Black Cat (The Spectacular Spider-Man)

Felicia Hardy, also known as the Black Cat is a minor character in the animated superhero TV series The Spectacular Spider-Man.

She is a skilled cat burglar and the daughter of Walter Hardy, the killer of Ben Parker. Despite being a thief and meant to be an enemy of Spider-Man, Felicia has a strong crush on the wall crawler as she would often flirt with him whenever they fought.

She was voiced by Tricia Helfer, who also voiced her in Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, and Sarah Kerrigan in Starcraft II.


She is a has a playful and flirty personality as shown with her interactions with Spider-Man and admitted to having a crush on him. However, she does partner up with him to take down supervillains but only so that she can get away with something like stealing the Tiger jewel. However, she still sticks with her partnerships with Spider-Man till the very end, showing that she does have an honorable side to her. It is also shown that she really loves her father as shown when she attempted to break him out of prison but got really upset when he refused to leave out of shame of killing Uncle Ben and she blames Spider-Man for it and makes it clear she will never forgive him.


Season 1[]

Episode 10: "Persona"[]

Black Cat was first seen carrying a bag of what can be assumed to be money from a bank she robbed while at the same time, Midtown High was having a costume festival. She passed by the crowd unsuspected.

After John Jameson returned to Earth, it was revealed that the haul of the shuttle had some Black Goo that was taken to the Connor’s’ lab. When Peter arrived at the lab to take a picture of the ooze as Spider-Man, he spotted Black Cat attempting to steal it. After successfully getting passed the security lasers with her extension, she almost got the substance before Spider Man took the container she was gonna put it in. This led to a somewhat flirtatious fight between the two and the ooze escaping unbeknownst to them. After some more time flirting with the wall crawler, Cat escaped when Dr. Connors entered the lab. Thinking she had stolen the ooze, Spider-Man attempted to go after the cat burglar, but found out she mysteriously disappeared. Unbeknownst to Spider-Man, the ooze had already latched itself onto his suit, turning it completely black.

Black Cat later appeared after noticing Spider-Man’s new suit saying it was a good look for him, how flattered she was, and that she knew they made a connection. Spider-Man then responded by saying she was the “real thief” before noticing his suit was different. Black Cat then asked if it was because she “stole his heart” and the she had heard it before. She then interrupted Spider-Man examining himself in the reflection in the window of the building they were on. Then she started flirting with him again as her cable and his web got ensnared with each other before Spider-Man dropped down from the building after Cat asked if they were gonna be bad guys together or just plain bad and if his abrupt departure was because of something she said.

Black Cat then met up with Spider-Man after the Bugle had been publishing papers about him robbing banks when really it was Chameleon posing as him. Arriving at the boat that the Mayor of New York was hosting a party on, Felicia caught sight of a beautiful tiger necklace the mayor was wearing and commented on how she wanted it, much to Spider-Man’s protest. Using a jet ski, Spider-Man leaped onto the ship with Black Cat watching and commenting how her “kitty sense” was purring.

As the Chameleon, posing as the red and blue suited Spider Man, was escaping with all the jewelry from the mayor and her party guests, the real Spider Man chased after him and his henchmen, who Black Cat took down, saying “We’ll let them settle this Spider-Man to Spider-Man.” Watching through lenses on her mask, Black Cat called the wall crawler her hero as he took down and unmasked Chameleon. As the men were being locked up, Cat secretly stole the tiger necklace as it was revealed to not be in the web bags along with the other jewelry; this was something had no idea about.

Spider-Man eventually found Black Cat sitting on the statue of one of the buildings in New York while hanging upside down. There, he told her they made a great team, something Cat nodded about. The wall crawler then said that maybe she should change sides, only for Felicia to look at him with no response, prompting Spider-Man to ask why she helped him in the first place. Felicia then asked him if he really didn’t know the answer before pulling up Spider-Man’s mask enough to reveal his lips and gave him passionate kiss while getting a good look at the tiger necklace she stole before stealthily sneaking away from the web head who was left stunned by what just happened.(That kiss from Black Cat was the first kiss Peter got from a girl in the series) He then commented on how he didn’t know Black Cat felt that way before finally realizing she was gone without a trace.

Episode 13: "Nature vs. Nurture"[]

When the Symbiote was starting to take over Peter’s life, Black Cat was shown through his memories and even among his friends and allies as he fought the life form to regain control of his body. Black Cat was also shown in Peter’s mind when the Symbiote attempted to consume him after his fight with Venom. Peter then commented how Felicia was among those Peter said were “the cure” while the Symbiote was “a disease”.

Season 2[]

Episode 12: "Opening Night"[]

During Spider-Man volunteering to test the security of a new prison known as the Vault, Black Cat cajoled him into executing a prison break with the reason of it being a wrongfully imprisoned man who lacked the resources to ever be freed through legal methods. The man in question was her father, Walter Hardy, who also happened to be the man that killed Uncle Ben when trying to flee with a stolen take. Spider-Man acted openly hostile against Walter, which Felicia didn't seem to consider as relevant, rather more of the Spider's "self-righteousness."

Spider-Man's accusations of murder seemed to fall on deaf ears, however, Walter revealed that he did feel immense guilt for killing Ben; he explained that he never used a weapon in his burglary career, but as he got older, he felt so afraid that he started carrying a gun. Walter's accidental manslaughter is what got him arrested and imprisoned in the end, rather than his lifetime of robberies. Walter ultimately decided against the prison break, as he felt like he deserved to remain locked up for the life he took, which earned a resentful but sober respect from Spider-Man, due to it being an adherence to his strong belief in responsibility.

While Walter insisted it was his choice and obligation to stay in jail, Felicia was horrified and angered that her father would likely die behind bars; as such, Black Cat parted with Spider-Man with palpable animosity, since she blamed him for "infecting" her father with misplaced morality, refusing to accept that Walter made the decision for his and her sake (for him, his guilt, and her, preventing her from committing the serious crime of prison break). She threatened consequences if she and Spider-Man meet again (due to the series' cancellation, the form of this vengeance may continue to be unexplored and unknown).



Black Cat SSM


  • Unlike her other counterparts, her cleavage doesn't show due to younger viewers of the series.
  • In addition, she also doesn't have the powers they possessed like bad luck.
  • It is confirmed that she's 19 years old and Spider-Man is 16 years old, thus making him three years younger than her.
  • She's a combination of her main counterpart and Jessica Carridine since her father, Walter Hardy, is Uncle Ben's killer in the series.


          508759 thumb Villains

Abomination | Absorbing Man | Agony | A.I.M. | Alistair Smythe | Annihilus | Answer | Apocalypse | Arcade | Ares | Arnim Zola | Attuma | Assessor | Awesome Android | Baron Mordo | Baron Zemo | Basilisk | Batroc the Leaper | Bedlam | Beetle | Ben Reilly | Beyonder | Big Man | Black Cat | Black Widow | Blackie Drago | Blastaar | Blizzard | Blob | Bolivar Trask | Bombshell | Boomerang | Brotherhood of Mutants | Brothers Grimm | Burglar | Bulldozer | Bullseye | Bushwacker | Burnout | Cadaverous | Calypso | Carlton Drake | Carnage | Carrion | Callix | Chameleon | Charles Weiderman | Chance | Constrictor | Count Nefaria | Cradios | Creature X | Crime-Master | Crimson Dynamo | Crossbones | Cyntros | Cyperion | D'Spayre | Daemos | Dark Avengers | Deadpool (Earth-1610) | Demon Bear | Demogoblin | Destroyer | Diablo | Doctor Doom | Doctor Faustus | Doctor Glitch | Doctor Octopus | Doppelganger | Dormammu | D.K. | Dracula | Dreadknight | Egghead | Electro | Enchantress | Enclave | Enforcers | Equinox | Fancy Dan | Finisher | Firelord | Fixer | Freak | Frightful Four | Foreigner | Gabriel Stacy | Galactus | Gentleman | Ghost | Gibbon | Gog | Goliath | Grant Ward | Graviton | Green Goblin (Norman Osborn (Earth-1610, Earth-14154), Harry Osborn & Bart Hamilton) | Grey Gargoyle | Grizzly | Hallow's Eve | Hammerhead | Hand | Hazmat | High Evolutionary | Hightail | Hitman | Hobgoblin | Hood | Human Fly | Humbug | Hybrid | HYDRA | Hydro-Man | Hypno-Hustler | Ironclad | Impossible Man | Inheritors | Inspector Krahn | Iguana | Itsy Bitsy | Jackal | Jack O' Lantern | Jester | Jigsaw | J. Jonah Jameson | Johnny Ohm | Jonas Harrow | Judas Traveller | Juggernaut | Justin Hammer | Kangaroo | Kang | Kaine | Karn | Killer Shrike | King Cobra | Kingpin | Knull | Kraven the Hunter | Kristoff Vernard | Lady Octopus | Lasher | Lady Deathstrike | Leader | Leap-Frog | Lee Price | Life Foundation | Lightmaster | Living Brain | Living Laser | Lizard ((Earth-65)) | Loki Laufeyson | Loxias Crown | Lucia Von Bardas | Mad Thinker | Madame Masque | Madame Viper | Maestro | Maggia | Magneto | Mandarin | Man-Spider | Man-Wolf | Mania | Masked Marauder | Master Mold | Masters of Evil | Maximus | Medusa | Menace | Mephisto | Mesmero | Mister Brownstone | Mister Fear | Mister Hyde | Mister Negative | M.O.D.O.K. | Mojo | Mole Man | Molten Man | Montana | Moonstone | Morbius | Moria Mactaggert | Morlun | Moses Magnum | Mystique | Mysterio (Quentin Beck, Daniel Berkhart & Francis Klum) | Nebula | Nekra | Nightmare | Niles Van Roekel | Nitro | Onslaught | Orka | Overdrive | Owl | Ox | Panda Mania | Phage | Phil Urich | Piledriver | Princess Python | The Prowler | Psycho-Man | Puma | Punisher | Punisher (Earth-95126) | Puppet Master | Purple Man | Qdessa Drake | Quasimodo | Queen Goblin | Quicksilver | Rabble | Ramrod | The Rattler (Dr. Henry Bingham) | Raze | Red Ghost | Red Skull (Johann Shmidt, Albert Malik) | Rhino | Rhino II | Richard Fisk | Ringer | Ringmaster | Riot | Roland Treece | The Rose | Roxxon Energy Corporation | Sabretooth | Sandman | Sarah Stacy | Sauron | Scarecrow | Scarlet Witch | Scions of Cyttorak | Scorcher | Scorpion | Scorn | Scorpia | Scream | Sebastian Shaw | Secret Empire | Serpent Society | Sentinels | Seth Youngblood | Shathra | Shocker | Shriek | Sin-Eater | Silvermane | Silver Sable | Sinister Six | Sinister Six Suoer Adpatoid | Skaar | Skip Westcott | Skrulls | Skurge | Solus | Songbird | Speed Demon | Spencer Smythe | Patton Parnel | Spidercide | Spider Queen | Spider-Man Revenge Squad | Spider-Slayers | Spot | Star | Stegron | Street | Super-Apes | Super-Skrull | Supercharger | Supernova | Swarm | Symbiotes | Tarantula | Taskmaster | Terminus | Terrax | Thanos | The Thousand | Thunderball | Thunderbolt Ross | Thunderbolts | Tiger Shark | Tinkerer | Titania | Titanium Man | Toad | Tombstone | Trapster | Turner D. Century | Typhoid Mary | Tyrannus | U-Foes | Ultimatum | Ultra Living Brain | Ultron | Vapor | Vanessa Fisk | Vector | Venom (Eddie Brock) | Vera Arlen | Vermin | Vulture | The Wall | Walrus | Whiplash | White Rabbit | Whirlwind | Will-O'-The-Wisp | Wizard | Worthy | Wrecker | X-Ray | Zodiac | Zombie Spider-Man | Zombie Giant-Man | Zip Zephyr | Zzzax

Original Trilogy
Spider-Man: Green Goblin | Dennis Carradine | Harry Osborn
Spider-Man 2: Doctor Octopus (His Tentacles) | Green Goblin | Harry Osborn
Spider-Man 3: Venom (Symbiote Suit) | Sandman | New Goblin | Green Goblin | Dennis Carradine

Reboot Duology
The Amazing Spider-Man: Lizard | Rajit Ratha | Gustav Fiers | Cash Register Thief | Norman Osborn
The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Electro | Green Goblin | Donald Menken | Rhino | Alistair Smythe | Ashley Kafka | Felicia Hardy | Gustav Fiers | Norman Osborn

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Spider-Man: Homecoming: Bestman Salvage (Vulture, Tinkerer, Shocker #1, Shocker #2 & Randy Vale) | Mac Gargan | Aaron Davis
Spider-Man: Far From Home: Mysterio's Crew (Mysterio, William Ginter Riva, Victoria Snow, Gutes Guterman, Janice Lincoln, & Doug, Shanice) | Elementals (Molten Man, Hydro-Man, Sandman, Cyclone & Elemental Fusion) | Skrulls (Talos) | Obadiah Stane
Spider-Man: No Way Home: Earth-96283 (Green Goblin, Sandman & Doctor Octopus (His Tentacles) | Earth-120703 (Electro & Lizard) | Sadie Deever | Venom | Mysterio

Spider-Verse Series
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: Kingpin | Doctor Octopus | Prowler | Tombstone | Scorpion | Green Goblin | Lizard | Jonathan Ohnn
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: Spot | Lizard | Aaron Davis | Prowler | Anomalies (Vulture, Doctor Octopus, Typeface, Mysterio, Green Goblin, Rhino & Kraven the Hunter)

Spider-Man (1967)
Vulture | Green Goblin | Electro | Rhino | Mysterio | Doctor Octopus | Scorpion | Human Fly | Kingpin | Lizard | Spider-Slayer | Sandman | Dr. Matto Magneto | Enforcers (Cowboy & Ox) | Frederick Foswell | Mole Man | J. Jonah Jameson | Infinita

Spider-Man (1981)
Doctor Doom | Kingpin | Doctor Octopus | Lizard | Black Cat | Sandman | Silvermane | Magneto | Mysterio | Ringmaster | Green Goblin | Sidewinder | Kraven the Hunter | Red Skull | Chameleon | Vulture | Hammerhead | Wizard | Medusa

Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (1981)
Green Goblin | Kraven the Hunter | Doctor Doom | Swarm | Chameleon | Electro | Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Blob, Toad, and Mastermind) | Mysterio | Loki Laufeyson | Ymir | Mordred | Kingpin | Doctor Faustus | Red Skull | Juggernaut | Shocker | Sandman | Dracula | Scorpion | Beetle | Doctor Octopus | A.I.M.

Spider-Man: The Animated Series
Kingpin | Norman Osborn (Green Goblin, Green Goblin (Earth-98311), & Harry Osborn) | Hobgoblin & Hobgoblin (Earth-98311) | Venom | Vanessa Fisk | Richard Fisk | Silvermane | Insidious Six (Doctor Octopus, Scorpion, Rhino, Mysterio, Chameleon, Shocker, and Vulture) | Black Cat | Lizard | Morbius | Spider-Slayers (Alistair Smythe) | Carnage | Baron Mordo | Dormammu | Silver Sable | Hydro-Man | Prowler | Doctor Doom | Red Skull | Electro | Hammerhead | Tombstone | Punisher | Kraven the Hunter | Calypso | Herbert Landon | Jackal | Owl | Spot | Beyonder | J. Jonah Jameson | Spider-Man (Earth-98311) | Rocket Racer | Big Wheel

Spider-Man Unlimited
High Evolutionary | Venom | Carnage | Electro | Kraven the Hunter | Green Goblin | Vulture | Man-Wolf | J. Jonah Jameson

Spider-Man: The New Animated Series
Harry Osborn | Electro | Kraven the Hunter | Turbo Jet | Kingpin | Lizard | Shikata | Silver Sable

The Spectacular Spider-Man
Green Goblin | Tombstone | Doctor Octopus | Hammerhead | Venom (Eddie Brock) | Sinister Six (Rhino, Vulture, Electro, Sandman, Mysterio & Kraven the Hunter) | Chameleon | Tinkerer | Enforcers (Shocker, Ricochet, & Ox) | Molten Man | Silvermane | Silver Sable | Harry Osborn | Lizard | J. Jonah Jameson | Black Cat | Miles Warren | Frederick Foswell | Calypso | Roderick Kingsley | Morris Bench | Cletus Kasady

Ultimate Spider-Man
Doctor Octopus | Green Goblin | Harry Osborn | Taskmaster | HYDRA (Arnim Zola, Crossbones, Morbius & Baron Mordo) | Sinister Six (Kraven the Hunter, Rhino, Electro, Beetle, Lizard, Scorpion, Ultimate Green Goblin, Hydro-Man, & Vulture) | Toad | Batroc the Leaper | Frightful Four (Wizard, Trapster, & Klaw) | Juggernaut | Sandman | Venom | Loki Laufeyson | The Collector | Grandmaster | Carnage | Wolf Spider | Shocker | Shriek | Swarm | Dracula | Spider-Slayers (Kaine) | Absorbing Man | Abomination | Annihilus | Arcade | Attuma | Awesome Android | Blastaar | Blizzard | Boomerang | Chitauri | Deadpool | Destroyer | Doctor Doom | Dormammu | Skurge | Enforcers (Montana, Fancy Dan, Ox) | Frost Giants | Grizzly | Hammerhead | Jack O'Lantern | Korvac | The Leader | Living Laser | Man-Wolf | Maximus | Melter | Mesmero | M.O.D.O.K. | Molten Man | Mister Negative | Mysterio | Nightmare | Norma Osborn | Phalanx | Medusa | Sabretooth | Skaar | Galactus | Ulik | Whirlwind | Wrecker | Piledriver | Thunderball | Bulldozer | Ymir | Zodiac (Scorpio) | Zzzax | J. Jonah Jameson

Spider-Man (2017)
Symbiotes (Venom, Scream, Scorn & Mania) | Dark Goblin | Hobgoblin | Doctor Octopus | Vulture/Goblin King | Alistair Smythe | Rhino | Jackal | Hammerhead | Electro | A.I.M. (M.O.D.O.K.) | Spider-Slayers | Lizard | Tinkerer | Swarm | Scorpion | Sinister Six | Kraven the Hunter | Man-Wolf | Silver Sable | Beetle | Spot | Prowler | Molten Man | Mister Negative | Chameleon | HYDRA (Crossbones & Arnim Zola) | Black Cat | Ghost | Blizzard | Absorbing Man | Crimson Dynamo | Overdrive | Mysterio | Jack O'Lantern | Silvermane | Lady Octopus | Paladin | Puma | Shocker | Living Brain | Sandman | Technovore | Baron Mordo | Knull | J. Jonah Jameson

Spidey and His Amazing Friends (2021)
Green Goblin | Doctor Octopus | Rhino | Black Cat | Sandman | Electro | Arnim Zola | Lizard | Trapster

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Otto Octavius | Norman Osborn | The Scorpions (Scorpion & Carmilla Black) | 110th Street Gang (Big Donovan, Bulldozer, & Stevie Sherman) | Symbiotes (Venom) | Butane | Speed Demon | Maria Vasquez | Unicorn | Mikhail Sytsevich | Chameleon | Roxanna Volkov | Harry Osborn | Bentley Wittman | Carla Connors | Vincent Patillo | Thaddeus Ross

Video Games
The Amazing Spider-Man & Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge: Doctor Doom | Electro | Hobgoblin | Rhino | Boomerang | Grey Gargoyle | Oddball | Batroc the Leaper | Mysterio
Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six: Sinister Six (Doctor Octopus, Electro, Hobgoblin, Mysterio, Sandman and Vulture)
Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin: Kingpin | Doctor Octopus | Lizard | Electro | Sandman | Hobgoblin | Venom | Tinkerer | Mysterio | Vulture | Bullseye | Typhoid Mary
Spider-Man & X-Men: Arcade's Revenge: Arcade | Carnage | Rhino | Apocalypse | Juggernaut | Selene Gallio | Sentinels | Master Mold
Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage: Carnage | Shriek | Doppelganger | Demogoblin | Carrion
Spider-Man and Venom: Separation Anxiety: The Jury | Sentry | Ramshot | Screech | Bomblast | Firearm | Wysper | Life Foundation | Symbiotes (Carnage | Riot | Phage | Lasher | Agony | Scream)
Spider-Man (2000): Doctor Octopus | Symbiotes (Carnage and Venom) | Jade Syndicate | Scorpion | Rhino | Mysterio, J. Jonah Jameson, Lizard
Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro: Electro | Beetle | Hammerhead | Lizard | Sandman | Shocker
Spider-Man (2002): Green Goblin | Shocker's Gang (Shocker and Vick) | Vulture | Hunter Killer Robots | Scorpion | Kraven the Hunter | Dr. Mendel Stromm | Skulls (Dennis Carradine) | Harry Osborn | Green Goblin (Green Goblin Mode)
Spider-Man 2: Doctor Octopus | Harry Osborn | Rhino | Mysterio | Shocker's Gang (Shocker) | Puma | Vulture | Calypso | Lizard | Rosa
Ultimate Spider-Man: Trask Industries (Bolivar Trask, Venom, Adrian Toomes and R.H.I.N.O.) | Wild Pack (Silver Sable) | Shocker | Electro | Beetle | Green Goblin | Boomerang | Sandman | Carnage | Yancy Street Gang
Spider-Man: Battle for New York: | Green Goblin | Kingpin | Silver Sable | Demogoblin | Simian Sentry
Spider-Man 3: | Venom (Symbiote Suit) | Sandman | New Goblin | Lizard | Kraven the Hunter | Calypso | Kingpin | Waste Tribe (Morbius and Shriek) | H-Bombers (Mad Bomber) | Electro | MechaBioCon (Dr. Stillwell, Scorpion, and Rhino) | Apocalypse Gang (Apocalypse Leader) | Arsenic Candy Gang (Priscilla) | Order of the Dragon Tail (Dragon Tail Leader) | Voodoo Gang | Dirty Cops
Spider-Man: Friend or Foe: | Mysterio | Perpetual Holographic Avatar / NanoTech Offensive Monsters | Venom | Green Goblin | Doctor Octopus | Sandman | Scorpion | Rhino | Carnage | Electro
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows: Spider-Man | Symbiotes (Venom) | Kingpin | Black Cat | Vulture | Electro | Tinkerer | Rhino
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions: Mysterio | Kraven the Hunter | Hammerhead | Hobgoblin | Electro | Sandman | Vulture | Scorpion | Deadpool | Juggernaut | Silver Sable | Goblin | Serena Patel | Carnage
Spider-Man: Edge of Time: Peter Parker | Atrocity | Walker Sloan | Anti-Venom | Doctor Octopus | Black Cat
The Amazing Spider-Man: S-Bots (Alistair Smythe) | Lizard | Rhino | Vermin | Scorpion | Black Cat | Iguana | Nattie | Sandman | Venom
The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Carnage | Kingpin | Green Goblin | Shocker | Kraven the Hunter | Black Cat | Electro | Chameleon | Norman Osborn | Cash Register Thief | Rhino | Hammerhead | Venom | Screwball | Donald Menken | Mysterio
Heroes of Robloxia: Vulture | Bestman Salvage | Darkmatter | Dynamo | Atomic Waste | Cicada | Bug Thugs | Uranium Monsters | Mutated Laborers | Museum Robbers

See Also
Black Cat Villains | Cloak & Dagger Villains | Marvel Cinematic Universe Villains | Marvel's Spider-Man Villains | Morbius: The Living Vampire Villains | Prowler Villains | Punisher Villains | Scarlet Spider Villains | Silk Villains | Silver Sable Villains | Solo Villains | Sony's Spider-Man Universe Villains | Spider-Girl Villains | Spider-Gwen Villains | Spider-Man 2099 Villains | Spider-Man Noir Villains | Spider-Woman Villains | Toei's Spider-Man Villains | Venom Villains