
Development in motion

In a series of dynamic graphs, we explain some of the salient issues of international trade today.

RCEP: A new centre of gravity for global trade

Selected regional trade agreements
(by share of global GDP)


The new trade agreement between 15 East Asian and Pacific Nations is now the largest trading block with important effects for the world economy.

Fossil fuels: Trading in the wrong direction

International trade is back, but not for all

COVID-19 and trade growth
(Estimates for 2021)

COVID-19 and trade growth

While many countries enjoy double digit growth rates for their exports, recovery remains out of sight for the poorest and smallest economies.

Trade impacts of EU climate change mechanism

EU carbon border adjustment
(Top 10 potentially most-affected developing countries, by sector)

Trade impacts of EU climate change mechanism

India, Kazakhstan, South Africa, China, Indonesia and Argentina are potentially the most affected by an EU carbon border adjustment.

COVID-19 impact on tourism

Trade and food security

Trade dependence for basic food
(Ratio of basic food balance to total merchandise exports)

Trade and food security

As global trade expanded, many poor countries increasingly specialized in export crops - at the expense of food security for their populations.

Carbon emissions: A per capita perspective

Top 10 CO2 emitters
(Per capita emissions)

Top 10 CO2 emitters

Today, the world's top three emitters - China, the United States, and India - account for around 50% of global CO2 emissions. However, a per capita view offers an important perspective on the global CO2 challenge.

Evolution of the world's 25 top trading nations

Share of global exports of goods
(Percentage, 1978-2020)

Evolution of the world's 25 top trading nations

Discover in less than one minute the evolution of the main trading nations of the world, from 1978 to 2020.

China: The rise of a trade titan

Share of global exports of goods (%)
(Leading economies 2020)

China: The rise of a trade titan

China's rise as a trade titan has transformed the global economic landscape. But why is its ascent both admired and questioned, and what's next for the world's export powerhouse?