August 2024 Board Meeting
- ️Tue Sep 03 2024
Meeting called to order at 7:07pm CST on August 13, 2024 by Dan Hanks.
Attendance: Marie Ralff, Brad Kassing, Dan Bocock, Dan Hanks, Lizzie Hill, Ronald Klepadlo, Anna Marmann, Taylor Johannigman, Niina Baum, Chris Speers, Wendy Tarlow, Kriya Dunlap, Taylor Johannigman
Treasurer Report: USFSS has $8,725.68 available. Currently USFSS has 74 members for the 2024-2025 season. Up 225% from last year. Kriya makes a motion to approve the treasurer report. Lizzie seconds. All in favor.
Meeting Minutes: Lizzie makes a motion to approve the minutes. Marie seconds. All in favor.
Officers & Committees:
- Athlete Selection Committee: Two of our ICF selected athletes have dropped out. Next task is the selections for continental championships. The board did discuss having a second round of applications for continental championships to ensure we fill all the spots. USFSS discussed that they are ok with non-selected athletes being required to have a DID to enter at continental championships. Dan Bocock makes a motion to allow Niina & Anna to advocate for continental championships and make the decision needed whether non-selected athletes need to have a DID or not to ensure we move forward with the race. Marie seconds. All in favor.
- Race Accreditation Committee: NA
- Audit Committee: NA
- Sponsorship Committee: NA
WCh and Continentals: Waiting on final decisions at the IFSS council meeting on Wednesday to move forward with continental and WCh planning. Dan Bocock updated that he is talking with Trek and Scherrer Construction about sponsorships. Niina has applied for grants for continental championships and is working with the local chamber to apply for a grant for WCh. Dan Hanks submitted a request for an exception to 4-wheeled rigs being made for continental championships.
New Business:
- General Meeting: It was brought up that USFSS hasn’t been publicly announcing it’s meetings to membership very well and needs to work on that and take a look at the bylaws to figure out what USFSS is required to do.
- Communication Method for USFSS: How USFSS communicates was brought up. Right now USFSS uses Facebook messenger to communicate but it has its drawbacks. The use of Slack was brought up as a solution that is more professional, has more organization, and capabilities. Kriya and Taylor volunteered to research what Slack would cost and report back to USFSS.
- New Committees: Marie brings up adding a Race Results Audit committee. Anna makes a motion to add a Race Results Audit committee. Lizzie seconds. All in favor. Marie brings up to add a Bylaws committee. Lizzie makes a motion to add a Bylaws Committee. Anna seconds. All in favor. Anna and Dan Hanks brought up adding a Race Rules and Judges Committee. Emily makes a motion to add the Race Rules and Judges Committee. Dan Bocock seconds. All in favor.
- Adding people to committees:
- Athlete Selection Committee: Emily
- Audit Committee: Wendy
- Bylaws Committee: Wendy (Chair), Lizzie, Dan Hanks, Dan Bocock
- Race Accreditation Committee: Kriya, Taylor (Chair)
- Race Results Audit Committee: Rachel, Emily
- Race Rules and Judges Committee: Rachel, Emily, Taylor
- Fundraising Committee:
Future USFSS Meetings; Marie motions that USFSS have a board meeting every first Tuesday of the month at 7pm Central time. Lizzie seconds. All in favor.
Motion to adjourn by Dan Bocock, second by Lizzie. All in favor. Adjourned at 8:40pm CST.