
Shoreline erosion rates along barrier islands of the north central gulf of Mexico

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Rates of shoreline change and overwash penetration distances were calculated for barrier islands along the Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama coasts with the orthogonal grid mapping system (OGMS). Average rates of shoreline change are exceptionally high in Louisiana, being of the order -4.7 to -7.4 m yr-1. Mississippi and Alabama recession rates are lower and range from -2.0 to -3.1 m yr-1 over the period of record. Erosion rates along the shorelines of these islands have remained relatively constant over the period of study with five exceptions in coastal Louisiana and the Chandeleur-Breton Islands Arc, and two exceptions along the Mississippi-Alabama barrier islands where they have accelerated. Mean overwash penetration is greatest along Dauphin Island, Alabama, and Cat Island, Mississippi: 207.6 and 197.9 m, respectively. The Chandeleur-Brenton Islands Arc range from 88.1 m at the central barrier to 180.4 along the flanks. The Mississippi islands range from 105.2 m on Ship Island to 200.5 m along central Horn Island. Mean overwash penetration along the Louisiana barriers is highly variable: 46.3 to 211.4 m.


Environmental Geology

Pub Date:
September 1983

