Sanjay and Craig

  • ️Fri May 03 2013

Sanjay and Craig (Western Animation)

Left to right: Hector, Sanjay (the human), Craig (the snake), and Megan.

Sanjay and Craig, stuff they do is whiz insane!
Sanjay and Craig, they're in the Best Friends Hall of Fame
Sanjay and Craig, there is no Best Friends Hall of Fame (They made it up!)

Okay, so here's the pitch. It's the adventures of a kid and his talking pet snake. Not good enough for you? Well, how about we bring in the creators of the surreal cult 90s sitcom The Adventures of Pete & Pete and the man behind a nightmare fuel-filled dark comedy called The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack as key producers? Oh good, we have your attention.

Created by Jim Dirschberger, Andreas Trolf, and Jay Howell — the latter of which designed the characters for Bob's BurgersSanjay and Craig is a Nicktoon about a 12-year-old boy named Sanjay Patel (Maulik Pancholy) and his talking pet snake named Craig Slithers (Chris Hardwick), and the trouble they get into in the suburban town of Lundgren (founded by Dolph Lundgren himself). Other notable characters include Sanjay’s parents, Vijay (Kunal Nayyar) and Darlene (the former owns a clearance store and the latter works at the hospital), Megan Sparkles, an overachieving girl who has a crush on Sanjay, Belle Pepper, a teenage waitress at The Frycade, Hector Flanagan, a goofy friend of Sanjay who wears an eyepatch, Remmington Tufflips, a washed-up actor the duo admire, Craig’s brother, Ronnie, and Sam Lastnamè, a girl introduced in Season 2.

Ran for three seasons from May 25, 2013 to July 29, 2016, after which Chris Hardwick confirmed on Twitter that the show had ended.

Now has a character sheet.

Tropes present:

  • Abusive Parents: Mr. Noodman's father enjoys torturing his son with snakes, even when he's an adult.
    • Must be a family tradition as Noodman's grandfather does the same thing to his dad, as well as his great-grandfather, and his great great-grandfather.
  • The Ace: Remmington Tufflips and Maximum Dennis.
    • Megan is quite this as well.
  • All Balloons Have Helium: "The Giving G"
  • Ambiguously Gay: Mr. Noodman, who possesses many flamboyant mannerisms.
    • Tufflips' evil twin, Dillinger Softlips, is very much considered this as well.
  • Annoying Laugh: A plot point in "Laugh Quake". Each of the title characters thinks the other has an annoying laugh, so they try to remedy it by going to a comedy club, where they are eventually kicked out. Later, both get crapped on by a bird, trying (and ultimately failing) to hold in their laughter, which eventually starts a chain reaction.
  • Artistic License – Biology: In "Day of the Snake" Sanjay tastes an extremely volatile drop of wing sauce, causing his tongue to turn to ash and fall apart revealing a bone frame. Later on Craig milks an obviously male falcon with an udder.
  • As Himself:
  • Ascended Extra: Chicken Chuck started off as a background character during Season 1. It wasn't until the episode "Hot Sauce Boss" when he was given actual character as a longtime friend of Penny's. Since then, he became a recurring character throughout the rest of the show with a somewhat messed up backstory.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: In "Flip Flopas" after eating tons of inedible things, Sanjay, Craig and Hector have balloon bellies, but Megan doesn't. However, this trope is also averted most of the time. Megan and Belle's faces have both been featured in gross-out close-up shots. Similarly, Megan belches in "Glory Hounds" and farts in "Dangerous Debbie", and even Belle (who's implied to be quite physically attractive) farts in "Fartwerk."
  • Big Bad: Mr. Noodman. Word of God says that his father is the Greater-Scope Villain, and that Noodman himself will go through a Heel–Face Turn.
  • Big Eater: Craig eats a whole plate of hot wings in one gulp.
  • Black Comedy
  • Butt-Monkey: Mr. Noodman takes the cake on this. He never seems to get a break from Sanjay and Craig's pranks. Not to mention he's got an Abusive Dad.
    • Megan also falls into this sometimes.
  • Body Horror
    • Craig turning himself inside out in "Unbarfable".
    • Craig turning into a pizza-crazed behemoth in "Road Pizza".
  • Boomerang Bigot: "A Tale of Two Slithers" gives us Craig's brother Ronnie, who is a snake living as a human and runs a company that makes shovels meant to kill snakes.
  • Chest Burster: Craig fakes being one in "Brett Venom, M.D."
  • Child Hater: Noodman, who thinks that children remind him of snakes. (Which he hates more than kids)
  • City of Adventure: Lundgren, where all sorts of weird things are always happening.
  • Cool Old Lady: Grandma Wheezy.
  • Conforming OOC Moment: In "Street Dogg", everyone boos at Sanjay, Craig, Megan, and Hector after they sing about their friendship. This includes Sanjay's parents, who are supportive towards their son.
  • Continuity Nod: Hector's resistance to throwing up from "Unbarfable" becomes a plot point in "Flip Floppas".
    • Craig's phone completely broke to pieces in the end of "Heartyface", the next episode, Huggle Day, had him getting get a new one.
  • Couch Gag: Starting with Season 2, the "Best Friends Hall of Fame" scene in the intro has Craig wearing two or three different disguises for each episode. Every episode of Season 1 just has him disguising as a cowboy, a cool dude, and a bearded guy in a suit.
  • Covered in Gunge: The boys get covered in bird droppings in "Laugh Quake".
    • In "Stinkboy", Sanjay falls into a pool fills with.....stuff....and gets covered in gunge.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Hector. Megan sometimes comes off as this in her dorkier moments; otherwise she's the Only Sane Woman.
    • Farmer Larry fits perfectly for this trope.
  • Credits Gag: Remington Tufflips is credited As Himself.
    • The same thing happens with Maximum Dennis.
  • Cute Bruiser: Both of the title characters have their moments, such as in "Wild Buds", "Be Like Tufflips", "Muscle Cops" and "Day of the Snake". Megan also counts.
  • A Day in the Limelight: The secondary main characters get these pretty often. Megan has "Release the Craigan", "Susan Loogie", "Glory Hounds", "Romper Chomper", and "Combo Attack", Belle has "Ghost Pool", "Fowl Work" ,"Beauty and The Beard", and "All Couped Up" and Hector has "Wolfie", "Unbarfable", "Flip Flopas", "Ew De Hector", and "Space Invaders".
  • Disappeared Dad: We never see Megan's father, which is the biggest mystery of the show.
  • Demoted to Extra: Hector was a very frequent character during Seasons 1 and 2, having a small handful of episodes centered around him. In the final season, while he is still somewhat relevant, he doesn't do much this season as he hardly gets any character development or contribution to the plots. The closest thing to a Hector-centric episode in Season 3 has to be "Freaks and Cheeks," which mainly focused on Sanjay and Craig looking after Hector's dog, Sweet Cheeks. Hector himself only appeared in the beginning and end of said episode. Justified since Hector is the series' Fat Comic Relief, and doesn't seem to blend well with some of the more serious storylines in the later episodes (unlike Belle and Megan), so he's mostly pushed to the side and only was only used for one-off gags. It could also be that his VA, Matt Jones, was busy with Pig Goat Banana Cricket.
  • Deranged Animation: It was animated at Saerom.
  • Embarrassing Damp Sheets: Sanjay and Craig try hard not to wet the bed, but they ended up wetting Tufflips' guest bed. But Tufflips admitted he has wet the bed before.
  • Erotic Eating: In a flashback in "Blackout" Darlene did this with spaghetti while on a dinner date with Vijay. Well... at least they found it erotic.
  • Evil Brit: Tyson. He's not evil but he is a huge pain in the arse for no reason other than he hates Sanjay.
  • Expository Theme Tune: "Looking for a pet one day / Sanjay found a talking snake..."
  • Expy: Hector and Megan are respectively similar to Gene and Louise.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Hector
  • Fan Disservice: Noodman trying to pull off a Supermodel Strut after his butt surgery, complete with a zoom-in of his massive swaying butt.
  • Fire-Breathing Diner: Craig after drinking hot sauce, which makes a handy flamethrower.
  • Forced Meme: The "viral" advertising campaign before the show's premiere that shoved the characters into every Image Macro template that the creators could find and put them up on Tumblr. That alone would be just annoying and not bad if it weren't for the fact that each one was a paid sponsor post and thus showed up on everyone's dashboard, whether users wanted to see it or not. Even if they blocked the blog, these posts still showed up.
  • Freaky Is Cool: Sanjay and Craig love Darlene's gross hospital stories, and in "Brett Venom, M.D." they sneak into the hospital and are fascinated by all the freaks they find there.
  • Furry Confusion: Although Craig looks more cartoony, other snakes are just normal snakes.
  • Gamer Chick: Both Megan and Chido. They're fans of and wind up bonding over a game called Spirit Animal Pro Fighter 2. They even start a video game-themed band together called Character Select, and make a song called "Press Start".
  • Gasshole: Sanjay, Craig and Hector, with Sanjay and Hector being fart variants and Craig being both a burping and farting variant.
    • "Glory Hounds" shows that Megan has a special talent for burping words.
  • Gassy Gastronomy: Sanjay and Craig love spicy wings, and they often fart and laugh about it. It's even a plot point in "Fart Baby" when Sanjay decides to hold in his gas in front of Belle Pepper (his crush) after devouring a lot of hot wings, which causes him to become "pregnant" with the titular fart baby.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Penny Pepper, Belle's father and proprietor of the Frycade, Sanjay's and Craig's favorite hangout.
  • Genre Throwback: Definitely. Not to mention it's made by the creators of The Adventures of Pete & Pete.
  • Girly Bruiser:
  • Going Commando: Part of the Remington Tufflips costume is a jock strap from "Going Commando 2".
  • Grossout Show: Oh yesh, a good chunk of the humor relies on a lot of bodily functions.
    • Thankfully not as much in the later episodes.
  • Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: All Craig has to do to pass as human.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Sanjay and Craig definitely fit this trope.
  • Hilariously Abusive Childhood: Noodman, thanks to his father.

    Craig: No wonder you're so messed up.

  • Hospital Hottie: Darlene.
  • I Lied: In "Dog Wave" Sanjay makes a deal with Noodman that the latter won't call animal control on Sanjay's dogs if Sanjay can replace Noodman's blueberries, only for Noodman to go back on his word.
  • I'm Not Hungry: In "Brett Venom, M.D." Vijay loses his appetite when his wife tells a gross hospital story as he's trying to eat breakfast.
  • It Tastes Like Feet: In "Flip Flopas" when the gang eat Frycade wings and the Flip Flopas make them taste bad, Craig comments they taste like "sewer toots".
  • Ironic Echo: Megan is practicing CPR on a dummy, to which Craig says "I believe they prefer to be called 'stupid people'." After shooing them out of the room, she says, "Dummies, or should I say, stupid people."
  • Jerkass: Mr. Noodman. He hates snakes and children and plots to get rid of Craig. He's also loud and obnoxious.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Darlene wears her scrubs even when off-duty.
  • Little Boy Seeks Big Girl: Sanjay (12 years-old) has a crush on Belle Pepper (16 years-old).
  • Living Prop: There are several recognizable kid characters that show up in background roles and crowd scenes every now and then. The most common ones include a redheaded girl in a light pink dress and purple boots, and a ginger-haired boy who wears a green shirt. Both the two kids are unnamed, and notably make an appearance in the episode "Muscle C.O.P.S.", at the beginning of the episode.
  • Local Hangout: The Frycade. Half arcade and half wing-themed diner.
  • Loves My Alter Ego: Sanjay develops a crush on Susan Loogie, who is actually Megan attempting to get him to dance with her.
  • Master of Disguise: Craig.
  • My Instincts Are Showing: In "Booger Johnson", Craig can't resist trying to eat Megan's pet gerbil.

    "I can't help it. I'm a snake. He's a gerbil. That equals snack. It's nature's math."

  • Naked People Are Funny: In "Laked Nake".
  • Name and Name
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: Sanjay and Craig switch their gifts for new ones in different colors in "Huggle Day", only for Huggle Bunny to lose it and drive off with everyone's gifts and the rest of the festivities.
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Huggle Bunny, a man who always wears a pink bunny suit and creeps almost everyone out.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Megan's mom is Mama June Shannon.
  • Noodle Incident: How Marc Summers got stuck inside the Pick-It nose for an un-determined amount of time (which, given that he has obsessive-compulsive disorder in real life, must have been hell for him, but Nickelodeon probably didn't want to mention that), and was it around the same time that Harvey got packed away as well? As for how Tufflips got the set, he said he bought it from a Belgian donkey smuggler, who presumably bought it from Nickelodeon Studios (which would explain why Double Dare 2000's set looked so hideous and different from the original set).
  • Nose Nuggets: Sanjay picks his nose, pulls out a strand of snot, and wipes it on the floor in the backseat of his family's car in the episode "D.I.N.K". In other episodes, Sanjay and Hector also both mention their affinity for eating their own boogers.
  • Only Sane Woman: Megan.
  • Oblivious to Love: Sanjay is unaware of Megan's crush on him.
  • Or Was It a Dream?: In "Dream Rangers", Sanjay and Craig dream that Belle is kidnapped by Noodman. When she doesn't appear the next day, they assume the dream is real and they have to have it again so they can rescue her.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Everyone is fooled into thinking Craig is human when dressed in clothing, with some even confusing him with an armless kid.
  • Parody Sue: Megan.
  • Pokémon Speak: In the fantasy sequence at the beginning of "Laugh Quake", Sanjay and Craig just shout their names over and over.
  • Rubber Man: Craig is this, as a snake. He can be inflated, stretched, walked on, whipped about....
  • Sadist Show: Because of what happens in episodes like "Family Re-Noodman" and "Huggle Day", the show is seen as this by most haters; not much the rest of the show, on the other hand.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Darlene (energetic) and Vijay (savvy).
  • Sanity Slippage: Sanjay has one in "Stinkboy."
    • 'CHILL BILL!!'
  • Secret-Keeper: Sanjay, Vijay, Darlene, Megan, and Hector are the only characters that know about Craig being a talking snake. It is currently unknown if Belle knows about Craig being a talking snake.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Sanjay's Sensitive Guy to Craig's Manly Man.
  • Shaking the Rump: The episode Brett Venom M.D. has Noodman getting a butt transplant at the end showing off a very risqué scene were the camera focuses on Noodman's butt as he shakes it suggestively while taking Lady Butterscotch out for a walk.

    Mr. Noodman: Lookin' good, Noodman! Lookin' good...

  • Shaped Like Itself: "Doors are for people who use doors."
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: Noodman. Sanjay refers to him as such in one of the promos.
  • Something Else Also Rises: There are a few instances of this when Sanjay interacts with Belle, though sometimes all you hear is a boing sound effect.
    • In the episode "Glad to Be Sad", when he and Craig go to the Frycade and he asks Belle out on a date to the carnival, he doesn't realize initially that she happily accepts, so he plops his face flat onto the table. Craig snaps him out of it and tells him that she said yes; he promptly lifts his head up, and his flattened nose sticks back up accompanied with a boing sound. Later in the episode, while he and Belle are at the carnival, their fingers touch when they both reach for the cotton candy that Belle got for them, accompanied with another boing effect.
    • In "Dangerous Debbie" when Belle sits next to Sanjay and mentions that "love happens unexpectedly", Sanjay replies in agreement, nuzzles up to her hair, and the same sound effect is heard.
  • Spit Take: Sanjay does one through his nose and ears ten seconds into "Brett Venom, M.D." after hearing one of his mom's nurse stories.
  • Spoonerism: Averted. Some folks have noticed the syllables in "Sanjay" can be spoonerized is "Jay-san" (Jason), but there is no connection. "Sanjay" is a common Hindu name for males, meaning "victorious".
  • Stalker with a Crush: Megan sometimes comes off as this.
  • Tear Off Your Face: At one point in "Road Pizza" King Za eats his face off, though he's a slice of pizza and his face is made of cheese.
  • Toilet Humor: Very common in the first season, not so much in later seasons. For example, the episode "Partybot" has at least two robots that dispense things in ways that look like they're pooping.note 
  • Tomboy: Megan's alter-ego in "Susan Loogie".
  • Totally Radical: The titular characters are considered this very often.
  • Town Girls:
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Both Sanjay and Craig love hot wings, the latter even ate them all in one gulp.
    • Noodman also has an obsession with blueberries.
  • True Companions: Sanjay, Craig, Vijay, Darlene, Belle, Hector, and Megan. Ronnie joins in at the end of the Grand Finale while some fans like to consider Sam as part of the group despite her limited appearances and development.
  • Two Shorts: "A Tale of Two Slithers", "Remington Tufflips' Spooky Trailer of Cartoons", "Street Dogg", "Huggle Day", "The Sanjay and Craig Stunt School Special", and "Booyah for Bollywood" are the exceptions.
  • The Voiceless: Big G from "The Giving G".
  • The Unreveal: In "Tufflips' Tales of Terror" Tufflips takes the head off Huggle Bunny's costume to see who he is. While Tufflips is able to see who's under the costume, their face is hidden from the viewers by a blinding light emanating from inside the costume.
  • Vocal Dissonance: In "Flip Flopas" the candy store owner Munchie is an old man with the voice and mannerisms of a 6-year-old.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: In "Unbarfable".
  • We Are Not Going Through That Again: At the end of "Road Pizza" when the duo have defeated King Za and are eating pizza they are confronted by the Chicken Wing King, who they ignore and he disappears.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Sanjay and Craig's neighbor, Mr. Noodman, is terrified of snakes due to being constant pranks by his father throughout his childhood involving them.
    • In "Blackout" it's revealed Darlene is scared of the dark and being in dark places causes her to freak out. She gets over it.
  • World of Weirdness: Space-age cars, functional intelligent robots, hot sauce that cost its chef a hand, and magic food that mutates one's taste buds exist. Not to mention Craig is one of at least two talking snakes.
  • "YEAH!" Shot: The title duo, at the end of the opening segment.
  • You Just Ruined the Shot: In "Be Like Tufflips", Sanjay, in a Remmington Tufflips costume, sees a film crew setting up for a commercial at Tufflips' home and, thinking they're bad guys, goes on the attack. The crew, thinking Sanjay is the real Tufflips, go along.
  • You Mean X Mas: The 2015 Christmas Special entitled "Huggle Day", despite Craig mentioning the actual holiday in "Bike-O Psycho" and even dressed like a Christmas Tree in "Heartyface".