
A Looming Threat (Alliance)

  • ️Tue Jul 17 2018

War of the Thorns

AllianceA Looming Threat
Start Captain Delaryn Summermoon
End Malfurion Stormrage
Level 110 (Requires 110)
Category Warchief's Agenda
Experience 1,650
Reputation +10 Alliance
Rewards 1g 94s
Previous A [110] Long Away
Next A [110] A Threat from the North

A Looming Threat approaches in the form of the Horde, so rally some defenders!


Rally the kaldorei forces in Darnassus.


If we hope to push the Horde out of our lands, we must call upon all the strength our people have to offer.

Go, seek out the druids, the priestesses, our sentinels! Make the call to arms, and watch as the kaldorei rise to action. Only together can we hope to end the stalemate at the Wildbend River.

When you are finished, report to Malfurion Stormrage. He awaits our fleet in Rut'theran Village.


You will receive:


No matter the odds, we must stay strong.


At Cenarion Enclave, speak with Janthes Shadeleaf. He is surrounded by Ancient Protectors, Darnassian Protectors, Laughing Sisters, and Druids of the Claw.

I can hear the drums of war echoing throughout the forest. The druids of the claw stand ready to protect this land from all who would destroy it!

Gossip The Horde have halted their advance at the Wildbend River! We must push them back at once!

Janthes Shadeleaf says: Darkshore is under attack! We must move swiftly to protect our forest!
His companions transform, buff, and charge away.
Janthes Shadeleaf says: Rally together our forest allies! The world tree must be preserved!

At Warrior's Terrace, Myara Sunsong is with Darnassian Huntresses, Darnassus Sentinels, Darnassian Archers, Hippogryph Archers, and Glaive Throwers.

Greetings. Do you seek instruction in art[sic] of war?

Gossip Captain, the Horde have reached the Wildbend River! We cannot hold them for long!

Myara Sunsong says: We must take action! Sentinels, forward face!
Myara Sunsong says: Huntresses, you are to reinforce the southern border of Darkshore! Bring the Glaive Throwers!
Myara Sunsong says: Sentinels, create a battle line at the Wildbend River! Rouse our allies at the Grove of the Ancients!
Myara Sunsong says: Hippogryph Archers, come with me. We will regroup in Lor'danel and remain vigilant as a mobile response unit!
Myara Sunsong says: That leaves you, hero. Report back to Captain Summermoon and reinforce that border!

In front of the temple, speak with Astarii Starseeker, who is accompanied by Priestesses of the Moon.

Elune be with you, <class>.

Gossip Priestess, we require your aid to hold the Horde at Wildbend River.

Astarii Starseeker says: Darkshore is under attack! Send word to the High Priestess at once!
Astarii Starseeker says: Sisters, come with me! We must protect our lands from the Horde!

Take the teleporter back to Rut'theran Village and find Malfurion at the dock to the east. There are ships full of Darnassus Sentinels and Priestesses of the Moon.

Upon completion

Week 1 section only:

Malfurion Stormrage says: Our fleet has returned from Silithus. Elune be praised! Their might is sorely needed.
Malfurion Stormrage says: King Anduin will send his soldiers to aid us. We must hold our ground until they arrive.


Malfurion Stormrage says: Your deeds will not be forgotten by the kaldorei, <name>. The aid you lend in these dark times could make all the difference.
Captain Delaryn Summermoon says: May our will be stronger than their machines of war.
Malfurion Stormrage says: A war is not won or lost in a single battle. Our day will come.

Upon completion of this quest, world quests are available in Darkshore. See the world quests section of War of the Thorns for a list of what can appear.

The chain will continue next week, when Captain Delaryn Summermoon offers the next quest, A [110] A Threat from the North.


  1. A [110] A Short-Lived Peace (starts July 24/25)
  2. A [110] The Horde Uprising
  3. A [110] A Disturbance in Ashenvale
  4. A [110] The Light of Elune & A [110] Knives of the Forsaken
  5. A [110] A Soft Glow
  6. Complete both:
  7. A [110] Garden Grove
  8. Complete both:
  9. A [110] The Wake of Something New
  10. Complete both:
  11. A [110] Malfurion Returns
  12. A [110] "Rock" The World
  13. A [110] Long Away
  14. A [110] A Looming Threat
  15. A [110] A Threat from the North (starts July 31/Aug 1)
  16. Complete all of:
  17. A [110] The Guidance of Our Shan'do
  18. A [110] A Flicker of Hope
  19. A [110] From the Ashes...

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


Regroup with Malfurion and Delaryn at Lor'danel.


For every foe we slay, two more take their place.

We are too few in number to stand toe to toe. We must fall back, <name>. Strategy can yet overcome numbers.

We will regroup at Lor'danel. I will send for Delaryn.

Patch changes

  • BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Added.
    Activated 2018-07-24.

External links