
MI5010 - TekWiki

The Tektronix MI5010 is a multifunction interface plug-in for the TM5000 system. It accepts up to three 50M-series function cards. The MX5010 extender adds three more function card slots.

The plugins include

  • 50M10 - 12 bit A/D Converter
  • 50M20 - 12 bit D/A Converter
  • 50M30 - 16 lane Digital I/O
  • 50M40 - Relay Scanner
  • 50M41 - Low Level Relay Scanner
  • 50M50 - Programmable Memory. 16K byte as one 16-bit or two 8-bit I/O ports; intended to be used as a digital word generator and/or data acquisition buffer. Can be used as a waveform generator with the 50M20 D/A or as a waveform digitizer with the 50M10 A/D.
  • 50M70 - Development Card

Key Specifications

  • please add


  • Programmable V/I source
  • Real time clock
  • Triggered events
  • Buffered mode for unattended (controllerless) operation
  • Programmable handshake


The MI5010 shares the GPIB/CPU board A20 (670-7199-00) with the SI5010.


Documents Referencing MI5010

Document Class Title Year Links
Tekscope 1981 V13 N3.pdf Article TM 5000-A New Family of IEEE-488 Programmable Instruments Bob Metzler 1981 4041 TM5003 TM5006 PS5010 FG5010 DC5010 DM5010 MI5010 MX5010 SI5010 50M30 50M40 50M70
Tekniques vol.6 no.1.pdf Article 4050 Controls New Generation of Programmable Instruments for Measurement Automation 1982 4051 4052 TM5000 system TM5003 TM5006 DM5010 DC5009 DC5010 FG5010 PS5010 SI5010 MI5010 MX5010
070-2088-04.pdf Book TM500 Series Rear Interface Data Book 1985 AA501 AF501 AM501 AM502 AM503 AM511 DC501 DC502 DC503 DC503A DC504 DC505 DC505A DC508 DC508A DC509 DC510 DC5009 DC5010 DD501 DL502 DM501 DM501A DM502 DM502A DM505 DM5010 FG501 FG501A FG502 FG503 FG504 FG507 FG5010 LA501 LA501W WR501 MR501 PG501 PG502 PG505 PG506 PG507 PG508 PS501 PS502 PS503 PS503A PS505 PS5010 RG501 SC501 SC502 SC503 SC504 SG502 SG503 SG504 SG505 SW503 TG501 TR501 TR502 MI5010 MX5010 SI5010
Handshake spring 1986.pdf Article Digital pulse-echo techniques for advanced composites John L. Cline R.L. Carlsen 1986 7A16P 7612D 624 4041 4907 MI5010 50M30 TM5003

Documents Referencing MX5010

Document Class Title Authors Year Links
Tekscope 1981 V13 N3.pdf Article TM 5000-A New Family of IEEE-488 Programmable Instruments Bob Metzler 1981 4041 TM5003 TM5006 PS5010 FG5010 DC5010 DM5010 MI5010 MX5010 SI5010 50M30 50M40 50M70
Tekniques vol.6 no.1.pdf Article 4050 Controls New Generation of Programmable Instruments for Measurement Automation 1982 4051 4052 TM5000 system TM5003 TM5006 DM5010 DC5009 DC5010 FG5010 PS5010 SI5010 MI5010 MX5010
070-2088-04.pdf Book TM500 Series Rear Interface Data Book 1985 AA501 AF501 AM501 AM502 AM503 AM511 DC501 DC502 DC503 DC503A DC504 DC505 DC505A DC508 DC508A DC509 DC510 DC5009 DC5010 DD501 DL502 DM501 DM501A DM502 DM502A DM505 DM5010 FG501 FG501A FG502 FG503 FG504 FG507 FG5010 LA501 LA501W WR501 MR501 PG501 PG502 PG505 PG506 PG507 PG508 PS501 PS502 PS503 PS503A PS505 PS5010 RG501 SC501 SC502 SC503 SC504 SG502 SG503 SG504 SG505 SW503 TG501 TR501 TR502 MI5010 MX5010 SI5010



Some Parts Used in the MI5010

Part Part Number(s) Class Description Used in
MOS Technology 6522 156-1539-00 Monolithic integrated circuit "Versatile Interface Adapter (VIA)" FG5010 MI5010 SI5010 Keithley 181 Keithley 181A Keithley 192 Keithley 193A Keithley 195 Keithley 195A Keithley 196 Keithley 199 Keithley 220 Keithley 224 Keithley 230
Motorola 6800 156-0426-00 156-0426-04 156-2413-00 156-5472-01 Monolithic integrated circuit 8-bit microprocessor 021-0206-00 021-0374-00 067-0902-00 067-1137-99 222 222A 222PS 2424L 2445 2465 2467 4051 4662 4663 7250 7912 7912AD 7A16P 7A29P 7B81P 7B90P 833 834 835 836 CG5001 CG551AP CG5010 CG5011 DF1 DF2 DM5010 FG5010 MI5010 SI5010 PS5004 PS5010 SG5010 Keithley 181 Keithley 182 Keithley 175 Keithley 175A Keithley 191 Keithley 192 Keithley 195 Keithley 195A Keithley 197 Keithley 220 Keithley 224 Keithley 230 Keithley 263 Keithley 485 Keithley 580 Keithley 617 TDS520
TMS9914 156-1444-00 156-1444-01 Monolithic integrated circuit GPIB controller 11301 11301A 11302 11302A 2221 2230 2424L 2440 4052A 4054A 021-0374-00 067-1137-99 AM700 DC5009 DC5010 DM5010 DM5110 DM5120 DM5520 FG5010 MI5010 SG5010 SG5030 SI5010 PS5004 PS5010 Keithley 182 Keithley 193A Keithley 195 Keithley 195A Keithley 196 Keithley 197 Keithley 199 Keithley 220 Keithley 224 Keithley 230 Keithley 263 Keithley 617 TDS420 TDS460 TDS520