File:Flag of Liberia.svg - Wikipèdia Vèneta, ła ensiclopedia łìbara

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File:Flag of Liberia.svg

File orixenałe (file en formato SVG, dimension nominałi 1 140 × 600 pixel, dimension del file: 729 byte)

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In ultima08:07, 16 zen 2023Miniadura de la version de le 08:07, 16 zen 20231 140 × 600 (729 byte)MapGridReverted to version as of 15:31, 9 September 2021 (UTC). If there is a viewBox, then there is no valid reason to have the nominal width evenly divisible by the number of stripes. It is best to stick with a width of 600px because that is the de facto standard. Also, please stop removing linefeed characters; it is against the policy at Help:SVG_guidelines#When_is_optimizing/validating_files_undesired?
22:07, 15 zen 2023Miniadura de la version de le 22:07, 15 zen 20231 045 × 550 (739 byte)FDRMRZUSAOptimized the nominal dimansions with the number of strips: now (height) 550/11=50 pixels. In the previous version: 600/11=54.5454... Also redrawn the star with a single structure (simplified): in the previous version it was composed of 3 parts. Optimzed svg code before upload. No other changes.
16:31, 9 set 2021Miniadura de la version de le 16:31, 9 set 20211 140 × 600 (729 byte)Mike Rohsophtoptimized, to prevent red leaking from the lower edge of the canton
08:46, 20 mar 2013Miniadura de la version de le 08:46, 20 mar 20131 140 × 600 (730 byte)AnonMoosslight code cleanup -- ID attributes beginning with a number are technically not correct XML syntax, could cause problems for some programs.
17:28, 27 zen 2010Miniadura de la version de le 17:28, 27 zen 20101 140 × 600 (742 byte)PermjakSVG code
21:43, 27 nov 2009Miniadura de la version de le 21:43, 27 nov 2009209 × 110 (792 byte)Zscout370Reduce code
18:52, 31 maj 2009Miniadura de la version de le 18:52, 31 maj 2009209 × 110 (918 byte)Artem Karimovmore cleanup
18:51, 31 maj 2009Miniadura de la version de le 18:51, 31 maj 2009209 × 110 (930 byte)Artem Karimovcode cleanup
00:29, 2 nov 2008Miniadura de la version de le 00:29, 2 nov 2008570 × 300 (1 KB)Vzb83~commonswikireverted to previous code; colours from the flag of USA (see
22:20, 3 mar 2008Miniadura de la version de le 22:20, 3 mar 2008570 × 300 (3 KB)Avala

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