
Railroads of Utah, Utah Railroad Corporations, Part 7

  • ️Don Strack

Railroads of Utah, Corporation Information, Part 7

From the records of the State of Utah

This page was last updated on June 17, 2019.

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Tintic Railway

Organized: January 29, 1891

Filed: January 30, 1891

Utah index number: 820 (also 4356)


Capital stock: $1,000,000 (10,000 shares @ $100.00)


From Provo City, to and through Eureka, in the Tintic Mining District, a distance of about 50 miles

Incorporators and directors:

George Arthur Rice SLC 150
J. A. Cunningham SLC 25
A. E. Hyde SLC 50
L. L. Bailey Ouray, Colorado. 50
William H. McIntyre SLC 25
Samuel McIntyre SLC 25
George Goss SLC 100
W. W. Chisholm SLC 10
John H. McChrystal SLC 15

Additional shareholders:

A. L. Williams Eureka, Utah 50

Tintic Range Railway

Organized: May 5, 1891

Filed: May 11, 1891

Utah index number: 910 (also 4354)


Capital stock: $1,625,000 (16,250 @ $100.00 (9,750 common, 6,250 preferred)


To acquire franchises for, and locate and construct and acquire by lease or purchase or in any lawful manner and to maintain and operate the lines of railroads described


A line of railroad commencing at a point on the Rio Grande Western Railroad at Spanish Fork or Provo or between said points in the County of Utah and thence running in a general southwesterly direction to or near to Goshen in said County, thence across the East Tintic Range of mountains, in a general westerly course, by the Homanville Pass, or such other pass as may be found practicable, and into the Tintic Mining District in the County of Juab, and to a point in or near Eureka, and thence to Mammoth Hollow in said District. And also spurs or branches to mines, mineral deposits, smelting, reduction and sampling works, accessible by spurs and branches of the mainline, a distance of about 65 miles

Incorporators and Directors:

David C. Dodge Denver 1
David C. Dodge, as trustee   650
Arthur E. Welby SLC 1
William F. Colton SLC 1
George Goss SLC 1
Robert Harkness SLC 1

Additional shareholders:

Thuron Geddick SLC 1
P. V. Finnely SLC 1
Thomas Marionneaux SLC 1
Ernest A. Greenwood SLC 1
Charles W. Bennett SLC 1


Amended July 29, 1891 to set terminus of railway with Rio Grande Western Railroad, at Springville

Filed: August 13, 1891

Amended May 10, 1892 to extend route as follows:

From Mammoth Hollow, thence continuing southwesterly in Juab County, to or near to the easterly line of the West Tintic Mining District, thence westerly and northwesterly, in the Counties of Juab and Tooele, to or near to Deep Creek, in the Dutch Mountain Mining District, in Tooele County, either by a general northwesterly course, or by running southwesterly to or near Fish Springs Mining District, and thence northwesterly to Deep Creek, thence southwesterly to the line of the State of Nevada, at some point within one mile north of the intersection of the line between Juab and Tooele Counties, with said state line

Filed: May 20, 1892

Amended September 5, 1908 to accept provisions of the Utah State Constitution

Filed: September 8, 1908

Tooele Valley Railway

Organized: November 18, 1908


November 18, 1908 - with Salt Lake County Clerk
November 18, 1908 - with Secretary of State

Utah index number: 7257


Capital stock: $1,000,000 (10,000 shares @ $100.00)


To construct, lease, operate and maintain lines of railroad from Black Rock, Salt Lake County, Utah, on such practical route or routes as it may select, into Pine Canyon, Tooele County, Utah, and thence through or near Tooele City, in said Tooele County, to a point westerly of said City to connect with the track of the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad, a distance of about 25 miles

Incorporators and directors:

E. P. Mathewson Anaconda, Mont. 1 President
J. B. Risque SLC 1 Secretary, Treasurer
C. F. Kelley Butte, Mont. 996 Vice President
C. H. Repath Anaconda, Mont. 1  
W. H. Cayley SLC 1  


Amended March 14, 1968 to add following words to route:

Changed the phrase "track of the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad" to read as "tracks of the Western Pacific Railroad and Union Pacific Railroad at Warner, Tooele County, Utah".

J. Ellis Park shown as President

Willard N. Swan shown as Secretary

Agent for 1981 shown as: David E. Salibury, 141 East 100 South

Union Pacific Railroad

Organized: 1897



All UP routes in Utah


Incorporated in Utah to purchase the assets of the bankrupt Union Pacific Railway; merged with Southern Pacific in 1996 - new company assumed SP corporate activity in Delaware and the Southern Pacific name was changed to Union Pacific.

Union Iron Co.

Organized: 1881





No other information available.

Utah Railway (first)

Organized: June 14, 1887


June 14, 1887 - with Auditor of Public Accounts
June 15, 1887 - with Secretary of Territory

Utah index number: 96 (also 4322)


Capital stock: $7,500,000 (75,000 shares @ $100.00)


From the Grand River Valley at a point on the east line of the Territory of Utah near the 39th Parallel and at a proposed terminus of the Colorado Railway Company's railway and extend thence southwesterly, south of and near the said 39th Parallel, by the most practicable route, to a point at or near the town of Salina on the Sevier River in the County of Sevier, thence by the most practicable route, northerly into the Utah Valley, and thence by the most practicable route into Salt Lake City

Also a branch line of railroad diverging from the company's railroad, at the most practicable point at or near the town of Salina and extending thence in a southwesterly direction through the Sevier Valley to a point near the north line of Piute County, thence westerly through or near the point of junction of Piute, Beaver, Millard and Sevier Counties, thence westerly through the southern portion of Millard County by the most practicable route to a point on the west line of the Territory of Utah between the 38th and 39th Parallels of latitude, a distance of about 445 miles

Incorporators and directors:

Charles H. Toll Denver 9
George W. Cronsio Denver 1
James G. Taylor Omaha 4,980
John S. Scott SLC 1
James Anderson SLC 1
Lewis C. Karrick SLC 1
Carey D. Porter SLC 1

Additional shareholders:

Harry Duke SLC 1
Justin A. Goodhue SLC 1
George Mullett SLC 1
William McKay SLC 1
Marcellus Pendergast SLC 1
Benjamin B. Van Deusen SLC 1


Charles H. Toll, of Denver, shown as Attorney General of the State of Colorado

Utah Railway (second)

Organized: 1912



From coal mines at Hiawatha, Mohrland, and Wattis to Provo.


Organized as Utah Coal Railway; name change to Utah Railway in 1912.

Utah & Arizona Railway

Organized: January 24, 1889

Filed: January 24, 1889

Utah index number: 513 (also 4328)

Dissolved: April 3, 1910 for non-payment of corporate license fee of $40.00.

Capital stock: $170,000 (1,700 shares @ $100.00)


To construct, operate and maintain a railroad from the terminus of the San Pete Valley Railway in Chester, San Pete County, Territory of Utah, to Manti, in San Pete County, via Ephraim City, in the same County, a distance of about 17 miles

Incorporators and directors:

Theodore Burbuck SLC 160
John W. Smith South Norwalk, Conn. 20
H. S. Kerr Moroni, Utah 20
Jacob B. Blair SLC 1
George Cullins SLC 1
P. L. Williams SLC 1

Additional shareholders:

W. Van Cott SLC 1
R. L. Scannell SLC 1
Kenneth C. Kerr San Francisco 1
Charles F. Arnett SLC 1

The following comes from the January 25, 1889 issue of the Salt Lake Herald newspaper.

A Railroad For Manti. The Utah and Arizona to Connect That Town with Chester. The articles of incorporation of the Utah & Arizona Railway Company have been filed with Secretary Hall.

The object for which this corporation is organized is to construct, operate and maintain a railroad with the necessary and proper branches and extensions over the following designated route: From the terminus of the Sanpete Valley Railroad, at Chester, Sanpete County, Utah, to Manti, in the same county, via Ephraim, a distance of about seventeen miles, together with such branches and extensions of the said railroad as this company may at any time, be authorized by law to construct, operate and maintain.

The actual cost of constructing the road, the right of way, locomotives and other rolling stook, and every appurtenance and thing necessary for the completion of said road, as estimated by competent engineers, is about $170,000.

The corporate existence of the company is for fifty years. The capital stock of the company $170,000 divided into 1,700 shares of the par value of $100 each.

Utah & California Railway

Organized: March 17, 1896

Filed: March 17, 1896

Utah index number: 1749 (also 4365)


Capital stock: $5,010,000 (50,100 shares @ $100.00)


For the constructing, equipping, acquiring, owning, maintaining, and operating, by steam, electric or other motive power, of a railroad by the most feasible route from Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah, southerly through the Counties of Salt Lake, Utah, Juab, Millard, Beaver, Iron and Washington to the southern boundary line of the State of Utah, near the City of St. George, in Washington County, a distance of about 334 miles

Incorporators and directors:

George Q. Cannon SLC 300
Theodore F. Meyer St. Louis 300
Abraham H. Cannon SLC 300
Abraham H. Cannon, as trustee   910
W. S. McCornick SLC 10
Wilford Woodruff SLC 300
John Dorn SLC 10
Joseph F. Smith SLC 300
A. G. Campbell SLC 300
John M. Allen St. Louis 300
Robert C. Lund St. George 300
H. A. Cohen SLC 10


Amended April 20, 1896 to change route:

To add a line from Milford, in Beaver County, running in a southwesterly direction through the Counties of Beaver and Iron, to the western boundary of the State of Utah at a point near the center of the south line of Township 35 South, Range 20 West, a distance of about 75 miles

Also a branch line intersecting the mainline at or near Cedar City, Iron County, and extending in an easterly direction up Coal Creek Canyon in Iron County, a distance of about 15 miles

Also a branch line intersecting the mainline at or near Cedar City, Iron County, and extending in a westerly direction to Iron Springs and thence to Modena, a distance of about 25 miles

Filed: June 11, 1896

Amended December 28, 1900 to change entire route to be a railroad from Milford, Beaver County, State of Utah, running in a southwesterly direction through Beaver and Iron Counties to the state line between Utah and Nevada, near its intersection with the 7th Parallel South, a distance of 75 miles, and thence running through Lincoln County, Nevada, in a southwesterly direction to the state line of Nevada and California, near its intersection with the 3rd Standard Parallel North of the San Bernardino Base Line, a distance of about 214 miles

Filed: January 2, 1901

Reference notes:

Second amendment may have been the result of Senator Clark gaining control of this company for the purpose of it becoming part of his Los Angeles to Salt Lake City railroad

Utah & Colorado Railroad

Organized: 1872





No other information available.

Utah & Grand Canyon Railroad

Organized: November 30, 1910


December 5, 1910 - with Salt Lake County Clerk
December 5, 1910 - with Secretary of State

Utah index number: 8702


Capital stock: $150,000 (1,500 shares @ $100.00)


To construct a railroad between Lund, Iron County, Utah, and St. George, Washington County, a distance of about 85 miles, also to construct a railroad between Marysvale, Piute County, and Pantquitch, Garfield County, a distance of about 55 miles

Incorporators and directors:

Fredric H. Reed New York City 50 1st Vice President
Frank A. Dudley Niagara Falls, N. Y. 1,400 President
Russell B. Marchant New York City 10 Secretary, Treasurer
Thomas C. Gillespie New York City 10  
Stephen L. Selden New York City 10 2nd Vice President
Frank Harris Chicago 10  
Victor E. Huntzicker SLC 10  

Utah & Idaho Railroad

Organized: April 21, 1906


April 25, 1906 - with Weber County Clerk
April 28, 1906 - with Secretary of State

Utah index number: 5666


Capital stock: $200,000 (2,000 shares @ $100.00)


A railroad to be constructed, purchased, owned, operated and maintained will be situated between Provo City, Utah County, and Logan City, Cache County, the proposed construction and operation of said railroad being through or into the counties of Utah, Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, Box Elder and Cache, all in Utah, a total length of about 150 miles

Incorporators and directors:

David Eccles Ogden 150 President
David Eccles, as trustee   1,000  
Mathew S. Browning Ogden 50 Vice President
Hiram H. Spencer Ogden 50 Treasurer
John M. Browning Ogden 20  
H. G. Flygare Ogden 20  
C. A. Henry Ogden 20  
Robert S. Joyce Ogden 20  
John Pingree Ogden 20  
Henry H. Rolapp Ogden 20  
C. H. Barton Ogden 10  
William J. Shealy Ogden 50  
Emil S. Rolapp Ogden 10  
R. B. Porter Ogden 50  
J. F. Burton Ogden 10  
Charles H. Kirsher Ogden 10 Secretary
E. W. Matson Ogden 10  
George H. Matson Ogden 40  
William H. Wattis Ogden 40  
William H. Eccles Wasco County, Oregon. 50  
Edward M. Allison Jr. SLC 50  

Additional shareholders:

Utah & Nevada Railway

Organized: February 16, 1881

Filed: February 16, 1881 - with Auditor of Public Accounts

Utah index number: 4311 (also in 579, file for OSL&UN)


Capital stock: $2,000,000 (20,000 shares @ $100.00)


Formed for the purpose of purchasing the Utah Western Railway, extending from Salt Lake City, to a point in Tooele County called "Terminus", a distance of about 37 miles

Also for the constructing, owning and operating of an extension of the said Utah Western Railway, from the present southern terminus, to a point at or near Tanner's Springs, in the Tintic Valley, Juab County, a further distance of about 50 miles

Incorporators and directors:

R. M. Bassett Birmingham, Conn. 10
E. F. Bishop Bridgeport, Conn. 10
T. L. Walston Bridgeport, Conn. 10
Cyrus W. Field New York City 10
Benjamin Richardson New York City 10
W. W. Riter SLC 1
LeGrand Young SLC 1
James Sharp SLC 1
Abram Gould SLC 1
P. L. Williams SLC 1
Bolivar Roberts SLC 1

Additional shareholders:

Theodore S. Bassett Bridgeport, Conn. 2,514


Amended July 30, 1881:

To decrease capital stock to $1,125,000 (11,250 shares @ $100.00)

To change southern terminus, from Tanner's Springs, to Boulter Springs and a connection with the Salt Lake & Western Railway, a total length of about 75 miles

Royal M. Bassett shown as President

W. W. Riter shown as Secretary

Filed: August 17, 1881

Reference notes:

Part of the consolidation which formed the Oregon Short Line & Utah Northern Railway, on July 27, 1889

See also: Reeder, page 422

Utah & Northern Railroad

Organized: January 31, 1877

Filed: December 31, 1877 - "not acted on"

Utah index number: 4348


Capital stock: $960,000 (9,600 @ $100.00)


Proposed railroad to be constructed from Ogden City, Weber County, Territory of Utah, in a northerly direction through the Counties of Weber, Box Elder and Cache, to a point on the northern boundary line of said Territory, immediately south of the town of Franklin, in Onieda County, Idaho Territory, at or near where said boundary line is now crossed by the track of the Utah Northern Railroad, a total length of about 80 miles

Incorporators and directors:

John Sharp SLC 1
Sidney Dillon New York City 264
Jay Gould New York City 265
Joseph Richardson New York City 264
Moses Thatcher   1
William Jennings   1
LeGrand Young   1

Additional shareholders:

John Sharp Jr. SLC 1  
James Sharp SLC 1 Secretary
P. L. Williams SLC 1  


Name of the corporation was changed from Railroad to Railway, with the word "Way" hand scribed over the "road" portion of the word "Railroad".

The name of Jay Gould is crossed out and the name S. H. H. Clark, of Omaha, is hand scribed above it

The portion "Joseph" of the name Joseph Richardson is crossed out and the name Benjamin is hand scribed above it

The name of LeGrand Young is crossed out and the name Royal M. Bassett is hand scribed above it

See also: Reeder, page 423

Utah & Northern Railway

Organized: April 30, 1878

Filed: April 30, 1878 - with Auditor of Public Accounts

Utah index number: 176 (also in 4348, Utah & Northern Railroad file)


Capital stock: $960,000 (9,600 shares @ $100.00)


From Ogden City, County of Weber, Territory of Utah, in a northerly direction through the Counties of Weber, Box Elder and Cache, to a point on the north boundary line of said Territory immediately south of the town of Franklin, in Onieda County, Territory of Idaho, at or near where said boundary is now crossed by the track of the Utah Northern Railroad, a distance of about 80 miles

Incorporators and directors:

John Sharp SLC 1
Sidney Dillon New York City 395
S. H. H. Clark Omaha 1
Benjamin Richardson New York City 395
Moses Thatcher Logan 1
William Jennings SLC 1
Royal M. Bassett Bridgeport, Conn. 1

Additional shareholders:

John Sharp Jr. SLC 1
James Sharp SLC 1
Abram Gould SLC 1
A. A. Egbert Evanston 1
P. L. Williams SLC 1
LeGrand Young SLC 1
L. S. Mills (or Wills) SLC 1
(L. A. or S. H.) Cummings SLC 1
Elias A. Smith SLC 1


From information in file #176 only:

Amended February 10, 1879 to increase capital stock to $6,000,000 (60,000 shares @ $100.00)


February 24, 1879 - with Auditor of Public Accounts

May 19, 1883 - with Secretary of Territory

Reference notes:

Part of consolidation which formed the Oregon Short Line & Utah Northern, on July 27, 1889

See also: Reeder, page 424

Utah & Pacific Railroad

Organized: August 19, 1898

Filed: August 20, 1898

Utah index number: 2265


Capital stock: $825,000 (8,250 @ $100)


From Milford, Utah, southwest through Beaver and Iron Counties to western Utah/Nevada stateline, a distance of about 75 miles

Incorporators and directors:

Alfred W. McCune SLC 187 President
David Eccles Ogden 186 Vice President
William L. Hoge Anaconda, Mont. 187 Secretary
Charles W. Nibley Baker, Oregon. 186 Treasurer
Joseph F. Smith SLC 1  
Richard Mackintosh SLC 1  
Robert C. Lund St. George 1  
Thomas D. Dee Ogden 1  

Reference notes:

Union Pacific Railroad's "Condensed Track Profile" for 1976 shows the LA&SL line between Milford, Utah and the Utah/Nevada state line as being built by Utah & Pacific (or Utah Pacific) in 1899

Utah & Pleasant Valley Railway

Organized: December 10, 1875


Capital stock: $750,000.00


From Provo City, Utah County to Pleasant Valley, Sanpete County through which it is intended to pass Utah and Sanpete Counties - a distance of about 50 miles.


M. P. Crandal
J. Fewson Smith
Nephi Packard
S. F. Pritchett
Milan Packard


Completed in November 1879; sold to Denver & Rio Grande Western in 1881; used as D&RGW route between Tucker and Spanish Fork. Tucker to Pleasant Valley replaced by D&RGW Pleasant Valley Branch in December 1882.

Source: Reeder, page 424

Utah & Wyoming Railroad

Organized: August 4, 1891

Filed: August 6, 1891

Utah index number: 949 (also 4353)


Capital stock: $100,000 (2,000 @ $50.00)


For the constructing and operating of a standard gauge railroad with steam motion power over and upon a line commencing at a point on the Great Salt Lake at or near Garfield Beach in Salt Lake County, Utah Territory, and running thence easterly on the most direct route to Salt Lake City and thence easterly in an irregular course through Emigration Canyon to Kimball's Ranch in Parley's Park, thence northeast across the divide to the Valley of Silver Creek at or near Atkinson's Milk Ranch, thence down Silver Creek to Wanship in Summit County, Utah, thence down the Weber River to Coalville in Summit County and thence up Chalk Creek to the Wyoming state line, a distance of about 91 miles

Incorporators and directors:

B. G. Raybould SLC 333
William S. Martin SLC 167
Alfred Thompson SLC 166
Oscar Vandercock SLC 167
Emery Ward SLC 167
Samuel F. Walker SLC 166
O. J. Greer SLC 167
Theodore Brough SLC 166
John B. Taylor SLC 167
George O. Chaney SLC 167
Henry Denhalter SLC 167

Utah & Wyoming Railway (first)

Organized: July 5 1881

Filed: July 8, 1881 - with Auditor of Public Accounts

Utah index number: 4310


Capital stock: $4,200,000 (42,000 shares @ $100)


From Central Pacific in Corinne, through Cache and Rich Counties in Utah and Uintah and Sweetwater Counties in Wyoming, via Bear Lake, Twin Creek and Valley of Ham Fork to Granger on Union Pacific, a distance of about 140 miles.

Incorporators and directors:

Edwin M. Joslyn New York City 50  
Harry H. Latham Corinne 10  
Edward H. Guernsey Boston 1,400  
Daniel B. de Mouzilly NYC 12,000 Treasurer
James D. Negns Corinne 380  

Additional shareholders:

William A. Andoc New York City 100
McBride SLC 10
P. E. Conner SLC 10
William McCornick SLC 10
Samuel Kahn SLC 10
Boyd Park SLC 10
Fredrick H. Auerbach SLC 10

See also: Reeder, page 426, which shows an organization date of July 22, 1881.

Utah & Wyoming Railway (second)

Organized: June 15, 1883


June 16, 1883 - with Auditor of Public Accounts
May 12, 1884 - with Secretary of Utah Territory

Utah index number: 222 (also 4318, which is the original signed copy filed on June 16, 1883)


Capital stock: $3,500,000 (35,000 shares @ $100)


From Salt Lake City, north to Great Salt Lake, then by transfer boats on lake north to shore of lake in Box Elder County, then through Box Elder, Cache, and Rich Counties to Utah/Wyoming territory line near mouth of Twin Creeks, a distance of about 110 miles

(from Reeder, p. 427) From Salt Lake City to run northerly to the waters of Great Salt Lake to connect with transfer boats on said waters and thence from a point to Corinne , Box Elder County thence to a point on the boundary line between the territories of Utah and Wyoming - a distance of about 110 miles.

Incorporators and directors:

Eli H. Murray SLC 20
W. S. McCornick SLC 50
Samuel Kahn SLC 20
O. J. Hollister SLC 20
James D. Negus Ogden 890

Additional shareholders:

Boyd Park SLC 20
H. H. Latham Ogden 20
E. Kahn SLC 20
J. Barnett SLC 20
Fredrick H. Auerbach SLC 20

See also: Reeder, page 427

Utah & Wyoming Central Railway

Organized: June 10, 1885


June 12, 1885 - with Auditor of Public Accounts
June 12, 1885 - with Secretary of Territory

Utah index number: 270 (also 4320)


Capital stock: $3,500,000 (35,000 shares @ $100.00


To construct, own, operate a railroad from a point in the City of Salt Lake, County of Salt Lake, Territory of Utah, thence to run northerly to the waters of the Great Salt Lake, in the County of Salt Lake, thence to connect with transfer boats on the waters of said Lake, said transfer boats running from thence to and from a point or points on the north shore of said Lake in the County of Box Elder, and thence the said road is to run to a point at or near the City of Corinne, in the said County of Box Elder, thence through the Counties of Box Elder, Cache and Rich, to a point on the boundary line between the Territories of Utah and Wyoming at or near the mouth of Twin Creeks, also for the construction, owning, maintenance operation of transfer boats, barges and other water craft of said Great Salt Lake, the distance of said railroad to be about 110 miles

Incorporators and directors:

Eli H. Murray SLC 20
William S. McCornick SLC 50
Ovando J. Hollister SLC 20
Josiah Barnett SLC 20
James D. Negus SLC 905

Additional shareholders:

Boyd Park SLC 20
H. H. Latham Ogden 20
J. R. McBride SLC 20
Emanuel Kahn SLC 20
Fredrick H. Auerbach SLC 5
