Wales Green Party - for a fairer, greener Wales
- ️Tue Jan 28 2025
We’re fighting for a fairer, greener Wales.
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- Labour’s dash for nuclear lays bare corporations capture of government
by samcoates
7th February 2025Wales Green Party has condemned UK Government plans to water down nuclear power safeguards as “a reckless step by a government openly flaunting its corporate capture”. Linda Rogers, deputy leader of Wales Green Party said: “This news is a cynical move by an industry that can’t pay its way, looking desperately for a purpose. “The… Read more: Labour’s dash for nuclear lays bare corporations capture of government
- Wales Green Party elects leadership team
by samcoates
28th October 2024Following a ballot of members Wales Green Party has announced that Anthony Slaughter has been re-elected for a third term as the party’s leader. The party has also elected two co-deputy leaders Philip Davies and Linda Rogers. Speaking after the results were announced Anthony Slaughter said: “I am proud and excited to have been re-elected… Read more: Wales Green Party elects leadership team
- Publicly owned steel needed for economic transition say Welsh Greens
by samcoates
10th September 2024Responding to today’s news of the UK government’s planned £500m subsidy for Tata Steel, Anthony Slaughter, leader of Wales Green Party said: “During the election, Labour promised again and again they would protect the future of steel production in Wales. The Welsh Labour Government assured us that a Labour administration at the other end of… Read more: Publicly owned steel needed for economic transition say Welsh Greens
- “mired in scandal and controversy since day one” – Green Party responds to Welsh First Minister’s resignation
by samcoates
18th July 2024Responding to the news that the Welsh First Minister, Vaughan Gething, has resigned, Wales Green Party Leader, Anthony Slaughter said, “After over three months of chaos at the heart of Welsh Government the news that Vaughan Gething has finally resigned following the resignation of four ministers this morning is to be welcomed, but questions must be asked… Read more: “mired in scandal and controversy since day one” – Green Party responds to Welsh First Minister’s resignation
- Cwmbrân local, 28, is new Welsh Greens deputy leader
by samcoates
29th February 2024
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