The Bellflower Bunnies

  • ️Thu Oct 22 2020

The Bellflower Bunnies (Western Animation)

Ever wanted an antidote to Watership Down but felt Peter Rabbit was too British? Then how about a French show about the adventures of a family of cute bunnies doing cute bunny things!

Based off the La famille Passiflore series of books by Geneviève Huriet (or Amélie Sarn, depending on the book) and Loïc Jouannigot, which were published in English under the name Beechwood Bunny Tales, The Bellflower Bunnies focuses on the adventures of the Bellflower family, a clan of seven rabbits who live in the fictional locality of Blueberry Hill. Papa Bramble and Aunt Zinnia take care of the family's five kids: Periwinkle, Poppy, Mistletoe, Dandelion and Pirouette/Violet.

Tropes in this work:

  • The Baby of the Bunch: Dandelion is the smallest and youngest of the Bellflower bunny children and his older siblings do their best to look after him.
  • Barefoot Cartoon Animal: Nearly all of the characters are barefoot in some way or another.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: Each of the bunny children have had their own misbehaving moments, but it's mainly Mistletoe who's the real brat.
  • Christmas Episode: In "A Christmas Tail", the bunny children stumble upon a stranded reindeer and meet three of Santa's elves. They help repair their broken beacon so they can return to the North Pole, but Dandelion, desperate to meet Santa, takes the beacon and tries to fly off to the North Pole. He winds up getting lost and, through Santa's instructions, finds the elves and returns the beacon. The next morning, the bunny children think the whole ordeal was just a dream, but are convinced otherwise when they see Dandelion's present: The carrotmobile he flew in, as well as a note from Santa.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: When Poppy's girlfriend, Pammy, arrives with her new stepbrother, Norbert, Poppy was anything but pleased about it.
  • Cute Mute: Romeo, a boy bunny Violet develops a crush on, is both deaf and mute and communicates using sign language, but he's capable of reading lips. Nevertheless, Violet learns to use sign language so she can communicate with him.
  • Fantasy Kitchen Sink: Anthropomorphic animals live in a "normal" human-like society alongside ogres, witches and wizards.
  • House Fire: "Refried Donuts" has Blueberry Cottage catch fire after the bunny kids try (and fail) to make fried doughnuts.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Mistletoe acts tough and often pokes fun at his siblings, but he does care deeply for them.
  • Lost Pet Grievance: Periwinkle takes care of an injured bird he named Tweet-Tweet and develops a close bond with him. Sadly, Tweet-Tweet dies the next morning, leaving poor Periwinkle devastated. Upon being told his feathered friend is now way up in the sky, Periwinkle attempts to get as close to the sky as he could to speak to the bird while his siblings (unsuccessfully) try to find him a new friend. At the end of the episode, Papa Bramble makes Periwinkle a bird-like balloon to say his goodbyes in and have it float into the sky so it could cross paths with Tweet-Tweet.
  • Missing Mom: The absence of the family's mother is never explained on the animated series, however, a book released after the series ended, L'album des photos des Passiflore reveals that she was killed by hunters from other rabbit species.
  • Oblivious to Love: Violet's friend, Gamba, develops a huge crush on Mistletoe in "Holiday with Love", but he never notices. It isn't until Violet tells him about her friend's crush in "Dream Vacation" that he starts to return the feeling.
  • Out-of-Character Moment: Periwinkle is normally honest, nice, a bit timid, and seen as a "goody-to-shoes" by his siblings. However, he does occasionally have his Jerkass moments like in "Romeo and Violet" when he joins his brothers in scolding Violet for hanging out with a boy bunny they were competing against or when he argues with Poppy in "Merry-Go-Round".
  • Puppy Love: Or rather Bunny Love. Each of the bunny children, minus Dandelion, seems to have their own love interest. Poppy loves a taller girl named Pammy, Violet falls for a deaf bunny boy named Romeo, Mistletoe starts developing feelings for Gamba (though only after Violet told him Gamba had a crush on him), and Periwinkle's interested in a girl named Pimpernelle.
  • Recurring Extra: The mice moving around in the background often go through similar situations the rabbits go through. Hardly anyone seems to notice them, though.
  • The Smart Guy: Poppy.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Violet (Pirouette) is Papa Bramble's only daughter.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Poppy is intelligent and a talented inventor, but is also very arrogant and constantly brags about his successes.
  • Superhero Episode: "Fairy Violet" has Violet believing she has gained fairy powers after reading a old book Aunt Zinnia owns.
  • The Moving Experience: The first episode revolves around the Bellflower family's move to Blueberry Cottage.
  • Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: Poppy and his girlfriend, Pammy.
  • You Go, Girl!: In "Refried Donuts", Violet wants to join her brothers playing firefighter. She gets angry when they tell her to play the victim and claims she wants to become a firefighter when she grows up. The boys, especially Mistletoe, mock her, claiming she can't be a firefighter because she's a girl. Aunt Zinnia comes to her defense, telling them that girls can do things as well as boys, but unfortunately, Papa Bramble doesn't make things better by agreeing with his sons. However, later in the episode, when Papa Bramble is too frightened to hang lights on a rooftop, Aunt Zinnia climbs it and, despite being afraid herself, successfully hangs the lights, making Papa Bramble take back what he said earlier and admit boys and girls can do the same thing, much to Mistletoe's dismay. Then, near the end, a firefighter saves Violet and Mistletoe when they're trapped inside their burning house and, to Mistletoe's shock (and Violet's delight), the firefighter was a female.