
Railroads of Utah, Utah Railroad Corporations, Part 1

  • ️Don Strack

Railroads of Utah, Corporation Information, Part 1

From the records of the State of Utah

This page was last updated on December 20, 2015.

(Return to Utah Railoads Alphabetic List Page)

Alta & Jordan Valley Railroad

Organized: October 24, 1910

Filed: October 25, 1910 - with Secretary of State

Utah index number: 8633


Capital stock: $200,000 (10,000 preferred shares @ $10.00, 100,000 common shares @ $1.00)


To construct a railroad between Sandy and Alta, Utah, a distance of about 16 miles

Incorporators and directors:

D. J. Williams SLC 19,990  
W. F. Williams SLC 2 Secretary, Treasurer
B. F. Cummings SLC 2 President
E. W. Cummings SLC 2  
N. A. Williams SLC 2 Vice President

Alta - Cottonwood Transportation Co.

Organized: September 24, 1915

Filed: September 24, 1915 - with Secretary of State

Utah index number: 11388

Dissolved: (revoked in 1919)

Capital stock: $100,000 (100,000 shares @ $1.00)


To construct a railroad from Wasatch, Utah, on the Salt Lake & Alta Railroad in Little Cottonwood Canyon, to a station called Alta Junction, a distance of about nine miles.

Incorporators and directors:

Walter K. Yorston SLC 59,600 President, General Manager
Walter K. Yorston, as trustee   15,000  
W. H. Burnside SLC 100  
W. P. Twist SLC 100 Secretary, Treasurer
George E. Ford SLC 100 Vice President
H. B. Cole SLC 100  


Authorized to reconstruct or lease, etc. other railroads.

Conveyed to this corporation as full payment for shares of stock, the following items:

Lease and option to buy a certain roadbed and right-of-way from Wasatch Station to Alta Junction, Utah

Two locomotives
Ten freight cars
25,000 railroad ties

All valued at $75,000

American Fork Railroad

Organized: April 3, 1872

Filed: April 16, 1872 - with Auditor of Public Accounts

Utah index number: 4350


Capital stock: $300,000 (3,000 shares @ $100.00)


From a point on the Utah Southern Railroad at or near to American Fork, Utah, to the Sultana Smelter Works at the head of American Fork Canyon, a distance of about 20 miles


(no Directors listed)

Lloyd Aspinwall New York City 50
G. G. Howland New York City 50
A. C. Kingsland Jr. New York City 50
H. W. Gray New York City 50
Edmund F. Wilkes SLC 10


Lloyd Aspinwall is shown as being a "General"

Edmund F. Wilkes is shown as being a "Colonel"

Reference notes:

Edmund F. Wilkes was also the General Manager of the Miller Mining Co., also located in American Fork Canyon

See also: Reeder, page 401

Ballard & Thompson Railroad

Organized: July 15, 1911


July 15, 1915 - with Salt Lake County Clerk

July 17, 1915 - with Secretary of State

Utah index number: 9102


Capital stock: $150,000 (1,500 shares @ $100.00)


To construct a railroad from Thompson, Utah, on the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, to a place called Ballard, Utah, a distance of about 5.25 miles

Incorporators and directors:

B. F. Bauer SLC 1 President
H. G. Ballard Thompson, Utah 1 First Vice President
R. F. Nelson SLC 1  
L. W. Hahn SLC 1  
W. S. McCarthy SLC 1 Treasurer
C. L. Crockwell SLC 1 Second Vice President
William Darke SLC 1 Secretary
William Darke, as trustee SLC 1,493  

Bamberger Railroad

Organized: February 15, 1939


February 16, 1939 - in Salt Lake County

March 3, 1939 - in State of Utah

Utah index number: 22644

Dissolved: September 28, 1959 (voluntary, in Third District Court, State of Utah, case 121987. Filed in Salt Lake County on January 7, 1960)

Capital stock: (no par value) (45,000 shares)


To purchase all property and assets of the Bamberger Electric Railroad, including all property sold by receivers to Hugh L. Balser at the receiver's sale on October 20, 1938.

Incorporators and directors:

Julian M. Bamberger SLC 1 President
A. B. Irving SLC 1 Vice President
W. D. Nebeker Jr. SLC 1  
George E. Giles SLC 1  
Hugh L. Balser SLC 1 Secretary, Treasurer
Hugh L. Balser, as trustee for bondholders 44,495  


Receivership court case: Crowley-Anderson Co. vs. Bamberger Electric Railroad; Hugh L. Balser designated Reorganization Manager on March 23, 1938

Notification of the Bamberger Railroad ceasing to do business was published in the Deseret News for July 10, 17, and 23, 1959

A special shareholders meeting to dissolve the corporation was held on July 13, 1959 and the following persons were present: (42,972 shares represented)

Clair G. Anderson 1,001 shares
Clair G. Anderson, by proxy for:  
  Bernard J. Eggertson 224 shares
  Charles D. Foster 10 shares
  Edward R. Hindman 10 shares
  Rebecca W. Buell 20 shares
  Russell Allen 3,000 shares
  Gordon F. Cullum 9,667 shares
  Murmanill Corp. 27,752 shares
  Simon B. Eggertson 1,228 shares
  H. B. Olsen -- shares

$5,000 was received from Union Pacific in payment for unspecified easements and spur tracts

$82,000 was received from the Utah State Road Commission in payment for an unspecified option

Reference notes:

Murmanill Corp., of Dallas, Texas, purchased the Bamberger family interests in 1956. They operated the railroad until December 1958 when parts were sold to Union Pacific and to Denver & Rio Grande Western

Bamberger Electric Railroad

Organized: 1917


Reorganization of Salt Lake & Ogden Railway in 1917.

To Bamberger Railroad, 1939.


Beltline Railroad

Organized: 1943


This was the railroad service to the St. John Army Ordnance Dept. (from USGS topo map)


Big Cottonwood Railroad

Organized: October 7, 1874


Utah index number: 4298


Capital stock: $300,000


To construct a railroad from Big Cottonwood Station at Sandy, Utah, through Big Cottonwood Canyon to Silver Springs, a distance of about 20 miles

Incorporators and directors:

William Richmond
W. L. Barrington
E. F. Smith
N. T. Richmond
Joseph Chamberlain

Additional shareholders:

I. Ricketts
W. L. Mann
F. E. Morse
Lewis Buons
A. L. Morse
T. A. Braly

See also: Reeder, page 401

Bingham & Garfield Railway

Organized: July 1, 1908

Filed: July 8, 1908 - with Secretary of State

Utah index number: 7037

Dissolved: September 8, 1948 (voluntary, by Affidavit of Intent, acknowledged by court June 30, 1951)

Capital stock: $1,000,000 (10,000 shares @ $100.00)


To construct a railroad between Bingham, and the mines and mining properties thereof, and Garfield, and the smelters and smelting plants thereof, a distance of about 35 miles

Incorporators and directors:

W. S. McCornick SLC 1 President
D. C. Jackling SLC 1 Vice President
R. C. Gemmell SLC 1  
John N. Hayes SLC 1 Secretary, Treasurer
A. C. Ellis Jr. SLC 1  


Amended May 9, 1911, to change structure of Board of Directors

Charles N. MacNiel shown as President (name had been scratched out, as president, on the original articles)
John N. Hayes shown as Secretary
Filed: May 15, 1911

Amended November 3, 1911, to increase capital stock to $2,500,000 (25,000 shares @ $100.00)

Filed: November 6, 1911

Amended August 31, 1912, to change terminus: to continue from Garfield, north to Saltair Beach

D. C. Jackling shown as President
John M. Hayes shown as Secretary
Filed: September 7, 1912

Amended June 10, 1913, to increase capital stock to $6,000,000 (60,000 shares @ $100.00) Filed: June 11, 1913

Amended December 19, 1916, to increase capital stock to $10,000,000 (100,000 shares @ $100.00)

Filed: December 22, 1916

Amended October 24, 1940, to decrease capital stock to $2,800,000 (28,000 shares @ $100.00)

D. C. Jackling shown as President
E. S. MacWhinney shown as Secretary
D. D. Moffat shown as Vice President
Charles T. S. Parsons shown as Asst. Secretary

At the time the corporation was dissolved, September 8, 1948:

Thomas Temple shown as Secretary

Kennecott Copper Corporation (of New York) is shown as owning all shares of stock, except the six shares for qualifying in Utah and one share held by N. E. McKinnon

The wording used in these articles is almost identical to the wording used in the articles of the Bingham Central Railway (index 6542) which preceded this corporation by about a year's time. Both had the same organizers.

Bingham Canyon Railroad

Organized: September 10, 1872

Filed: September 10, 1872

Utah index number: 4283


Capital stock: $1,000,000 (10,000 shares @ $100.00)


To construct, own and operate a narrow gauge railroad from a point of intersection with the Utah Southern Railroad, or other railroad, at or near Sandy Station, to Bingham Canyon, so as to accommodate the mines therein, a distance of about 25 miles

Incorporators and directors:

I. Wentz Wilson SLC 50 President
M. B. Valentine New York City 50  
M. B. Dodge New York City 50  
W. C. Hendril SLC 50  
J. A. Williamson Des Moines 8-3/4 Vice President
John Tierman SLC 8-3/4  
Theodore Haswell SLC 8-3/4 Secretary
George Field SLC 8-3/4  
Wells Spicer SLC 8-3/4 Treasurer
(unreadable) SLC 8-3/4  

See also: Reeder, page 402

Bingham Canyon & Camp Floyd Railroad

Organized: September 9, 1872

Filed: September 10, 1872 - with Auditor of Public Accounts

Utah index number: 4291


Capital stock: $300,000 (3,000 shares @ $100.00)


From Sandy Station on Utah Southern Railroad, through Bingham Canyon, and through or near to Ophir City, to the town of Lewiston, Camp Floyd Mining District, Utah Territory, and to pass into Salt Lake and Utah Counties, and through Tooele, Utah Territory, a distance of about 35 miles

Incorporators and directors:

A. N. Baskin SLC 100
Hugh White SLC 1,000
James M. Day Jr., SLC 100
John P. Taggart SLC 50
Charles B. Trowbridge SLC 50

Additional shareholders:

Stephen DeWolf SLC 10
H. A. Saugan SLC 100
J. G. Bryant SLC 10
Thomas R. Jones SLC 10
M. Salisbury SLC 10
Clayton L. Haines SLC 10

See also: Reeder, page 402

Bingham Central Railway

Organized: August 27, 1907

Filed: August 28, 1907

Utah index number: 6542

Dissolved: November 9, 1974 (involuntary)

Capital stock: $500,000 (5,000 shares @ $100)


To construct a railroad between Salt Lake City and Bingham, Utah, a distance of about 50 miles

Incorporators and directors:

A. C. Ellis SLC 10  
W. F. Adams SLC 10 Treasurer
W. T. Gunter SLC 10 Secretary
John Weir Jr. SLC 10 2nd Vice President
R. G. Schulder SLC 10  
T. W. Sloan   10 1st Vice President
A. C. Ellis Jr. SLC 440 President


Amended April 30, 1909 to increase capital stock to $3,600,000 (36,000 shares @ $100)

A. C. Ellis Jr. shown as President
W. T. Gunter shown as Secretary

Boston Consolidated Mining Co.

Organized: 1898


Mining railroad in Bingham Canyon. Merged with Utah Copper Co. in 1910.


Cache Valley Railroad

Organized: November 15, 1918


November 21, 1918 - with Weber County Clerk
November 28, 1918 - with Secretary of State

Utah index number: 13570


Capital stock: 1,000,000 (10,000 shares @ $100)


To purchase interests of the Amalgamated Sugar Company in a certain line of railway extending from Kent Station, known as "Kent's Spur" on the line of railway of the Utah Idaho Central Railroad in Cache County and extending south for 15 miles to the factory of Amalgamated Sugar Company known as "Smithfield Factory"

To purchase certain line of electric interurban railway in Weber County commencing at a point on the Plain City line of the Utah Idaho Central Railroad known as UIC Station No. 259+12.8 located in the Southeast Quarter of Section 32 of Township 7 North, Range 2 West, and extending northwest over located line of said railroad for 2.05 miles to the station known as Warren

Incorporators and directors:

Marriner A. Browning Ogden 10 President
Marriner A. Browning, as trustee 5,950  
J. M. Eccles Ogden 10 Vice President
Joseph Scowcroft Jr. Ogden 10 Secretary, Treasurer
C. A. Boyd Ogden 10  
J. H. DeVine Ogden 10  


Articles of incorporation are written on stationary of "Boyd, DeVine, Eccles & Wooley, Attorneys, Ogden." 4,000 unsubscribed shares to be held by the treasurer for future use by this corporation

California Central Railway - Utah Division

Organized: August 23, 1881


August 23, 1881 - with Auditor of Public Accounts

September 5, 1881 - with Secretary of Territory

Utah index number: 101 (also 4312)

Dissolved: April 1910 (charter revoked)

Capital stock: $5,000,000 (50,000 shares @ $100)


From a point on the western Utah state line in Iron County at intersection of said line and the California Central Railway - Nevada Division in the vicinity of Panacca, Lincoln County, Nevada, then east to Iron Springs, to Cedar City in Iron County and branch lines from most suitable points to Iron Mountains, to Kanarra Mountains, up Coal Creek Canyon, and to a connection with the Utah Central Railway, a distance of about 100 miles, all in Iron County.

Incorporators and directors:

W. W. Walker New York City 10
J. H. Kirkland Carson City, Nevada. 10
John Sharp SLC 10
Lyman Bridges Nevada 800
W. L. French San Francisco 10
P. W. Johnson Nevada 10
A. H. Washburn San Francisco 10
William S. Godbe SLC 10
R. P. Layton San Francisco 10

Additional shareholders:

W. H. Hooper SLC 10
H. S. Eldredge SLC 10
P. L. Williams SLC 10
Feramorz Little SLC 10
L. S. Hills SLC 10
John Sharp Jr. SLC 10
LeGrand Young SLC 10
H. S. Young SLC 10
James Sharp SLC 10
Alfaler Young SLC 10
J. T. Little SLC 10
Ferg. Ferguson SLC 10

See also: Reeder, page 403

California Short Line Railway

Organized: June 10, 1882


June 12, 1882 - with Salt Lake County Auditor of Public Accounts
June 12, 1882 - with Secretary of State

Utah index number: 150 (also 4315, which is the original signed copy)

Capital Stock: $1,600,000.00


Commencing near Salina and running in a northerly direction to Manti  thence up the San Pete Valley passing through the towns of Ephraim, Chester, and Moroni to a point on the San Pete Valley Railway at or near Draper in the county of San Pete thence to Nephi northerly passing through the towns of Mona, Santaquin, Payson, Spanish Fork to or near Springville - a distance of about 100 miles.

Incorporators and directors:

Eli H. Murray Salt Lake City 20
Allen G. Campbell Frisco, Utah 20
George A. Lowe Salt Lake City 10
William S. McCornick Salt Lake City 50 (not a director)
William W. Chisholm Salt Lake City 10
John T. Lynch Salt Lake City 10
Jacob E. Bamberger Salt Lake City 150

Additional shareholders:

Simon Bamberger Salt Lake City 630
Josiah Barnett Salt Lake City 10
George Cullins Salt Lake City 10
Abraham Hanauer Salt Lake City 10
Robert Harkness Salt Lake City 10
Richard Mackintosh Salt Lake City 10
Fredrick K. Morris Salt Lake City 10
George M. Scott Salt Lake City 10


Sold to San Pete Valley Railway, 1889

Source: Reeder, page 403

Carbon County Railway (first)


Filed: November 20, 1899

Utah index number: 2749

Dissolved: November 9, 1974 (involuntary)

Capital stock:

Proposed route:

From main of Rio Grande Western at or near Scofield Station, south to Clear Creek (ex Mud Creek), to the coal mines of the Pleasant Valley Coal Co., a distance of about seven miles

From main of Rio Grande Western at or near Mounds Station, north for five miles, then east up Grassy Trail Creek and Valley for 10 miles to Whittmore Canyon, then north two miles up said canyon to the Sunnyside coal mines, then north nine miles to head of said canyon, a total distance of about 26 miles

Incorporators and directors:

William G. Sharp SLC 326 President
William F. Colton SLC 1 Vice President
Robert Harkness SLC 1 Secretary, Treasurer
S. H. Babcock SLC 1  
Edward T. Yard SLC 1  

Carbon County Railway (second)

Organized: July 28, 1922


July 29, 1922 - with Salt Lake County Clerk
July 29, 1922 - with Secretary of State

Utah index number: 15468

Dissolved: (still active)

Capital stock: 500,000 (5,000 shares @ 100.00)


To construct, own, operate and maintain a railroad of public conveyance for persons and property between a junction with the mainline of the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad at a point thereon located 517 feet easterly from milepost 13, and the mines and mining properties lying in a general southeasterly direction from said junction point, running through a portion of Carbon County, Utah, a distance of about 4.79 miles

Incorporators and directors:

L. F. Rains SLC 10 President
A. C. Ellis Jr. SLC 10 Vice President
W. W. Armstrong SLC 10  
Duncan MacVichie SLC 10  
L. F. Adamson SLC 10 Secretary, Treasurer


Represented by "Dickson, Ellis & Adamson" law firm

Castle Valley Railroad

Organized in Wyoming: August 10, 1909

Filed in Wyoming: August 2, 1909

Filed in Utah: September 4, 1909 - with Secretary of State

Utah index number: 7906

Dissolved: November 22, 1919 (voluntary, having sold all of its assets, filed in Wyoming: November 26, 1920, filed in Utah: December 6, 1920)

Capital stock: $100,000 (10,000 shares @ $10.00)


To construct, operate, maintain and own a railroad, operated by steam or electric power, in the Counties of Carbon and Emery, State of Utah, from Price and extending in a southwesterly and southerly direction to Cedar Creek Canyon in Township 16 South, Range 8 East, Salt Lake Base & Meridian, a distance of about 40 miles

Incorporators and directors:

Moroni Heiner Morgan 10 Vice President
C. B. Oliver SLC 10  
Walter C. Orem SLC 10 Treasurer
Roswell M. Heiner SLC 10  
James H. Mays SLC 10 Vice President
Winsor V. Rice SLC 10 President
James C. Berryhill Des Moines, Iowa 10  
Frank M. Orem Boston, Mass. 10  

Additional shareholders:

Elmer O. Leatherwood SLC 10
Daniel H. Livingston SLC 10
Castle Valley Coal Co.   1,000


Principle place of business to be Evanston, Wyoming

Reference notes:

The coal mine of the Castle Valley Coal Company was located at Mohrland, in Cedar Creek Canyon

The town's name, Mohrland, was derived from the incorporators' names, Mays, Orem, Heiner, and Rice, M-O-H-R-land

(Read more about the Castle Valley Railroad, and its operations between Price, Hiawatha and Mohrland, 1909-1913)

Castle Valley Railway (first)

Organized: April 4, 1891


April 4, 1891 - with Auditor of Public Accounts
April 6, 1891 - with Secretary of Territory

Utah index number: 882 (also 4352, which is a carbon copy)


Capital stock: $1,000,000 (1,000 shares @ $100)


From Price, Utah, west to Pittsburg in Coal Fork of Cottonwood Canyon, all in Emery County, a distance of about 50 miles

Incorporators and directors:

Ben W. Driggs Jr. SLC 4,955
Alexander Johnson SLC 4,955
B. F. Thornburg SLC 25
Milando Pratt SLC 25
E. M. Cummings SLC 5

Additional shareholders:

Fred B Barton SLC 5
O. P. Pratt SLC 5
W. Longmore SLC 5
Josiah Burrows SLC 5
Martinus Nelson SLC 5
Ed. L. Sheets SLC 5
O. L. Buke SLC 5

Reference notes:

Castledale is located at the mouth of Cottonwood Canyon

The railroad's destination of Pittsburg, was possibly the same mine as the later Orangeville mine of Utah Power & Light.

Castle Valley Railway (second)

Organized: January 9, 1901

Filed: January 15, 1901 - in Salt Lake County

Utah index number: 3028

Dissolved: April 2, 1910

Capital stock: $400,000 (4,000 shares @ $100)


From Salina, Utah, east along Salina Creek, through Salina Canyon, to junction of Salina Creek and Meadow Gulch, a distance of about 18 miles, then southeast along Meadow Gulch to Salina Pass, a distance of about 10 miles, then east and northeast generally following Ivie Creek to a point in Castle Valley at Township 23 South, Range 5 East, near the Sevier/Emery County line, a total distance of about 40 miles

Incorporators and directors:

David C. Dodge Denver 360  
S. H. Babcock SLC 10 President
A. E. Welby SLC 10 Vice President
E. A. Greenwood SLC 10  
Theron Geddes SLC 10  
William F. Colton SLC 10 Secretary, Treasurer

(Read more about the D&RGW Castle Valley Branch)

Castle Valley Railway (third)

Organized: 1976


To build south from Price to Huntington.

Remarks: No additional information has been found.

Cedar City Terminal Railway

Organized: January 26, 1894


January 26, 1894 - with Auditor of Public Accounts
January 26, 1894 - with Secretary of Territory

Utah index number: 1412 (also 4363, which is the original signed document)


Capital stock: $200,000 (2,000 shares @ $100)


Commencing at Cedar City, east up Coal Creek Canyon to Section 36 of Township 36 South, Range 10 West, a distance of about 10 miles, all in Iron County

Incorporators and directors:

W. W. Cluff Coalville 1,940
Orson Smith Logan 10
Elias Morris SLC 10
J. E. Langford SLC 10
Charles H. Wilcken SLC 10

Additional shareholders:

Charles Adams Parowan 10  
Arthur Winter SLC 10 Treasurer

Reference notes:

Coal Creek Canyon is now known as Cedar Canyon

Central Pacific Railroad Co. of Utah

Organized: December 19, 1881



From Corinne Station on the main line of the Central Pacific and running through the counties of Box Elder, Cache and Rich to a point on the North and South boundary line between the territories of Utah and Wyoming - a distance of about 110 miles.


Charles F. Crocker
Charles Crocker
W. V. Huntington
A. N. Towne
Thomas Marshall
Harry T. Duke
John Tiernan
John E. Dooley
Jonathan C. Royle
Wm. C. Hall
Martin K. Harkness
John W. Guthrie


Source: Reeder, page 404

Central Pacific Railway

Organized: 1880



Sacramento to Ogden.


Reorganization of original Central Pacific; leased to SP in 1884; merged with SP in 1959.

Chicago & Pacific Railway

Organized: March 21, 1904

Incorporated in Wyoming: March 23, 1904

Filed in Utah:

Utah index number: 5370


Capital stock: $100,000 (1,000 shares @ $100)


From Casper, Wyoming, through Natrona, Fremont, Sweetwater, Uintah Counties in Wyoming and through Rich, Cache, and Weber Counties in Utah to Ogden, Utah

Incorporators and directors:

James B. Bradley Natrona County, Wyoming  
Fred E. Place Natrona County, Wyoming Vice President
William D. Rhoades Natrona County, Wyoming  
F. J. de Weldige-Cremer    
Charles W. Green    
George H. Crane    
Jean W. Puryea    
Paul Boisserain    
Anfossi Rymenaus    


G. R. Hagens shown as Secretary

Charles S. Tingey shown as agent in Utah

Coal Belt Railway

Organized: September 20, 1905

Filed: September 21, 1905

Utah index number: 5351

Dissolved: November 9, 1974 (involuntary)

Capital stock: $100,000 (50,000 shares @ $2.00)


To construct a railroad between Spanish Fork, Utah, and coal mines in Carbon County, a distance of about 89 miles

Incorporators and directors:

Archibald C. Milner SLC 10 Vice President
Frank Knox SLC 10 President
S. B. Milner SLC 10  
S. B. Milner, as trustee 49,950  
Charles E. Milner SLC 10  
Harrison E. Jenkins SLC 10 Secretary

Coalville & Echo Railroad

Organized: October 1869


Capital Stock: $250,000.00


From Echo, Weber Canyon, to Coalville and then running into the various coal mines - a distance of about 5 miles.


The first attempt at building a railroad between Echo, on the newly-completed UP, and Coalville, where several coal mines were being developed. Graded only; no rail laid.

Right-of-way and finished grade sold to Summit County Railway in 1873.

See also: Reeder, page 404, who cites Deseret News, October 26, 1869, for the organization of this company.

(See also: "From Echo To Park City" on this web site.)

Consolidated Railway & Power Company

Organized: July 30, 1901

Filed: August 91 1901 - with Secretary of State

Utah index number: 3233


Capital stock: $4,000,000 (40,000 shares @ $100)


To purchase ..., etc., Salt Lake City Railroad (47.5 miles), Salt Lake Rapid Transit Co. (21,91 miles), East Bench Street Railway (1.935 miles), Popperton Place & Fort Douglas Rapid Transit Co. (1.472 miles). Termini of said railroads are Fort Douglas in eastern part of city, Warm Springs in northern part of city, Poplar Grove in western part of city, Murray in Salt Lake County, south of city, and Utah State Prison in Salt Lake County, southeast of city. Railroads so to be purchased have branch lines located, maintained, and operated by electricity upon streets, roads, and public places of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County. The total mileage, including double tracks, switches, and sidings, being 72.837 miles, all in Salt Lake County

Incorporators and directors:

Joseph S. Wells SLC 1 Secretary, Treasurer
E. V. McCune SLC 1  
B. M. Ellerbeck SLC 1  
W. P. Read SLC 1 Vice President
C. L. Rood SLC 1 President

Additional shareholders:

E. B. Critchlow SLC 1
Spencer Clawson SLC 1
G. S. Gannett SLC 1
E. E. Calvin SLC 1
E. W. Wilson SLC 1


The remaining 39,990 shares are to be issued to purchase said lines for which this corporation was organized

Copper Belt Railway

(This is one of the few references to Copper Belt *Railway* -- almost all later references use Copper Belt *Railroad*, including the locomotives being lettered for C.B.R.R.)

Organized: May 17, 1901

Filed: May 18, 1901

Utah index number: 3147


Capital stock: $100,000 (10,000 shares @ $10.00 (7,500 subscribed, 2,500 held)


To lease certain line of Rio Grande Western from depot at Bingham, west up Bingham Canyon along and over tramway already located in Canyon, to Bingham Copper & Gold Mining Co., a distance of about three miles. The corporation may purchase said line.

Incorporators and directors:

H. G. Heffron SLC 1 Secretary
J. G. Jacobs SLC 1 Vice President
J. S. Gard SLC 1  
C. H. Post SLC 1 Treasurer
William Bayly Los Angeles 7,496 President


William Bayly's shares are paid for by transfer of locomotives, cars, and other property worth $15,000, by transfer of lease of route worth $20,000, and by $40,000 cash

Reference notes:

H. G. Heffron was the manager of Bingham Copper & Gold Mining Company.

J. (Joseph) G. Jacobs was also the manager of the Salt Lake & Mercur, and later, the manager of the Salt Lake & Alta.

Corinne, Malad Valley & Northern Railroad

Organized: July 6, 1892

Filed: July 8, 1892

Utah index number: 1154 (also 4358, which is the original signed document)


Capital stock: $3,000,000 (30,000 shares @ $100)


To construct...etc., a railroad from Corinne, Utah, to Butte, Montana, a distance of about 400 miles

Incorporators and directors:

Henry M. Jarvis Corinne 4,000
Tom D. Pitt Corinne 4,000
Austin C. Sloan Corinne 2,000
Lewis D. Zenor Corinne 2,000
Francis E. Roche Lakeside Ranch, Box Elder County 10

Additional shareholders:

John W. Guthrie Corinne 10
Francis A. E. Roche Lakeside Ranch, Box Elder County 3,990
Edmund P. Johnson Eagle Farm, Box Elder County 500
Robert S. Guthrie Corrine 1,250

Crescent Mining Co.
Crescent Mining & Milling Co.

Organized: September 29, 1882


Capital Stock: $15,000,000.00


From Crescent mine to Park City.

In addition to owning mining claims and to work them . . . operate transportation routes to facilitate handling and marketing of products and for procuring supplies and generally to do all acts and things incident to a general mining business.


Edward P. Ferry
Arthur Brown
R. N. Baskin
Chester H. Withey
David C. McLaughlin
Ezra J. Travis
Mardis Thomas
Clayton L. Haines
Moses Kirkpatrick


Owned two Shay locomotives. Reorganized in 1910.

Source: Reeder, page 402
