
Carr Fork Mines

  • ️Don Strack

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This page was last updated on August 31, 2024.

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The Carr Fork branch of Bingham Canyon runs in a general northeast-southwest direction, meeting the main Bingham Canyon at a point about 5-1/2 miles from Copperton at the mouth of Bingham Canyon. The well-known Highland Boy mine was at the top of Carr Fork, close to its highest and most southwestern end.

The name of Carr Fork for the name of the major branch of Bingham Canyon was used as early as 1864:

March 17, 1864
Some miners "on Sunday last discovered two new ledges, the croppings of which are said to present richer indications than any yet found." "The new disocveries mentioned above are in Carr's Fork of Bingham Canon, in West Mountain." (Union Vedette, March 17, 1864)

November 26, 1864
"Notice is hereby given to all persons owning interests in Bingham Canon, that a meeting will be held at Messrs Miller, Heaton & Co.'s mills, at the junction of Carr Fork, on Friday, Dec. 16th 1864, for the purpose of revising the By-Laws of West Mountain Mining District, and electing a resident of Canon for Recorder." "/signed/ M. S. Stickney, Deputy Recorder" (Union Vedette, November 26, 1864)

The point where Carr Fork met Main Canyon was also a main intersection of the streets in the town of Bingham, with the unusual shaped Bingham Mercantile store being the most recognizable landmark in that part of town.

The junction of Carr Fork with Main Canyon is also readily recognizable because of the large curved railroad bridge that dominated the space above the intersection. This landmark railroad bridge was completed in 1911, and remained in place until mid 1957.

The Carr Fork mines themselves operated from 1896 (Highland Boy) until 1981 when Anaconda shut down its Carr Fork project. The mining claims and mining infrastructure (tunnels, shafts, underground facilities, and surface rights) were sold to Kennecott in 1985. The Carr Fork mines are now generally known as the "North Ore Shoot Extension."

Carr Fork Mines

(West to East)

Bingham New Haven

Bingham-New Haven Copper & Gold Mining Company (1902-1915) -- Organized in 1902; sold to Utah Metal Mining company in 1915; operated an aerial tram from the head of Carr Fork to the upper terminal of Utah Consolidated's aerial tram.

Utah Consolidated

(original Highland Boy mine)

Utah Consolidated Mining Company (1896-1923) (to Utah-Delaware in 1924; to National Tunnel and Mines in 1937)

Utah Consolidated vs. Utah Apex court cases

Utah Delaware Mining Company

Utah-Delaware Mining Co. (1924-1937) (from Utah Consolidated in 1924; to National Tunnel and Mines in 1937)

Utah Apex

Utah-Apex Mining Company (1902-1937) (to National Tunnel and Mines in 1937)

Utah Metal and Tunnel Company

Utah Metal and Tunnel Company (1909-1944) -- organized in 1909 as Utah Metal Mining Company; completed the tunnel between Carr Fork and Middle Canyon in 1913. (to National Tunnel and Mines in 1944)

Yampa Mine

Yampa mine of the Tintic Mining and Development Company -- (1901-1918) sold to Utah Consolidated in 1912 (Yampa smelter built in 1903, closed in 1910)

National Tunnel and Mines Company

National Tunnel and Mines Co. (1937-1948) -- Information about the company that was the consolidation (in 1937) of all the above mines (1944 for the Utah Metal and Tunnel Co.), including its Elton Tunnel completed in 1941. (to Anaconda in 1948)

Anaconda In Utah

Anaconda In Utah -- Information about Anaconda and how in later years, after 1948, it operated the mines shown above, until operations were shut down in 1981.

Railroad Bridges

Also notable in Carr Fork were the five curved railroad bridges farther up the canyon. These were built by Utah Copper to access new dumping grounds for waste rock from their open pit mine.

(Read more about the railroad bridges in Carr Fork)
