
Man-Spider is the mutated form of Spider-Man which appears in both the comics and in the 1990s animated series.

He was voiced by Jim Cummings in Spider-Man: The Animated Series.


During a trip to the Savage Land in Marvel Fanfare #1-4, Peter Parker and Warren Worthington III (Angel/Archangel of the X-Men) were captured by the Savage Land Mutates created by Magneto years before. The Mutates' leader, Brainchild, used them as guinea pigs in a machine that "devolved" them into primordial forms, Spider-Man was transformed into a monstrous man-spider hybrid, and Angel into a griffin-like form - in order to use them as enforcers in the Mutates' conquest of the Savage Land. They were then sent to attack Ka-Zar, self-styled Lord of the Savage Land and his allies, the Fall People tribe. Although conditioned to obey Brainchild, Parker's consciousness re-awoke within the Man-Spider; horrified at what he had become, he promptly abandoned the battle. Spider-Man and Angel were later cured when Karl Lykos drained their mutant energies and turned himself back into his alter ego, Sauron.

Years later, an encounter with the villain Plantman saw Spider-Man exposed to a mutagenic pollen which partially transformed him into a misshapen creature similar to his previous Man-Spider form. He managed to force Plantman to hand over the antidote.

In the "Avengers Disassembled" crossover event, Spider-Man encountered an enemy called the Queen, a woman capable of controlling insects and arachnids. She triggered another transformation in him: first, he grew extra eyes and hair covering his body, and second, he changed into a Man-Spider-like form (however, with his human mind still intact); and finally he transformed into a giant spider. In that form, he seemed to die, but instead emerged in human form, but with enhanced powers (which he later lost due to the rewriting of reality during the "One More Day" event).

Other Media[]

Spider-Man: The Animated Series[]

In Spider-Man: The Animated Series, Spider-Man's transformation into the Man-Spider was not caused deliberately, but as a result of his body mutating further from the original spider-bite that gave him his powers. This mutation disease and Spider-Man's quest to get rid of it was the main focus of the second season. After his attempts to ask Professor X and the X-Men for help developing a cure meet with failure (although he was able to assist them in thwarting a monster created when an anti-mutant scientist named Herbert Landon was exposed to a serum he'd developed to remove mutant abilities) Spider-Man turned to his friend Doctor Mariah Crawford for aid. Unfortunately, his initial attempt to cure himself resulted in him growing the four new arms, the accelerated mutation subsequently causing him to mutate into the Man-Spider after fighting the Punisher and a recently mutated Michael Morbius. The mutated Spider-Man retained some of his memories and his emotional responses to seeing his loved ones (or people who reminded him of them), but could not communicate with them. His approaches to a young red-haired woman who reminded him of his love Mary-Jane Watson, then the real Mary-Jane herself, and his attempt to defend his friends Flash Thompson and Debra Whitman from the now-vampiric Morbius, were perceived as attacks, causing him to retreat from each incident in despair. He certainly retained Spider-Man's heroic nature; perceiving Morbius and Punisher as threats. Though it's implied his human mind was slowly evaporating; given Spider-Man's confusion upon returning to normal.

Thanks to the collaboration of Kraven the Hunter (who had reformed), the Punisher and Doctor Crawford, Spider-Man was returned to his human form, but had to receive special treatments from Doctor Curt Connors every 24 hours to prevent the mutation from reoccurring. When the Vulture attempted to drain Spider-Man's youth and power in a later adventure, Doctor Connors reprogrammed the device that the Vulture was using to absorb the defective genome that had caused the mutation originally, resulting in the Vulture mutating into a Man-Spider (though Vulture somehow managed to permanently get rid of the mutation at some unspecified point before his next appearance) and forever curing Spider-Man of the defective genome.

During the concluding "Spider Wars" storyline of the series, where Spider-Man teamed up with multiple alternate versions of himself at the behest of the Beyonder to save reality from Spider-Carnage, one of his counterparts was still dealing with the mutation crisis. However, unlike the other Spider-Man, this counterpart had made use of his extra arms, giving him four extra web shooters. Unfortunately, he completely transformed into the Man-Spider during the mission before the ailing Beyonder was able to use the last of his power to teleport Man-Spider back to his home dimension.

Man-Spider also briefly appears in Harry Osborn's nightmare in one episode.

Powers and Abilities[]

In the cartoon, Man-Spider was shown spitting acid from his mouth and able to produce webbing from every limb without web-shooters. It can safely be assumed that his strength was increased greatly past Spider-Man's already superhuman levels. Although Man-Spider seemed to have regressed to animalistic intelligence and could not communicate verbally, he retained at least some of Peter Parker's memories and feelings for his loved ones such as Aunt May and Mary Jane (although at one point he confused another redheaded woman with MJ) and even his heroic nature, as seen when he intervened in Morbius' attack on Flash Thompson and Debra Whitman. When persistently hunted and attacked by the Punisher, however, he retaliated ferociously and almost killed him several times. When he saw Flash Thompson after Morbius drained him, Man-Spider seemed to be saying "F-flaaaaaashh" in his roar; suggesting he could speak. When changed back to Spider-Man, it's implied his mind had begun deteriorating after two days as he was confused by his surroundings.

Curiously, when the Vulture absorbed the genome, he transformed to and from his Man-Spider form sporadically, and in one case only partially, and retained his full intelligence, memories and ability to speak (most likely due to the unstable nature of the absorbed DNA).

The comic book version never displayed any noticeably enhanced strength nor acid-spitting; however he retained Peter's consciousness, but was unable at first to overcome his mental conditioning. He managed with some effort to communicate verbally, requesting Ka-Zar to kill him rather than live as a monster (though fortunately he was turned back into Peter before this became necessary).


Man-Spider in Spider-Man: The Animated Series.

Man-Spider in Spider-Man: The Animated Series.

Man-Spider attacking Punisher.

The Vulture mutating into Man-Spider.

The Vulture mutating into Man-Spider.

Alternate universe Spider-Man with six arms.

Alternate universe Spider-Man with six arms.

Man-Spider in Ultimate Spider-Man.

Man-Spider in Ultimate Spider-Man.

Man-Spider roaring.

Man-Spider roaring.





A six-armed Spider-Man seen in the end credits of What If...?

A six-armed Spider-Man seen in the end credits of What If...?


  • A variant of Man-Spider was intended to appear in an episode of the 2021 anthology series, What If...?, where Spider-Man would grow six arms and eventually mutate into Man-Spider. The episode was deemed "too dark" for the show's target audience and was promptly discarded. A still of the six-armed Spider-Man still shows in the end credits of the show's last episode.


          508759 thumb Villains

Abomination | Absorbing Man | Agony | A.I.M. | Alistair Smythe | Annihilus | Answer | Apocalypse | Arcade | Ares | Arnim Zola | Attuma | Assessor | Awesome Android | Baron Mordo | Baron Zemo | Basilisk | Batroc the Leaper | Bedlam | Beetle | Ben Reilly | Beyonder | Big Man | Black Cat | Black Widow | Blackie Drago | Blastaar | Blizzard | Blob | Bolivar Trask | Bombshell | Boomerang | Brotherhood of Mutants | Brothers Grimm | Burglar | Bulldozer | Bullseye | Bushwacker | Burnout | Cadaverous | Calypso | Carlton Drake | Carnage | Carrion | Callix | Chameleon | Charles Weiderman | Chance | Constrictor | Count Nefaria | Cradios | Creature X | Crime-Master | Crimson Dynamo | Crossbones | Cyntros | Cyperion | D'Spayre | Daemos | Dark Avengers | Deadpool (Earth-1610) | Demon Bear | Demogoblin | Destroyer | Diablo | Doctor Doom | Doctor Faustus | Doctor Glitch | Doctor Octopus | Doppelganger | Dormammu | D.K. | Dracula | Dreadknight | Egghead | Electro | Enchantress | Enclave | Enforcers | Equinox | Fancy Dan | Finisher | Firelord | Fixer | Freak | Frightful Four | Foreigner | Gabriel Stacy | Galactus | Gentleman | Ghost | Gibbon | Gog | Goliath | Grant Ward | Graviton | Green Goblin (Norman Osborn (Earth-1610, Earth-14154), Harry Osborn & Bart Hamilton) | Grey Gargoyle | Grizzly | Hallow's Eve | Hammerhead | Hand | Hazmat | High Evolutionary | Hightail | Hitman | Hobgoblin | Hood | Human Fly | Humbug | Hybrid | HYDRA | Hydro-Man | Hypno-Hustler | Ironclad | Impossible Man | Inheritors | Inspector Krahn | Iguana | Itsy Bitsy | Jackal | Jack O' Lantern | Jester | Jigsaw | J. Jonah Jameson | Johnny Ohm | Jonas Harrow | Judas Traveller | Juggernaut | Justin Hammer | Kangaroo | Kang | Kaine | Karn | Killer Shrike | King Cobra | Kingpin | Knull | Kraven the Hunter | Kristoff Vernard | Lady Octopus | Lasher | Lady Deathstrike | Leader | Leap-Frog | Lee Price | Life Foundation | Lightmaster | Living Brain | Living Laser | Lizard ((Earth-65)) | Loki Laufeyson | Loxias Crown | Lucia Von Bardas | Mad Thinker | Madame Masque | Madame Viper | Maestro | Maggia | Magneto | Mandarin | Man-Spider | Man-Wolf | Mania | Masked Marauder | Master Mold | Masters of Evil | Maximus | Medusa | Menace | Mephisto | Mesmero | Mister Brownstone | Mister Fear | Mister Hyde | Mister Negative | M.O.D.O.K. | Mojo | Mole Man | Molten Man | Montana | Moonstone | Morbius | Moria Mactaggert | Morlun | Moses Magnum | Mystique | Mysterio (Quentin Beck, Daniel Berkhart & Francis Klum) | Nebula | Nekra | Nightmare | Niles Van Roekel | Nitro | Onslaught | Orka | Overdrive | Owl | Ox | Panda Mania | Phage | Phil Urich | Piledriver | Princess Python | The Prowler | Psycho-Man | Puma | Punisher | Punisher (Earth-95126) | Puppet Master | Purple Man | Qdessa Drake | Quasimodo | Queen Goblin | Quicksilver | Rabble | Ramrod | The Rattler (Dr. Henry Bingham) | Raze | Red Ghost | Red Skull (Johann Shmidt, Albert Malik) | Rhino | Rhino II | Richard Fisk | Ringer | Ringmaster | Riot | Roland Treece | The Rose | Roxxon Energy Corporation | Sabretooth | Sandman | Sarah Stacy | Sauron | Scarecrow | Scarlet Witch | Scions of Cyttorak | Scorcher | Scorpion | Scorn | Scorpia | Scream | Sebastian Shaw | Secret Empire | Serpent Society | Sentinels | Seth Youngblood | Shathra | Shocker | Shriek | Sin-Eater | Silvermane | Silver Sable | Sinister Six | Sinister Six Suoer Adpatoid | Skaar | Skip Westcott | Skrulls | Skurge | Solus | Songbird | Speed Demon | Spencer Smythe | Patton Parnel | Spidercide | Spider Queen | Spider-Man Revenge Squad | Spider-Slayers | Spot | Star | Stegron | Street | Super-Apes | Super-Skrull | Supercharger | Supernova | Swarm | Symbiotes | Tarantula | Taskmaster | Terminus | Terrax | Thanos | The Thousand | Thunderball | Thunderbolt Ross | Thunderbolts | Tiger Shark | Tinkerer | Titania | Titanium Man | Toad | Tombstone | Trapster | Turner D. Century | Typhoid Mary | Tyrannus | U-Foes | Ultimatum | Ultra Living Brain | Ultron | Vapor | Vanessa Fisk | Vector | Venom (Eddie Brock) | Vera Arlen | Vermin | Vulture | The Wall | Walrus | Whiplash | White Rabbit | Whirlwind | Will-O'-The-Wisp | Wizard | Worthy | Wrecker | X-Ray | Zodiac | Zombie Spider-Man | Zombie Giant-Man | Zip Zephyr | Zzzax

Original Trilogy
Spider-Man: Green Goblin | Dennis Carradine | Harry Osborn
Spider-Man 2: Doctor Octopus (His Tentacles) | Green Goblin | Harry Osborn
Spider-Man 3: Venom (Symbiote Suit) | Sandman | New Goblin | Green Goblin | Dennis Carradine

Reboot Duology
The Amazing Spider-Man: Lizard | Rajit Ratha | Gustav Fiers | Cash Register Thief | Norman Osborn
The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Electro | Green Goblin | Donald Menken | Rhino | Alistair Smythe | Ashley Kafka | Felicia Hardy | Gustav Fiers | Norman Osborn

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Spider-Man: Homecoming: Bestman Salvage (Vulture, Tinkerer, Shocker #1, Shocker #2 & Randy Vale) | Mac Gargan | Aaron Davis
Spider-Man: Far From Home: Mysterio's Crew (Mysterio, William Ginter Riva, Victoria Snow, Gutes Guterman, Janice Lincoln, & Doug, Shanice) | Elementals (Molten Man, Hydro-Man, Sandman, Cyclone & Elemental Fusion) | Skrulls (Talos) | Obadiah Stane
Spider-Man: No Way Home: Earth-96283 (Green Goblin, Sandman & Doctor Octopus (His Tentacles) | Earth-120703 (Electro & Lizard) | Sadie Deever | Venom | Mysterio

Spider-Verse Series
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: Kingpin | Doctor Octopus | Prowler | Tombstone | Scorpion | Green Goblin | Lizard | Jonathan Ohnn
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: Spot | Lizard | Aaron Davis | Prowler | Anomalies (Vulture, Doctor Octopus, Typeface, Mysterio, Green Goblin, Rhino & Kraven the Hunter)

Spider-Man (1967)
Vulture | Green Goblin | Electro | Rhino | Mysterio | Doctor Octopus | Scorpion | Human Fly | Kingpin | Lizard | Spider-Slayer | Sandman | Dr. Matto Magneto | Enforcers (Cowboy & Ox) | Frederick Foswell | Mole Man | J. Jonah Jameson | Infinita

Spider-Man (1981)
Doctor Doom | Kingpin | Doctor Octopus | Lizard | Black Cat | Sandman | Silvermane | Magneto | Mysterio | Ringmaster | Green Goblin | Sidewinder | Kraven the Hunter | Red Skull | Chameleon | Vulture | Hammerhead | Wizard | Medusa

Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (1981)
Green Goblin | Kraven the Hunter | Doctor Doom | Swarm | Chameleon | Electro | Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Blob, Toad, and Mastermind) | Mysterio | Loki Laufeyson | Ymir | Mordred | Kingpin | Doctor Faustus | Red Skull | Juggernaut | Shocker | Sandman | Dracula | Scorpion | Beetle | Doctor Octopus | A.I.M.

Spider-Man: The Animated Series
Kingpin | Norman Osborn (Green Goblin, Green Goblin (Earth-98311), & Harry Osborn) | Hobgoblin & Hobgoblin (Earth-98311) | Venom | Vanessa Fisk | Richard Fisk | Silvermane | Insidious Six (Doctor Octopus, Scorpion, Rhino, Mysterio, Chameleon, Shocker, and Vulture) | Black Cat | Lizard | Morbius | Spider-Slayers (Alistair Smythe) | Carnage | Baron Mordo | Dormammu | Silver Sable | Hydro-Man | Prowler | Doctor Doom | Red Skull | Electro | Hammerhead | Tombstone | Punisher | Kraven the Hunter | Calypso | Herbert Landon | Jackal | Owl | Spot | Beyonder | J. Jonah Jameson | Spider-Man (Earth-98311) | Rocket Racer | Big Wheel

Spider-Man Unlimited
High Evolutionary | Venom | Carnage | Electro | Kraven the Hunter | Green Goblin | Vulture | Man-Wolf | J. Jonah Jameson

Spider-Man: The New Animated Series
Harry Osborn | Electro | Kraven the Hunter | Turbo Jet | Kingpin | Lizard | Shikata | Silver Sable

The Spectacular Spider-Man
Green Goblin | Tombstone | Doctor Octopus | Hammerhead | Venom (Eddie Brock) | Sinister Six (Rhino, Vulture, Electro, Sandman, Mysterio & Kraven the Hunter) | Chameleon | Tinkerer | Enforcers (Shocker, Ricochet, & Ox) | Molten Man | Silvermane | Silver Sable | Harry Osborn | Lizard | J. Jonah Jameson | Black Cat | Miles Warren | Frederick Foswell | Calypso | Roderick Kingsley | Morris Bench | Cletus Kasady

Ultimate Spider-Man
Doctor Octopus | Green Goblin | Harry Osborn | Taskmaster | HYDRA (Arnim Zola, Crossbones, Morbius & Baron Mordo) | Sinister Six (Kraven the Hunter, Rhino, Electro, Beetle, Lizard, Scorpion, Ultimate Green Goblin, Hydro-Man, & Vulture) | Toad | Batroc the Leaper | Frightful Four (Wizard, Trapster, & Klaw) | Juggernaut | Sandman | Venom | Loki Laufeyson | The Collector | Grandmaster | Carnage | Wolf Spider | Shocker | Shriek | Swarm | Dracula | Spider-Slayers (Kaine) | Absorbing Man | Abomination | Annihilus | Arcade | Attuma | Awesome Android | Blastaar | Blizzard | Boomerang | Chitauri | Deadpool | Destroyer | Doctor Doom | Dormammu | Skurge | Enforcers (Montana, Fancy Dan, Ox) | Frost Giants | Grizzly | Hammerhead | Jack O'Lantern | Korvac | The Leader | Living Laser | Man-Wolf | Maximus | Melter | Mesmero | M.O.D.O.K. | Molten Man | Mister Negative | Mysterio | Nightmare | Norma Osborn | Phalanx | Medusa | Sabretooth | Skaar | Galactus | Ulik | Whirlwind | Wrecker | Piledriver | Thunderball | Bulldozer | Ymir | Zodiac (Scorpio) | Zzzax | J. Jonah Jameson

Spider-Man (2017)
Symbiotes (Venom, Scream, Scorn & Mania) | Dark Goblin | Hobgoblin | Doctor Octopus | Vulture/Goblin King | Alistair Smythe | Rhino | Jackal | Hammerhead | Electro | A.I.M. (M.O.D.O.K.) | Spider-Slayers | Lizard | Tinkerer | Swarm | Scorpion | Sinister Six | Kraven the Hunter | Man-Wolf | Silver Sable | Beetle | Spot | Prowler | Molten Man | Mister Negative | Chameleon | HYDRA (Crossbones & Arnim Zola) | Black Cat | Ghost | Blizzard | Absorbing Man | Crimson Dynamo | Overdrive | Mysterio | Jack O'Lantern | Silvermane | Lady Octopus | Paladin | Puma | Shocker | Living Brain | Sandman | Technovore | Baron Mordo | Knull | J. Jonah Jameson

Spidey and His Amazing Friends (2021)
Green Goblin | Doctor Octopus | Rhino | Black Cat | Sandman | Electro | Arnim Zola | Lizard | Trapster

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Otto Octavius | Norman Osborn | The Scorpions (Scorpion & Carmilla Black) | 110th Street Gang (Big Donovan, Bulldozer, & Stevie Sherman) | Symbiotes (Venom) | Butane | Speed Demon | Maria Vasquez | Unicorn | Mikhail Sytsevich | Chameleon | Roxanna Volkov | Harry Osborn | Bentley Wittman | Carla Connors | Vincent Patillo | Thaddeus Ross

Video Games
The Amazing Spider-Man & Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge: Doctor Doom | Electro | Hobgoblin | Rhino | Boomerang | Grey Gargoyle | Oddball | Batroc the Leaper | Mysterio
Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six: Sinister Six (Doctor Octopus, Electro, Hobgoblin, Mysterio, Sandman and Vulture)
Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin: Kingpin | Doctor Octopus | Lizard | Electro | Sandman | Hobgoblin | Venom | Tinkerer | Mysterio | Vulture | Bullseye | Typhoid Mary
Spider-Man & X-Men: Arcade's Revenge: Arcade | Carnage | Rhino | Apocalypse | Juggernaut | Selene Gallio | Sentinels | Master Mold
Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage: Carnage | Shriek | Doppelganger | Demogoblin | Carrion
Spider-Man and Venom: Separation Anxiety: The Jury | Sentry | Ramshot | Screech | Bomblast | Firearm | Wysper | Life Foundation | Symbiotes (Carnage | Riot | Phage | Lasher | Agony | Scream)
Spider-Man (2000): Doctor Octopus | Symbiotes (Carnage and Venom) | Jade Syndicate | Scorpion | Rhino | Mysterio, J. Jonah Jameson, Lizard
Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro: Electro | Beetle | Hammerhead | Lizard | Sandman | Shocker
Spider-Man (2002): Green Goblin | Shocker's Gang (Shocker and Vick) | Vulture | Hunter Killer Robots | Scorpion | Kraven the Hunter | Dr. Mendel Stromm | Skulls (Dennis Carradine) | Harry Osborn | Green Goblin (Green Goblin Mode)
Spider-Man 2: Doctor Octopus | Harry Osborn | Rhino | Mysterio | Shocker's Gang (Shocker) | Puma | Vulture | Calypso | Lizard | Rosa
Ultimate Spider-Man: Trask Industries (Bolivar Trask, Venom, Adrian Toomes and R.H.I.N.O.) | Wild Pack (Silver Sable) | Shocker | Electro | Beetle | Green Goblin | Boomerang | Sandman | Carnage | Yancy Street Gang
Spider-Man: Battle for New York: | Green Goblin | Kingpin | Silver Sable | Demogoblin | Simian Sentry
Spider-Man 3: | Venom (Symbiote Suit) | Sandman | New Goblin | Lizard | Kraven the Hunter | Calypso | Kingpin | Waste Tribe (Morbius and Shriek) | H-Bombers (Mad Bomber) | Electro | MechaBioCon (Dr. Stillwell, Scorpion, and Rhino) | Apocalypse Gang (Apocalypse Leader) | Arsenic Candy Gang (Priscilla) | Order of the Dragon Tail (Dragon Tail Leader) | Voodoo Gang | Dirty Cops
Spider-Man: Friend or Foe: | Mysterio | Perpetual Holographic Avatar / NanoTech Offensive Monsters | Venom | Green Goblin | Doctor Octopus | Sandman | Scorpion | Rhino | Carnage | Electro
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows: Spider-Man | Symbiotes (Venom) | Kingpin | Black Cat | Vulture | Electro | Tinkerer | Rhino
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions: Mysterio | Kraven the Hunter | Hammerhead | Hobgoblin | Electro | Sandman | Vulture | Scorpion | Deadpool | Juggernaut | Silver Sable | Goblin | Serena Patel | Carnage
Spider-Man: Edge of Time: Peter Parker | Atrocity | Walker Sloan | Anti-Venom | Doctor Octopus | Black Cat
The Amazing Spider-Man: S-Bots (Alistair Smythe) | Lizard | Rhino | Vermin | Scorpion | Black Cat | Iguana | Nattie | Sandman | Venom
The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Carnage | Kingpin | Green Goblin | Shocker | Kraven the Hunter | Black Cat | Electro | Chameleon | Norman Osborn | Cash Register Thief | Rhino | Hammerhead | Venom | Screwball | Donald Menken | Mysterio
Heroes of Robloxia: Vulture | Bestman Salvage | Darkmatter | Dynamo | Atomic Waste | Cicada | Bug Thugs | Uranium Monsters | Mutated Laborers | Museum Robbers

See Also
Black Cat Villains | Cloak & Dagger Villains | Marvel Cinematic Universe Villains | Marvel's Spider-Man Villains | Morbius: The Living Vampire Villains | Prowler Villains | Punisher Villains | Scarlet Spider Villains | Silk Villains | Silver Sable Villains | Solo Villains | Sony's Spider-Man Universe Villains | Spider-Girl Villains | Spider-Gwen Villains | Spider-Man 2099 Villains | Spider-Man Noir Villains | Spider-Woman Villains | Toei's Spider-Man Villains | Venom Villains