A Timeless Question
- ️Tue Sep 10 2013
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Start | Senior Historian Evelyna [65.5, 49.1] |
End | Senior Historian Evelyna [65.5, 49.1] |
Level | 30-35 |
Type | Daily |
Category | Timeless Isle |
Experience | 471000 |
Rewards |
45![]() ![]() ![]() |
Repeatable | Yes |
Correctly answer one of Evelyna's questions about the history of Azeroth.
- Answered Evelyna's question
Destiny. Fate. Karma. Words like these imply that the timeways are unassailable.
Would that were the case. To this day, many of Azeroth's inhabitants yearn to change the past. Yet just as our experiences shape us, they also shape the world around us.
Consider how those threads have woven the fabric of today's reality. Cut enough threads, and causation inevitably fails, unraveling that fabric. Indeed, cutting even a single thread short can result in disaster, provided it is the right thread.
You will receive:
Let us speak, then, of events that have already come to pass.
This is the great buren of the Historian - should Azeroth's timeways come under attack, we must reconstruct history exactly as it happened, or the consequences could be dire. As we spread our stories and knowledge, so do we create a future for us all.
- Wrong
- Right
That is correct!
There are a huge number of possible questions! The correct answer is in bold type.
- Let us test your knowledge of history, then!
- Arthas's death knights were trained in a floating citadel that was taken by force when many of them rebelled against the Lich King. What was the fortress's name?
- Before Ripsnarl became a worgen, he had a family. What was his wife's name?
- Emma Harrington. Calissa Harrington. Vanessa Whitehall. Katrina Whitehall.
- Before she was raised from the dead by Arthas to serve the Scourge, Sindragosa was part of what dragonflight?
- Before the original Horde formed, a highly contagious sickness began spreading rapidly among the orcs. What did the orcs call it?
- Scarlet fever. Blood pox. Crimson fever. Red pox.
- Brown-skinned orcs first began showing up on Azeroth several years after the Third War, when the Dark Portal was reactivated. What are these orcs called?
- Mag'har. Felbood. Mok'Nathal. Fel orc.
- Formerly a healthy paladin, this draenei fell ill after fighting the Burning Legion and becoming one of the Broken. He later became a powerful shaman.
- In Taur-ahe, the language of the tauren, what does lar'korwi mean?
- Sharp claw. Razor tooth. Sharp tooth. Razor claw.
- In the assault on Icecrown, Horde forces dishonorably attacked Alliance forces who were busy fighting the Scourge and trying to capture this gate.
- Name the homeworld of the ethereals.
- Name the titan lore-keeper who was a member of the elite Pantheon.
- Not long ago, this frail Zandalari troll sought to tame a direhorn. Although he journeyed to the Isle of Giants, he was slain in his quest. What was his name?
- Maaka. Grimath. Talak. Ra'wiri.
- One name for this loa is "Night's Friend".
- Succubus demons revel in causing anguish, and they serve the Legion by conducting nightmarish interrogations. What species is the succubus?
- Tell me, hero, what are undead murlocs called?
- Gorlocs. Mur'ghouls. Wolvar. Mur'liches.
- Thane Kurdran Wildhammer recently suffered a tragic loss when his valiant gryphon was killed in a fire. What was this gryphon's name?
- The draenei like to joke that in the language of the naaru, the word Exodar has this meaning.
- Defective elekk turd. Crystal death trap. Worthless elekk dung. Radioactive biohazard.
- The Ironforge library features a replica of an unusually large ram's skeleton. What was the name of this legendary ram?
- Gorehoof. Toothgnasher. Bloodhorn. Steelmauler.
- This defender of the Scarlet Crusade was killed while slaying the dreadlord Beltheris.
- This emissary of the Horde felt that Silvermoon City was a little too bright and clean.
- This Horde ship was crafted by goblins. Originally intended to bring Thrall and Aggra to the Maelstrom, the ship was destroyed in a surprise attack by the Alliance.
- Draka's Fury. Hellscream's Fury. Aggra's Fury. Durotan's Fury.
- This queen oversaw the evacuation of her people after the Cataclysm struck and the Forsaken attacked her nation.
- Queen Lia Greymane. Queen Malia Greymane. Queen Liria Greymane. Queen Mia Greymane.
- This structure, located in Zangarmarsh, was controlled by naga who sought to drain a precious and limited resource: the water of Outland.
- Snakecoil Cavern. Serpentine Basin. Coilfang Reservoir. Spiralfang Cistern.
- What did the Dragon Aspects give the night elves after the War of the Ancients?
- What evidence drove Prince Arthas to slaughter the people of Stratholme during the Third War?
- Tainted soil. Tainted wildlife. Tainted water. Tainted grain.
- What is the highest rank bestowed on a druid?
- What is the name of Tirion Fordring's gray stallion?
- Ashanor. Mistsilver. Feonir. Mirador.
- What phrase means "Thank you" in Draconic, the language of dragons?
- Borela mir. Belan shi. Avral shi. Alena mir.
- Which of these is the correct name for King Varian Wrynn's first wife?
- Tiffin Windermere Wrynn. Therese Anne Wrynn. Therese Angharad Wrynn. Tiffin Ellerian Wrynn.
- While working as a tutor, Stalvan Mistmantle became obsessed with one of his students, a young woman named Tilloa. What was the name of her younger brother?
- White wolves were once the favored mounts of which clan?
- Whiteclaw clan. Warsong clan. Frostwolf clan. Icefang clan.
- Who is the current leader of the gnomish people?
- Whose tomb includes the inscription "May the bloodied crown stay lost and forgotten"?
- Prince Arthas Menethil. King Llane Wrynn. Uther the Lightbringer. King Terenas Menethil II.
- Who was the first death knight to be created on Azeroth?
- Who was the first satyr to be created?
- Who was the mighty proto-dragon captured by Loken and transformed into Razorscale?
- Who were the three young twilight drakes guarding twilight dragon eggs in the Obsidian Sanctum?
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[30-35] Time Keeper Kairoz
[30-35] A Timeless Tour &
[30-35] Time In Your Hands
[30-35] The Essence of Time
[30-35W] Empowering the Hourglass
- Next quest in the series
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[30-35] Refining The Vision
[30-35] Seeking Fate
[30-35] Hidden Threads
[30-35] Courting Destiny
[30-35] One Final Turn
[30-35] The Last Emperor
[30-35] Timeless Nutriment
[30-35] Wayshrines Of The Celestials
[30-35G Daily] Path of the Mistwalker
[30-35] Drive Back The Flame
[30-35G] The Archiereus Of Flame
Rolo's Riddle:
[30-35] Rolo's Riddle
[30-35] Rolo's Riddle
[30-35] Rolo's Riddle
One-off daily/weekly quests:
[30-35 Daily] A Timeless Question
[1-80W] The Celestial Tournament
Great Chef Woo's repeatables
[30-35] Meaty Crane Leg
[30-35] Great Turtle Meat
[30-35] Heavy Yak Flank
[30-35] Thick Tiger Haunch
[30-35] Pristine Firestorm Egg
Patch changes
Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Added.
See also
[1-80 Daily] A Time to Reflect
External links
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