
TGN Full Record Display, English (Getty Research)

131.233  feet    40.0000  meters

Note: Occupied by Samnites, then by Romans 312 BCE; sacked by Hannibal 208 BCE; reconstructed & flourished in Imperial period through patronage of Ummidi family; site of important Benedictine monastery, established in 529 CE as center for arts & learning.

Cassino (preferred,C,V)
Casinum (H,V)  ............ from Volscian period to 6th century
Castel San Pietro (H,V)
Castrum Casinum (H,V)
Eulogomenopolis (H,V)
San Germano (H,V)  ............ name used from Middle Ages until 19th cen.
S. Germano (H,V)

Hierarchical Position:
 ............  Lazio (region (administrative division)) (P)
 ....................  Cassino (inhabited place) (P)

Place Types:
inhabited place (preferred, C)  ............  was a Volscian city of Oscan origin, ca. 6th-7th cen. BC
town (C)  ............  since Roman period
archaeological site (C)  ............  remains of Roman city, theater, amphitheater, temple dating from Volscian period, medieval manuscripts & tomb of St. Benedict
cultural center (H)  ............  during Middle Ages
battlefield (H)  ............  heavy fighting during WW II; monastery placed on hill forming part of German line barring Allied road to Rome
Ancient Roman (H)
Volscan (H)

Related geographic places:
located on ....  Via Latina .......... (road)
..................  (World, Europe, Italy) [6006328]

Sources and Contributors:
Cassino..........  [BHA, FDA, GRLPSC, VP Preferred]
.................  Annuario Generale (1980)
.................  Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer (1961)
.................  National Gallery of Art database, Washington (1987-)
.................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
.................  Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites (1979)
.................  Times Atlas of the World. Reprint ed. (1994) 40
.................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1984)
Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer (1961) New Search