie: Poor little Joris. By the end of the movie he's lost his adoptive father, lost his mother, and his real father for the second time, saw his friends get their souls get sucked out in front of him, had his home ripped apart, and now has to raise his former-adopted father. However, in the end he's still got his friends, and a home, and anyone who's seen Wakfu knows that he grows up to be a huge badass.
  • Brick Joke: Near the beginning, Joris and Lilotte infiltrate the Stadium from a barred window, but Lilotte gets struck, tells Joris to go on without her and he tries to pull her in regardless. Near the end, when she shows the way in to Khan, the same thing happens, only this time Khan actually pulls her in.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: While Khan Karkass is an incredibly vain and arrogant narcissist, he does recognize and value talent: when Joris proves to be incredibly gifted for Boufball, he immediately enlists him despite his age, and seems to be honest about the deal.
  • Butt-Monkey: Khan Karkass, who essentially join the quest by sheer coincidence, has no idea of what he's dealing with and is very unlucky. He gets better in the climax, though.
  • Cain and Abel: Even more so than Dofus: Kerub's Bazaar, Kerubim and Atcham: The former is a successful, good-natured former adventurer Cat Folk with puffy white fur who has retired, the latter is a psychotic, envious mercenary with no hair and a rotten disposition. They also reside in rival cities, with Kerubim being in Bonta and Atcham lolling around in the streets of Brakmar.
  • Camp Gay: Marilyn, the Osamodas player with a huge crush on Khan. In the climax however he shows that he can be a badass if needed.
  • Character Development: For the three main heroes in this story, Joris, Khan and Bakara, mostly during their quest for the Ivory Dofus.
  • Characterization Marches On: Dardondakal, the Light Dragon of the Ivory Dofus, has a talking role as a wise, if snarky advisor to the heroes who are trying to obtain him. When he first appeared in the Wakfu OVA he was silent and more feral, blindly obeying Ogrest, the owner of the Dofus.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Played for laughs at one point when Khan apparently saves Bakara and Joris by holding up a colossal piece of stone with his legs... only to reveal, after they left, that said boulder was already blocked by the surrounding rubble. Quite a clever ruse, for a Iop!
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • Joris' skill at Boufball. Not only it proves that he's Jahash's son, but it's also vital in the climax when the heroes fight for the Ebony Dofus in the Boufball stadium.
    • Kerubim's game of Cat's Eyes he plays with Joris and Lilotte: it's actually part of the trap to reach the Dofus sanctuary in his Temple.
  • Childish Tooth Gap: Joris still has the one he had in Dofus: Kerub's Bazaar, making him look all the more innocent even as he goes through hell.
  • Covert Pervert: Bakara, surprisingly, especially when she ends up a inches away from Khan's shirtless, sculpted abdomen. Also the vision from the Ivory Dofus implies that she'll use the power to give herself better "assets", and judging from her face she'll definetively enjoy them.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Julith spends most of her time giving them to anyone fool enough to face her who's not Kerubim. Even the Huppermages in charge of protecting the King of Bonta are no match for her.
  • Dark Is Evil: Deconstructed: as soon as the Ebony Dofus was used to wreck Bonta, everyone immediately concluded that it had to be Julith's fault. In the end, she reveals that she wasn't responsible and was framed. The Bontarians, believing this trope to be true, fell for it. Emphasized in the end, when Joris reach to Grugalorasalar, the Ebony Dragon, he growls at first but eventually let Joris pat him.
  • Darker and Edgier: Certainly far darker then any episode of The Treasures of Kerubim.
  • Darkest Hour: About halfway through: Kerubim is dead and reborn as a kitten, Julith has both the Dofus and Joris, and she can start her plan, Khan is body-swapped with Marilyn and Bakara is too drunk to be of use and has lost any hope.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Dardondakal, the dragon of the Ivory Dofus, enjoys poking fun at the heroes as he speaks.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: Played straight by Bakara of all people after she loses control of the Ivory Dofus, accidentally kills Atcham, and loses Joris to Julith. It ends up hindering her during the climax, but allows Lilotte to figure out Julith's plan.
  • Dungeon Crawling: The quest for the Ivory Dofus takes place inside Kerubim's personal shrine in the Ecaflip Dimension.
  • Elemental Rivalry: Jahash of Bonta, wielder of Dardondakal's Ivory Dofus (Light) lead his armies against those of Julith from Brakmar, who was using Grugalorasalar's Ebony Dofus (Darkness). Once again in the movie, Bakara tries to use the Ivory Dofus against Julith and her Ebony Dofus, only to fail.
  • Enemy Mine: Actham eventually decides to work with Joris to get the Ivory Dofus.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Julith is motivated by the love for her husband. Later we see that she equally loves her son, Joris. This also extends to Bakara, the sister of her husband, Jahash, as despite constantly trying to stop and even kill her, Julith never tries to kill Bakara stopping at just knocking her out even though she is perfectly fine with killing thousands of people.
  • Failure Hero: In very Wakfu fashion, the protagonists fail to stop Julith, and the day is mostly saved because she decides at the last minute that she can't doom her son Joris for the sake of his father.
  • Giving the Sword to a Noob: Dardondakal, the dragon of the Ivory Dofus refused Atcham, Khan and even Bakara for this very reason. When Bakara forcibly use the Dofus against Julith, not only she's unable to win, but she ends up killing Actham.
  • Go Through Me: Joris does this to a wounded Atcham when Bakara is about to open fire on him. It leads to Atcham pulling a Taking the Bullet to save Joris from a stray bullet.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Two at the price of one:
    • Atcham towards Kerubim: The former is incredibly envious of the latter's luck, status and, most of all, fur, which led Atcham to become a petty criminal.
    • Bakara seems to be this way towards Julith, if you think of it: technically family, Julith wields Huppermage powers that Bakara can only dream of. It doesn't help that Julith stormed Bonta just in time to spoil Bakara's ceremony as she was nominated Huppermage herself. For added bonus, Bakara's "ideal form" after empowering herself with the Ivory Dofus calls to mind a "light" counterpart to Julith herself with blonde hair, red lipstick and goldish/white leotard.
  • Harmful to Minors: By the end of the movie, Joris has seen all three of his parental figures die, his friends get their souls (temporarily, before Julith has a change of heart) sucked out of their bodies, and a huge amount of destruction both of his childhood home and his city that forces him to grow up very quickly. Joris at the time of the movie is ten.
  • Hero Killer: Julith actually kills Kerubim. But it's somewhat okay because as a child of Ecaflip he literally has nine lives and gets reborn as a cute kitten.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Julith as it turns out, the people of Bonta never fully trusted her because of her past. So when the Ebony Dofus appeared over the city about to destroy it everyone assumed she had gone back to her old ways. In reality she had nothing to do with the Dofus' attack, but she did go and try to stop it. She would have succeeded to if not for the Huppermages of Bonta attacking and nearly killing her.
  • Heroic Sacrifice:
    • Kerub took a fatal blast from Julith that was targetted at Joris and Lilotte. He would later succumb to his injuries after they escape and reveal a secret about Julith and Bakara.
    • Jahash Jurgen sacrificed himself to stop the Ebony Dofus from going nuclear over Bonta, he did this by smashing his Ivory Dofus into the Ebony Dofus.
    • All the main characters at one point or another perform one. Though Julith stopped Joris from performing his, which also led her to decide to end her plans, and in doing so she performed the only sacrifice where the perpetrator stayed dead.
  • Hidden Villain: Even though Julith is the main antagonist, she later claims that someone else was behind the incident with the Ebony Dofus. A shot from the first Wakfu OVA and a writer's tweet reveal that the Grimalkin Twins, the bodyguards of the King of Bonta, were actually members of the Brotherhood of the Forgotten and thus implicitly behind everything that conspired.
  • High-Heel–Face Turn: In the past Julith, the evil ruler of Brakmar and wielder of the Ebony Dofus, was hell bent on seeing Bonta destroyed. Jahash, the benevolent ruler of Bonta and wielder of the Ivory Dofus, was her rival and sworn enemy. At some point in their deadly clashes the two fell in love, and Julith turns away from her homicidal ideals.
  • Hotter and Sexier: A lot of fanservice scenes especially of Bakara and Khan.
  • Irony: Invoked by Julith: She plans to revive her husband Jahash during the match of Boufball, which he loved, using the life energy of everyone present.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold:
    • Luis, compared to his self in Treasures of Kerubim, especially seen when Lilotte, Bakara and Kerubim return to the shop.
    • Khan Karkass may be pompous, arrogant, stupid and socially clumsy, but he is a good person at heart.
  • Kung-Fu Wizard: Julith mostly fights with her cape and magic blasts, but she's a skilled swordswoman and hand-to-hand fighter as well.
  • Ladykiller in Love: Khan already has hordes of fawning fangirls, but genuinely falls for Bakara, who (at first) is not interested in him at all.
  • Laser Blade: Bakara can summon one to use in combat but is... ineffective against Julith, to say the least...
  • Laser-Guided Karma: After Khan mistreats and dismiss Marilyn, the latter uses a magic wand to swap bodies and smear his name by shaving his head and acting like a buffoon.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: On the top of Kerubim's temple, Joris taps into Grugalorasalar's power when confronted by Atcham, finally managing to turn the table against him.
  • Love at First Sight: Khan for Bakara. Onesided for him, at first...
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: In his dying breath, Kerub tells Joris that Bakara is Joris' aunt and Julith is his mother.
  • Moment Killer: Twice between Khan and Bakara in the Ecaflip Dimension, first by Joris and later by Atcham.
  • Mr. Fanservice:
  • Ms. Fanservice: Julith. This time they give her some pretty big breasts to go with the show's usual curves.
  • My God, What Have I Done?:
    • When Julith discovers that Joris, the boy she just attacked, is her son.
    • In the finale, Julith has a big one when she's about to fully revive her husband Jahash... and sees his sad, disappointed face in reaction to her plan to revive him with the life force of the people of Bonta. Realizing the depths of her errors, she decides to perform an Heroic Sacrifice to save the day.
  • Mythology Gag: There's a Boufball player named Marilyn. It's unknown if it's merely a nod to the Mmmmeuporg or if he IS the Mmmmmeuporg (after all, as seen in Season 3, Ruel was around at the time this movie is set...)
  • Mooks: Julith's identical, nameless acolytes, who don't do anything interesting until the climax.
  • Naked on Arrival: Julith's ritual to resurrect Jahash will cause this, except for the fact that she's using some hand-knitted underwear she made for him as the resurrection medium.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: Julith. Her big entrances include storming a ceremony by knocking aside several guards and entering Ke-Ke's shop by tearing Luis open like an oyster with her cape, and she's either serious, evil or tragic.
  • No-Sell: Bakara attempts to use her Laser Blade on Judith, but Judith isn't even scratched. Indeed, Judith is so pissed at Bakara claiming she never loved Jahash that she pushes the point of the blade right up into her throat and it bends before dissipating.
  • Not So Above It All: Bakara spends most of her time with Khan snarking at his stupidity and being demeaning, though her reactions to be close to his well-toned body do betray her...
  • One-Winged Angel: In a rather unusual case, it's not for Julith, the Big Bad, but her three, nameless minions, who turn into massive, hulking brutes to fight the heroes in the final battle.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Here, Dardondakal is the pearly-white dragon of the Ivory Dofus, resembling a long-whiskered eastern dragon with a broad scaly tail and wide head. Grugalorasalar instead is the black dragon of the Ebony Dofus and takes the form of a smaller, bad-tempered black wyvern with yellow eyes and a small mane of hair.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Julith's lipstick, clothes and energy are all in various shades of purple, and she's possibly the strongest character in the story.
  • Redemption Equals Death: Both Atcham, who dies shielding Joris from Bakara's shot, and Julith. The former though will be reborn.
  • Retired Badass: Kerubim. Even if now he's old and weak, and despite his status as an Unreliable Narrator in Treasures of Kerubim, his short battle against Julith shows that he's indeed one of the strongest Ecaflips around.
  • Revenge Before Reason: Bakara tries to use the Ivory Dofus against Julith to avenge her fallen comrades, but is too distracted by hatred and loses it to her. She also mortally wounds Kerubim's brother Atcham.
  • Scars Are Forever: The scar on Judith's face, which is the result of a previous battle against Kerubim.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: Khan promptly runs for the hills when Julith shows up the second time, abandoning Bakara, Joris and the others to their fate. However, he does look incredibly sad and regretful after that.
  • Sequel Hook: We still haven't learnt the identity of the Man Behind the Man who stole and used the Ebony Dofus against Bonta.
  • Shout-Out: The scene where Kerubim dons the "1000 Claws Armor" calls to mind Saint Seiya.
  • Street Urchin: Lilotte is implied to be this, preferring to run away from any family she believes will one day kick her out. When Kerub offers her to live with him and Joris, she declines. It would also imply she left Indie after the "Treasures of Kerub" for that reason.
  • Together in Death: After Julith smashes the Ivory Dofus into the Ebony, Joris sees his parents finally reunited in the afterlife.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: See also Character Development with Khan, Bakara and even Atcham. The latter even sacrifices himself to save Joris, finally recognizing both him and Kerubim as family.
  • Tragic Villain: Julith's plan is utterly insane but it's not hard to see where she's coming from. Especially after learning her backstory.
  • The Unchosen One: Bakara is pretty devastated when the Ivory Dofus deems her unworthy to be his new guardian. Doesn't stop her from trying to kill Julith with it. Though not only does she fail but by using the Dofus for a personal vendetta basically proves why she was unworthy to wield its power.
  • Women Are Wiser: Seemingly played straight at first with Bakara and Khan. Subverted when it's shown that even Bakara is not good enough to wield the powers of the Ivory Dofus and does screw things up, not to mention that she's extremely condescending and cold towards Khan himself. And she spends most of the climax of the film extremely drunk.