- ️Tue Mar 13 2012
Bill: Remember you told me you woke up this morning feeling there was an adventure just around the corner?
Rupert: Yes...
Bill: Well, next time you get that feeling, do me a favor, would you?
Rupert: What's that?
—"Rupert and the Lamp"
Rupert is a 1990s adaptation of the British children's comic strip Rupert Bear. The show was produced by the world-famous Canadian studio Nelvana, and lasted for 5 seasons and 65 episodes (1991-1995, 1997). It originally aired on Canadian kids channel YTV as one of the very first animated series to be produced for the channel, but also appeared in the States on Nickelodeon (and later CBS) and in Britain on CITV.
Like the comic strip, the show's two dominant themes were adventure and friendship. Rupert's passion for adventure, discovery, and mystery was only matched by his desire to see everyone become friends and be as happy as he knew they could be.
In addition to its Science Fiction and Fantasy Kitchen Sink setting containing Lions and Tigers and Humans... Oh, My!, what made the show stand out from other shows of the era (and after) was:
- Instead of having the same large team or ensemble of friends in every episode, Rupert's friends took turns individually being the sidekick on each adventure, each of whom had a unique relationship with him (i.e., Gregory was shy and timid but wanted to be as brave as Rupert, Edward was overly cautious and didn't want to be as brave as Rupert (Rupert never let him get away with that), Bill was just as brave as his best friend but would avoid any situation where it was necessary if he had the choice, and Ottoline could be too adventurous even for Rupert's taste!);
- Despite being seemingly as
anvilicious as any show targeted at preschoolers, it actually strictly adhered to "Show, don't tell." For example, despite emphasizing the importance of friendship and teamwork, the word "friendship" was never once spoken in the entire series. Instead of listening to lectures on how friendship made everything better, you watched it happen without commentary; and
- Striking a balance between converting and punishing villains. While Rupert usually tries as hard as he can to get his enemies to change their ways, and he did help plenty to see the light, plenty also had to be defeated and/or arrested in order to set things right.
Every episode is on Youtube, thanks to Nelvana's Treehouse Direct channel. Check them out here!
Tropes exclusively in the 90s cartoon series:
- Accidental Misnaming:
- "Rupert in Timeland" has Father Time keep getting Rupert and Podgy's names wrong, like mistakenly calling them Richard and Pinky, for example. Later, when Rupert and Podgy become elderly on their quest to help Father Time repair time, they get their own names wrong and Podgy keeps getting Father Time's name wrong, addressing him as such things as "Father Crime" and "Father Slime".
- In "Rupert and the Tiger's Eye", one of the Chameleon's henchmen keeps getting his boss's name wrong, mangling it as "The Comedian" and at one point "The Canadian".
- Adaptation Personality Change:
- Even before his Character Development, Rupert starts out more mature and less Pinball Protagonist than his comic strip counterpart. Instead of being eager to fix everything and finish an adventure so he can get back to his peaceful life, the Nelvana Rupert is a budding Thrill Seeker who thrives on adventure and mystery.
- The Bill of the comics is an eternal optimist, always encouraging Rupert that everything will work out fine and always supporting him 100%. The Nelvana Bill is just the opposite — a cowardly, pessimistic, Deadpan Snarker heroic Foil who wishes he didn't keep getting dragged into Rupert's adventures. The only thing the two versions have in common is they're both Rupert's best friend.
- Affably Evil:
- The Chameleon from "Rupert and the Tiger's Eye" is friendly toward Rupert and Frances even after they find him out. When he discovers Rupert stowed away on his plane, he offers to drop him off on a nearby island and radio the police to pick him up (after he's made his getaway, of course). Even calling Rupert a clever boy for escaping with the ruby he stole.
- The river pirate's grandsons Cyril and Cubby are quite cordial and polite. So much, in fact, that they end up reforming in their second appearance.
- Affirmative Action Girl: "Rupert and the Leprechauns" includes a female leprechaun. Traditionally, all leprechauns were male.
- All Myths Are True: Santa Claus, Father Time, King Neptune, The Sandman, Jack Frost all are real in this universe.
- Alternate Identity Amnesia: Those brainwashed by the Great Mephisto have barely any memory of what they were doing once they are released from the hypnosis.
- Anachronism Stew: "Rupert and Ginger" has Cretaceous dinosaurs and pterosaurs living in the late Jurassic period.
- And I'm the Queen of Sheba: In "Rupert and the Crocodiles", a snake claims to be the Serpent King and Rupert's friend Podgy retorts "Yeah, and I'm the Prince of Nutwood".
- Androcles' Lion:
- In "Rupert and the Crocodiles", Rupert frees a snake called the Serpent King by removing a log that's pinned him to the ground. The Serpent King later pays Rupert back by rescuing him, the ship captain, the captain's first mate, and Podgy Pig from the tribe of bipedal crocodiles when Podgy's rescue attempt fails.
- "Rupert and Ginger" has Rupert befriending a family of Pteranodon when he helps the flapings get back to their nest after their attempt at flying. The mother Pteranodon later returns the favor by saving him from being eaten by a T. rex.
- Art Evolution: The first two seasons used hand-painted cels, then switched to digital ink and paint afterwards.
- Art Shift: The intro (the original one, not the Nick Jr. version) starts with Rupert leaving his house, where the art style mimics the original comic's style having Rupert being fairly small; after a few seconds, it transitions into the art style used by the show with a taller, older looking Rupert.
- Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: In "Rupert and the Dragon Race", Bill and Toby have one of these moments when Bill starts scolding Toby for running off alone, and suddenly, just happy to be reunited, they hug.
- Bald of Evil: Sir Humphrey Pumphrey, an antagonist Rupert encounters in "Rupert and the Nile" and "Rupert and the Mystery Isle", is bald as an egg and rotten to the core.
- Beary Friendly: Rupert and his family are all very nice bears.
- Big Brother Instinct: Bill will immediately get worked up whenever Toby appears to be in danger.
- Bound and Gagged: Happens to Rupert, usually in cases he's caught posing as a Snooping Little Kid, such as "Rupert and Ottoline" and "Rupert and the Marsh Mystery".
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Rupert will occasionally make aside comments directed towards the audience.
- Bumbling Dad: Both Rupert and Podgy's fathers seem to have a knack of causing accidents or trouble in a number of episodes.
- Captured by Cannibals: A strange variation on this trope occurs in "Rupert and the Crocodiles", where Rupert, Podgy Pig, a human captain, and a human first mate are captured by a tribe of bipedal crocodiles who then start cooking a stew to eat the four in.
- Cassandra Truth: When Rupert and an off-duty Constable Growler try to explain that they borrowed a motorboat without permission to catch a band of river pirates in "Rupert and Growler", the officer who arrests them is skeptical. Even Growler admits it's a pretty far-fetched story.
- Character Catchphrase:
- Rupert: "I have a plan." Lampshaded by just about every one of his friends at some point.
- The Professor: "Think of the possibilities!"
- Chekhov's Gun: In "Rupert and the Great Mephisto", Bill catches Rupert robbing his Grandma Bear's old hand mirror under hypnosis and snaps him out of it; Rupert later uses said mirror in the climax to turn Mephisto's power against him.
- Chess Motifs: "Rupert and Bill in Gameland" features Rupert Bear and Bill Badger playing chess and has sentient chess pieces as the antagonists.
- Childhood Friend Romance: Implied in "Rupert and the Mulp Gulper", where Rupert's father Mr. Bear reminisces on how he tested his skills at the carnival games to impress a girlfriend when he was younger and Mrs. Bear replies by saying that she certainly was impressed and cuddles her husband affectionately.
- Christmas Episode: "Rupert's Christmas Adventure", where Rupert has to recover all of Nutwood's stolen Christmas ornaments from some pine sprites and Podgy gets a chance to prove that he isn't greedy when he's given all the presents by giving them away to the other children.
- Cops Are Useless: Played with. Constantly Growler is actually a reasonably good cop on most days. It’s just Rupert is constantly faced with borderline supernatural threats, which can often be quite a bit out of the Constable’s depth. Generally defeating the villain requires more than simply having the Constable walk in and arrest them, as much as Rupert and his friends would like to.
- Cycle of Revenge: "Rupert and the Leprechauns": "First they stole the amulet, then we stole it, then they stole it, then we stole it, then they stole it, then we stole it, then they stole it, then we stole it, then they stole it...''
- Diegetic Soundtrack Usage: Rupert whistles the opening theme note in "Rupert's Undersea Adventure" and in "Rupert and Growler".
- Digging to China: Rupert's Chinese friend Pong Ping had a lift that took the occupants straight down to China. It turned over halfway so they wouldn't arrive standing on their heads.
- Disney Death: Rupert's snowman sacrifices himself to defeat Billy Blizzard in "Rupert and Billy Blizzard", but Rupert later manages to rebuild him.
- Disproportionate Retribution: "Rupert and the Twilight Fan" had a race of sapient birds trying to hunt down and imprison Rupert and the Professor's assistant for using a flying machine to enter their kingdom, claiming "only [the birds] may use the skies". The same story features Tiger Lily being sent into an eternal sleep because her father was given a job over the man who sent the titular fan.
- Do-It-Yourself Plumbing Project: "Rupert and the Temple Ruins" begins with Edward Trunk's father solving a plumbing problem for the Bears. It is implied that the problem resulted from Mr. Bear trying to fix the plumbing himself.
- Exact Words: "Rupert and the Twilight Fan" features this trope as a plot point, with a book that uses poems in addition to regular text having Rupert state "That book you read, tell me exactly what it said..." to prompt the realization that the fanning by the tail feathers of the Dove of Dawn doesn't require the bird's feathers being removed.
- Fantastic Racism: Nope, not even this show was immune to characters being prejudiced against others based on species.
- Podgy Pig claims that all snakes are bad and complains about Rupert saving a snake's life in "Rupert and the Crocodiles", though Podgy is later proven wrong and is grateful for the snake Rupert helped out to return the favor by rescuing Podgy, Rupert, a ship captain, and the captain's first mate from a tribe of bipedal crocodiles trying to eat them.
- The aforementioned birds from "Rupert and the Twilight Fan", who believe that only birds are allowed to fly and are strongly against flightless beings so much as inventing flying machines. They eventually see the error of their ways when the Professor's flying machine is used by penguins native to the Bird Kingdom and they realize that they're being selfish by denying the flightless the chance to experience flight. The owl guards in "Rupert and the Firebird" also show shades of this when they imprison Rupert on sight and refuse to believe his claim of being friends with the Bird King, Rupert having to sneak past them by hiding inside a pelican's beak.
- Fisher King: Old King Cole in "Rupert and the Fiddle". Since he became grouchy due to his daughter wanting to marry one of his fiddlers, the other nursery rhymes are affected. (Such as Humpty Dumpty remaining intact after falling from the wall and Little Bo Beep being unable to lose her sheep.)
- Forced Transformation: "Rupert and the Twilight Fan" had this fate happen to the Conjurer's rival as punishment for using an enchanted fan to try and put Tiger Lily into eternal sleep. He gets turned into a crow.
- Fractured Fairy Tale: Happens to Storyland in "Rupert and the Fiddle", where Old King Cole not being merry causes the other nursery rhymes to not happen the way they're supposed to. Some examples include Old Mother Hubbard having scores of bones in her cupboard, the Crooked Man not being crooked, and Jack being unable to jump over the candlestick without getting burned.
- Friend on the Force: Constable Growler is the local policeman and is the one Rupert usually reaches out to when needing assistance with a criminal.
- Freudian Excuse: Colonel Tinker from "Rupert in Toyland" has two - he doesn't want the other toys to leave Toyland because he doesn't want to be abandoned, and he has such a low opinion of owners because his previous owners were Freddy and Ferdy Fox, and they didn't treat him well at all.
- Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal: In additionto the title character, many of the show's characters are anthropomorphic animals who are completely clothed with shirts, pants, shoes, and the like.
- Funny Animal: The cast are a bunch of animals that act like humans.
- Furry Confusion: Due to the nature of Rupert's universe, the anthropomorphic animal characters coexisting with non-anthropomorphic animals is bound to happen. Especially in "Rupert and the Little Bear".
- Giving Them the Strip: Fortunately for Rupert, his attackers have a tendency to grab him by his scarf, allowing him to easily escape their grasp.
- Harmless Freezing: Billy Blizzard tends to use his powers to freeze people. Whenever he's defeated, they tend to thaw out unharmed.
- Heroic Willpower: Both Rupert and Bill are hit with this in the climatic battle of "Rupert and the Great Mephisto". When the hypnotized Bill sees Rupert getting hypnotized, he was still able to stay loyal to him and attacks Mephisto; this in turn causes Rupert to snap out of Mephisto's spell without anyone having to awaken him.
- Historical Domain Character via Time Travel
- "Rupert's Roman Adventure": Julius Caesar
- "Rupert and Queen Bess": William Shakespeare and Queen Bess
- Hollywood Tone-Deaf: Bill is terrible at singing. Ironically, it always succeeds in putting babies to sleep.
- Humans Are Bastards: With 2 or 3 very rare exceptions, almost EVERY villain on the show was human.
- Hypno Fool: "Rupert and the Great Mephisto" had a stage magician use hypnotism to make everyone in Nutwood deliver him their valuables while sleepwalking. He also makes Bill Badger think he is a chicken and is defeated in the end when Rupert uses a mirror to bounce his hypnotic gaze back and make him think he is a cat.
- Hypnotic Eyes: This is the Great Mephisto's main skill, which he uses on the Nutwood residents to rob them of their homes.
- Identical Grandson:
- "Rupert's Roman Adventure" had Rupert Bear and Bill Badger go back to Nutwood in the days of Ancient Rome. They encounter identical ancestors of the Professor, Dr. Chimp, Podgy Pig, and Ottoline.
- In "Rupert and Queen Bess", Rupert and Ottoline Otter go back to the time of William Shakespeare and encounter people resembling Podgy Pig, Algy Pug, and Bill Badger who may very well be their ancestors from that time.
- Identical Twin ID Tag: Big Ma McSwine's sons Dewey and Delbert from "Rupert and Uncle Grizzly". Dewey wears green while Delbert wears purple.
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Every episode is titled "Rupert and..."
- Incredible Shrinking Man:
- Rupert, Podgy, and the Professor get shrunk by the Professor's BIGsmall machine in "Rupert and the BIGsmall Machine".
- "Rupert in Toyland" also has Rupert shrunk to the size of a toy figure to infiltrate himself. When he is later caught and imprisoned, he lampshades he might have stood a better chance just going in normal sized.
- Indy Ploy: Rupert has usually less than 10 seconds to look around him and figure what he can use and how to get him out of his current jam. Discussed in "Rupert and the Mulp Gulper":
Rupert: We'll have to improvise.
Bill: To think all this time, I believed your plans were carefully thought out.
- Innocent Aliens: The pair of aliens Rupert encounters in "Rupert and the Space Pilots" are just harmless children who crash-landed on Earth. Rupert and the Professor succeed in getting the aliens home.
- It Runs on Nonsensoleum: The reason that Rupert and Podgy were not affected when time was frozen in "Rupert in Timeland" is because they were sitting in a tent, eating peppered pickles, and they sneezed at the exact same time.
- Journey to the Sky: In Episode 6 of Season 3 ("Rupert And The Cloud Pirates"), Rupert and Bill are greeted by a friendly, sentient cloud (Dewey) who needs to return to the rainy sky. When this cloud takes them above the stormy cumulus, they come aboard a skyship (led by Captain Peebles) that has been stranding since the disappearance of the Four Winds that regulate weather. It's later revealed that the Four Winds were abducted by cloud pirate Captain Stubbs, so the characters aim to rescue them from the villain to restore the weather before it's too late.
- Karma Houdini: The Chameleon in "Rupert and the Tiger's Eye". While Rupert and his new friend Frances recover the Tiger's Eye he stole, the Chameleon escapes in the end and gets off scot-free for stealing it.
- The Lancer: Although Rupert has a wide cast of friends who alternate being the sidekick on each adventure, Bill's snark, pessimism, and usual reluctance to jump head-first into adventure like his friend in this version make him Rupert's most Lancer-like foil.
- Last-Second Word Swap: In "Rupert and the Nile":
Tugger: Begging your lordship's pardon, all that stuff about that Ramindas fella controlling the Nile is just a load of— Shades of the Sphinx!
- Lions and Tigers and Humans... Oh, My!: Anthropomorphic animals (including Rupert, Bill, and Podgy) interact with humans (including Tiger Lily and the Professor).
- Literal Metaphor: When Rupert and Uncle Grizzly are cornered by Big Ma McSwine in "Rupert and Uncle Grizzly", she tells them "Only a jackass would try to save you now!" At which point Grizzly's donkey, Maybelle, charges at them.
- Living Constellation: The constellations are living beings who reside in a stable during the daytime, where they are kept watch over by the Star Keeper, the "zoo-keeper of the skies".
- Massive Multiplayer Crossover: Rupert appeared in two children's compilations for charity. First was Pirates in NSPCC Children's TV Favourites Volume 2 in 1993 and Knight in My Best Friends, also in 1993.
- Meaningful Name: The titular baby Stegosaurus from "Rupert and Ginger" was named because she gained a liking for ginger snaps.
- Message in a Bottle:
- In "Rupert and the Jolly Roger", Rupert receives an invitation this way from a pirate friend, courtesy of Seven Seas Postal Service. Complete with an eel postman!
- In "Rupert and Growler", Rupert is captured and folds a paper boat message and sends it downriver.
- Mirror Universe: Played with in "Rupert in Mirrorland", where Rupert's friend the Professor uses an invention of his to discover that there is a world beyond the mirrors where the reflections of everyone in Nutwood are sentient beings. A side effect of the experiment causes the Professor's reflection to become evil, but he's back to normal after the crisis is resolved and the reflections of everyone else in Nutwood are pretty much the same as their Nutwood counterparts in personality and behavior.
- Nature Tinkling: The episode "Rupert and the Dragon Race" had Edward Trunk, Bill Badger, and Bill's little brother Toby stuck on an enchanted flying couch that grants one wish and one wish only to whoever sits on it. Edward already wasted his wish on being taken to Bill Badger, and Bill wasted his wish on seeing the dragons, so they try to get Toby to wish they were home. Toby instead wishes to "go pee-pee" and relieves himself off-screen after the couch takes a brief landing on a deserted island.
- Never My Fault:
- In "Rupert and the Missing Snow", the Clerk of the Weather's chief assistant Will finds out that he was unaware of snow not arriving to Nutwood because the alarm wasn't plugged in, which he claims is his own assistant's fault. Rupert points out that Will doesn't have an assistant, which results in Will reasoning that his lack of an assistant is why the alarm wasn't plugged in.
- Podgy ends up breaking Father Time's machine in "Rupert in Timeland" after mistaking it for a giant vending machine. When Father Time sees what has happened, Podgy turns to Rupert and admonishes him for thinking Father Time's machine was a vending machine.
- In "Rupert and the Hedgehog", it is Bill Badger's fault that Mr. Bear's topiary of a camel ended up reduced in size, but he keeps trying to pin the blame on Rupert.
- Nice Guy: With the possible exception of the prankster Fox twins, pretty much all the inhabitants of Nutwood fit this trope, even the more 'flawed' ones like Podgy and Algy. However, the real stand-outs are Rupert himself, Edward Trunk and Gregory Guinea-Pig.
- No Hugging, No Kissing: The only episode to include any romance is the Star-Crossed Lovers plot of "Rupert and the Fiddle," and that's between side characters. Otherwise, there's absolutely no romance to any degree whatsoever between any main or recurring characters.
- Nobody Calls Me "Chicken"!: In "Rupert and the Temple Ruins", Rupert Bear motivates his friend Edward Trunk into joining him in his activities by calling him a chicken. Rupert says to the audience that this tactic always works in getting Edward to have fun with him.
- Nothing Exciting Ever Happens Here: "Rupert and the Tiger's Eye": Rupert is on holiday at Sandy Cove, where nothing ever happens... except for the jewel thief has crash landed his plane.
- Oh, Crap!:
- In "Rupert Bear and Billy Blizzard", Billy's being a jerk in the North Pole, as per usual, but once they tell Father Christmas, he'll sort everything out! Except he's frozen too...
- In "Rupert and the Knight", Rupert and Bill meet a knight and a dragon who are really very friendly, but are rivals with one another when put together, this results in Rupert asking the dragon to tea with the knight, but what happens?
- Pals with Jesus: Rupert's good friends with Father Christmas, Father Time, the Imps of Spring, the Autumn Elves, the Clerk of the Weather, etc. etc. The point is, he always has a magical ally he can call on when he needs to stop time, make it rain, or whatever to solve his current problem.
- Planimal: The titular hedgehog from "Rupert and the Hedgehog" is a topiary of a hedgehog brought to life after Bill Badger used too much of the Professor's growth formula on it. Rupert later does the same to a topiary of a peacock in order to track down the hedgehog and turn it back into a non-living topiary.
- Portrait Painting Peephole: The villain of "Rupert and Ottoline" is shown looking through a peephole on a portrait at one point.
- Powder Gag: Inverted in "Rupert and Ottoline". Rupert covers himself in white powder so he can pretend to be the ghost of the Earl and scare the villains into compliance. It seems he's succeding when one of the latter sneezes so explosively that Ruper's flour disguise dispels in a white cloud.
- Princesses Prefer Pink: Princess Tiara, the ruler of the Gemlins in "Rupert and the Crystal Kingdom", wears a dark pink outfit.
- Rapid Aging: Due to an accident in Timeland in "Rupert in Timeland", Rupert and Podgy skip through various stages of their future selves from teenagers to seniors; luckily, Father Time was able to restore their proper ages when he sent them back home.
- Reluctant Monster: Cledwyn the Dragon in "Rupert and the Knight" is very friendly and has gone into hiding to try and hide from everyone who fears him.
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Zig-zagged in "Rupert and the Crocodiles". While the titular crocodiles are the main antagonists trying to cook and eat the characters, the snakes are good guys who help Rupert rescue his friends from said crocodiles.
- Ruthless Modern Pirates: One of the cartoons featured river pirates, who show up in a later episode as members of a pirate retirement home, which had previously been inhabited solely by more traditional pirates.
- Shaped Like Itself: "Edward's as strong as an elephant."
- Shockingly Expensive Bill: After fixing the Bears' plumbing in "Rupert and the Temple Ruins", Mr. Trunk gives Mr. Bear a bill for his services. We don't see the price, but Mr. Bear's alarmed reaction indicates the cost is quite steep.
- Short Cuts Make Long Delays: A recurring plot element and running joke in the cartoon series is that all of Bill's "short cuts" invariably lead to some sort of strange adventure, but never where they wanted to go in the first place. In "Rupert and the Crystal Kingdom", the two decided to split up and make a race out of it. Naturally, this time it's Rupert taking the proper route who finds himself in a land of adventure, which implies that it's not the shortcuts that lead to adventure, it's Rupert.
- Shrink Ray: One of the Professor's inventions is the BIGsmall Machine from the episode of the same name. It also serves as a growth ray.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Algy brags about being better at things than he really is; most everyone just ignores it, but once when Rupert and Bill played a prank to make him look as good as he says he is, he is mistaken for a great hero and drafted to fight a monster.
- The Smurfette Principle: Rupert had 5 male friends and 2 female friends (not unusual at his age). Despite the show using a different villain every episode, only two antagonists were female.
- Spare a Messenger: The Chinese great dragon spares Rupert providing that he spreads the word that no one is spared by the great dragon.
- Stealth Pun: The Professor's rival in "Rupert and the BIGsmall Machine" happens to be a female anthropomorphic dog with a nasty attitude. Basically, she's both figuratively and literally a bitch.
- Stock Ness Monster: "Rupert and Nessie" has Rupert befriending the Loch Ness monster herself. He has to rescue her from being displayed to the public, in order to preserve her status as a legend so that she can live in Loch Ness without being disturbed.
- Strong Family Resemblance: Quite a lot of the children on this show bear at least some resemblance to their parents. There is even a scene in "Rupert in Timeland" where Rupert flashes forward to one of the days of his adult life and mistakes his own reflection for his father.
- Swallowed Whole: Averted, but played straight. In "Rupert and the Missing Snow", Rupert, his uncle Polar and Will adrift on a small iceberg all end up inside a whale's mouth. She nearly swallowed them by accident as she was suffering from a terrible toothache for mistaking the North Pole as a piece of candy. She remarks it was fortunate to have met them all, though Polar informs her it was very nearly unfortunate. She sincerely apologies. Cue many lame whale puns from their new friend.
- Take a Third Option: In "Rupert and the Twilight Fan", Rupert is faced with a choice of taking the only tailfeather the Dove of Dawn will ever have (meaning that the Dove will never fly again) or leaving Tiger Lily to sleep forever. The Dove is willing to sacrifice her tail, but Rupert realises that all he has to do is get the bird to return with him.
- To the Future, and Beyond: In addition to their Rapid Aging in "Rupert in Timeland", Rupert and Podgy's time accident involves them skipping through various parts of their lives that have yet to happen, starting with going for a drive with their future girlfriends in their adolescent years and later leading to such things as Podgy getting married and Rupert having an office job.
- Too Many Babies: One of the futures Rupert and Podgy visits in "Rupert in Timeland" shows Podgy becoming a father to a boatload of children.
- Unrelated in the Adaptation: In the comic strip, Jack Frost is King frost's son and Billy Blizzard's cousin. All three characters appear in the show with no mention of any of them being related.
- You Meddling Kids: "You meddling little bear!", "That meddling bear!", "That pesky little bear," "That sneaky little bear"... the list goes on and on.
Tropes appearing in the CGI cartoon (unrelated to the Nelvana series):
- Adaptational Heroism: This series' incarnation of Raggety is a friendly elf instead of a crotchety and ill-mannered troll.
- Adapted Out: Tiger Lily, The Professor, pretty much all the humans.
- Adaptation Species Change: Raggety is a more humanoid-looking elf instead of a troll who appears to be made of twigs.
- Disneyfication: BIG TIME. It completely skewed the characters toward little kiddies.
- Flying Car
- Gender Flip: The cartoon flipped Pong Ping and Ferdy Fox into females. Pong Ping's name was flipped to Ping Pong and Ferdy was renamed "Frieda".