Western Animation - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Feb 23 2012

Please don't hide spoilers in this page. Wham Line is a spoileriffic trope by nature, so it's pointless to spoiler tag every example.

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  • Adventure Time:
    • In “Mortal Recoil”, as everyone gathers at the hospital for Princess Bubblegum’s operation, a nurse comes out and breaks the bad news about her.

      Nurse: Yes, I’m afraid…there wasn’t enough gum to work with, so it appears that Princess Bubblegum is now… younger.

    • In "Holly Jolly Secrets", Finn and Jake get to the last, earliest tape in the Ice King's video diary, and this is what they hear: "Hello. My name is Simon Petrikov."
    • By extension, from "I Remember You", as a prelude to revealing how far back their relationship goes:

      Marceline: You don't remember anything, do you, SIMON?!

    • From "Burning Low", the conflict seems to be about PB being jealous of Finn and Flame Princess' new relationship, until...:

      Princess Bubblegum: This isn't about some petty love triangle!! Flame Princess is PHYSICALLY UNSTABLE!!

      • Followed by this reveal:

        Princess Bubblegum: Why did you think I had [Flame Princess's] father keep her locked up?!

    • From the ending of "In Your Footsteps", we see why the Bear wanted the Enchiridion so badly:

      The Lich-possessed Snail: Yes... one step closer...

    • From "The Lich", where Bubblegum is chasing after Finn, about to deliver the Enchiridion to Billy:
    • From "Lady & Peebles", Lady's one English line:

      Lady Rainicorn: I AM PREGNANT!

    • From the ending of "Billy's Bucket List":

      Billy: Your father, Finn. He's alive!

    • From the ending of "Be Sweet":

      Sweet P: The comet... approacheth.

    • Another revelation about Princess Bubblegum's past in "Bonnie and Neddy" and to the Candy Kingdom as a whole:

      Princess Bubblegum: That dragon you saw... he's my brother, Neddy.

    • From "Evergreen", when Gunter puts on the crown and makes his wish.

      Gunter: Gunter, no!

    • From "Incendium":

      Flame King: For my evil daughter!

    • Played for Laughs in "Play Date". The episode’s plot revolves around Finn and Jake calling Abracadaniel to get Ice King out of their Treefort, as his kingdom’s already been rebuilt. How long ago that was isn’t revealed until the end:

      Ice King: Pfft, the Ice Kingdom's been rebuilt for weeks!

    • In "Checkmate", the Vampire King - built up as the biggest threat of the newly revived vampires - reveals his motives have changed in a surprising direction during his confrontation with Marceline, Princess Bubblegum, Finn, and Jake.
    • "Crossover" has Prismo (already a Reality Warper extraordinaire) raising some big implications as he discusses Ice Finn's plans:

    Prismo: Now, if that happens, my boss, let me repeat that, My. Boss. will hold me responsible. And by proxy, ya'll both will be in the dip too.

    • "Preboot" drops the biggest bombshell of the entire series at that point:

      Dr. Gross: None of you normies know what you want, so it's up to me and my hybrid army to drag all the other humans into a golden age!
      Finn: Wait, other humans? There are more humans?!

    • At the beginning of "The Invitation", Finn comes across a mysterious ship…:

      Human identified. Infant PG-87 Mertens.

    • "Hide and Seek" has two.

      Dr. Gross: Kara. Kara. Kara!
      Susan Strong: Yes, Dr. Gross?

      • Followed by...

        Susan Strong: Kara. My name is Kara.

    • "Min and Marty" finally explains why Susan went to the Land of Ooo:

      Susan Strong: I'm taking you back to your mom.
      Finn: Uh, you knew my mom? You're gonna just drop that?!
      Susan Strong: Her name is Minerva Campbell. She's a helper.

    • At the end of "Helpers":

      Minerva Campbell: You're back! And now you can live here in safety.
      Finn: Oh, but I can't necessarily...
      Minerva Campbell: For the rest of your life.

    • "Whispers" has a twofer:

      The Lich: I know exactly what I am. I am the ceaseless wheel. The last scholar of GOLB. I am your doom.
      Fern: It doesn't matter how hard I try, I'll always just be in the shadow of the real Finn. Unless I could become the only Finn.

    • At the end of "Three Buckets", a mysterious cloaked figure is shown gathering the remains of Fern:

      Uncle Gumbald: You looking for an uncle?

    • Near the end of "The Wild Hunt", Finn begins a new relationship:

      Huntress Wizard: (to Finn) We both know you're totally in love with me.

    • "The First Investigation" has this at the end:

      The Shapeshifter: (to Jake) We have to leave.

  • Adventure Time: Distant Lands:
    • "Together Again" has two, back to back.

      Gate Guardian: Welcome to eternity! (cue shot of skeletons and a very familiar realm that hasn't been seen since Season 2)

      • And then the title card is updated:
  • Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers:
    • From "New Frontier"

      Queen of the Crown: I know all about you, Ranger Foxx. (as the Slaverlord behind him takes on the form of his wife)

    • From "Supertroopers"

      Senator Whiner: Walsh! I know where Gooseman's genetic models came from.

  • The Amazing World of Gumball:
    • Played for Laughs in “The Treasure”, when the kids find the hidden treasure, the mysterious follower, finally catches them.

      Stranger: Stop digging.

      Gumball: ...Dad?

      Richard?: No….'''[Regular Voice] Yeah- [Turns off flashlight] -it's me.

      • Then once the kids open the box of treasure, they find…

      Darwin: [angrily] OH MAN! IT'S ANOTHER PIECE OF PAPER!

      Richard: It's not just a piece of paper. It's the reason we'll never be able to afford whatever we want.

      • So once Richard explains the family’s secret, Gumball questions what he bought in the first place, but just when Anais answers…

      Anais: I'll tell you exactly what it was. He bought a-

      Nicole: [interrupting off-screen] A star.

      [Anais gets a look of shock on her face]

      Anais: [Kneels on the ground] NOOOO! [Glares angrily at Nicole while her mom looks on her smugly] You stole my thunder!

    • In “The Remote”, when Gumball, Darwin, Richard and Nicole are fighting for the remote for TV Night, they realize that the remote they've been fighting for was a garage remote.

      Gumball: Dag-nabbit! It's for a garage door! What did you buy this for?!

      Nicole: What? It's the one Anais told me to get.

      Gumball: Why would Anais tell you to buy the wrong... remote?

    • From the episode "The Shell". (His genuine thoughts about Penny's true form.)
    • And then the ending:
    • In "The Man" on why Richard is hostile to his mother's new boyfriend:

      Richard: What is father going to say when he comes back?!
      His family and Jojo: (confused) Father?
      Richard: Yeah! You said that he left home to get some milk 42 years ago! He could be back here any minute!

    • In "The Nobody", Gumball and Darwin found their culprit and he reveals himself to be a nobody who can't even remember himself. So when the duo decides to give him a new purpose in life whether it is good or bad, it comes a powerful revelation from a certain episode that the Wham Line is actually a Meaningful Echo and also makes a new enemy.

      Gumball: Yeah... There is no bad guy here. You could be our mortal enemy!
      Darwin: You could be the worst guy the world has ever made.
      (The phrase "The world has ever made" echoed into the Nobody's mind, changing from Darwin's voice to Mr. Small's!)
      Rob: I remember...
      (Flashback to the events of "The Void")
      Mr. Small: All the mistakes the world has ever made...
      (Gumball and Darwin goes through the Void to find Molly and they pass by Rob who tries to wave at them.)
      Rob: Guys! Over here!

    • "The Bus" started as a Scare 'Em Straight method by the adults as criminals on playing hokey gone hilariously wrong, becomes too real... Just as Planned by not the adults but the actual mastermind!

      Gumball: Whose insane idea was this?
      (the phone shows a new message that says...)
      Principal Brown: (reads) Stick to the pan or everyone dines?
      Rob/Dr. Wrecker: (the one texting) Darn Autocorrect... The stupid thing never works.

    • "The Disaster" was when the series was in its Darkest Hour, with Rob who uses a Universal Remote to destroy Gumball's life confirmed a bombshell that was thought to be ignored in "The Signal".

      Rob: You really don't get it, do you? So happy to star in your AMAZING world. Can't you see that none of this is real?!

    • "The Vegging", the 200th episode, started with Gumball and Darwin trying to have a full lazy day despite all the chaotic events happening to the point the universe itself try to force them to get up and then get them to save their family until the end when this message appeared before them:

      "This is a message from the future. The strange things that happened today were for a reason. And it was all the work of..."

    • A huge one occurs at the end of "The Future".
  • From the American Dad! episode "Stan of Arabia" (Pt. 1)

    Stan: I'm not going back to the CIA... or the USA!

    • In Salute Your Sllort Billy is running a DNA test in a crime lab, and it matches the murder suspect, old man Powell. But then he notices something:

      Billy: But wait, this is the victim's sample.

  • American Dragon: Jake Long:
    • For her entire life, Rose believed that her parents died shortly after she was born, and that the Huntsclan took her in and raised her, with the Huntsman going as her "Uncle". Then in the episode "Dreamscape", while going through her own subconscious in the dream world, she learns the shocking truth of her birth.

      Doctor: Congratulations, they're twins!
      Rose’s Mother: I'm going to call her... Rose.
      Doctor: Look at this strange birthmark. It looks almost like a...dragon.
      Nurse: Huntsmaster, we have a new initiate.
      The Huntsman: (snatches newborn Rose out of her mother's arms) Come, little one. You are one of us.
      Rose: My parents didn't die… the Huntsclan took me from them! I have a family

  • Amphibia:
    • From "Prison Break":

      Sasha: But first, I think we're gonna have some fun with this place.

    • From "Bizarre Bazar", on the topic of The Calamity Box, the thing that transported Anne and her friends to Amphibia:

      Hop Pop: Sorry, Anne, but I can't have you showing this thing around. Too dangerous for all of us.

    • At the end of "Anne of the Year", Anne and Sasha have finally reunited, but…:

      Sasha: For now, I'm just glad I found you. We came as soon as we heard.
      Anne: (confused) "We"?
      Sasha: Yeah, just me and some friends of mine.
      Grime: (swallows a lightning bug) Nice to finally meet you, Anne Boonchuy.
      (Reveals the toad army as ominous music is heard)

    • From "Reunion":

      Sasha: And once this is over, we can finally find a way out of this crummy, gross world.

    • From "A Day at the Aquarium":

      King Andrias: Always sad to see someone go, isn't it? I have a proposition for you, Marcy, and I think you'll find it very interesting.

    • From "True Colors". Moreso since this is the very reason for the show:

      King Andrias: Did it ever occur to you — Anne, Sasha — that one of you knew more than she was letting on? That one of you might've gotten you stranded in Amphibia... on purpose?

      • Before that moment, Andrias reveals his true nature:

        King Andrias: For you see, my ancestors weren't frail explorers, they were glorious conquerors!

  • Animalia:
    • Throughout the episode "Tunnel Vision", we are told about a character named The Creeper, who is said to be a real danger to Animalia. While exploring Animalia's tunnel system, Alex encounters a long-tailed weasel who calls himself TC, and this line at the end confirms any suspicions that the viewers may have had about him.

    TC: Oh, I made it out, Alex. Thanks to you. But the letters "TC" are just my initials. My full name is... The Creeper.

  • Arcane:
    • In "Paint the Town Blue", a strange man being carried to Stillwater sheds his own blood to attract a monster to come break him out. The beast utterly wrecks everything in its path and, just when it has Jinx at its mercy, it pauses and examines her terrified face, as if there was something vaguely familiar about her.
  • Archer:
    • From the end of the episode "Space Race part I":

      Astronaut: Don't you get it.... they're the mutineers!

    • Which is immediately followed by:

      Commander Drake: Welcome to the Danger Zone.

    • Cheryl has two:

      Cheryl: Yeah, Cyril! You know you can trust me! Y'know... Probably.

    • Filibuster is basically one big Wham Episode full of them. First, we get:

      Archer': *after discovering that the San Marco rebels are led by Slater and Holly* I mean, you even came to the house where... *beat* We've been selling cocaine for the CIA, so they could buy guns from IRAN?!

    • And then:

      Archer: Lana! These dicks aren't FBI! They're CIA! And the rebels!
      Lana: *long silence* Yeah, no, that is, um... news, but... my water just broke, sooooo...

    • And finally, on the planeride back to the U.S, with Lana holding her newborn child.

      Lana: Archer... I'd like you to meet your daughter, Abergine...

  • Avatar: The Last Airbender:
    • From "Siege of the North, Part 2".

      Zhao: I assure you, I have everything under control. I intend to remove the moon as a factor.

    • At the end of "Lake Laogai", a wounded Jet tries to say he'll be fine. Toph, the Living Lie Detector utters two simple words.

      Toph: (utterly dejected) He's lying.

    • "The Avatar and the Fire Lord" reveals a bombshell connection between Aang's previous life and Zuko.

      Iroh: You have more than one great-grandfather, Prince Zuko. Sozin was your father's grandfather. Your mother's grandfather was Avatar Roku.

    • Zuko gives one to his father when he confronts him in "Day of the Black Sun".
    • In the first part of the four-part series finale, Katara finds a picture of an innocent looking baby whom she assumes to be Zuko. After the rest of the heroes tease Zuko about it, he corrects them.

      Zuko: That's not me. That's my father...

  • Batman: The Animated Series
    • In "Two Face", Harvey Dent confronts Rupert Thorne, who plans on leaking his mental problems to the press unless the DA cuts him a deal. Harvey fumes with anger for a moment, then he suddenly calms down:
    • At the climax of "The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy", Wormwood gives Batman's cape and cowl to Baron Josek, who had hired him to steal them. Per their deal, Wormwood tells Josek where he'd hidden a small fortune in stolen bearer bonds, and insists that the Baron fulfill his end by explaining what he's going to to do with the cape and cowl. "Baron Josek" steps into the shadows and laughs, then places a mask of the Baron's face on the desk.

      Batman: I'm wear them.

    • At the beginning of "Over the Edge", when Batman and Robin are trying to evade the police force.

      Commissioner Gordon: Bruce Wayne, stop where you are!

  • In the Batman Beyond episode "Out of the Past", when Bruce Wayne hears the voice of his old nemesis Ra's Al Ghul.

    Bruce: I heard him, Talia! Where's Ra's?!
    Talia: I did not want you to find out this way, but I suppose what is done is done... (in Ra's voice) Detective!

  • Baymax!: In "Sofia", Sofia is having a personal problem in the bathroom, and the bluntness of this line lets us know that the series is tackling an issue that Disney hasn't touched since a certain educational film from 1946.

    Baymax: I will scan you now.

    Sofia: Wait, what—?

    Baymax: And complete! You have mild seasonal allergies and are currently menstruating.

  • Beast Wars:
    • In the first season finale, Optimus is piloting a stasis pod set to self-destruct towards this big planet-destroyer. The plan is for him to blow the doors and zoom out before the explosion.

      Optimus: All right, let's do it. Prepare to blow pod hatch.
      Computer: Unable to comply. Pod hatch is magna-sealed.
      Optimus: That's impossible.
      Megatron's voice: (coming out of nowhere over the speaker) Oh, I assure you...It is not.

    • In the episode preceding the Season 1 finale, Tigatron infiltrates the Predacon base to uncover what Megatron's found. He discovers it's another 'Golden Disk', and at the end of the episode he reports what he found to the other Maximals:

      Tigatron: The aliens... The ones who seeded this planet with Energon, the ones that built that flying island that almost destroyed us...
      Optimus: Yes, what are you saying? What is it?
      Tigatron: They're coming. They're on their way here... and I don't think they're very happy...

  • Beast Machines:
    • In "The Catalyst", Blackarachnia reawakens Thrust's sealed-away personality, hoping to be reunited with Silverbolt. Instead... This indicates that Thrust was actually Waspinator, turning Blackarachnia's ongoing search plot upside down, and is immediately followed by the revelation that Silverbolt is really Jetstorm.

      Thrust/Waspinator: Noooooo, Doggie-Bot not here...

    • Before the above instance, they discover Tankor to be Rhinox, so Optimus goes into his mind to try to bring his friend's mind back. He succeeds, but...

      Tankor/Rhinox: Megatron isn't the problem, you are!

    • At this point Rhinox has confirmed his Face–Heel Turn, and Tankor becomes The Starscream to Megatron.
  • Ben 10:
    • When Zs'Skayr takes over Ben's mind in "Ghosfreaked Out"

      Gwen: Ben! Answer me!

      Zs'Skayr/Ghosfreak: Ben's not here.

    • And then when Ben transforms back. a few minutes later...

      Ben: Phew... I'm glad to be rid of that freak...

      Zs'Skayr/Ghosfreak: (Now free from the Omnitrix) Aww, and I thought we were close. So nice to finally meet you face-to-face!

    • In "The Visitor" we find out who was the Omnitrix's intended recipient:

      Diamondhead: If I'm such a mess-up, then why did you send the watch to me in the first place?

      Xylene: I didn't send you the Omnitrix. You found the Omnitrix before it reached its intended recipient.

      Diamondhead: What?

      Xylene: The pod containing it veered slightly off its intended course.

      Diamondhead: I got the watch by mistake?

    • In the episode "The Final Battle Part 2" of Ben 10: Alien Force, when Vilgax manages to obtain Ben's Omnitrix and has an army of robots that can duplicate Ben's alien forms and their abilities, Ben takes a last-resort defensive measure:

      Ben: Omnitrix, self-destruct in thirty seconds, command code zero, zero, zero, destruct, zero.

      Omnitrix A.I: Destruct sequence completed and engaged. Detonation in T-30 seconds.

    • In "Absolute Power Part 2" of Ben 10: Ultimate Alien, Kevin has gone insane and turned to villainy as a result of absorbing too much power, and Ben has gone so far as to plan to kill him to stop him. Gwen does not agree with Ben's plans, and has a brief fight with Ben over how to deal with Kevin, with both of them agreeing to find a non-lethal way to turn Kevin back to normal. However, while they are fighting Kevin, Ben suddenly reveals he planned to kill Kevin all along:

      Ben (to Kevin): I'm sorry about that. But I can't let you hurt anyone else.

      Gwen: I thought we agreed to do it my way.

    • In "Showdown Part 1" of Ben 10: Omniverse, Ben is determined to go after the corrupted Galvanic Mechamorph, Malware, but Azmuth gives him a warning.

      Azmuth: Slow down, Ben. You don't want a repeat of what happened to Feedback.

  • Beware the Batman:
    • Bethanie Ravencroft's text at the end of "Toxic": "Wayne hooked, awaiting instructions."
    • From the end of "Sacrifice": "Gotham's true ruler: Ra's al Ghul."
    • The end of the following episode as well:

      Lady Shiva: You will be generously rewarded for your services Dr Burr. Welcome to the League of Assassins.

    • In "Fall":

      Ra's al Ghul: Rest in peace, Gotham City.

  • Big City Greens:
    • From "Phoenix Rises", someone in a motorcycle helmet pulls up to the Green house:

      ???: Looks like somebody lost their dog. Good thing she tracked me down.

      Bill: Well, look who finally got out of jail.

      (The motorcyclist removes their helmet, revealing themself to be Nancy Green!)

      Nancy: Hey, kiddos.

      Cricket & Tilly: Mom!

      Remy: Whaaaaaaaat?!?!

    • From "Blood Moon", it isn’t revealed how the animals got turned by the blood moon, until…:

      Bill: Oh, I didn't think it would be this bad.

      (This line causes Cricket to look at him suspiciously.)

      Bill: You're makin' me real nervous son, with those...suspicious eyes of yours.

      Cricket: Huh?

      Bill: No!

      Cricket: Oh, my gosh...! THE LOCK TO THE GARAGE!

      Remy: Saboteur!

      Gramma: He was in league with the animals!

    • From "Elevator Action":

      Gloria: If I had someone in this stupid city looking out for me, maybe I wouldn't! Be! Leaving!

    • And the biggest one from "Reckoning Ball":
    • In "Bill-iever", Cricket tricks Bill into believing aliens exist to get away with his shenanigans. This backfires when Bill turns into a tin-foil-hat-wearing Conspiracy Theorist who thinks an Alien Invasion is upon us. When Cricket finally cracks and reveals that he lied, Bill drops this:

      Bill: I flip-flappin' knew it.

    • "Chipwrecked" has four in a row all within the span of the last 3-4 minutes:
      • Chip takes his dad's advice differently:

        Chip: Things are going to be a little... different from now on.

      • When Chip steps into the boardroom:

        Chip: We are at the dawn of a new era for Wholesome Foods. May I present to you all my Wholesome Foods expansion plan.

      • After Chip manages to bribe Ms. Cho:

        Chip: Which reminds me, you're all fired. Get out.

      • While Chip is taunting Cricket after firing him:

        Chip: (panning over to the Greens’ house) But I think my Wholesome Foods expansion plan will need a bit... more... space.

    • At the end of “Chipocalypse Now”, the Green Family once again defeated Chip, everything is back to normal with both buildings beside the Greens' house rebuilt, though Big Coffee is still closed, and the building is now for lease. As the Greens relax and unpack, Gloria suddenly arrives and barges into their home.

      (Gloria walks inside, and slams the door)

    • In "Green Trial", Cricket repeatedly insists he did not eat Nancy's strawberry cake while they were out doing chores, despite all evidence pointing to him and he was the only one in the house when it happened. It's only when Cricket gets to this line does Tilly realize he was telling the truth:
    • In the final scene of Long Goodbye, a man in a hoodie leaves a bouquet of flowers on Chip Whistler's grave when the Gravedigger shows up. That man hides when a gravedigger comes and tells his dog how much trouble Chip caused one family in particular but struggles with the name. The hoodied man reveals the family's name...
    • ”Internetted”, Tilly goes down an internet rabbit hole to figure out what happened to her favorite ice cream treat, the Croblins Ice Cream Bar. But then after searching too deep, she eventually gets stuck in some cryptic spider web, along with a stranger. So they both chat about their predicament.

      Tilly: Well, a really helpful rabbit named Agent Information told me I'd figure out what to believe by going down here, but, now I'm not sure what to think!

      Stranger: Oh, that same rabbit led me here too. Except it wasn't "Agent", it was "Miss."

  • From Big Hero 6: The Series, episode "Small Hiro One," childlike scientist and SFIT alumni Wendy Wower admits she looked up to her teacher, Professor Granville, the current dean.

    Hiro: (Spit Take) Granville? I thought Granville just started at SFIT this year?
    Wendy: Nope, she was here 20 years ago.

    • Earlier in "Something Fluffy," Liv Amara was revealed to be performing her evil actions for the season to help someone that was in stasis in the lower levels of Sycorax. Come the end of "Lie Detector," she reveals who said person is:

      Liv Amara: Good news, I got the gold. I promised you I'd do whatever it takes, Liv.

  • The 2006 revival of Biker Mice from Mars had this happen at the end of the second part of the three-part episode "Once Upon a Time on Earth" when Spitfire explains what she has to do with the conflict.

    Spitfire: Because I'm the package Stoker wanted. I'm his daughter.

  • Bluey:
    • In "Fairy Tale", as Bandit is wrapping up his story about being "cursed" by his brother Rad on vacation as a child:

    Bingo: Well then…who broke the curse?

    Bandit: Well, remember I said that this story has a princess?

    Girl: Bandit Heeler…is this yours?

    Bluey and Bingo: Mum?!

  • BoJack Horseman has a couple:
    • The first one is the ending to the episode "Say Anything" hammers in how little anybody else cares about Princess Carolyn, and how old she's getting.

      Princess Carolyn's phone: Happy Birthday. You are 40.

    • In "The Telescope", when BoJack finally works up the courage to apologize to Herb, only to get hit with his first dose of harsh reality and the first of many permanently ruined relationships in the series:
    • At the end of "The Shot", when BoJack is wondering where Kelsey is:

      Turtletaub: Turns out you two knuckleheads snuck out last night and got that shot I told you not to get for the scene that's not in the movie any more. Silly me, I didn't like that. So I fired her ass.

    • The Season 2 finale "Out To Sea" has a major one, revealing a new part of BoJack's sordid showbiz history:

      BoJack: Jill Pill?
      Princess Carolyn: Ring any bells? Apparently she worked on your TV show.
      BoJack: Horsin' Around?
      Princess Carolyn: No actually. The other TV show.
      BoJack: Other TV show...? Oh, shit! Jill...

    • Season 3, "That's Too Much, Man!" revealing Sarah Lynn's death:

      BoJack: The only thing that matters is right now, this moment, this one spectacular moment we are sharing together. Right, Sarah Lynn? (Beat) Sarah Lynn? ...Sarah Lynn?

    • Season 4, "Ruthie", In the distant future, a cat girl named Ruthie is giving a presentation about her ancestor Princess Carolyn on a specific day. At the end of Princess Carolyn’s hard day she goes to her office and chats with BoJack about how terrible her day was.
    • Also from Season 4, "livin' that cali lifestyle!!", as BoJack leaves his dementia-addled mother in the nursing home:

      Beatrice: BoJack?Explanation

    • The last line of "Free Churro" reveals BoJack gave his whole speech to the wrong funeral:

      BoJack: Is this Funeral Parlor B?

    • Season 6, "Xerox of a Xerox", as this line from Biscuits Braxby not only reveals some harsh new context to the ending of "That's Too Much, Man!", but also highlights how utterly screwed Bojack is during his second interview:

      Biscuits: But the police did check the phone records, and your story checked out. There was a two-minute phone call made from her phone to your phone, 17 minutes before you called 911.

  • Camp Lazlo: From "Lumpus's Last Stand", after a police car pulls up to Scoutmaster Lumpus:

    "Heffer": That's him, officer! That's the bad moose who locked me in the closet all summer and stole my job as Scoutmaster!

  • Code Lyoko:
    • "Revelation":

      Jeremie: No. She (Franz Hopper's daughter, Aelita) stayed on Lyoko.

    • "Aelita":

      Aelita: My father might be alive somewhere on Lyoko.

    • "Wrong Exposure":

      Aelita: Especially since my real name isn't Hopper. ... Schaeffer's my real name.

  • Codename: Kids Next Door:
    • While Cree being evil had already been revealed, "Operation: S.P.A.C.E." reveals there's a lot more to her than simply being a Big Sister Bully.

      Numbuh 5: (Upon realizing Cree's on the ship) Yeah, you always were good with the 2x4 technology… (smugly) Numbuh 11.
      Cree: (revealing herself) My name is Cree!

    • In "Operation: E.N.D.", the reason why Sector V was wrongfully put up for decommissioning is revealed through a letter Numbuh 1 found:
      • There's also said operative's rant, which fully cements his change into a teenager.

        Numbuh 274: You don't understand! An organization this big doesn't run by itself, you know! I've been running this show for five years! Five! Years! I'm not going to let all my hard work, all that I've accomplished be ruined by a bunch of snot-nosed brats!
        [almost every operative gasps]
        Numbuh 1: Listen to yourself! You sound just like a teenager.

    • At the end, "Operation A.R.C.H.I.V.E." is revealed to be a report Numbuh 1 was giving to his class. It seems like yet another bout of paranoia from Nigel, until his teacher places a call:

      Nigel's teacher: They know.

    • In "Operation T.R.E.A.T.Y.", Numbuh 1 prevails against Chad in their Duel to the Death and is about to finish him off, but Numbuh 5 tells him not to upon arriving with the rest of Sector V. When he demands why she wants him to spare a traitor, she reveals this surprising discovery:

      Numbuh 5: (regarding Chad) Because... he's one of us.
      Numbuh 1: (in disbelief) He's WHAT?!

      • Immediately followed by Chad's confirmation:

  • Daria: In "Dye! Dye! My Darling", after Daria ended up kissing Tom after discussing their respective relationships with Jane.

    Jane: Hey, what's up? Talk to me.
    Daria: I kissed your boyfriend.

  • The Dexter's Laboratory Musical Episode "LABretto".

    Dee Dee: What does this button do?

  • Dragons: Riders of Berk: The ending of "Sins of the Past" reveals the true leader of the Dragon Hunters.
  • DuckTales (2017):
    • At the end of the pilot, Dewey discovers that the picture of Scrooge and Donald adventuring together has a corner bent over, and pulls it back to reveal the complete image of a third, female duck working with the duo. He then utters the last line any Disney Ducks fan ever thought would be said on the show:

      Dewey: Mom?

    • In "The Great Dime Chase!", Dewey and Webby go into the McDuck archives to find information on Della Duck, whose history and existence is being denied and kept hidden by Scrooge. When the two discover a secret room, they find a frame containing a note that indicates some kind of betrayal on her part.
    • At the end of "The Beagle Birthday Massacre!", Webby's mysterious new friend Lena uses her magical amulet to speak to a Living Shadow.

      Lena: Aunt Magica, I'm in.

    • At the end of "The Shadow War!", it is revealed that Della is still alive, lost on the moon after the Spear of Selene crashed there, and she manages to pick up a TV news transmission from Duckburg and realizes her sons are alive. Notable for the fact that this is her first ever speaking appearance in animation and a Call-Back to the first example above.

      Della: Boys?

    • At the end of "Friendship Hates Magic!" when Webby and Violet's attempt to rescue Lena from the Shadow Realm has seemingly failed.

      Lena: I'M BACK?!

    • "The Duck Knight Returns!" when we finally find out the name of the new actor playing Darkwing Duck.
    • In "GlomTales" after Glomgold has won his bet with Scrooge and gotten all of Scrooge's money, once Louie partners with him and organizes the Rogues Gallery to pool their funds together, delivered just as Glomgold is beginning his victory lap.

      Glomgold: I did it! I won the bet AND your company! With a scheme sorted out by your own nephew! Or should I say... my new partner! And now I have your money, and your money- I don't need any of you! I am the richest duck in the world! I am UNSTOPPABLE! I AM FLINTHEART GLOMGOLD! (Evil Laugh)
      Louie: (cuts him off with his own Evil Laugh) Yup! Flintheart Glomgold won. His name is on all the paperwork. Only, your name's not really Flintheart Glomgold, IT'S-
      Glomgold and Scrooge: Duke Baloney!
      Louie: "Flintheart Glomgold" is a fake identity. So all [Scrooge's] money, all [Glomgold's] money, and all [the villains'] money goes to your new partner, who is- hold on one sec, just let me check right here... (unfurls the document with their signatures on it) Oh, right: me. Always read the fine print, trademark Louie Duck.

    • At the end of Season 2 Finale "Moonvasion", Earth is saved and made peace with the Moon thanks to the heroics of Clan McDuck and his allies. Come Season 3, leaders of a familiar fowl organization make their move against both the McDuck family and their allies not unlike the 1987 series and Darkwing Duck series.
    • The last lines of "The Lost Harp of Mervana!"

      Mrs Beakley: (to Webby) I have no secrets from you from here on out.
      The Harp: (from outside) She's fibbing, fibbing, fibbing!

    • From "Louie's Eleven!":
      • A subdued example from Daisy, but one signifying beyond a shadow of a doubt that Donald and Daisy are meant to be together.

        Donald: No one listens to me, either. They don't understand me.
        Daisy: Well, that's weird. I understand you perfectly.

      • Mark Beaks brags to Emma Glamour after stealing her phone to get to her IT list, and reveals his relationship to her. Also an in universe one to Falcon Graves.

        Beaks: Ha! Look who's going to make the IT list now, Mom! Pyew! Pyew, pyew, pyew, pyew!
        Graves: (looks at Beaks, then Glamour, then Beaks again) Mom?!
        Dewey: Huh, that actually makes a lot of sense.

    • "Beaks in the Shell!":

      Bradford: Take her... to the lost library.
      Gandra: What?! What library?!
      Bradford: You have your secrets, Agent D. And I have mine.

    • As expected, there are a lot of these in "The Last Adventure!":
      • When Huey is captured by F.O.W.L., Bradford tries to get him on his side by revealing something about the Missing Mysteries they've been trying to hunt down.

        Huey: I'll never help you, you monsters!
        Bradford: Junior Woodchuck Rule 413: "Never speak ill of a fellow Woodchuck."
        (he steps out of the shadows to reveal he's wearing a JWC uniform; Huey gasps)
        Bradford: Have a seat, Hubert. Carved it myself from a trunk of oak; Level 3 Carpentry Badge.
        Huey: Enough tricks! What do you want with the Missing Mysteries?
        Bradford: Why, to finish my grandmother's work. (points to a picture of himself as a boy with Isabella Finch)
        Huey: Isabella Finch was your grandma?!
        Bradford: Yes, I was the first Junior Woodchuck.

      • When Huey finds Gandra Dee and Ludwig Von Drake being held in a F.O.W.L. cellblock and discovers Bradford's endgame for finding the Missing Mysteries.

        Huey: What do you mean "evil will"? Bradford is just studying artifacts. It's what any Junior Woodchuck would do.
        Von Drake: (laughs) Bradford wasn't just the first Woodchuck. He was the worst Woodchuck! He hated and couldn't stand adventuring with his granny-mama. He wants to get rid of it entirely, altogether!
        Gandra: Bradford harnessed the Solego Circuit to create a dimensional void. It erases things from reality forever!
        Huey: Do you know what this means? Bradford is collecting artifacts because he wants to rid the world of anything adventurous!
        Gandra: And he's not just getting rid of artifacts.
        (the other cells light up to reveal several of the McDucks' allies from throughout the series)
        Huey: He's gonna erase my family! I gotta warn everyone!
        (he tries to run, only to bump right into Bradford, who overheard the whole thing)
        Bradford: What a disappointment...

      • After finding out she's a clone created by F.O.W.L. that Beakley took in, Webby reluctantly agrees to help May and June with their mission so Bradford will tell them why they were created.

        Bradford: Welcome home, April.

      • During their battle, Bradford reveals to Scrooge just how long he's worked to eliminate him and his family.

        Scrooge: Give it up! You lost the second you decided to challenge the McDucks! Adventure is in our blood; it binds our family together! And nothing can tear us apart!
        Bradford: Hmph! I've torn you apart once before!
        Scrooge: What are you blabbering about?
        Bradford: How do you think Della found out you built the Spear of Selene?
        (Scrooge is dumbstruck by this revelation, and he furiously charges at Bradford)

      • When Webby mentions that she found the Papyrus of Binding, Huey is confused because it can only reveal itself to a direct descendant of Scrooge. It doesn't take long for him to put the pieces together as to who Webby was cloned from.

        Huey: May and June were made from Webby. Who is Webby made from?
        Von Drake: Why, your old uncle Scrooge McDuck, of course!
        (everyone in the room gasps)
        Von Drake: You fellas all knew that, right? You did? (beat) Oh right, you didn't. I'm gonna give you a moment to adjust everything.
        Webby: Bradford needed Scrooge's descendant. So, he made one.
        Huey: Webby is Scrooge's daughter?
        Webby: Bless me bagpipes...

  • The Fairly OddParents!:
    • In "Boys in the Band", Chip reveals a secret about his life, which gives Timmy an idea on how to free him from Vicky.

      Chip: Actually, I'm not all that rich. The record company pays for everything, I'm broke! But if the fans knew that, they might not love me anymore.
      Timmy: ...And neither would Vicky!

    • "Timmy's Secret Wish":
      • Timmy is put on trial by the Fairy Council for making a secret, undocumented wish, and he explains the wish he made, putting an interesting twist on the Floating Timeline trope.

        Jorgen: Turner, what did you wish for?
        Timmy: Okay, don't be mad, but I secretly wished that everyone would stop aging so that I could stay ten years old and keep my fairies forever.
        Council Leader: What!? When did you make this wish!?
        Timmy: Fifty years ago.

      • Before that moment, Foop digs through Timmy's files and reveals there's more to Timmy's wishes than just one million:

        Foop: Timmy didn't make a million wishes, he made a million and one!

    • "School of Crock": After four seasons, Poof finally says his first words upon reaching the end of his Pooferty phase, when Crocker steals his magic rattle and sucks the magic out of him and his classmates. His voice remains for the rest of the episode and "Fairly Odd Fairy Tales".

      Poof: I... want... my... RATTLE!

  • The Fairly OddParents!: A New Wish:
    • At the end of "Lost and Founder's Day", after a harsh day of dealing with his neglectful father, the Founder's Day Festival being a mess and possibly losing Hazel as a friend, a miserable Dev Dimmadome is gifted his very own godparent, someone who is very familiar.
    • In "The Battle of Big Wand", Hazel gets to make one rule free wish after making one million wishes. Also, the existence of fairies gets temporarily revealed to the world, which gives Hazel the opportunity to team up with her human friends and older brother to save Fairy World. At the end, Jorgen erases everyone's memories and prepares to do the same to Jasmine, Winn and Antony, only for Hazel to take advantage of her rule free wish and drop a line that even leaves Jorgen flabbergasted.

    Hazel: My friends and my brother helped save Fairy World. So, for my rule free wish, I want them to keep their memories and be allowed to know about fairies forever.

  • Family Guy:
    • In "Brian and Stewie", when Stewie asks why Brian has a gun in his safety deposit box.

      Brian: I keep it in case... I ever want to commit suicide, okay?

    • In "And Then There Were Fewer" when Lois comforts Diane Simmons over Tom Tucker being sent to prison for the murders of James Woods and the four guests; Diane's response makes Lois realize that she was the true killer:

      Lois: She...I'm sorry, I don't understand.

      Diane: What do you mean?

    • "Screams of Silence: The Story of Brenda Q.": Quagmire and his friends take his sister's abusive boyfriend Jeff into the woods to shoot him when he least expects it, only for Jeff to turn the tables on them, thus kicking off the climax.

      Quagmire: All right, look, when he comes back, I'm just gonna do it. Okay? I'm just gonna point my gun straight at his head before he even knows what's going on.
      Jeff: Kind of like this? (points a shotgun to Quagmire's head)

    • "Herpe the Love Sore": After being pummeled by the three thugs who took their booth, Peter, Joe and Quagmire start to learn something interesting about them.

      Thug 3: Why are we even bothering with these idiots? We're shipping out to Afghanistan tomorrow?
      Joe: You guys are soldiers?
      Thug 2: It's our third tour of duty.

    • "The Munchurian Candidate": Peter, who has been hypnotized into giving oral sex upon hearing the Extra! theme song, goes up into Babs' room to give her some dinner. Meanwhile, Lois and her father are talking about Babs' condition.

      Lois: I feel so sorry for mommy.
      Carter: Don't worry about your mother. She's got her celebrity news programs up there keeping her company.

  • The Flintstones: At the end of "The Surprise", Fred becomes concerned when Wilma starts to cry after he gripes about his day with Barney's baby nephew. When he asks what's wrong, she holds up a pair of knitting needles and a little pink bootie, and we then find out what the titular surprise is.

    Wilma: I know how you hate them!
    Fred: I don't hate 'em, I like 'em. (puts the bootie over his nose) It's just that I never had a nose snood before.
    Wilma: It's not for you! It's for our baby!

  • Futurama:
    • War Is The H-Word: Fry and Bender join the Earth army, with Leela disguising herself as a man and joining them in secret. Bender is sent on a mission by Zapp Branigan to negotiate with the enemies leaders. However, in the next scene after it, it's revealed the true purpose of the mission.

    Nixon: Come on, Brannigan, stuff yourself into a uniform. We've gotta get off this planet before the bomb goes off.
    Leela disguised as a man: Bomb?! What bomb?!
    Zapp: The one we had the doctors implant in that gullible Bender robot.

    • Roswell That Ends Well: The Crew goes back in time, and Fry meets his grandfather Enos, but accidentally gets him killed. Fry strangely hasn't disappeared from existence despite this, so he comes to the conclusion that his grandmother Mildrred really isn't and sleeps with her. But his notion gets proven wrong after she suddenly starts acting like the grandma he knew, much to his confusion and horror as he hears the explanation from Farnsworth.

    Fry: It's impossible! I mean, if she's my grandmother, who's my grandfather?
    Farnsworth: Isn't it obvious?
    Fry: (Shakes his head)
    Farnsworth: You are!
    Fry: (Starts screaming)

    • The end of the Futurama movie Into the Wild Green Yonder pulls a double whammy:

    Leela: (to Fry) Maybe I waited too long to say this, but I love you too. (interrupted) WORMHOLE!

  • Gargoyles:
    • From "Enter Macbeth":
    • In "Revelations", Matt Bluestone, after sacrificing a chance to join the Illuminati and gain enough evidence to prove to the world they exist by saving Goliath, runs into his former partner Martin Hacker after his shift ends.

      Martin Hacker: Hey, you look a little rough around the edges. Long night?
      Matt Bluestone: You don't know the half of it.
      Hacker: Actually, I do.

    • In "Monsters" Sevarius drops a major bombshell about Angela.

      Anton Sevarius: [Angela does] not only belong to Goliath's clan, he's your biological father! You are his very own flesh and stone!

    • In "Avalon Part 1", a mysterious knight introduces himself to Goliath.

      Goliath: Who are you?
      Knight: Why, it's me! Tom!

  • The Ghost and Molly McGee:
    • The Series Finale, "The End", has three of them.
      • When Molly asks Adia how Scratch died, she begins to say he's not dead before the call shorts out. Which then leads to this shocking reveal:

        Scratch: So why in the world would she say I'm not dead?
        Libby: (enters) Because you're not dead, Scratch. You're not even a ghost.

      • After June helps Ollie and Libby realize that possessing Todd Mortenson unlocked Scratch's memories, this leads to the biggest reveal of all:

        Molly: Why would this rando unlock Scratch's memories? Look at him. He's got no joy, no mischief. There's nothing at all behind those eyes! It's like he's got... no soul.
        Scratch: 'Cause he's me.
        Molly: Scratch?
        Scratch: I remember it now. I remember everything.

      • Once Scratch returns to his body, he seemingly loses all the memories of his time as a Wraith and his friendship with Molly… but at the bus stop where he heads off to explore the world, he lets out some familiar words that imply the memory wipe wasn't as absolute as it sounded..

        Todd: Sweet baby corn, this is gonna be... enhappifying. (realizing what he just said) "Enhappifying"? What?! Where'd that come from? I must have just made that up, right? Whatever. You know what? I love it, and I shall be using it frequently on my travels. Arrivederci, Moll.

  • Gravity Falls:
    • From the premiere episode "Tourist Trapped":

      Head Gnome: We'll never forget you, Mabel. ...Because we're going to kidnap you.

    • From "Gideon Rises":

      Grunkle Stan: After all these years... finally, I have them all.

    • Up until "Little Dipper", we thought that Gideon just wanted the Shack in order to get Mabel to be his girlfriend. We had no idea that he had other reasons for wanting the shack, reasons that extended beyond revenge on the Pines.

      Gideon: It's not just about the Pines! I want that Shack! The physical building!
      Bud: But why?
      Gideon: Because it holds a secret you couldn't possibly imagine.

    • From "Sock Opera":

      Dipper: So, which puppet are you gonna pick, anyway?
      Bill Cipher: Hmm, let's see... eenie, meenie, miney... YOU.

    • "Scaryoke" has an in-universe one for Dipper near the end of the episode that:

      Dipper: (nervously) Well, least you can't deny magic exists anymore, right?
      Stan: ... Kid, I've always known.

    • A HUGE one from the ending of "Not What He Seems":

      Dipper: ...who is that?
      Stan: The author of the brother.

      • And before that moment:

        Mabel: Grunkle Stan... I trust you.

      • Earlier in the same episode, a 30 year old newspaper headline that Dipper and Mabel discover:


    • "A Tale of Two Stans" itself is a Wham Episode, though a few lines stick out:
      • The Author addressing Grunkle Stan:

        The Author: Yes, I have some questions about this myself, Stanley.
        Dipper: Stanley?
        Mabel: But your name is Stanford.
        Author: Wait, you took my name?!

      • Fiddleford gives a minor one after being pulled out of the portal, which doubles as a Call-Back to "Society of the Blind Eye". Namely that he says YROO XRKSVI GIRZMTOVnote  backwards... Not to mention:
    • There's a well-hidden one in the final episode, "Weirdmageddon Part 3: Take Back the Falls": anyone who plays Bill Cipher's death scene backwards will get a nasty shock about what he was actually saying in his final moments:

      Bill Cipher: A-X-O-L-O-T-L, my time has come to burn! I invoke the ancient power that I may return!

  • Grojband

    Trina: Yeah, we should totes make Mt. Peaceville erupt. ÜBER TOTES!

  • Hazbin Hotel:
    • During an argument with Alastor, who owns his soul, Husk gives him an Armor-Piercing Response that reveals someone else also owns Alastor's soul. It's especially shocking since Alastor is one of the most powerful and feared demons in all of Hell.
    • In "Masquerade", Husk saves Angel from a group of shark demons who tried to roofie him, seemingly without his knowledge. When Husk calls Angel out on his lack of gratitude, Angel replies with something that sheds a much darker light on his flirtatiousness and often self-destructive decisions.
    • In "Welcome to Heaven", upon seeing Vaggie, Adam drops this bombshell:
  • He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2021)
    • In "Eternia 2000", Ram Ma'am is fighting Mo'squita-ra, who can see and feed on energy. She describes the Power of Grayskull as "gold and pure" and the Power of Havoc as "green a wild". She then looks back to Ram Ma'am.

      Mo'squita-ra: Oh. And yours... gold and green? You, little lady, are a feast!

    • This reveals why Krass doesn't have a Dark Master Nemesis like the other Masters of the Universe; she is her own Nemesis.
  • Hilda: In "The Fairy Isle", Hilda searches for her mother in the fairies' kingdom and befriends a lost little girl who is also looking for her parents. During their journey, the two spot someone who might be the girl's mother and chase her into a cave, where they meet the cloaked strangers that have been following Hilda all season. They turn out to be a couple, one fairy and one human, and girl recognizes them as her parents and runs over to embrace them. Hilda thinks it's sweet until she finally learns the girl's name and how she herself connected to the couple.

    (Hilda's eyes widen; the girl suddenly changes into an adult)

    Hilda: (gasp) Mum?!

    Johanna: Hilda?

    Hilda: Who...? What...?

    Johanna: These are your... grandparents.

  • Hot Wheels: AcceleRacers:
    • In the previous episode, Vert's dad Major Wheeler had told him to quit racing with the Teku to Vert's dismay. This prompts Vert to race again in the Realms and gets his foot injured. In the finale, he overcomes his doubts and injury to race against Gelorum and is declared a True Acceleracer by the Accelerons. After he is taken back to Earth, he winds up at The Silencerz base. In the last scene, one of the Silencerz drivers walks up to him and takes off his helmet.
    • Also in "Ignition" where the drivers are preparing to enter the Storm Realm.
    • Also in "Ignition" as the drivers enter the Swamp Realm, Dr. Tezla is asked on which route the drivers should take:
    • In Speed of Silence:

      Kurt Wylde: You think you take on me, little brother?
      Mark Wylde: Yeah....I learned how in prison!

  • Huntik: Secrets & Seekers

  • Infinity Train:

    Amelia: One doesn't even know your stupid little gang exists!

  • Invincible (2021):
    • "It's About Time" has this line before Omni-Man's Curb-Stomp Battle against the Flaxans begins.

    Omni-Man: You don't seem to understand. Earth... isn't yours to conquer.

  • Jackie Chan Adventures:
    • "The Stronger Evil" has this exchange:

      Finn: We must've left millions of dollars back on that beach. What's the matter with you, Big V?
      Shendu, possessing Valmont's body: Valmont cannot hear you right now.

    • At the beginning of "The Masks of the Shadowkhan", Daolon Wong, the Enforcers, and Hakfu are in Hollowlands Penitentiary after being arrested by Section 13 from the episode "Re-Enter the Dragon" and aren't happy in prison. The not-fully-powered Daolon Wong tries to break out by making a spell to summon Shadowkhan when this happens:

      Daolon Wong: Come to me! [the Shadowkhan symbol appears in the boiling pot] Yes! Liberate us, Shadowkhan! Rise my army of darkness!
      Shadowkhan symbolnote : Your army?
      Enforcers, Wong, Hakfu: [shocked] Huh?
      Shadowkhan symbol: I am the one and only king of the Shadowkhan!

      • This also qualifies as a Wham Shot because of the Shadowkhan symbol coming to life for the first time.
  • Justice League:
    • "A Better World" gives us an Alternate Universe Superman's line after he kills President Luthor:

      Wonder Woman: [shocked out of her wits] Are you okay?
      Superman: [smirking] I'm great.

    • This line from "Ultimatum":

      Amanda Waller: And if I were you, I wouldn't probe the situation too closely... rich boy.

    • The last line in "The Once and Future Thing: Weird Western Tales":

      Warhawk: [to John Stewart] Dad?

    • In "Question Authority", the Question stumbles across evidence that a previous Alternate Universe where Superman murdered President Luthor was, in fact, a Bad Future. Trying to save the world, the Question decides to confront and kill Luthor, who treats No-Face to a Curb-Stomp Battle, laughing:

      Luthor: "President"?! Foolish, faceless man; my campaign is a farce! A smaller part of a much grander scheme. [chuckles] "President"...? Do you know how much power I'd have to give up to be President?

    • Right at the end of "Panic in the Sky", we finally get an explanation as to why Lex has been doing what he's been doing, and why he got so healthy and powerful. After a scene laden with Body Horror as the culprit reveals itself:

      Lex: I hoped to remain hidden until I could install myself into the android...
      Brainiac: ...But you've forced my hand.

    • From "Epilogue", one that counts as one for Batman Beyond:

      Terry: [to Bruce Wayne] My point is I just found out that Warren McGinnis isn't my father! You are!

      • After Terry bitterly accuses Bruce of changing his DNA, we learned how it really happened:

        Amanda Waller: Honey, Bruce didn't overwrite your DNA with his. I did.

  • Kaeloo:
    • In the episode "Let's Play Hide 'n Hunt", where Mr. Cat teaches Kaeloo and Stumpy to play Hide 'n Hunt, a variant of Hide and Seek, he explains that they hide, he counts to 100, and then...
    • In Episode 116, Stumpy is in the hospital and a girl comes to visit him. The others inquire who she is, and get a shocking response:

      Girl: Nice to meet you. I'm Ursula.

  • Kid Cosmic:
    • In "Kid Cosmic and the Feeble Fighters", Jo and Krosh battle Fantos, while the her teammates try to help protect a colony of tiny refugees. At the end, the two defeat Fantos and finally obtain all 13 Cosmic Stones of Power, but Jo, who had been losing faith in her friends' skills throughout the season, refuses to give them their stones and declares them unfit to take on Erodius.

      Kid:' Finally, I've got my ring back!

      Jo: Ah, hold on! These are Krosh's.

      Kid: Krosh? Wh-What about me and the team?

      Jo: Well... I've been thinking, and I have the perfect plan to defeat Erodius. What if Krosh... is the team?

    • From "Kid Cosmic and the Planet Killer":

      Papa G: I... I have the fourteenth stone.

    • And right after that...

      Flo: Papa G, how old are you?
      Papa G: One hundred and eleven.
      [Everybody gasps]
      Papa G: Nope, one-twelve.

  • From The Legend of Korra:
    • This line, which puts the Big Bad in a new light and comes as a shocker.

      Tarrlok: I'm Amon's brother. ("Skeletons in the Closet")

    • From Book 2, at the end of the episode "The Sting":
  • The Lion Guard:
    • This line from "Never Roar Again" after Kion nearly kills his mother with the Roar of the Elders.

      Kion: I don't know if I should ever use the Roar again.

    • From "The Rise of Scar":

      Janja: Are you...
      Scar: Yes. I am Scar...

  • Looney Tunes:
    • At the end of "Chow Hound", the bulldog who has been constantly bullying the cat and mouse throughout the short winds up overeating and becoming so obese that he is unable to move. As he is lying on the operating table, the cat and mouse enter, with the cat making their intentions known through his only line in the short:

      Cat: This time, we didn't forget the gravy!

  • The Loud House:
    • In "Middle Men", Lynn scares Lincoln and Clyde with stories about a kid who suffered various humiliations at middle school. When her bad advice lands them in trouble, she's forced to confess one little detail about those stories.

      Lynn: I'm sorry. I was just trying to spare you guys from what happened to me.

    • In "Snoop's On", Lincoln, Leni, and Luan start reading Luna's diary and discover that she has started doing things like skipping school to go to the movie theater, getting a tattoo, and sneaking out at night to go to underground nightclubs. During the second half of the episode they discover that Luna is planning to vandalize several places around Royal Woods at night so they set out to foil her plans. They catch Luna before she supposedly vandalizes the Town Hall sign and they have to confess that they read Luna's diary to get her to stop:

      Luna: [furious] You what?!
      Leni: We're really sorry for invading your privacy. And we totes get it if you hate us forever, but we couldn't let you ruin your life!
      Luna: [Suddenly bursts out laughing] Duh! I knew you dudes were snooping in my diary! That's why I made up this whole rebellious act!

  • Metalocalypse: "That's my bread and butter you're fucking with."
    • "It's time I told you... everything."
    • "I'm sorry."
    • The masked assassin's betrayal of Magnus in Doomstar Requiem.

      Magnus: What have you done?! You've... murdered him! This wasn't part of my plan!!

    • From the season one finale ends with the tribunal priest's dying words.

      Cardinal Ravenwood: The Metalocalypse... has begun.

  • Milo Murphy's Law has the ending of "Fungus Among Us", when Milo and co. seek out the inventor of time travel, the elusive Professor Time, for aid. The wham part comes from who the speaker is, not what is said.

    Milo: Professor Time? My name is Milo Murphy and we need your help.
    Heinz Doofenshmirtz: Wait — you're not the pizza delivery guy. This is my pizza delivery guy trap!

  • Miraculous Ladybug:
    • Supervillain of the Week Timetagger (who was sent back in time by Hawk Moth to battle Ladybug and Chat Noir while they were still young) delivers one of these to Hawk Moth while the latter is gloating about the Miraculouses being practically within his grasp:

      Timetagger: I said I was sent by the Hawk Moth of the future... but I never said the Hawk Moth of the future was you.

    • "Gang of Secrets" ends with Marinette delivering a doozy of a wham line to Alya, forever altering the dynamics of their friendship.

      Marinette: And I... am Ladybug.

  • Monster High (2022):
    • At the end of "Monster Midterms", as Ms. Ziz and Mr. Klopman are discussing how midterms went:

      Klopman: Midterms went well, huh? Even Clawdeen and Toralei seemed to be getting along!
      Ziz: Yeah, of course, but for how long? If all goes well on the Blood Moon Eclipse and Clawdeen brings her mom back, it's gonna be all-out war for the werecreatures!

    • In "Horsin' Around", after catching the talisman thief, Draculaura asks him how he got to Monster High from Beheme, and he replies that he got sucked through a portal. When Bloodgood asks if it was the same portal Clawd came through, however, he has a simple answer: "No". This prompts the reveal that someone else has been messing with the portal to Beheme behind everyone else's backs — and they don't even know who, since the description the thief gives (ears, a little furry, has a tail) matches about half the student body.
  • Monsters at Work:
    • In "Lights! Camera! Chaos!", Tylor and Val have reason to believe that Roger, the eager new MIFT employee, is the saboteur who's been draining the company's laugh canisters and has now vandalized the Laugh Floor. They sneak into Fritz's office to peek at his company profile and, shocked by their discovery, relay this info to their coworkers about his ties to the company's disgraced former head. Fortunately, Roger is proven to be a good guy.

      Val: It was Henry Waternoose! (everyone gasps) Oh, no, no. No, no, no. No, not the one in prison. The other Henry Waternoose! His son, Henry Waternoose IV, better known as Roger Rogers!

    • At the end of "Descent Into Fear", once Tylor's made a name for himself at FearCo, Johnny Worthington takes him to a secret room and reveals that he masterminded the plan to steal MI's energy in a bid to discredit laugh power. He then introduces his corporate spy, who is not Roger, but someone else.

      Tylor: That's a laugh canister from Monsters, Inc.

      Johnny: Yes, it is. And it's time my vice-president knew the whole truth. You see, I've got somebody in the inside.

      (a familiar purple, lizard-like monster makes himself visible)

      Tylor: (gasp) Randall...?

      Johnny: Boggs.

      Randall: (laughs evilly) Mission accomplished... boss.

  • Moral Orel:
    • From the Wham Episode “Nature Part 2”:
    • From just about the last person you’d expect to hear one from in “Sacrifice”:

      Shapey: When I'm thirsty, it feels how it feels when I'm alone.

  • My Adventures with Superman:
    • "My Adventures with Mad Science": After meeting back up with Jimmy, Clark decides to reveal his secret, deciding it's done more harm to his friend group than good...

      Clark: You deserve to know. I am Sup-
      Jimmy: Clark, I know you're Superman. This is not a big reveal.

    • "Zero Day, Part 2": Waller gets one in the Zero Day flashback that finally confirms a longstanding mystery:

      Waller: (looking for the General) Sam?

    • "Hearts of the Fathers": While the Kryptonian that speaks with Brainiac at the end of the episode goes unnamed in both dialogue and the end credits, their sole line gives them away immediately. Later episodes would end up turning this one into a subversion, though, as it would turn out that the warrior is not General Zod like the line would imply, but rather Kara Zor-El (albeit as a Composite Character with Zod).

      Kryptonian Warrior: It doesn't matter. In the end, they will kneel.

    • "More Things in Heaven And Earth": Clark finds Jor-El's Virtual Ghost in Antartica and once again questions him on his origins. Jor-El begins talking in Kryptonese, as he had been in his previous appearances... before suddenly switching to full English.

      Jor-El: Kal-El... filo... which question would you like me to answer first?

    • "Adventures with My Girlfriend": As Alex forms his alliance with Amanda Waller, she asks him for his name. After a plentiful amount of Foreshadowing throughout the show, the audience is treated to this reveal:

      Alex: Al- uh... (chuckles) Lex. Lex Luthor. Your new lead scientist.

    • "Fullmetal Scientist": Just as the episode seems to be ending on a happy note, Irons is suddenly told by AmerTek's security that he needs to leave the premises, by orders of the new boss. When Irons asks who the company was bought by:

      Lex: By me. Starting today, AmerTek and all its IP are owned by LexCorp.

    • "My Adventures with Supergirl": Back in the season premiere, Jor-El's exposition about the fall of Krypton would lead one to believe that the planet's destruction was the result of the empire facing an enemy they were outmatched against and being wiped out because of it. That is, until Clark and Kara confront Brainiac in this episode, upon which Brainiac goes on a monologue where he drops a major reveal:

      Brainiac: This is what you deserve for betraying me, just as your people did during the last days of Krypton. Oh, how they moaned that they weren't winning the war, that their children were dying. Do you know Kal-El, that your father led secret peace talks with our enemies — they were going to declare a ceasefire! And then where would that leave me? I was built for war, but now I was just supposed to let them decommission me? No. The day the ceasefire was to be announced 22 years ago, I activated our greatest weapon... and wiped your people out.
      Clark: You... killed them.
      Brainiac: Yes. Jor-El discovered my plans and smuggled you out, minutes before I ripped Krypton from the heavens and cast it into Hell.

  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
    • In "The Ticket Master", Celestia sends two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, one for her and a friend. When Spike denies his, all her friends fight over it. When she sends the tickets back in the end, Celestia gives her this response which in turn gives everypony (plus Spike) a ticket:
    • Throughout "Lesson Zero", Twilight is terrified that Princess Celestia will punish her should she fail to complete a friendship report by the end of the day. Those familiar with the characters know full well that Twilight is highly prone to overreaction, particularly when it comes to both academics and the princess — who is nothing if not kind, understanding, and fun-loving. Thus, most people watching will expect Celestia not to care about the tardy homework assignment. This turns out to be correct, but Celestia is furious when she sees the mayhem that Twilight's reckless actions have wreaked upon the town, and the timing of her appearance comes as a huge surprise.

      Applejack: Whoa nelly!

    • From "The Last Roundup", Applejack finally reveals why she didn't come back to Ponyville after the rodeo:

      Twilight: You won an amazing number of ribbons, just like Miss Jubilee said!

      Applejack: Don't you get it? There's every color of ribbon down there. Every color... but... blue.

    • The first part of the second season finale, "A Canterlot Wedding":

      Twilight: Princess Celestia invites you to the wedding between Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and... [gasp] My brother!?

    • And later in that same episode, when Twilight believes she's messed up after accusing Princess Cadance of being evil:
    • "Keep Calm and Flutter On" has one both for the fans and in-universe, since Discord hadn't realized how much he valued Fluttershy's friendship until this moment:

      Discord: You think I'm going to change all this back because you said so?! Because if you don't I'll lose the one friend I ever had?! *stops dead in his tracks* ...oh. Well played, Fluttershy... well played.

    • "Magical Mystery Cure" has the Wham Line that completely changed everything. At the time, it was quite controversial, but nowadays, not so much:

      Fluttershy: [to Twilight] Wow... You look just like a princess!
      Celestia: That's because she is a princess.

    • "Princess Twilight Sparkle — Part 2" has Twilight realize Nightmare Moon's transformation was actually a flashback caused by Zecora's potion:

      Twilight Sparkle: Are those the Elements of Harmony? But that's how they looked in... the past.

      • As well as:

        Twilight Sparkle: I know how we can save the Tree [of Harmony] — we have to give it the Elements of Harmony.

    • "Daring Don't", when Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash discover A.K. Yearling's big secret:

      Twilight & Rainbow Dash: A.K. Yearling is Daring Do!

    • For fans at least in "Twilights Kingdom - Part 1":
      • As well as:

        Princess Celestia: We must rid ourselves of our magic, before Tirek has the chance to steal it from us!

    • "Slice of Life":

      Bon Bon: My name isn't Bon Bon. It's Special Agent Sweetie Drops.

    • "Crusaders of the Lost Mark":

      Diamond Tiara: [to her Mother] They are the Cutie Mark Crusaders and they're my friends!

      • Later in the same episode:

        Diamond Tiara: It's your cutie marks! They're amazing!

      • Then:

        Applejack: [to Applebloom] Oh sugarcube, if Mom and Dad were here, they'd be so proud.

    • "The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows" Mrs Cake gives Pinkie a letter from the Crystal Empire:

      Pinkie Pie: A baby? Shining Armor and Princess Cadance are having a baby?!?

    • "To Where and Back Again Part 2" This simple exchange sets up the episode’s climax:

      Trixie: How often do Changelings all get hungry?
      Thorax: Actually, I haven't been hungry since I met Spike. And Changelings are always hungry.

    • "A Royal Problem":

      Princess Celestia: Don't worry, Starlight. I know how to handle Nightmare Moon!
      Daybreaker: Yes... But can you handle... ME?! [laughs madly as Princess Celestia and Starlight Glimmer look on in shock and terror]

    • "The Perfect Pear":

      Applejack [when learning the names of the only Apple and Pear family members who didn't hate each other] Wait an apple-pickin' minute! Bright Mac and Buttercup? Those are our parents' names!

    • "Shadow Play - Part 1":

      Star Swirl the Bearded: You cannot bring only the Pillars back!

    • "The Hearths Warming Club":

      Silverstream: [After hearing Gallus describe a Griffon holiday] Well, at least you get to be with your family.
      Gallus: No... because I don't have a family.

    • "School Raze - Part 1":

      Cozy Glow: Enjoying yourself in there, Starlight? I'm sorry I had to lock you in, but what else could I do? You were going to ruin all my plans.

    • Twice in "The Beginning of the End - Part 1":

      Celestia: So, after much consideration, my sister and I have decided it is time for us... to retire!

      • Followed by:

        Celestia: Everything you've gone through over the years has been a training program.

  • The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: In "Find Her, Keep Her", Rabbit raises an orphaned baby bird that he names Kessie and, despite her growing interest in flying south like other birds, he forbids her from learning how. After Kessie does learn to fly (and saves Rabbit's life in the process), all her friends cheer for her... except Rabbit, who reveals why he didn't want her to fly.

    Tigger: Oh boy, kiddo! There's nothin' holdin' ya down now!

  • OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes: The episode, rightfully named "Big Reveal", has two;
    • Played with in the beginning of the episode, in that the line in question is genuinely huge and changes the story in a big way, but it's casually revealed while K.O. and Carol are eating breakfast.

      K.O.: (calmly eating oatmeal) So...who's my dad?
      Carol:(calmly drinking coffee) Laserblast.
      (K.O. does a Spit Take)

    • However, played completely straight with the bigger reveal later in the episode when K.O. goes up against Professor Venomous wearing Laserblast's helmet:

      K.O. This helmet belonged to my daddy, the great hero Laserblast! I take it you've heard of him?
      Venomous: Heard of him? (Evil Laugh) Boy, take a good look: I am him.

  • Over the Garden Wall:

    Wirt: You're not trying to help me. You just have some weird obsession with keeping this lantern lit. It's almost like your soul is in this lantern.

  • The Owl House:
    • In "Agony of a Witch", we finally find out who cursed Eda:

      Lilith: You always thought you were better than me! That I could never beat you at anything!
      Eda: I am better than you.

    • In the following episode, Lilith tells the whole story as to why she cursed her sister. The two were to duel each other for a spot in the Emperor's Coven, and Lilith tried to cheat by placing a curse that she thought would merely cancel Eda's powers for one day. But on the day of the duel, her efforts turned out to be for naught when Eda decided to forfeit.

      Young Eda: No... I refuse to battle my sister!

    • "Keeping Up A-fear-ances" has two unrelated ones in quick succession:
      • Just before Gwendolyn leaves with Lilith, she reveals to Luz that another human came to the Boiling Isles in the past, and he left something in the library that might provide a clue as to how she can get home.
      • Immediately afterwards, Luz muses that the summer camp she was supposed to be at is probably over by now and that her mother must be so worried about her. We then cut to the Human World, where we see Camila crying, but it's at a nature documentary. Then we see a hand passing her tissues and hear someone say "Here, Mama"... in Luz’s voice.
    • In " Yesterday's Lie", Camila is terrified that her daughter is stuck in a demon realm, but is at least happy to see how mature Luz is becoming. At least until the latter says that choosing to stay in the Demon Realm is the best decision she has ever made, making Camila sadly question how terrible a parent she must be if Luz happily ran away from her to begin with.

      Camila: You chose to stay there?

    • In "Reaching Out", Luz spends most of the episode acting weird and trying to keep herself distracted, and it's only near the end that she admits the reason why to Amity.

      Luz: Today's the anniversary of my Dad passing away.

    • In "Hollow Mind", when Luz finds out just who Emperor Belos really is, what he's really planning with the "Day of Unity", and the part she unknowingly played in his rise to power.

      Belos: Yes, this has gone on longer that I'd have liked, but... no one ever said being a witch hunter was easy.

      Luz: Witch... hunter? So all this time, people have been mindlessly helping a witch hunter?! How could they be tricked so easily?

      Belos: I wouldn't be so judgmental if I were you.

      (he conjures up a memory depicting Luz helping Philip Wittebane during her trip to the past)

      Luz: (realization dawns) No... No, no, no... (in disbelief, with tears in her eyes) No, no, no! You're Belos! You're just Belos! (falls to her knees)

      Belos: Please, do me a kindness and call me by my real name.

      Luz: I... can't...

      Luz in the memory: You're Philip Wittebane, aren't you?... I can't believe I taught Philip something new... I'll go talk to Philip... Philip, why did you bring us here?...

    • In the same episode, Hunter learns an Awful Truth, first hinted at in one of Belos' memories showing a conversation between him and the Collector around the time Hunter brought back the Portal Key.
    • And then there's Belos' response when Hunter asks what happened to the previous Golden Guards:

      Belos: What a shame. Out of all the Grimwalkers, you look the most like him.

    • In "Edge of the World", it seems like Luz, King, and Hooty have discoved that King comes from a race of Titan Trappers, right up until their leader starts describing to Luz and Hooty what living Titans are like, and it sounds uncannily similar to King.

      Bill: But if you think Belos is evil... you've never seen a live Titan. The children out there haven't either! Don't know a thing about their ravenous appetites, or their terrible cries! Even their babies act like little monarchs. The last living Titan... I saw it once, before it disappeared. Its hateful roar blew out my eardrums. How did it go...? 'Weh'!

    • In "Clouds on the Horizon", Amity and Alador try to tell Odalia the truth about Belos' plan and the part their family's company is playing in it, but it turns out that she knows exactly what she's doing.

      Alador: Odalia, the Emperor is planning to wipe out everyone with a draining spell, and our Abomitons are helping him do it!

      (Odalia doesn't react, as if he said something obvious)

      Alador: (with realization) You already knew?

      Odalia: What he does with our products is none of our business. What is my business is keeping our family head of the rest. You're welcome, everyone!

      Odalia: Ugh, there you go, making that face. This is why I don't tell you things. With the Emperor's favor, we'll live like royalty in the New World, crowns and everything.

      Alador: This is too much, even for you!

    • Belos gets one in ''King's Tide", confirming both that the Grimwalkers are clones of his deceased brother and who Flapjack's original owner was in one word:

      Belos: Caleb?!

    • "Thanks to Them":
      • While Luz and her friends are at the Halloween festival, Camila stumbles upon Luz's old video diaries, including her most recent one where the expresses her guilt over how much she messed things up in the Demon Realm and makes a choice for when her friends find a way home.

        Luz: Mama says I have to learn from my mistakes. So... I know what I have to do now. On Halloween, after the hayride, I'm telling everyone I'm staying in the human realm... permanently.

      • After the fight with Belos and a new portal to the Demon Realm is opened, Luz tells her friends the truth about her mistakes and gets ready to announce her decision, only for Camila to make a decision of her own.

        Amity: Why did you keep all that a secret?

        Luz: I was scared. I thought you'd all hate me for it. Which is why I've made a decision. I think... it'd be in everyone's best interest if I...

        Camila: ...took your mama to the Demon Realm!

  • The Powerpuff Girls (1998): In "Speed Demon", the girls accidentally travel 50 years into the future and find that Townsville had been taken over by HIM. They find an elderly Miss Keane muttering to herself "I just stood there waving goodbye and they raced off and vanished for fifty years." Also from the same episode:

    Blossom: Don't you know? You can never beat us!
    HIM: Beat you? Why girls, don't you see? I've already WON!

  • A Pup Named Scooby-Doo

  • Ready Jet Go!:
    • Two from the Christmas Episode.
      • This one reveals Mitchell's true nature as he looks on while the kids are rehearsing for the play.

        Mitchell: That looks like fun. I can only imagine

      • And at the end of the episode:

        Mitchell: Um, you guys, thanks for including me. I really wanted to be a part of the show, but I didn't know how to ask.

    • In “Sunspot’s Sunspot", Sunspot finally speaks. He says "No, thank you" and "I am lovable, aren't I?".
  • Recess:
    • In "Speedy, We Hardly Knew Ye", the kids come back from the weekend and check on Speedy, the class pet hamster, who is deep asleep and somehow won't wake up no matter how hard Mikey taps the glass. When TJ suggests that maybe he's tired from all the croutons he fed him, Gus points to Speedy's food bowl, still full of croutons, meaning he didn't eat any of them. Ms. Grotke, more frantic and nervous than usual, claims that Speedy is either hibernating or meditating; Gretchen points out hamsters don't hibernate, holds Speedy to her ear, and hears... no heartbeat. Then comes the worse:

      Gretchen: Speedy's not meditating, Miss Grotke! He's...! He's...!
      [Shakes the school so loudly that the entire students and staff hear]

    • Later in the same episode, Spinelli accidentally dislodges Speedy's body from the box he was supposed to be buried in. Suddenly, all of the students see Speedy and reveal they remember Speedy a whole lot differently since this one; either Speedy has stripes different than the ones he has now, spots instead of stripes, or he's a girl. After Gretchen comes to this surprising conclusion, Ms. Grotke comes over to reveal that she secretly replaced the hamster over the years each time the past one dies, because she was worried the students couldn't handle the concept of death; she simply forgot to replace this one.

      Gretchen: They're not the same hamster!

  • Regular Show: In the show's final episode, Pops is battling his evil brother Anti-Pops to protect the universe. Eventually, Pops embraces him a hug as they approach a star, prompting his brother to say that the moment Pops lets go of him, he'll destroy everything. Pops then says this:

    Pops: I know. That's why I'm not going to let go.

    • And earlier, from "The Real Thomas", where Thomas reveals his true identity:
  • The Ren & Stimpy Show: In "Stimpy's Fan Club", Ren is lording it over Stimpy when he finally gets a piece of fan mail... and then he gets to the end.

    Ren: "Love..."—It says love...—"Your pal...Stimpy"?

  • Rick and Morty:
    • From "Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind:"

      Morty: Oh, my God, Rick, look! There's a bunch of people strapped all over that building!

      Rick: Not people, Morty, Mortys.

    • Some occurs with "Rixty Minutes".
      • This argument between Jerry and Beth, regarding Summer's birth:

        Jerry: All this time, you've been thinking, "What if that loser Jerry hadn't talked me out of the abortion?"

      • An in-universe one for Summer (but not for the audience, who already knows this):

        Morty: (points to the graves in the backyard) That out there? That's my grave!

    • Tammy's speech at her wedding reception in the season 2 finale:

      Tammy: But then I think, y'know, in a lot of ways I'm not a high school senior from the planet Earth. In a lot of ways what I really am is a deep cover agent for the Galactic Federation and you guys are a group of wanted criminals and this entire building is, in a certain sense, surrounded.

    • In "The Ricklantis Mix-up", after Candidate Morty is informed by the Shadow Council of Ricks that he's going to be more of a Puppet King than an actual President:

      Candidate Morty: Does [Garment District Rick] really speak for everyone here?
      (Various Ricks agree)
      Candidate Morty: (turns away from the Ricks; looks at them from his hand mirror) Well, I think it's important to be clear. Raise your hand if he speaks for you. (all Ricks but two do so; Candidate Morty snaps his fingers; the Guard Ricks gun them down)

    • In "Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerri", at the end Rick plays a projector, revealing which Beth was the real Beth, as it shows Beth’s decision in "The ABC’s of Beth".

      Beth: I know what I wanna do… I want you to decide.

      Rick: What?!

    • In “Solaricks”, this dialogue between Rick and Morty, which confirms that the series' main Morty originates from the same Earth as Rick Prime, the one who killed Main Rick's family.

      Morty: Where are we going?

      Rick: To kill your grandpa, little buddy.

      Morty: ...My original Rick killed your family?!

  • Rocko's Modern Life, from "Camera Shy":

    Filburt: Do you think he'll do it tonight?
    Heffer: Of course he will! It's like clockwork! Ladies and gentlemen, you're about to witness one of the seven wonders of the world. At about 11:30 PM, EST, through this window, our buddy Rocko will descend the staircase as he does every night for a glass of milk.
    Filburt: And he ain't dressed for the occasion, if ya know what I mean.
    Heffer: Yup. You heard right. He's completely... naaakeeed!
    Filburt: WITH NO CLOTHES ON!

    • In "Wacky Delly", Ralph hires Rocko and friends to make his next show, knowing it will fail so he can get out of his contract. After showing the Execs the pilot episode, Ralph asks what they think.
  • Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends:
    • In "Conspiracy", after Nick Logan finally finds his father Walter Logan and is forced to go on the run due to the apparent corruption of the Alliance, we suddenly get a curveball thrown at us that completely shatters our conceptions of a character we'd previously known as nothing more than a stick-in-the-mud Bad Boss:

      Lt. Crowe: Right now, I have something vital to show you: a human skeleton. The flesh had been absorbed from the bones by an unknown lifeform, but this is who it was originally.
      Walter: It's Rinaker!
      Lt. Crowe: Bingo. And he's been dead since 1946.

    • ...and in the following episode, "Confrontation", the truth is spelled out about who "Rinaker" really is:

      General Rinaker: Ex-agent Logan... Impressive as always. I suppose you want some answers.
      Nick Logan: No, actually I think I've got it all figured out. You were corrupting the Alliance, you turned the alien races against each other, you killed the real Rinaker in 1946 and replicated his body! All this means you could only be one thing... Shadoen.

  • Rugrats: The episode "The Family Tree" has a sub-plot where Didi and Stu go on a cruise, but Didi appears to be sick for a majority of it. At the end of the episode, she reveals the reason for that, and it's not seasickness:

  • Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated:
    • The first episode uses one to indicate that this version will have an ongoing story arc:

      Daphne: What about this locket we found where you were digging?
      Crook of the Day: Never seen it before.

    • At the end of "All Fear the Freak":

      Fred: Mystery Incorporated is dead.

    • Moments before that:

      Mayor Fred Jones Sr.: Brad Chiles and Judy Reeves are your real parents.

    • Later, in Season 2, episode 13, "Wrath of the Krampus", when Mystery Inc. revealed how they knew that Fred's real parents were working for Mr. E, and had managed to con them;

      Fred: Don't expect me home for dinner. Ever!

    • And from "Menace of the Manticore", when Mr. E's identity is revealed to be Ricky Owens of the original Mystery Inc.

      Mr. E: You see, Scooby is a far more trusting companion than Pericles was to me.

  • The Secret Show:
    • In "Destination Sun", Victor and Anita have gone down to the center of the Sun in order to get it working again. However, it seems like every attempt they make ends in failure, until Doctor Doctor calls them on Anita's phone:
    • "Imposting the Impostors": Halfway through the episode, Victor and Anita are captured by the Impostors. While in their cell, they encounter Professor Professor, much to their confusion since they’d interacted with him earlier on the surface. At the end of their conversation, Professor Professor throws this curveball.

      Professor Professor: Anyway, how could I? They caught me two months ago.

    • Preceded by this exchange:
  • She-Ra and the Princesses of Power:
    • In "The Beacon", Glimmer, blaming herself for a disastrous bout with the Horde, lashes out at her mother about her feelings of inadequacy, only for Queen Angella to reveal her dark secret: that she ordered the humiliating battle that led to her husband's death and the end of the first Princess Alliance.

      Glimmer: I'm sorry I couldn't be perfect like you! You have no idea what it feels like to be such a screw-up!
      Angella: I don't know how you feel?! I got your father killed!

    • In "Huntara", Hordak reveals his origins to Entrapta.

      Hordak: You want to know what I am? I am a clone! A clone of the emperor of the known universe, Horde Prime.

    • Adora, near the end of "The Portal", finally snaps back at Catra, after the latter kept shoving the fault for her actions onto Adora:
    • In "Boys' Night Out", Adora and Glimmer's growing dissent with each other comes to a head when Glimmer reveals some deep-seated feelings about her friend.

      Glimmer: She-Ra was supposed to save us, but the Rebellion's in a worse place than ever since you showed up!
      Adora: I'm trying my best! Why can't you see that?
      Glimmer: Well, maybe your best isn't good enough! If it was, my mother would still be here! [Adora is frozen with shock and starts tearing up] Adora... Adora, I'm sorry!

    • In "Save the Cat", Hordak utters a single word that reveals that Horde Prime's mind-control techniques are neither permanent nor infallible.

      Hordak: Entrapta?

    • In "Heart, Part 1", we finally get confirmation of what many fans already suspected about Catra's feelings for Adora.

      Catra: Adora doesn't want me! Not like I want her.

    • And in "Heart, Part 2", she seals the deal.

      Catra: Don't you get it? I love you! I always have!

  • The Simpsons:
  • Smiling Friends:
    • In “Shrimp’s Odyssey”, Pim and Charlie arrange a blind date to get Shrimp and Shrimpina back together, but just when Pim brings Shrimpina over to Shrimp, things take a turn for the worse.

    Shrimpina: (confused) What?


    Shrimpina: Who is that?

    Pim: Your ex-boyfriend, Shrimp. Wait, you are Shrimpina, right?

    Shrimp: I. Have. Never. Met. This. Woman In. My. Entire. Life.

    • In "Enchanted Forest", after a long journey through the enchanted forest, and the loss of their ally, Mip, Pim and Charlie finally arrive to the princess’s castle, and bring Mip’s gift to her, as they explain the gift was from him.

    Princess: Did you just say Mip?

    Pim: Yeah.

    Charlie: Yeah, Mip. Yeah.

    Princess: (concerned) Oh, my god.

    Pim: Did you know him?

    Princess: He was the entire reason why I haven’t been able to smile for my portrait. He’s my stalker.

  • From Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM), we get this from "Blast to the Past, Part 1" after Sonic and Sally tell Past Uncle Chuck about...
  • In the Season One Finale of Sonic Prime, Sonic the Hedgehog, after spending the season hopping back and forth from the multiverse thanks to his reckless action of shattering the Paradox Prism, is weary from it all and just wants to go home. Shadow the Hedgehog's response?
  • South Park:

    Kyle: (to Mysterion) Chill out, Kenny!

    • Mysterion reveals his power: "I. Can't. Die."
    • "You're Getting Old": "Because I'm unhappy, okay?! I've been unhappy for a long time!"
    • "Scott Tenorman Must Die":

      Scott Tenorman: I'm glad you like [the chili] so much, because now that you're almost finished I have something to tell you.
      Cartman: What? You mean about how you put pubes in your chili?

    • And later:

      Cartman: Do you like it? Do you like it, Scott? I call it "Mr. and Mrs. Tenorman chili".

    • In "201", The Reveal of the Head Ginger's identity is directly preceded by this line:

      Scott Tenorman: Welcome to my Chili Con Carnival!

    • And also there's this gem from "More Crap"

      Butler: How could Bono be so talented, so caring, and yet seem like such a piece of crap? Because he is crap. Don't you get it? Bono is not the record-holder...
      Stan: He's the record.

    • “Kenny Dies” is already quite the sad episode considering the subject matter, but this line, revealing Kenny’s Last Words is a massive Gut Punch, both in and out-of-universe:

      Kyle: "He just said, 'Where's Stan?'"

    • "Wendy breaks up."
    • A mysterious voice is thought to be talking to Mysterion, but…:

      "You must now harness and focus your power, Gok-Zerrah. The power of mint and berries, yet with a tasty, satisfying crunch."

    • From “Assburgers”:

      Randy: "Get in the car, Stan! Your mom and I are movin' back in together!"

    • From "Britney's New Look"

      "She has to die."

    • "Woodland Critter Christmas" has two:
    • From "Sponsored Content":

      "Does she know she's an ad?"

    • At the end of "Pandemic":

      Director of Homeland Security: The pan flute bands are on their way to their deaths, the guinea pigs are rising, and the only person who could have stopped all this... is on his way to the middle of nowhere. (zoom in on picture of Craig)

  • The Spectacular Spider-Man:
    • "After all, we know who you love the most... bro."
    • "Guilty, guilty and oh so very guilty of being the new Big Man of Crime!"
  • Spider-Man: The Animated Series
    • From "Battle of the Insidious Six":

      Dr. Curt Connors: You're still changing. And it's accelerating. So while I can't tell you exactly what your DNA is transforming you into, one thing's already clear: it won't be human.

    • From the episode, "Turning Point":

      Madame Web: One day, you will yearn for the wisdom of Madame Web, and that day will come soon when the two-headed monster rises from the netherworld.

  • SpongeBob SquarePants does this sometimes, though it's usually Played for Laughs.
    • In "Boating School", SpongeBob has finally managed to find a way to not fail his driving exam; have Patrick tell him the instructions through an antenna on his head. At one point, he jokes about this with Mrs. Puff:

      Mrs. Puff: Oh yes, but that would be cheating!

    • An In-Universe one in "Life of Crime", when the cops lock up SpongeBob and Patrick for "stealing" a balloon, only to release them after a mere two seconds.

      SpongeBob: But...we stole a balloon.
      Officer: Yeah... on Free Balloon Day!

    • From "Sandy, SpongeBob and the Worm", after Sandy defeats the monstrous worm that had been terrorizing Bikini Bottom:
    • From "Mid-Life Crustacean", after Mr. Krabs, Spongebob and Patrick participate in a panty raid:

      Mr. Krabs: You finally came through for me boys, I feel young again!
      Offscreen voice: Eugene?
      Mr. Krabs: MOTHER!?

    • From "Arrgh!", Mr Krabs has taken SpongeBob and Patrick on a treasure hunt and has forbidden them from looking at the map. However when they finally look at it...

      Patrick: SpongeBob?
      SpongeBob: Yeah?
      Patrick: Did you notice something familiar about this map?
      SpongeBob: You mean, like that it's our game board taped to a piece of paper?
      Mr. Krabs: [appearing right behind them and angry] Do you think this is a problem?

    • In "Shanghaied", The Flying Dutchman has taken SpongeBob and Patrick as crew-mates and as dealt with their failure to scare people, one too many times.
    • "Procrastination" Before things start getting seriously weird:

      Mailfish: Don't you have a paper to write?

    • "I'm With Stupid", when Patrick realizes the starfish couple that showed up are not his real parents:

      Marty: I feel like I'm really meeting you for the first time. Isn't that right, Janet?
      Janet: You bet, Marty.
      Patrick: Janet?! Marty?! Who are you people?!

    • In "Blackened Sponge", following up to The Reveal that Jack M. Crazyfish is a real person which causes SpongeBob to stop his tall tales:

      Fish: Uh, what did you say he looked like again?
      SpongeBob: Oh, kind of tall, handlebar mustache...
      Fish: Little green hat?
      SpongeBob: I kind of thought it was teal, but that sounds like him all right. (Realizes) Wait a second...! How did you know he was wearing a green hat?!

    • In "SpongeBob SquarePants vs. the Big One," the Flying Dutchman ends up in Davy Jones' locker himself after trying to do so to Mr. Krabs. The wham part comes not from the line itself, but the speaker:

      Flying Dutchman: What the... a gym sock? But that means-
      Davy Jones: Yeah, that's right, baby, welcome... to my locker!

    • "Biddy Sitting" does this in-universe, combined with Wham Shot, when SpongeBob searches the bathroom and finds a cabinet full of medicines and medications instead of baby stuff for "Baby Prunes", followed by a birthday card with the following message:

      SpongeBob: "Happy birthday to mother on her 137th birthday"? Aww... [gasps in horror] 137th BIRTHDAY!!?? [hyperventilates] Oh, Baby Prunes isn't a baby — SHES AN OLD LADY!!!!!

  • Star vs. the Forces of Evil:
    • In "Storm the Castle", Toffee has Marco at his mercy. Star, out of options, offers to trade her wand in exchange for Marco's life. Toffee puts forth an unexpected demand.

      Toffee: I don't want your wand. Destroy it.

    • At the climax of "Sleepover", a killer game of "Truth or Punishment" accuses Star of lying about her crush on Oskar Greason. Star manages to talk her way out with a Logic Bomb, but at the end of the episode the damaged game box overhears Star shouting Marco's name in annoyance, and returns to life long enough to say "TRUTH! Star has a crush on..."
    • The last few minutes of the episode "Bon Bon the Birthday Clown".

      Star: *cries* I've lost Glossaryck.
      Marco: W-we'll.. We'll get him back, too. I promise. *Star continues to cry*
      (Cut to Ludo's lair).
      Glossaryck: *somberly* ... At your service, m'lady.
      Ludo: I'm not... *grins* a m'lady.

    • At the end of "Baby", Baby delivers her evaluation of Star's magical potential to Queen Moon.

      Baby: Star is nowhere near your skill level at her age... she's far beyond it. In fact, I haven't seen anything like this... since Queen Eclipsa.

    • Glossaryck's line at the end of "The Hard Way", revealing that Ludo has been possessed:

      Glossaryck: Hello, Toffee.

    • From "Starcrushed" when talking to Marco:

      Star: I...I do have a crush on you.

    • Near the end of the end of "Return to Mewni":

      Moon: Toffee and his monsters killed my mother!

    • Which is followed by:
    • From "Monster Bash", when Miss Heinous reveals her true self.

      Gemini: We should get going, Miss Heinous.
      Miss Heinous: That's not my name.
      Gemini: (confused) I'm...sorry?
      Miss Heinous: My name is Meteora.

    • And earlier in that episode, when Mina Loveberry shows up and says she she was looking for Meteora after Eclipsa was freed from her Crystal Prison...

      Star: Whoa, wait. Eclipsa? What does she have to do with this?
      Mina: Don't you ding-dongs know anything? She's her mama!

    • "Total Eclipsa the Moon" reveals that Mewni's royal family is not what it seems:

      Moon: (showing a picture of Festivia, the queen who came after Eclipsa) Is this your daughter?
      Eclipsa: Festivia? No.

    • "Butterfly Trap" has a total of two in a row that provides further in-depth that Festiva is not related to Eclipsa.
      • First, Omnitraxus Prime reveals the reason why Festiva was the next queen instead of Meteora:

        Omnitraxus: Eclipsa, your ex-husband, King Shastacan, he wanted nothing to do with your half-monster daughter. So we swapped her out with a peasant girl. We gave her the royal magic wand, and she became the next queen of Mewni.

      • Afterward, Star realizes that because Meteora was Switched at Birth with Festiva, Star has an even more shocking reveal:

        Star: You let us live a lie! We shouldn't even have the throne! Eclipsa isn't even — Wait... you aren't actually my great-great-great-great-something-grandma!
        Eclipsa: No, sweetie, I'm not.
        Star: Then... that means... we're no more royal than anybody else!
        Moon: You're still a princess, Star.
        Star: No, Mom. We're nobody.

    • Ever since Glossaryck came Back from the Dead in "Rest in Pudding", he could only say one word; "Globgor". In the Season 3 finale "Conquer", we finally find out what it means:

      Glossaryck: Eclipsa's Monster Love, Globgor! She's going off to be with him. I've been trying to tell you for months!

    • "Curse of the Blood Moon" has Star and Marco attempt to undo the curse that supposedly forced them to fall in love, and then Star drops this on us.

      Star: What if it was never the blood moon?

    • "Mama Star" has Marco panic as he starts to lose his memories to the Realm of Magic, going into a rambling monologue about why he's even there, before finally realizing exactly why.
    • "The Right Way" has Marco coming to warn Star about Mina.

      Star: Dude, you're a little late. Eclipsa just defeated her with a big ol' spell.
      Eclipsa: Huzzah!
      Marco: *looks up* Uh, that's not Mina.
      Star: What?
      Eclipsa: I'm sorry, pardon me?
      Marco: I don't know who that is, but Mina is headed here right now, and she's not alone.

    • "Here to Help" concludes with this bombshell:
    • In "The Tavern at the End of the Multiverse", Star comes up with a way to defeat Mina and her seemingly invincible magic army.

      Star: I hate magic. I'm... I'm gonna destroy it!

  • Star Trek: Lower Decks:
    • In "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie", evil AI AGIMUS has seemingly manipulated Boimler into putting him into control of a derelict spaceship, allowing him to take offer a nearby galaxy. Boomer, however, turns the tables.
    • In "The Stars at Night", the rogue Texas-class ships are seemingly destroyed by the Cerritos crew bombing them with their ship's warp core, leaving the Cerritos dead in the water as a result. And then Barnes drops this bombshell:
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars:
    • "Carnage of Krell":

      Rex: Tell me who gave you the orders to attack us.
      Waxer: It– it was General Krell. He sent us to these coordinates to stop the enemy. We thought they were wearing our armor. But... it was... you...

    • "The Wrong Jedi": Ahsoka has been proven innocent in the nick of time. The Jedi Council are apologizing for putting her through Hell and are offering her a position as a Knight. Anakin offers her braid, symbolically welcoming her back to the Jedi Order. And...
    • "The Bad Batch": After breaking into the Separatists' computer centre to find out how they have a stolen Republic strategy algorithm, Rex and Tech find out that the algorithm is actually being broadcast from another planet entirely, and then Tech finds a signal that seems to be someone's voice. Rex asks him to send a transmission asking the voice who they are, and gets a familiar number in response...

      Rex: "CT-1409"... that was Echo's number. He's alive.

    • "The Phantom Apprentice": Ahsoka, having just had an encounter with Darth Maul, relays information to Obi-Wan Kenobi about a name she heard from him: Darth Sidious. Kenobi relays the information he learned from Count Dooku back in Episode II, and concludes by saying that learning any more about him is impossible.*
  • Star Wars: The Bad Batch:
    • "Return to Kamino" drops this bombshell when the Batch confront Crosshair for the third time:
    • Up until the ending of "Plan 99", the audience was led to believe that in terms of the existence of female Jango Fett clones, Omega was a one-off. The final exchange of the episode proves otherwise.

      Emerie Karr: Ironic. You trust the Kaminoan, but not me.
      Omega: I don't know you.
      Emerie Karr: No? (removes glasses, revealing herself to be a female Jango Fett clone) You might know me better than you think. We're sisters, Omega.

  • Star Wars Rebels:
    • "Fire Across the Galaxy": We finally meet the rebels' Mysterious Informant:

      Hera: Fulcrum...
      Fulcrum: Ahsoka. My name is Ahsoka Tano.

    • "Wolves and a Door": Our small band of Rebels eavesdrop and realize exactly which foe they are up against this time (complete with Oh, Crap! expressions):

      Veris Hydan: We have recently made some remarkable discoveries, my Emperor.
      Emperor Palpatine: We must discover the secrets of the temple, for even now our enemies move against us!

  • Static Shock:
    • "Jimmy":
      • After Virgil and Richie decide to leave Jimmy's house after he offers to show them his father's gun:

        Virgil: The last thing I wanted to see was his dad's stupid gun. 'Course, eventually, I would see it and, when I did, it wouldn't be protectin' ​anybody.

      • When Virgil finally sees what Jimmy has been typing on his laptop:

        Virgil: The Battle Journal?
        Jimmy (in the Journal): All I wanted was to be left alone and they wouldn’t even do that. They had to hurt me. Humiliate me. Well, it ends tonight. I'm putting a stop to them. Once and for all.

    • "Kidnapped":
      • When Static goes to see his father who has been captured, he reveals that he knows the truth that the hero has been hiding from him:

        Robert: You can drop the act, Virgil.

  • Steven Universe:
    • "Ocean Gem":

      Amethyst: All those monsters we fight used to be just like us!

    • "On the Run":
      • This:

        Steven: I'm sure Garnet and Pearl are worried sick about us. Wondering when we're coming home.
        Amethyst: That's not my home.
        Steven: But– Oh, that's right, you're from Homeworld!
        Amethyst: That's not my home, either!

      • Amethyst reveals her self-loathing for being made in the Kindergarten, a breeding ground for "bad" Gems.

        Amethyst: And we shut this place down so the earth would be safe from parasites like ME!

    • "Sworn to the Sword":

      Pearl: [to Steven] Why won't you just let me do this for you, Rose!?

    • "Chille Tid":
    • "Steven's Birthday":

      Greg: Seems like just yesterday you were a baby and now you're turning fourteen years old!

    • "Message Received" had quite a few, this being the episode that marks the debut of Big Bad Yellow Diamond and Peridot's Heel–Face Turn, which had been built up for quite a few months:
    • "Monster Reunion": Revealing the exact nature of the Corruption.

      Pearl: Guess it'll take more than a kiss to heal damage from the Diamonds.

    • "Alone at Sea":

      Steven: But it's not like that anymore. You don't have to be with Jasper.
      Lapis Lazuli: That's not it. I... I miss her.

    • "Bismuth": A few, considering this is one of the most reveal-heavy episodes yet:

      Bismuth: That's exactly what [Rose] said.
      Bismuth: You didn't even tell them. You bubbled me away and didn't even tell your friends. My friends!

    • "Beta" contains a surprising reveal about Jasper. The fact that Peridot mentions it so casually adds to the wham.

      Peridot: Sure, you're both from Earth, but your Kindergartens are radically different!

    • "Earthlings" contains the revelation of Jasper's superior — thought to be Yellow Diamond — and the confirmation of a long-standing fan theory:

      Jasper: I've been fighting from the second I broke free from the Earth's crust because of what you did to my colony! Because of what you did to my planet! Because of what you did to my Diamond!
      Steven: Y-Yellow Diamond?
      Jasper: My Diamond! Your Diamond! Pink Diamond!

    • "Back to the Moon":

      Eyeball: I was there. I saw it with my own eye. I watched the leader of the Crystal Gems — Rose Quartz — shatter Pink Diamond!

    • "Room for Ruby":

      Steven: Navy! I think something went wrong with the ship!
      Navy: The only thing wrong is that you're still holding on! [giggles insanely]

    • "The Trial": The Defense Zircon comes to an interesting conclusion when she realizes that the story of how Pink Diamond was shattered doesn't make logical sense.

      Defense Zircon: No, whoever did this was already close to Pink Diamond. Someone her guards would allow to get near her, someone she would listen to when asked to stop her palanquin, and step outside, and someone with the authority to cover it up afterwards! Someone with supreme authority! [Beat] Someone... like one of you! [points to Yellow and Blue Diamond]

    • "A Single Pale Rose" gives the single biggest one in the series with the revelation that Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond were one and the same the whole time, and that Pink Diamond's supposed death was a complicated hoax pulled off by Pink and Pearl to make the Earth their home:

      Pearl: I can't believe I'm doing this...
      Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond: ...I can't exactly shatter myself.

    • "The Question" has by far the most heartwarming wham line in the entire series.

      Ruby: Sapphire... Will you marry me?!

    • "Reunited" has a couple:

      Steven: I guess seeing everyone together got me really choked up. Wait a second. You don't think...?!
      Garnet: Blue Diamond!

      Blue Diamond: [Garnet hopes] to defeat me by... clinging to my feet?
      Garnet: (smirks) I just needed to keep you from taking three steps to the right.
      (Cue Lapis Lazuli dropping the Barn on Blue Diamond)

    • The one infamous line in "Change Your Mind", on par with the one from "A Single Pale Rose", is a literal Wham Line. The force alone of how the character says it causes a quake, and forms a crater in the floor AND cracks in the walls of the setting, plus it rather forcefully puts to rest the question of Steven's true identity:

      White Diamond: What is this? Where is Pink?
      Pink Steven: [monotone] She's gone.
      White Diamond: What did you say?! Answer me!!!
      Pink Steven: [suddenly screaming] SHE'S GOOOOOOOONE!!!!!!

  • Superman: The Animated Series:

    Darkseid: Savor your moment of triumph, Superman, but remember—victory has its price.

  • Tangled: The Series:
    • From "The Alchemist Returns":

      Varian: The Sundrop isn't the flower anymore... it's Rapunzel!

    • From "Lost and Found":

      Lord Demanitus' note: At the end of Rapunzel's journey, one of her party shall turn against her.

    • "Destinies Collide" is very much a Wham Episode, being a season finale, but one exchange in particular takes the cake.

      Eugene: Well, what are you waiting for?
      Edmund: I... I won't fight you. (removes his mask) You... are my son.

    • In "Race to the Spire", the mysterious fairy-like girl who's been manipulating Cassandra finally introduces herself to Rapunzel and reveals she's actually an old enemy out for revenge.

      Enchanted Girl: Frankly, I'm surprised hadn't guessed who I am, seeing as how we've already met... in a way. You see, over the centuries, I've taken the form of whatever suits my needs. A warlock, a demon... even a blizzard.

  • Teen Titans (2003):
    • The Story Arc of the first season was trying to stop the mysterious villain Slade from destroying the city, but once Robin finally gets to confront Slade and take away the trigger to his Doomsday Device, Slade reveals that the whole "destroying the city" thing was just a ruse on his part.

      Slade: Trigger? There is no trigger, because there is no detonator.

    • Even earlier than that, when the audience learns Red X's identity in Masks:

      Robin: It's about time we met face to face.

    • And in "Birthmark":

      Slade: You're going to destroy the world, Raven...note 

    • Also from "Birthmark":
    • And "Haunted", this whole conversation:

      Robin: (grabbing her arm) What happened?!
      Starfire: You are hurting me!
      Robin: Slade ran right by you! How could you let him get away?!
      Starfire: (tearing up) But... Robin! There was no one there...

  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) First episode of season 8, Shredder does the unthinkable and destroys the Channel 6 building.

    Shredder: I never bluff.

  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003). They have just found out that Oroku Saki/Shredder was really an Utrom named Ch'rell disguised as a human being.

    Donatello: Shredder is an Utrom?

  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012):
    • The episode this line was in focused around Donatello rescuing Mr. O'Neil after receiving a coded message from him. The escape succeeds, and this line comes at the end of the episode, turning everything the Turtles have accomplished on its head.

      Kraang: This did not prevent the planned escape of the human known as Kirby O'Neil.

    • Shredder is talking about Miwa Hamato, who Splinter thought died fifteen years ago. Splinter Never Found the Body, but this is the first time in show that's flat out stating she isn't dead.

      Shredder: where you are you wrong. You took something from me... so I took something from you. Your daughter.

    • After Leo tells her that her true father is Splinter, Karai began to have doubts about the Shredder's motives. It isn't until meeting with Splinter that she discovers that it was all true, causing her to turn her back on the Foot Clan.

      Karai: I have no honor... but that's about to change.

  • From Thunder Cats 2011: Pumyra has, up to this point, been an ally of Lion-O and one of the good guys. During this scene, Lion-O asks her to throw him a magic stone. She instead hands it to Mumm-Ra. It drastically changes everything.

    Pumyra: Lion-O, you are my king, but henote  is my master.

  • Total Drama:
    • Zoey tells Mal that he can drop the act, revealing that she figured out he was pretending to be Mike. She claims she'd rather have Mike over Mal, who responds with this line:
      • Earlier, Mal, posing as Mike, exposes who he is to Duncan.

      "Mike": (whistles "In the Hall of the Mountain King")

      Duncan: (gasps) I know that tune!

    • After being pushed around by Max for too long, Scarlett finally breaks away from him with one line:
    • Though that was understandable, her next line is her true character defining moment:
    • Dave had spent the entire season hopelessly falling for Sky. She keeps telling him they can't be together, but never specifies why, implying that it's because she has to focus on the competition. Then we see her audition tape in the finale...

      Sky: If you pick me to go on the show, I'll really miss my boyfriend, Keith!

    • Ezekiel delievers one after his elimination in World Tour, when he is stowing away on the plane:

      Ezekiel: I'm not going anywhere! This game is mine, eh! MIIIIIINE!

  • Transformers: Animated
    • In "The Elite Guard", Porter C. Powell drops this bombshell on Sari after he takes over Sumdac Systems:

      Powell: I took the liberty of doing some research into your claim. It might interest you to know that there is no will, no birth certificate, no adoption papers, Social Security number, or any kind of record whatsoever for a "Sari Sumdac".

    • "Autoboot Camp" explores Bumblebee's past and introduces a new character named Wasp who served as Bee's past rival. Wasp appears to be a new character at first, but then he returns at the end of the episode with an all too familiar speech pattern:
  • Transformers: Prime:
    • In "One Shall Fall", after Raf is revealed to have been severely injured by Megatron:

      Optimus Prime: Megatron must be destroyed!

    • At the end of "One Shall Rise, part 3", this line reveals that Unicron's defeat by Optimus Prime with the Matrix of Leadership came at a hefty cost:
    • In "Predacons Rising", Megatron surrenders:

      Megatron: ENOUGH! The Decepticons are no more!

    • In "Deadlock", a double whammy as the character saying this was thought to be both dead and mute:

      Bumblebee: Megatron! You took my voice. You will never rob anyone, of anything, ever again.

  • In the Ultimate Spider-Man (2012) episode "Stan By Me", Spider-Man finds out that the Lizard is building a machine which Spidey believes that the Connors part of the Lizard built in order to drive out the Lizard. So, Spidey and company subdue the Lizard and use the machine on him. However...

    Spider-Man: Why isn't it working?
    Lizard: Working good. Erase Connors. Connors no more. Lizard forever!

  • The Venture Bros.: The Season 3 finale has this from Brock, after he leaves the OSI:

    Dr. Venture: Where are you going? Aren't you gonna help clean this up?
    Brock: I said "I quit".

  • Voltron: Legendary Defender:
    • From "Return of the Gladiator", when Shiro is the first to figure out Pidge's secret:

      Shiro: [to Pidge] Your father and brother would be proud of you, Katie.

    • From the Season 1 finale, Zarkon explaining one of the main reasons he's taken such an interest in the Lions to begin with:

      Zarkon: [to Keith] You cannot stop me. The Black Lion will finally be returned to its original Paladin.

    • The trailer for season 2 starts with one:

      Shiro: Keith, if I don't make it out of here... I want you to lead Voltron.

    • The last line in season 2:

      Haggar: Summon Prince Lotor.

    • From "Return the Blitz", Acxa realizes Lotor has killed Narti, who was working for Lotor's mother Haggar all along and shoots him (albeit with a stunner) at point-blank range.

      Acxa: [to Lotor] For Narti.

    • The moment Pidge realizes Matt's transponder has led her to a burial ground:

      Translation Software: In honor of the 127,098 brave warriors that stood against tyranny. The quest for freedom is won through sacrifice.

    • Keith's attempt to sacrifice himself at the end of Season 4:

      Matt: We'll never penetrate those shields!
      Keith: Maybe not with our weapons.

    • The last line of season 4:

      Lotor: Attention, Paladins of Voltron and rebel fighters. I know we've had our differences in the past but I think it is time we had a discussion.

    • Krolia's reveal:

      Keith: How were you able to use it?
      Krolia: Because it used to be mine... before I gave it to your father.

    • The end of Allura's trial in Oriande:

      Allura: No. This isn't the way. I seek the secret of life. I give my own.

    • When Shiro's clone yells at Lance in Season 6:

      Lance: Shiro, we're all on the same side here-
      "Shiro": I told you to stay out of this!

    • In "The Black Paladins" when Keith is trying to get through to Shiro's clone:

      Keith: Shiro! Shiro, please. You're my brother. I love you.

  • Wander over Yonder.
    • At the end of "The Greater Hater" We get a surprising reveal about our new villain:
    • In "The Wanders" We get a small insight into Wander’s past and why he has his need to help others:

      Zen Wander: The helper seeks to help, 'cause he knows what it's like to be helpless.

    • In "The Bad Hatter", Wander and Sylvia run into a flood of things coming from Hater’s Skullship. Wander immediately guesses that his missing hat is causing it. The exchange afterwards sheds a whole new light on Wander, for both Sylvia and the audience:

      Sylvia: Whoa, whoa, what makes you think the hat is up there?
      Wander: 'Cause this is exactly what happened when I stole it!

    • "My Fair Hatey", while Peepers is hijacking through Dominator’s computer, he finds out about Dominator’s true plan.

      Peepers: Oh my Grop! She's not trying to conquer the galaxy so she can rule it. She wants to destroy it! Man, that's evil!

  • What's New, Scooby-Doo?:
    • A Wham Line in its pilot episode subverts expectations from previous incarnations of the franchise:

    Fred: Okay, guys, don't panic! Remember, there's a good chance it's just a terrifying monster suit with some creep inside.
    Shaggy: There's only one thing missing from your theory, Fred.
    Fred: What?
    Shaggy: Like, the creep inside!

    • "Riva Ras Regas" features the gang investigating the ghost of a magician who was buried beneath a collapsing building during an act gone wrong. When they catch one suspect off-guard while he's taking a steam bath, he inadvertently drops quite the bombshell.

      Fred: You know anything about this ghost business with that magician fellow?

  • Winx Club:
    • Episode 318: During Enchantix training, Bloom passes out when using her powers and her magic turns against her; once she comes to in Faragonda's office, the headmistress reveals the following detail which takes on a whole new meaning after she earned her Enchantix through force of will rather than sacrifice:

      Faragonda: Your Enchantix power is dangerously incomplete.

    • Episode 425: Aisha has left for the Omega Dimension with Nebula and the Warrior Fairies, and Morgana is still stuck in the mirror with no way to get out. But then comes the following line which in turn causes Roxy to realize the meaning behind her connection with Morgana and why she kept appearing in her dreams:

      Morgana: Even though Nebula has taken my place, this does not make her queen. After me, the throne belongs to the Princess of Tir Nan Og, my daughter. You can rescue me, Roxy.

  • X-Men: The Animated Series: "The Final Decision", Master Mold explains why it is capturing world leaders and trying to rule over humanity.
  • X-Men '97:
    • In "To Me, My X-Men", Magneto drops in on Xavier Mansion and drops a massive bombshell on the X-Men.

      Magneto: The last will and testament of Charles Francis Xavier. As you all will see, his school, his fortune, everything he built, everything he fought belongs to me, my X-Men.

    • Near the end of Tolerance is Extinction, Pt. 1, Val Cooper reveals why she freed Magneto from his prison and talked about what she thought of after the Genosha massacre. Her conclusion as she stated would be what any rational person would think after the horrific event:
    • The final scene of "Tolerance is Extinction, Pt. 3" sees several of the X-Men trapped in ancient Egypt, where they encounter a young man being attacked by armed soldiers. The man is asked his name, and responds while removing his face mask:
  • X-Men: Evolution: In "Day of Reckoning" Part 2

    Scott Summers/Cyclops: (pulling Professor X from his wheelchair) It was YOU! YOU did this!
    Professor X: (laughing, as Mystique's voice emerges) Yes, I did it.
    (Professor X changes into Mystique)
    Mystique: And now, it's about to get much worse.

  • From the Xiaolin Showdown episode "In the Flesh", the Dragons goes over Raimundo's theft.

  • Young Justice (2010):
    • From "Bloodlines": The happy go lucky, carefree Bart from this episode is almost entirely an act hiding that he's from a Bad Future where The Flash is dead.

      Bart Allen: Better get into character.

    • From "The Hunt": Said to the Reach Ambassador, whom up til now Godfrey has been completely supportive of.

      G. Gordon Godfrey: So, please explain to the good folks at home how it squares with the lies you told us, and the fleet of warships you hid beneath our oceans.