The Fimbles
- ️Tue Jan 02 2018
A children's television show produced by Novel Entertainment for CBeebies, featuring the three creatures called "fimbles"- Fimbo, Baby Pom and Florrie, and their friends Rockit (a frog), Roly Mo (a mole), Bessie (a bird) and Ribble (her son). The show follows the lives of the these characters, with each episode also including a "storytime" or short often moral story in a different animation style told by Roly Mo, as well as real life footage of children playing shown in universe by Bessie.
The Fimbles also have a thing where a tree called the Tinkling Tree makes ringing sounds with its blossoms, prompting the fimbles to get the "Fimbling Feeling" which seems to be a psychic sense that allows them to search for something. Once the thing is found, that becomes a theme for the episode.
The Fimbles contains examples of:
- Adaptational Sympathy: Roly Mo tells a story that's a version of Goldilocks. In the original story, the bears are an example of Bears Are Bad News, but in this version, they're friendly, and Baby Bear in particular wants someone to play with and ends up making friends with Goldilocks.
- Adaptation Personality Change: In the book Lucy Anna and the Finders by Sarah Hayes, the inspiration for the series, the Finders are similar in appearance to the Fimbles, but very different in personality, threatening to eat the title character, Lucy Anna, multiple times, whereas in the series they are friendly and vegetarian. And rather than an innate ability to sense that something interesting is around, the Finders "finding" things is just outright theft.
- Amazing Technicolor Wildlife:
- Roly Mo is a mole, but he is green with purple stripes.
- Rockit is a frog, yet he is blue with red stripes.
- Amazing Technicolor World: The entire world is colourful and magical, from the bubble waterful, to all the brightly coloured plants and rock structures.
- Ambiguously Absent Parent: We never see Ribble's dad.
- Baby Talk: Baby Pom talks less clearly than the other Fimbles, and occasionally has her pronounciation corrected by Florrie.
- Bookworm: Roly Mo spends most of his time reading and has a library in his house.
- Character Tics: Ribble shakes when he's happy.
- Coloring in the World: One of the stories concerns a world where colour comes from the Painting Elves, with an elf dedicated to each color and named accordingly. For example, the color yellow is handled by the Yellow Elf, green is handled by the Green Elf, etc.
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Episodes are generally named after the object the Fimbles find, which can range from 1-2 words.
- Intelligible Unintelligible: Ribble only squeaks, but other characters can understand him.
- Keet: Rockit spends most of his time jumping and leaping.
- Once per Episode: The Fimbles getting the Fimbling Feeling meaning there's a new object nearby, followed by them singing the Fimbling Feeling song.
- Power Trio: The three main characters, Fimbo, Florrie, and Pom, make up a power trio.
- Psychic Powers: The Fimbles have the ability to locate objects through an intuition called the "Fimbling Feeling", though that only activates when the Tinkling Tree makes noise.
- Shout-Out: In one episode, Bessie says, "Ribble, Ribble, your face is a mess", which is a reference to a song by David Bowie called "Rebel Rebel".
- Spin-Off: There were two, both more blatantly Edutainment Shows than the original:
- The Roly Mo Show, a Reading Is Cool series which added his neice, Little Bo, and two ferret-like creatures called Snoots.
- Rockitt got a Science Show radio series in BBC 7's short-lived Radio Cbeebies strand called Rockit's Pocket.
- Stock Footage: The scenes where the Fimbles have the Fimbling Feeling followed by its song are used virtually every episode.
- Theme Tune Roll Call: The theme song introduces the Fimble trio.
- Trademark Favorite Food: A recurring theme is Fimbo's love for something called "crumble crackers".
- Transformation Sequence: Subverted. The Fimbling Feeling is sort of like this as it gives the Fimbles power to find something and is followed with the same exact stock footage of their fingers, nose and topknot wiggling, but it doesn't change their appearance in any way.