This page was last updated on December 7, 2017.
Click on a company name for additional information.
Alta & Jordan Valley Railroad |
1910 (not built) |
Alta-Cottonwood Transportation Co. |
1915 (not built) |
Alta Scenic Railway |
1925 |
American Fork Railroad |
1872-1878 |
Ballard & Thompson Railroad |
1911-1951 |
Bamberger Railroad |
1939-1959 |
Bamberger Electric Railroad |
1917-1939 (to Bamberger Railroad, 1939)
(renamed from Salt Lake & Ogden Railway, 1917) |
Belt Line Railroad |
1943 |
Big Cottonwood Railroad |
1874 (not built) |
Bingham & Garfield Railway |
1908-1951 |
Bingham Canyon Railroad |
1872 (not built) |
Bingham Canyon & Camp Floyd Railroad |
1872-1879 (to Wasatch & Jordan Valley, 1879) |
Bingham Central Railway |
1907 (not built) (also known as the Mascotte Tunnel) |
Boston Consolidated Mining Co. |
1898-1910 (mining company) |
Cache Valley Railroad |
1918-1919 |
California Central Railway - Utah Division |
1881 (not built) |
California Short Line Railway |
1882-1889 |
Carbon County Railway (first) |
1899-1908 (to D&RG, 1908) |
Carbon County Railway (second) |
1922-1984? |
Castle Valley Railroad |
1909-1919 (to Utah Railway, 1914) |
Castle Valley Railway (first) |
1891 (not built) |
Castle Valley Railway (second) |
1901-1908 (to D&RG, 1908) |
Castle Valley Railway (third) |
1976 (not built) |
Cedar City Terminal Railway |
1894 (not built) |
Central Pacific Railroad Co. of Utah |
1881 (not acted on) |
Central Pacific Railway |
1880-1959 (to SP, 1959) (leased to SP, 1885-1959) |
Chicago & Pacific Railway |
1905 (not built) |
Coal Belt Railway |
1905 (not built) |
Coalville & Echo Railroad |
1869 (graded only) |
Consolidated Railway & Power Co. |
1901-1904 (to UL&Ry, 1904) |
Copper Belt Railway (Railroad) |
1901-1908 (to D&RG, 1908) |
Corinne, Malad Valley & Northern Railroad |
1892 (not built) |
Crescent Mining Co. |
1882-(?) (mining company) |
Crescent Mining & Milling Co. |
1910-(?) (mining company) |
Deep Creek Railroad |
1916-1939 |
Denver Pacific Railroad |
1933 (not built) |
Denver & Pacific Railway |
1880 (not built) |
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad |
1908-1921 (to D&RGW, 1921) |
Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad |
1921-1996 (to UP, 1996) |
Denver & Rio Grande Western Railway |
1881-1889 (to RGW, 1889)
(See also: D&RGW Ry., Consolidated Articles of Association) |
Deseret Railway |
1889 (not built) |
Duchesne Railway |
1899 (not built) |
East Bench Street Railway |
1890-1901 (to Consolidated Railway, 1901) |
East Tintic Railway |
1894 (not built) |
Eastern Utah Railroad (?) |
1911 (not built) |
Echo & Park City Railway |
1881-1898 (to UP, 1898) |
Emery County Railway |
1888 (not built) |
Emigration Canyon Railroad |
1907-1917 |
Eureka Hill Railway |
1907-1937 |
Goshen Valley Railroad |
1918-1947 (to D&RGW, 1947) |
Grand Valley, Colorado & South Pacific |
1904 (not built) |
Grass Creek Terminal Railway |
1894-1923 (to UP, 1923) |
Great Salt Lake & Colorado River Railway |
1872 (not built) |
Great Salt Lake & Hot Springs Railway |
1890-1896 (to Salt Lake & Ogden Railway, 1896) |
Great Western Railway |
1891 (not built) |
Helper Western Railway |
1909-1920 (name change to National Coal Railway, 1920) |
Inland Railway |
1916-1924 (to SLG&W, 1924) |
Interurban Construction Co. |
1911-1912 (to Salt Lake & Utah Railroad, 1912) |
Iron County Railway |
1922 (not built) |
Iron Mountain & Utah Valley Railroad |
1873 (not built) |
Juab, San Pete & Sevier Railroad |
1872 (not built) |
Kenilworth & Helper Railway |
1911-1926 |
Lehi & Tintic Railroad |
1872 (not built) |
Little Cottonwood Railroad |
1872 (not built) |
Little Cottonwood Transportation Co. |
1916-1925 (?) |
Logan Rapid Transit Co. |
1910-1914 (to Ogden, Logan & Idaho, 1914) |
Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad |
1916-1987 (name change from San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad, 1916) (to UP, 1987) |
Malad Valley Railroad |
1902-1910 |
Milford & Beaver Railroad |
1902 (not built) |
National Coal Railway |
1920-1954 (name change from Helper Western Railway, 1920) (to Utah Railway, 1954) |
Nevada-Utah Mines & Smelters (mining company) |
New East Tintic Railway |
1896-1900 (to OSL, 1900) |
Newhouse, Copper Gulch & Sevier Lake Railroad |
1904-1925 (?) |
Ogden & Brigham City Railway |
1894 (see Ogden Standard Examiner, March 17, 1894; articles of incorporation filed in Weber County on March 16, 1894, "yesterday") |
Ogden & Cache Valley Railroad |
1890 (not built) |
Ogden & Hot Springs Railroad |
1889-1903 (to Ogden & Northwestern, 1903) |
Ogden & Lucin Railroad |
1900- (?) (built SP's Lucin Cutoff) |
Ogden & Northwestern Railroad |
1903-1911 |
Ogden & Syracuse Railway |
1887-1889 (to OSL&UN, 1889) |
Ogden & Wyoming Railway |
1882 (not built) |
Ogden Cañon Railroad & Coal Company |
1878 (incorporated in Idaho Territory, May 21, 1878; forfeited December 1, 1912) |
Ogden City Railway |
1883-1891 (to Ogden City Street Railway, 1891) |
Ogden City Street Railway |
1891-1900 (to Ogden Rapid Transit, 1900) |
Ogden Electric Railway |
1891 (not built) |
Ogden, Lewiston & Northern Railroad |
1913- (?) |
Ogden, Logan & Idaho Railway |
1914-1918 (name change to Utah Idaho Central Railroad, 1918) |
Ogden Rapid Transit Co. |
1900-1914 (to Ogden, Logan & Idaho, 1914) |
Ogden Union Railway & Depot Co. |
1888-1996 (to UP, 1996) |
Oregon Short Line & Utah Northern Railway |
1889-1897 (to OSL, 1897) |
Oregon Short Line Railroad |
1897-1987 (leased to UP in 1936; merged with UP in 1987) |
Oquirrh Railway |
1877 (not built) |
Portland, Dalles & Salt Lake |
1872 (not built) |
Popperton Place & Fort Douglas Rapid Transit Co. |
1890-1901 (to Consolidated Ry., 1901) |
Price River Railway |
1881 (to D&RGW, 1881) |
Price River & Pleasant Valley Railway |
1882 (not built) |
Promontory Development & Transportation Co. |
1916 (not built) |
Provo City Railroad |
1890 (not built) |
Provo Street Railway |
1890-1894 |
Rio Grande Pacific Railway |
1887 (not built) |
Rio Grande Western Railway |
1889-1908 (to D&RG, 1908) |
St. John & Ophir Railroad |
1912-1928 |
Salina Utah Railroad |
1920 (not built) |
Saltair Railway |
1891-1892 (name change to Salt Lake & Los Angeles Railway, 1892) |
Salt Lake & Alta Railroad |
1913-1919 (?) |
Salt Lake & Brigham City Electric Railway |
1902 (not built) |
Salt Lake & Coalville Railroad |
1874 (not built) |
Salt Lake & Deep Creek Railway |
1892 (not built) |
Salt Lake & Denver Railroad |
1920 (not built) |
Salt Lake & Eastern Railroad |
1890 (not built) |
Salt Lake & Eastern Railway |
1888-1890 (to Utah Central, 1890) |
Salt Lake & Echo Railroad |
1873 (not built) |
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas Railway (first) |
1883-1884 |
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas Railway (second) |
1884-1898 (reorganized in 1884) |
Salt Lake & Idaho Railroad |
1909 (not built) |
Salt Lake & Los Angeles Railway (first) |
1887 (not built) |
Salt Lake & Los Angeles Railway (second) |
1892-1916 (name change from Saltair Railway, 1892) (name change to Salt Lake, Garfield & Western Railway, 1916) |
Salt Lake & Mercur Railroad |
1894-1913 |
Salt Lake & Ogden Railroad |
1892 (not built) |
Salt Lake & Ogden Railway (first) |
1875 (not built) |
Salt Lake & Ogden Railway (second) |
1896-1917 (name change to Bamberger Electric Railroad, 1917) |
Salt Lake & Pacific Railway |
1896 (not built) |
Salt Lake & Park City Railway |
1881 (to D&RGW, 1881) |
Salt Lake & Payson Railway |
1912 (not built) |
Salt Lake & Sioux City |
1892 (not built) |
Salt Lake & Suburban Railway |
1902-1904 (name change to Salt Lake Southern Railway, 1904) (not built) |
Salt Lake & Utah Railroad |
1912-1949 (reorganized in 1936) |
Salt Lake & Utah Valley Railroad |
1902 (not built) |
Salt Lake & Western Railway (first) |
1874 |
Salt Lake & Western Railway (second) |
1881-1889 |
Salt Lake & Wyoming Railroad |
1892 (not built) |
Salt Lake, Bingham & Tintic Railroad |
1873 (not built) |
Salt Lake City Railroad |
1872-1901 (to Consolidated Ry., 1901) |
Salt Lake City & Bingham Railroad |
1873 (not built) |
Salt Lake City & Manti Railroad |
1872 (not built) |
Salt Lake City & Salina Railroad |
1872 (not built) |
Salt Lake City & Salina Railroad, Branch |
1872 (not built) |
Salt Lake City Union Depot & Railroad Co. |
1907-1978 (joint between D&RGW and WP; to D&RGW, 1978) |
Salt Lake Eastern Railway |
1883 (not built) |
Salt Lake, Fillmore & Kanosh Railroad |
1918 (not built) |
Salt Lake, Garfield & Western Railway |
1916 - (present) (name change from Salt Lake & Los Angeles Railway, 1916) |
Salt Lake, Hailey & Puget Sound Railroad |
1892 (not built) |
Salt Lake, Jordan & Bingham Railway |
1879 (not built) |
Salt Lake Light & Traction Co. |
1914 (to Utah Light & Traction, 1914) |
Salt Lake, Nevada & California Railway |
1889 (not built) |
Salt Lake Rapid Transit Co. |
1890-1901 (to Consolidated Ry., 1901) |
Salt Lake, Sevier Valley & Pioche Railroad |
1872-1874 |
Salt Lake Southern Railway |
1904 (name change from Salt Lake & Suburban Railway, 1904) |
Salt Lake Terminal Co. |
1913-1949 (joint between Bamberger and SL&U, to Bamberger, 1949)) |
Salt Lake Valley Railway |
1900 (not built) |
Salt Lake Valley & Eastern Railroad |
1890 (not built) |
Salt Lake Valley & Eastern Railway |
1887 (not built) |
San Juan Railroad |
1887 (not built) |
San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad |
1901-1916 (name change to Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad, 1916) |
San Pete Valley Railway |
1874-1908 (to D&RG, 1908) |
Sevier Railway |
1891-1908 (to D&RG, 1908) |
Sevier Valley Railway |
1880-1881 (to D&RGW, 1881) |
Southern Pacific |
1885-1996 (leased Central Pacific, 1885; merged with CP, 1959) (to UP 1996) |
Southern Utah Railroad |
1907-1921 |
Southeastern Railroad Company of Utah |
1872 (not built) |
Summit County Railway |
1871-1881 (to Echo & Park City, 1881) |
Summit County Railway & Transportation Co. |
1888 (name change to Wyoming, Salt Lake & California Railway, 1888) (not built) |
Tintic Railway |
1891 (not built) |
Tintic Range Railway |
1891-1908 (to D&RG, 1908) |
Tooele Valley Railroad |
1908-1983 |
Uintah Railway |
1904-1939 (part in Colorado, part in Utah) |
Union Pacific Rail Road |
1862-1880 (built into Utah, 1868) (to UP Ry., 1880) |
Union Pacific Railroad |
1897- (present) |
Union Pacific Railway |
1880-1897 (to UPRR, 1897) |
Union Iron Co. |
1881 (mining company) |
Utah Railway (first) |
1881 (not built) |
Utah Railway (second) |
1912-(present) (name change from Utah Coal Railway, 1912) |
Utah & Arizona Railway |
1889 (not built) |
Utah & California Railway |
1896 (not built) |
Utah & Colorado Railroad |
1872 (not built) |
Utah & Grand Canyon Railroad |
1910 (not built) |
Utah & Idaho Railroad |
1906 (not built) |
Utah & Nevada Railway |
1881-1889 (to OSL&UN, 1889) |
Utah & Northern Railroad |
1877 (not acted on) |
Utah & Northern Railway |
1878-1889 (to OSL&UN, 1889) |
Utah & Pacific Railroad |
1898-1901 (to OSL, 1901) |
Utah & Pleasant Valley Railway |
1875-1882 (to D&RGW, 1882) |
Utah & Wyoming Railroad |
1891 (not built) |
Utah & Wyoming Railway (first) |
1881 (not built) |
Utah & Wyoming Railway (second) |
1883 (not built) |
Utah & Wyoming Central Railway |
1885 (not built) |
Utah Central Railroad (first) |
1869-1881 (to Utah Central Railway, 1881) |
Utah Central Railroad (second) |
1897-1908 (to D&RG, 1908) |
Utah Central Railroad (third) |
1922 (not built) |
Utah Central Railway (first) |
1881-1889 (to OSL&UN, 1889) |
Utah Central Railway (second) |
1890-1897 (to Utah Central Railroad, 1897) |
Utah Central Railway-Pleasant Valley Branch |
1881 (not built) |
Utah Coal Railway |
1912 (name change to Utah Railway, 1912) |
Utah Coal, Coke & Railway Co. |
1878 (not built) |
Utah Copper Co. |
1904-1943 (mining company) (to Kennecott Copper, Utah Copper Division) |
Utah Eastern Railroad (first) |
1874 (not built) |
Utah Eastern Railroad (second) |
1879-1887 (to UP, 1887) |
Utah Eastern Railway (first) |
1881 |
Utah Eastern Railway (second) |
1897-1908 (to D&RG, 1908) |
Utah, Idaho & Montana Railroad |
1872 (not built) |
Utah Idaho Central Railroad |
1918-1949 (reorganized in 1919, 1926, and 1940) |
Utah Interurban Railroad |
1905 (not built) |
Utah Interurban Electric Co. |
1912 (not built) |
Utah Iron Ore Corporation |
1923-1950 (mining company) |
Utah Light & Railway Co. |
1904-1914 (to Utah Light & Traction Co., 1914) |
Utah Light & Traction Co. |
1914-1944 (to Salt Lake City Lines, 1944) |
Utah Midland Railroad |
1896 (not built) |
Utah Midland Railway (first) |
1873 (not built) |
Utah Midland Railway (second) |
1886 (not built) |
Utah, Nevada & California Railroad |
1889 (reorganized 3 times in 1889) (not built) (another Utah, Nevada & California RR, organized in Nevada in 1899, completed UP's route from Uvada to Caliente) |
Utah, Nevada & California Railway |
1891-1892 (merged with Nevada & California, 1892) (not built) |
Utah Northern Railroad |
1871-1878 (to Utah & Northern Railway, 1878) |
Utah Railroad & Mining Co. |
1873 (not built) |
Utah Railroad, Mining & Land Co. |
1872 (not built) |
Utah Rapid Transit Co. |
1919-1936 (converted to gasoline buses, 1935) (to Utah Transit Co., 1936) |
Utah Southern Railroad |
1870-1881 (to Utah Central Ry, 1881) |
Utah Southern Railroad Extension (first) |
1874 (not acted on) |
Utah Southern Railroad Extension (second) |
1879-1881 (to Utah Central Ry, 1881) |
Utah Southern & Castle Valley Railway |
1880 (not built) |
Utah Terminal Railway |
1920-1921 (to Utah Railway, 1921) |
Utah Western Railway (first) |
1874-1881 (to Utah & Nevada, 1881) |
Utah Western Railway (second) |
1889-1890 (to Utah Central, 1890) |
Valley Railway Company of Utah |
1899 (not built) |
Wasatch & Jordan Valley Railroad |
1872-1881 (merged with Bingham Canyon & Camp Floyd, 1879) (to D&RGW, 1881) |
West Side Rapid Transit Co. |
1890-1902 (to Salt Lake & Jordan Railroad, 1902) |
Western Pacific Railroad |
1916-1982 (to UP, 1982) |
Western Pacific Railway |
1903-1916 (to Western Pacific RR, 1916) |
Wyoming, Salt Lake & California Railway (second) |
1889 (not built) |
Wyoming & Utah Railroad |
1893 (not built) |
Wyoming & Western Railway |
1890 (not built) |