Kosovo Provisional Self Government Formed
(Reissued as received from UNMIK)
Members of the Kosovo Assembly today voted in a President and government of Kosovo.
Elected President of Kosovo was Ibrahim Rugova, head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). In the same vote, Dr. Bajram Rexhepi of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) was elected Prime Minister.
The rest of the Government includes the Minister of Finance and Economy-Mr. Ali Sadriu (LDK); the Minister of Education, Science and Technology-Mr. Rexhep Omani (LDK); The Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports-Mr. Behxhet Brajshori (LDK); the Minister of Transport and Communication-Mr. Zef Morina (PSHDK-LDK); the Minister of Trade and Industry-Mr. Ali Jakupi (PDK); the Minister of Public Services--Mr. Jakup Krasniqi (PDK); the Minister of Environment and Spatal Planning-Mr. Ethem Ceku, (Alliance for the Future of Kosovo-AAK); the Minister of Labor and Social Welfare-Mr. Ahmet Jusufi (AAK); and the Minister of Health-Mr. Numan Balic (Vatan).The name of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, which will go to a member of the Coalition Povratak, has not yet been confirmed.
Today's Assembly meeting, which was a continuation of the inaugural session last held on 10 December, 2001, was convened by Assembly President Nexhat Daci. His first act today was to accept the endorsement of the PDK members of the Assembly Presidency, Mr. Xhavit Haliti and Mr Hydayet Hyseni.
The President and Government of Kosovo were then voted in by a single, open ballot in a configuration called for by the Agreement on the President and Government of Kosovo, which was signed by the three main Kosovo Albanian parties (LDK, PDK and AAK) on 28 February 2002.
SRSG Michael Steiner, in a speech to the Assembly today, explained the details and principles of the Agreement, which he witnessed early Thursday morning.
"In the spirit of compromise, your leaders have achieved a long-awaited Agreement. I am convinced that this Agreement can be the foundation for a better future of Kosovo," he said. "The Secretary-General of the United Nations has wholeheartedly welcomed the Agreement. Kofi Annan urges you to make good use of it, and establish a government now."
One hundred and twelve (of 120) Assembly members were present at today's session. Eighty-eight voted in favor of the proposed government package; three voted against the proposal and 15 abstained.
"I am advised that the decision by the Assembly is legally consistent and within the spirit and obligations of the Constitutional Framework," said Assembly President Daci, referring to the document which set out the basis for the institutions of provisional self-government.
Povratak member Gojko Savic objected to the voting package proposal on procedural grounds; neverthe- less the Assembly voted to proceed with the vote.
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