Christian Plantin | Université Lyon -
- ️christian plantin
- ️Fri Jan 03 2014
Papers by Christian Plantin
Publication Information: Book Title: Fundamentals of Argumentation Theory: A Handbook of Historic... more Publication Information: Book Title: Fundamentals of Argumentation Theory: A Handbook of Historical Backgrounds and Contemporary Developments. Contributors: Frans H. Van Eemeren - author, Rob Grootendorst - author, Francisca Snoeck Henkemans - author, J. Anthony ...
International audienceContesting the opposition between (scientific) ‘demonstration’ and (rhetori... more International audienceContesting the opposition between (scientific) ‘demonstration’ and (rhetorical) ‘argumentation,’ the author claims that argumentation is a full-blown, legitimate way of knowledge acquisition and knowledge-based decision making. The form and substance of argumentative dialogue is presented as a powerful intellectual tool that can build a bridge between the ‘two academic cultures.
This writing originates from the organization of a conference addressed to the VI International C... more This writing originates from the organization of a conference addressed to the VI International Congress on science teachers' education, held in Bogota, from 8 to 10 October 2014. Dr. Plantin was one of the invited speakers, who presents in this article relevant aspects related to the argumentation, its origins from rhetoric, the role of language in argumentation, the argumentation as a word and as a concept; its perspectives within different languages, and the uses of argumentation based on Toulmin model of argument, which reminds us that arguments are generally expressed with qualifiers and rebuttals rather than asserted as absolutes. This paper presents alternative perspectives on the argumentation, such as the argumentative rhetoric, dialectics, the practice of the rebuttal and critical thinking, in relation to the dialectic and the classical logic, argumentation theory in language and scientific argumentation and implications for science education.
L’article de Christian Plantin aborde un aspect particulier du discours argumentatif, lorsque l’a... more L’article de Christian Plantin aborde un aspect particulier du discours argumentatif, lorsque l’argumentation passe principalement par l’usage de certains mots, utilises comme emblemes ou signaux. Ici l’argumentation est liee a une certaine emotion, celle qui exprime ou suscite l’indignation. Les liens entre argumentation et emotion sont particulierement interessants a elucider, en ce qu’ils contreviennent a l’idee communement partagee de l’argumentation comme discours rationnel. C. Plantin montre dans cet article comment l’indignation est le produit d’une activite discursive. Il decrit le scenario de l’indignation a partir d’une collection d’exemples et pour finir, a partir de l’ouvrage de Stephane Hessel Indignezvous ! Bien que ce ne soit pas du tout son propos, l’analyse qu’il mene ici peut alimenter le travail sur le lexique tel qu’il peut etre mene dans les classes du secondaire. La redaction de Recherches
Argumentation, Aug 24, 2022
He was professor emeritus at the Free University of Brussels. Meyer was a student, a collaborator... more He was professor emeritus at the Free University of Brussels. Meyer was a student, a collaborator and one of the heirs of Chaïm Perelman (1912-1884), who co-authored with Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca The New rhetoric-A treatise on Argumentation. In 1986, Michel Meyer co-founded with Frans van Eemeren Rob Grootendorst and Christian Plantin our journal Argumentation. Michel Meyer had an encyclopaedic mind; his passionate interests extended to all fields of knowledge. For almost forty years, he was the director of the Revue Internationale de Philosophie. The variety, relevance and topicality of the topics dealt with in the four annual issues of the journal testify to his vision and influence. Meyer left behind a large body of work: more than thirty books. In 1977, he was awarded a doctorate in philosophy (Découverte et justification en science: Essai de déconstruction du néo-positivisme [Discovery and justification in science: a deconstruction of neo-positivism]). In De la problématologie (Mardaga, 1986) [Of problematology, Chicago Press, 1996) he developed an original vision on argumentation and philosophy, with a new view of rationality founded on questioning. Later Meyer applied his method to the most diverse issues in philosophy, rhetoric, and human sciences, literature, history and art. His Principia rhetorica (2008) addresses the general issue of "the negotiation of distance between individuals about a given issue", as a general theory of argumentation-contrasting it with Perelman's vision of rhetoric. The Principia moralia, which he published in 2013, investigates the status of morality in today's world by relying on the concept of interindividual distance to present a synthetic view of ethical theories. In Meyer's Principia politica-Histoire, économie, société, published in 2022, he questions the link between
Publication Information: Book Title: Fundamentals of Argumentation Theory: A Handbook of Historic... more Publication Information: Book Title: Fundamentals of Argumentation Theory: A Handbook of Historical Backgrounds and Contemporary Developments. Contributors: Frans H. Van Eemeren - author, Rob Grootendorst - author, Francisca Snoeck Henkemans - author, J. Anthony ...
International audienceContesting the opposition between (scientific) ‘demonstration’ and (rhetori... more International audienceContesting the opposition between (scientific) ‘demonstration’ and (rhetorical) ‘argumentation,’ the author claims that argumentation is a full-blown, legitimate way of knowledge acquisition and knowledge-based decision making. The form and substance of argumentative dialogue is presented as a powerful intellectual tool that can build a bridge between the ‘two academic cultures.
This writing originates from the organization of a conference addressed to the VI International C... more This writing originates from the organization of a conference addressed to the VI International Congress on science teachers' education, held in Bogota, from 8 to 10 October 2014. Dr. Plantin was one of the invited speakers, who presents in this article relevant aspects related to the argumentation, its origins from rhetoric, the role of language in argumentation, the argumentation as a word and as a concept; its perspectives within different languages, and the uses of argumentation based on Toulmin model of argument, which reminds us that arguments are generally expressed with qualifiers and rebuttals rather than asserted as absolutes. This paper presents alternative perspectives on the argumentation, such as the argumentative rhetoric, dialectics, the practice of the rebuttal and critical thinking, in relation to the dialectic and the classical logic, argumentation theory in language and scientific argumentation and implications for science education.
L’article de Christian Plantin aborde un aspect particulier du discours argumentatif, lorsque l’a... more L’article de Christian Plantin aborde un aspect particulier du discours argumentatif, lorsque l’argumentation passe principalement par l’usage de certains mots, utilises comme emblemes ou signaux. Ici l’argumentation est liee a une certaine emotion, celle qui exprime ou suscite l’indignation. Les liens entre argumentation et emotion sont particulierement interessants a elucider, en ce qu’ils contreviennent a l’idee communement partagee de l’argumentation comme discours rationnel. C. Plantin montre dans cet article comment l’indignation est le produit d’une activite discursive. Il decrit le scenario de l’indignation a partir d’une collection d’exemples et pour finir, a partir de l’ouvrage de Stephane Hessel Indignezvous ! Bien que ce ne soit pas du tout son propos, l’analyse qu’il mene ici peut alimenter le travail sur le lexique tel qu’il peut etre mene dans les classes du secondaire. La redaction de Recherches
Argumentation, Aug 24, 2022
He was professor emeritus at the Free University of Brussels. Meyer was a student, a collaborator... more He was professor emeritus at the Free University of Brussels. Meyer was a student, a collaborator and one of the heirs of Chaïm Perelman (1912-1884), who co-authored with Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca The New rhetoric-A treatise on Argumentation. In 1986, Michel Meyer co-founded with Frans van Eemeren Rob Grootendorst and Christian Plantin our journal Argumentation. Michel Meyer had an encyclopaedic mind; his passionate interests extended to all fields of knowledge. For almost forty years, he was the director of the Revue Internationale de Philosophie. The variety, relevance and topicality of the topics dealt with in the four annual issues of the journal testify to his vision and influence. Meyer left behind a large body of work: more than thirty books. In 1977, he was awarded a doctorate in philosophy (Découverte et justification en science: Essai de déconstruction du néo-positivisme [Discovery and justification in science: a deconstruction of neo-positivism]). In De la problématologie (Mardaga, 1986) [Of problematology, Chicago Press, 1996) he developed an original vision on argumentation and philosophy, with a new view of rationality founded on questioning. Later Meyer applied his method to the most diverse issues in philosophy, rhetoric, and human sciences, literature, history and art. His Principia rhetorica (2008) addresses the general issue of "the negotiation of distance between individuals about a given issue", as a general theory of argumentation-contrasting it with Perelman's vision of rhetoric. The Principia moralia, which he published in 2013, investigates the status of morality in today's world by relying on the concept of interindividual distance to present a synthetic view of ethical theories. In Meyer's Principia politica-Histoire, économie, société, published in 2022, he questions the link between
Preprint / Working paper, 2024
Le "Dictionnaire de l'argumentation 2025” est une version revue et augmentée du “Dictionnaire de ... more Le "Dictionnaire de l'argumentation 2025” est une version revue et augmentée du “Dictionnaire de l'argumentation” publié en 2016 par ENS éditions, ouvrage traduit en anglais et en espagnol (traductions en portugais brésillien et en arabe en cours). Les études contemporaines sur l'argumentation s'inscrivent dans une tradition fondée par Aristote, Cicéron, Quintilien et d'autres. Depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, elles ont été vigoureusement reprises et réorientées par différentes écoles de pensée, soulignant leur lien avec les disciplines rénovées que sont la logique, la dialectique, la rhétorique ou la grammaire. Dans ce contexte diversifié et stimulant, ce dictionnaire complet apporte une contribution significative à la construction d'une culture commune et d'un vocabulaire partagé de l'argumentation. L'argumentation est abordée comme une activité linguistique et cognitive omniprésente, et les études sur l'argumentation sont considérées comme un domaine pluridisciplinaire. Le “Dictionnaire de l'argumentation 2025” définit 318 entrées, principales ou secondaires qui renvoient à l'entrée / aux entrées principale(s) correspondantes. Il s'agit du premier dictionnaire de ce type publié en français. The “Dictionnaire de l'argumentation 2025” is a revised and expanded version of the “Dictionnaire de l'argumentation” published in 2016 by ENS éditions,Lyon, France. It has been translated into English (“Dictonary of Argumentation”) and Spanish. Brazilian Portuguese and Arabic translations in progress. Contemporary studies on argumentation are part of a tradition founded by Aristotle, Cicero, Quintilian and others. Since the end of the Second World War, they have been vigorously revived and reoriented by various schools of thought, emphasizing their link with the renewed disciplines of logic, dialectics, rhetoric and grammar. In this diverse and stimulating context, this comprehensive dictionary makes a significant contribution to the construction of a common culture and shared vocabulary of argumentation. Argumentation is approached as a ubiquitous linguistic and cognitive activity, and argumentation studies are seen as a multidisciplinary field. The “Dictionnaire de l'argumentation 2025” defines 318 main or secondary entries, which refer to the main entry, or to the corresponding main entries. This is the first dictionary of its kind published in French.
Anscombre, Blair, Ducrot, van Eemeren, Grize, Grootendorst, Hamblin, Johnson, Olbrechts-Tyteca, Perelman, Toulmin, Walton, Woods, et bien d'autres, ont reconceptualisé le domaine, l'ont reconnecté à la recherche contemporaine et ont ouvert des voies de recherche rigoureuses et innovantes.
Au tournant du siècle, l'argumentation dans l'enseignement des sciences et l'argumentation sur les questions socio-scientifiques sont apparues comme de nouveaux domaines au sein du champ plus vaste des études sur l'argumentation.
Les relations entre les entrées sont marquées par un système de liens qui renforce la cohérence conceptuelle du “Dictionnaire”.
Anscombre, Blair, Ducrot, van Eemeren, Grize, Grootendorst, Hamblin, Johnson, Olbrechts-Tyteca, Perelman, Toulmin, Walton, Woods and many others reconceptualized the field, reconnecting it to contemporary research and opening up rigorous, innovative avenues of inquiry.
At the turn of the century, argumentation in science education and argumentation about socio-scientific issues emerged as new areas within the broader field of argumentation studies.
The relationships between entries are marked by a system of links that reinforces the conceptual coherence of the Dictionary.