Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure

  • ️Wed Apr 29 2020

Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure (Western Animation)

A sequel to Disney's 1955 classic Lady and the Tramp, and the first Direct-to-Video sequel for one of Walt Disney's animated movies. The story finds Lady and Tramp being the proud parents of a litter of pups, which includes three well-behaved girls and one rambunctious boy puppy named Scamp (voiced by Scott Wolf). In search of adventure and a "real" dog life, Scamp strays far from home and meets the cute Angel (voiced by Alyssa Milano), Buster (voiced by Chazz Palminteri), and Buster's gang of Junkyard Dogs. Although he found the adventure he was looking for, Scamp finds his thoughts returning to home and the loved ones he left behind.

Tropes this Disney sequel provides examples of:

  • Actor Allusion: Mooch isn't very bright, much like a certain starfish also voiced by Bill Fagerbakke.
  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: Averted with Angel, who admits to Scamp she likes him because he's NOT a Bad Boy.
  • Alone Among Families: During "Always There", the stray dog Angel, who wishes she had a family, is seen walking down a neighborhood by herself and observing some dogs who live happily with their owners.
  • Anachronistic Animal: A stray Dobermann (or mix, as Buster is a bit stocky for a Dobermann) in The Edwardian Era, especially in America, is unusual considering it was a new breed dating back only a few years.
  • Ascended Extra: Scamp, Lady and Tramp's son whom they gave birth to at the end of the original film, is the main focus here and receives top billing.
  • Artistic License – Medicine: During the Junkyard Society Rag song, there's this line: "No distemper shots from the vet!"/"Show your temper"/"Mean as you can get!" Distemper has absolutely nothing to do with an animal's temperament - it's a serious upper respiratory disease that can also progress into a neurological form. Left untreated, a dog can die from it. Possibly justified in that the dogs themselves might not know this.
  • Attack the Tail: Scamp helps out Tramp in their fight against Reggie by biting Reggie's tail.
  • Award-Bait Song: "I Didn’t Know That I Could Feel This Way" and "Always There (Family)". The end credits also features a pop cover of Bella Notte by Carlos Ponce & Joy Enriquez.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Scamp wishes he could be a "wild dog", but after presumably losing Angel, caught by The Dogcatcher, and abandoned by Buster, he comes to regret this.

    Scamp: Great. I got everything I ever wanted...and it stinks.

  • Betrayal by Inaction: Buster reveals his true nature to Scamp when he sees the puppy about to be taken in by the dog catcher and does nothing to help him, but simply walks away with a smirk.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: Buster, The Dogcatcher, and Reggie.
  • Book Ends: The movie starts and ends with Scamp getting a bath, much to his chagrin. The movie also opens with a tilt down from the sky, and it ends as the view pans up to the sky again.
  • Broken Pedestal: Scamp loses all faith in Buster when he betrays him to get caught.
  • But Now I Must Go: Angel's sad reaction after Scamp gets reunited with his family. Scamp stops her.
  • Butt Biter: Angel does this to the dogcatcher after Scamp and his father fight off Reggie.
  • Butt-Monkey: Most of the dogcatcher's attempts to deal with the Junkyard Dogs leave him battered and humiliated.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: Scamp eventually calls Tramp out on his hypocrisy and for never telling him about his life as a street dog.

    Scamp: You make the rules, dad, but you didn't have to follow them when you were my age! Is that why you never told me you were a street dog?

  • Canon Immigrant: Scamp's name, elements of personality, and spin-off protagonist role had been long delved into through comic strips and books. Mostly subverted otherwise. The other offspring do not inherit their names or characters (or in one case even gender) from the comics for example.
  • Can't Get Away with Nuthin': The entire conflict is kicked off by Junior throwing a ball out the window, Scamp chasing it and bringing it back, Junior immediately throwing it again into the next room, and Scamp unintentionally making a mess as he goes after it. As punishment, he's chained outside and shamed by the entire family, save Lady.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • During an argument with his father, Scamp insists that Tramp was never like him, then scratches his ear in the exact same way Tramp just has. Later, Buster sees the two of them scratch their ears in that same way and decides they must be related.
    • While evading the dogcatcher, Scamp accidentally takes a lady's wig. He shakes it off, and the camera holds on it slowly falling down a drain. Later, Tramp thinks he found Scamp in the water, but it turns out to be the wig.
    • Reggie escapes from the alley and is eventually caught by the dogcatcher. After Scamp is taken to the pound, he gets put in the same cell as Reggie.
  • Continuity Nod: The dogcatcher cart that Trusty caused to crash in the first movie is seen at the junkyard, and Angel refers to the family's neighbourhood as "snob hill", just as Tramp did in the original.
  • Covers Always Lie: One of the pictures on the back cover depicts Scamp and Angel about to do a Spaghetti Kiss. They don't, they just messily devour the spaghetti.
  • Curse Cut Short:

    Danielle: [Chuckles again] I bet he gets a slipper right across his great, big, fat.... [looks up at Lady who has an stern look. Danielle nervously laughs, pretending to care about Scamp] We really do miss him, Mom. [nervously smiles]

  • Deadpan Snarker: Angel. She's sarcastic, witty and sassy.
  • Demoted to Extra:
    • Lady has a marginally smaller role in the sequel, due to Scamp's huge focus.
    • Si and Am don't have any lines in this movie and simply giggle and hiss, as a result of the Chinese stereotypes they embodied in the first film no longer being considered appropriate.
  • Diabolical Dogcatcher : Scamp soon learns the hard way that being a junkyard dog isn't what it's cracked up to be when he gets caught by the dog catcher.
  • Diegetic Switch:
    • The opening song "Welcome Home" is sung by an offscreen chorus, briefly switching to Lady, Tramp and their daughters singing in the bridge, then it ends with the citizens singing together.
    • "A World Without Fences" begins with Scamp singing, but for the verses, it switches to his internal thoughts.
  • Disney Death: Happens to Scamp who gets flung into a wall by Reggie at the pound. He doesn't respond when Tramp sniffles or nudges him, and he finally wakes up when Tramp licks him.
  • Distant Duet: "Always There" is a distant quartet between Scamp, Angel, Tramp and Lady.
  • Dodgy Toupee: While looking for Scamp, his parents, Jock, and Trusty mistake a wig for him.
  • Don't Wake the Sleeper: For one of his tests, Scamp tries to sneak a can away from the sleeping Reggie in an ally. He was close until he trips and knocks over some barrels, which wakes up Reggie and sets off a mad dog chase.
  • Down in the Dumps: The aptly name junkyard dogs all live (and possibly thrive) while in a dump.
  • Dramatic Irony: Scamp believes his father Tramp has always been a proper, well-behaved house dog, when the audience knows that once upon a time, the latter used to be a stray dog who lived on the streets eating restaurant food and chasing chickens.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: After being adopted and abandoned by five families throughout her life, Angel finally finds her forever home with Scamp's family.
  • Everybody Lives: No one dies in the sequel. Not even Buster.
  • Exactly What I Aimed At: After Scamp renounces Buster's junkyard dog philosophy to return to his real home, he catapults a boot towards Buster. Buster dodges and taunts Scamp that he missed, but the boot broke an unstable wood post behind him, which caused an avalanche of junk to bury him.
  • Falling-in-Love Montage: Between Scamp and Angel during "I Didn't Know That I Could Feel This Way".
  • Firefly Scene: Scamp and Angel frolic together through a swarm of fireflies, even grabbing them in their mouths to produce a glowing grin.
  • Flanderization:
    • The kindly dogcatcher and pound workers of the first movie are nowhere to be seen; in their place is a Barney Fife caricature. Though he's still just doing his job, his assholish qualities are played up here, particularly when he taunts Scamp after capturing him.

    The Dogcatcher: No collar? It's a one-way trip to the pound for you!

    • The stray dog community as a whole. In the first movie, they're a rough but good-hearted group of dogs that only survive by having one another's backs; here, we're informed that they only look out for themselves and charity has been beaten out of them.
  • Foreshadowing: The first time Angel tells Buster she's not "his girl", she adds, "I don't belong to anyone." We later learn her backstory, namely that she had five previous owners before joining the Junkyard Dogs, adding a new meaning to his sour delivery of the aforementioned line.
  • Furry Confusion: Reggie. He doesn't talk like any of the other dogs.
  • Generation Xerox: Scamp wants to be a "wild dog" who can come and go as he pleases, just like his father was.
  • Happily Ever After: Except for Buster, all of the Junkyard Dogs get adopted, Angel too in Scamp's family.
  • Hates Baths: Scamp does not like bathtime that much, so when he's forced to be bathed by Jim Dear early on, he isn't that happy about it, and is pleased when he gets dirty again while playing fetch with Junior. He gets another bath at the end of the movie to his annoyance.
  • Hate Sink: Otis only appears in a few minutes in the film, and there absolutely nothing likable about the guy. When Scamp gets in the pound, Otis mocks him as he is thrown in the same cell as Reggie, and then he laughs when it looks Scamp was killed by Reggie after he and Tramp fought him, in front of Tramp. And he has the nerve to expect them to break him out of the pound.
  • Hope Spot: After being caught by The Dogcatcher, Scamp sees Buster and barks at him for help, thinking that the older dog would help. He soon realizes that Buster isn't coming.
  • Hypocrite:
    • For most of the film, Buster holds the philosophy "Buster's trouble is Buster's trouble," scoffing at the idea of helping others, and encouraging the rest of the Junkyard Dogs to feel the same way. After he gets trapped under a pile of garbage, he starts begging the others for help, saying "Buster's trouble is everybody's trouble!"
    • Tramp ventures into this, considering it's only been a year since he was sleeping in barrels and attempting to sell Lady on a life of freedom and excitement beyond the hills. His example, however, is much more sympathetic given that he doesn't want a life of uncertainty and homelessness for his children.
  • "I Am" Song: The Junkyard Dogs sing "Junkyard Society Rag" as they show Scamp their way of life.
  • I Just Want to Be Free: This is Scamp's character motivation, as he dislikes the rules of the house and wants to be a wild dog. His song A World Without Fences exemplifies this.
  • Irony: According to Angel, a reason she's been abandoned by so many families is because one had a baby on the way. In the end, Junior happiness at meeting her is part of what gets her adopted.
  • Insignia Rip-Off Ritual: Buster viciously removes Scamp's collar from his neck to signify he's no longer a housedog and he's officially one of the gang.
  • "I Want" Song: "A World Without Fences".
  • I Was Named "My Name": Angel gets "her name" at the end of the film by Scamps family, when Darling awed at the sight of the former being so gentle with her baby by remarking, "Oh, she’s a little angel!" and Junior happily repeating Angel’s name.
  • Jabba Table Manners: We think Scamp and Angel are going to reenact the famous Spaghetti Kiss scene from the original movie, and Scamp even rolls the meatball with his nose...but instead they end up messily eating the spaghetti.
  • Jerkass:
    • As noted above, the dogcatcher.
    • Buster turns out to be this as well.
    • Otis, a stray Chinese crested in the pound, is this: he taunts Scamp after he is thrown into the same cell as Reggie, and cracks a joke at Tramp's expense when it looks like Scamp was killed by the vicious stray.
  • Kick the Dog: A literal example. Buster makes it his business to snidely mock Angel wanting to be a house dog when she doesn't deny it.
  • Loose Lips: Out of impulse and wanting to stop the Junkyard Dogs' teasing, Scamp accidentally reveals that Angel wants to be a house dog.
  • Loving a Shadow: Scamp's song "A World Without Fences" has him fantasize about going on all sorts of adventures with Buster, who is portrayed as a benevolent mentor and leader to Scamp. However, Scamp eventually comes to realize how nasty Buster truly is.
  • Motor Mouth: Otis talks in such a fast manner that the viewer doesn't know what is being said.
  • Musical World Hypotheses: The songs "I Didn't Know That I Could Feel This Way" and "Always There" are sung in the characters' internal thoughts as All In Their Head, while "Welcome Home" and "A World Without Fences" each feature Diegetic Switches from Alternate Universe to All In Their Head and vice versa. Only "Junkyard Society Rag" is completely Alternate Universe.
  • Mutual Envy: This page gives the quote for the trope. Scamp wishes he had the street smarts and free lifestyle of Angel, whereas Angel never really wanted to be a stray dog, and wishes she had a family like Scamp.

    Scamp: I'd give anything to have what you have!
    Angel: And I'd give anything to have what you have.

  • My God, What Have I Done?: Scamp's reaction to revealing Angel's secret and being betrayed by Buster, who he thought would help him.
  • Named in the Sequel: Lady and Tramp's children whom they give birth to at the end of the original film. The three daughters are named Annette, Collette and Danielle, while the son is named Scamp and is given the main focus.
  • Nobody Calls Me "Chicken"!: Being called a house dog by Buster is what finally drives Scamp to pass his final test by stealing a chicken from his family at the Independence Day picnic.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: The dogcatcher, voiced by Jeff Bennett, resembles Don Knotts's Barney Fife from The Andy Griffith Show.
  • No Name Given: What's the name of the new dogcatcher?
  • The Nose Knows: Double subverted. At first when Trusty thinks he smells Scamp in the river, it's actually a wig. A few seconds later, Scamp reveals to have been in the river but a little farther from his folks and uncles.
  • Ode to Family: The film has "Always There", a song about how your family is always there for you, sung by characters who desperately miss their family.
  • Official Couple: Angel and Scamp.
  • Older Than They Look: Although she looks to be around the same age as Scamp (who's not even a year old), Angel is old enough to have been through five families and linger a while with each one. This is sadly plausible even for a young dog, as anyone who's worked in animal rescues knows, but she specifically mentions new babies being one of the reasons she's been given up.
  • "Pan Up to the Sky" Ending: The movie ends this way, in a reverse of how it began.
  • Parents as People: Tramp and Lady are loving parents, but not without their flaws. Tramp is rigid and stern when it comes to the rules of the house and unwilling to simply tell Scamp that he was a street dog and that his wild, free, very fun life was tempered with the expectation that it would be a short one. Lady urges Tramp to be more understanding and honest with Scamp, but stops shy of communicating with him in any way.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil:
    • Buster is trapped under a pile of junk, brought upon by Scamp who was repaying him for abandoning him to the dogcatcher's mercy because "Buster's Troubles is Buster's Troubles".
    • On a lesser scale, Otis has been nothing but a teeny tiny jerk to both Scamp and Tramp, laughing at the former's misfortune of being stuck with Reggie, and mocking the latter when it looks like his son is dead. While not blatant, Otis gets his comeuppance when Scamp and Tramp leave him to stay at the pound for the rest of his days while he pathetically begs to be released. Bear in mind that Chinese-crested dogs aren't the prettiest dogs, so without a chance of adoption, his days are numbered.
  • A Pet into the Wild: Deconstructed. Scamp is the archetypical "animal bored with his life as a pet" who desires to run off into the wild. He does... and not too soon goes back home after realizing that being a street dog isn't nearly as fun as he imagined.
  • Poor Communication Kills: As far as Scamp knows, his father was a house dog all his life, and Tramp opts against correcting him (and presumably leaving out the parts where he had corned beef dinners and a new girlfriend every other week.) If his father had come clean about his past as a stray, perhaps Scamp would've known that Tramp, for all the fun he had, also fully expected to die young.
    • At no point does Lady communicate with her son in literally any way.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes: A literal example, as they are dogs. This is what Jock, Trusty, Scamp's sisters, Lady, Tramp, Scamp, and Angel do to convince Jim Dear to adopt Angel. Needless to say, it worked.
  • Racing the Train: Scamp and Angel end up being chased by a train during a late-night talk. While Angel makes it to the other side of the railroad tracks, Scamp gets stuck in one rotting piece of wood that forces her to intervene and frees him, but they both have to jump off the bridge when the train was close to running them over.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: The Junkyard Dogs. Except for Buster, they probably still hang out with each other after being adopted.
  • Retired Badass: Tramp. Even after he's settled down into a cozy life as a house pet, the Junkyard Dogs remember him and his courageous acts.
  • The Reveal: Scamp eventually learns that his father had been a famous stray dog, much to his shock, and was able to call his father out for not telling him about his life as a street dog.
  • Revenge by Proxy: Buster lets Scamp get taken away by the dogcatcher, just to spite his father.
  • Sanity Slippage: Buster briefly falls into this during his rant about Tramp becoming a housedog. In the final sentence, he actually sprays some spit, and his eyes have contracted into dots.
  • Shared Family Quirks: Scamp and Tramp have the same style of scratching behind their ears, something Buster uses to figure out that Scamp and Tramp are related.
  • Spaghetti Kiss: Subverted for Rule of Funny. Scamp and Angel wind up at the same restaurant Scamp's parents visited, dine on an identical bowl of spaghetti, and even do the meatball push...and then proceed to devour the bowl in a very realistic, doggy manner. Played straight in a promotional image, however.
  • Spin-Offspring: Lady and Tramp's son, Scamp, is The Protagonist.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Buster officially allows Scamp to join the Junkyard dogs, removes Scamp's collar, then allows Scamp to be caught by the dogcatcher. Without his collar, Scamp gets thrown in the pound with no way for his family to know about it and get him out. Thankfully, Angel sees Scamp in the dogcatcher's wagon and rushes off to warn his parents.
  • Title Character: The sequel has Scamp's name in it along with his parents.
  • Token Romance: The romance between Scamp and Angel doesn't contribute to the main plot to any significant degree.
  • Tough Love: What Jim Dear and Tramp believe is best for Scamp.
  • Triumphant Reprise: The movie ends with a reprise of "Welcome Home" as Scamp annoyingly has a bath, Angel is adopted, and the Junkyard Dogs each have owners of their own.
  • Villain Decay: While they weren't portrayed as evil, the dogcatchers in the first movie were still shown to be a serious threat to any street dog they came across. Here, the only dogcatcher we see onscreen is a bumbling fool doubling as a huge Butt-Monkey.
  • Vocal Dissonance: Scamp is a young-looking puppy who sounds more like a 15- or 16-year-old. His sisters sound noticeably more appropriate than him. Angel also has a deep voice for her looks.
  • Was Too Hard on Him: Tramp laments this while out looking for Scamp.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Angel calls out Scamp for willingly running away from a home where people love him.

    Angel: You have a home and a family that loves you. You're not like the rest of us, Scamp.

  • Where the Hell Is Springfield?: Downplayed. The opening song mentions that the movie takes place in New England.
  • You Are Grounded!: Tramp and Scamp have a heated argument, and in the end, Tramp says that Scamp can just get used to being chained every night before storming off.