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ID: 500122354
Page Link: http://vocab.getty.edu/page/ulan/500122354


Record Type: Person
Louis XV, King of France (French king, 1710-1774)

Note: Of the House of Bourbon, son of Louis, duc de Bourgogne and Dauphin of France and Marie Adélaïde of Savoy. He succeeded his great-grandfather Louis XIV at the age of five; the kingdom was ruled by Philippe II, Duke of Orléans as Regent of France until 1723. He was a patron particularly of architecture and decorative arts.
, ,

Louis XV, King of France (preferred,V,display,LC,English-P,NA,U)
Louis XV, roi de France (V,French-P,NA,U)
Louis XV (V)
Ludvík, XV, King of France (U)
Ludwik, XV, King of France (U)
Louis the Beloved (VP,English,NA,U)
Louis le bien aimé (VP,French,NA,U)
Louis XV, koning van Frankrijk (V,Dutch,NA,U)
Ludwig XV. Frankreich, König (V,German,NA,U)
Louis XV, re di Francia (V,Italian,NA,U)

king (preferred)


Related People or Corporate Bodies:
court artist was ....  Gabriel, Ange-Jacques  
............................  (French architect, 1698-1782) [500021492]
grandchild of ....  Louis de Bourbon  
........................  (French ruler, patron, and collector, 1661-1711) [500122353]
member of ....  Bourbon, House of  
................  (French and Spanish rulers, patrons, 1589-1792, 1700-1830 ) [500122257]
patron of ....  Gautier, Gerard  
................  (French sculptor 1723-1795) [500052716]
patron of ....  Jacques Caffieri  
................  (French sculptor, 1678-1755) [500055244]
patron of ....  Oeben, Jean-François  
................  (French master ébéniste, 1721-1763, of German birth) [500022758]
patron of ....  Verberckt, Jacques  
................  (Flemish sculptor and ornamentalist, 1704-1771) [500089366]

List/Hierarchical Position:
(French king, 1710-1774) ..... [VP Preferred]
(French king, 1710-1774) ..... [AVERY]
(artist, 1710-1774) ..... [GRL]