“Every game deserves some amount of crunch at the end.” - Todd Howard
Bethesda Game Studios is an American in-house development team at Bethesda Softworks established in 2001. Previously synonymous with parent publisher Bethesda Softworks, the studio's name and logo were established with the release of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind in 2002.
Bethesda Game Studios, Bethesda Softworks and ZeniMax Media all work in the same building
- Type: Subsidiary of ZeniMax Media
Employee Mistreatment: In 2022 it came to light that employees were forced to work long hours on Fallout 76 for little pay; oftentimes when there was no build available, making it impossible for them to do their job. The long hours caused tinnitus, back pain and forced many employees to use wrist-braces. The demanding longs hours generated an exodus of senior members, many of whom had been with the company for over 20 years, one saying "people don't need to suffer so that patch 42 can come out on time." Employees were borrowed from other game which negatively impacted those titles: skyrim, starfield, redfall... Todd Howard, who was supposed to be overseeing the project, was almost never around. Employees dubbed it "sea-gulling" when Todd found time to fly by and dump all over on an idea the team was excited by. Developers working on ESO felt underappreciated, saying they weren't given the tools needed to create an MMO and had their messages, requests and questions completely ignored by higher ups. Employees in different departments were forbidden from communicating with each other which lead to huge delays and known bugs ping-ponging around for days to months when it could have been sorted within day had they been allowed to talk.