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Dragon Queen (or Dragonqueen), Queen of the Dragons, Life-Binder, Aspect of Life, Queen Of Life, Red Aspect,[1] Life-Giver,[2] She Who Is Life,[3] "The Red Leviathan",[4] Scarlet Broodmother[5] |
Gender | Female |
Race(s) | Red dragon / Wyrm (Dragonkin) |
Resource | Mana |
Reaction | Alliance Horde |
Affiliation(s) | Dragon Aspects, Red dragonflight, Wyrmrest Accord, Valdrakken Accord, Dream Wardens |
Occupation | Queen of dragons, Leader of the red dragonflight, Aspect of the red dragonflight, Guardian of life on Azeroth |
Location | Various |
Status | Alive |
Relative(s) |
Tyranastrasz (first former prime consort), Korialstrasz (second former prime consort), Caelestrasz, Vaelastrasz (sons), Ysera (sister), Dralad (brother), Merithra (niece), Fyrakk (cousin)[6] Numerous other draconic children |
Companion(s) | Handmaidens |
“Life is my Aspect, Dark One, and I, like all mothers, know both the pain and wonders that entails! For the past several years, I have watched my children be raised as instruments of war, slaughtered if they proved insufficient or too willful! I have lived knowing that so many died that I could do nothing for!”
- — Alexstrasza
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder is one of the six Dragon Aspects and leader of the red dragonflight, having been one of the original five dragons chosen by the Pantheon of Order to be imbued with a portion of their power. Each aspect was given a specific charge, Eonar The Life-Binder granted Alexstrasza power over life, and so she became the guardian of all living things throughout the world. She was also appointed as queen of all dragons. Her visage is that of a high elf.[7][8]
During the Nexus War, Alexstrasza resided at the top of the Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight, a place considered a holy ground for all dragonflights. No longer content to simply watch over the mortal races, she took direct action in bringing dragonkin together to battle the blue dragonflight and its crazed Aspect, Malygos. She also played a role throughout the war against the Lich King, including the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate, where she had inadvertently led to the reanimation of Bolvar Fordragon.
During the Cataclysm, she played a pivotal role through the War against Deathwing, having committed her dragonflight towards combating their corrupted brethren within the black dragonflight. This culminated in her directly confronting Deathwing within the Twilight Highlands, though it ended in both aspects being greatly wounded. Alongside Thrall, Alexstrasza and the other Dragon Aspects were able to utilize the Demon Soul in order to vanquish Deathwing during a fateful encounter at the Maelstrom. The aspects had given up the power granted to them by the Pantheon in order to defeat Deathwing, and so Alexstrasza passed on her legacy to the mortals of the world.[9]
Later, she returned to the Dragon Isles upon their awakening to assist against the threat of the Primal Incarnates. Following the blooming of Amirdrassil, she and the Dragon Aspects were once again empowered, this time by Azeroth herself.
Dawn of the Aspects (past)
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Alexstrasza and her sister Ysera, protecting eggs from a proto-dragon.
In Azeroth's ancient past, the Dragon Aspects were proto-dragons who stood united against a foe who threatened their entire species: the bloodthirsty Father of Dragons, Galakrond.[10]
Alexstrasza, her brother Dralad, and her younger sister Ysera were the only three survivors of their clutch. Ysera was sick and smaller than average, and Alexstrasza watched out for her. Their cousin Fyrakk taught Alexstrasza how to hunt.[11] Alexstrasza's best friend was Vyranoth, and her mate was Tyranastrasz.[12]
Alexstrasza was one of the more intelligent of proto-dragons, capable of broken speech unlike most of the other, more animal-like of her kind. When one of her clutch brothers went missing, Alexstrasza searched to find him and met with Malygos. The two were attacked by a savage gray proto-dragon, and though they fought it off Alexstrasza noted that it was frightened of something. Alexstrasza and Malygos would later find her brother, though he was a shriveled husk of flesh and bone.
Some time later, dozens of proto-dragons hunted caribou, Alexstrasza and Ysera included. While Alexstrasza would offer Ysera her kills, Ysera declined. Ysera approached Malygos to ask him about her brother's corpse, which Malygos had found alongside Alexstrasza. She said that there was another corpse she and Alexstrasza had found, though Alexstrasza reprimanded her, saying they had agreed not to speak of that. The two argued, but they were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Galakrond. After the gigantic terror had flown away, a confident grey proto-dragon named Neltharion taunted them all for being afraid.
Ysera and Alexstrasza would later come across the shriveled up corpses of two proto-dragons, including Malygos's old companion Tarys. A small and terrified purple proto-dragon insisted that Galakrond had devoured the dead dragons, which matched theories Malygos had expressed to the two sisters. They went to fetch Malygos so he could meet the purple dragon. After his arrival, the corpses stirred and attacked as undead. Alexstrasza, Malygos, and Ysera tore them apart.
Like the other proto-dragons Alexstrasza would gather under the command of Talonixa. While her sister believed that peace could made with Galakrond and the not-living. Alexstrasza knew that fighting was the only option, however, she vowed to not fight like Talonixa. When Ysera was given a chance to speak her idea of peace, Alexstrasza was worried about Talonixa's reaction. Alexstrasza became outraged that Coros, who encouraged Ysera, did not stand with her. While seemingly supporting her, Malygos later learned that Coros used the meeting as a distraction so that he could join up Galakrond unnoticed following its conclusion in which Talonixa swayed the other proto-dragons to her side on fighting Galakrond.
Witnessing Coros's betrayal and subsequent devouring by Galakrond, Malygos would return to the others only to find Ysera and Talonixa in conflict over the fate of the bitten proto-dragons who had begun to act like Galakrond. Alexstrasza found herself agreeing with Talonixa over the issue. Seeming to agree with Ysera's desire for them to still live, Talonixa decreed that the bitten would have to be quarantined for the safety of everyone else. Alexstrasza watched the bitten dragons be herded into a canyon. She was shocked to see Talonixa collapse it and killing all those trapped inside.
Alexstrasza would then later save her sister from Galakrond, after Ysera tried to plead peace even as the proto-dragon army fought the not-living. As Galakrond began to fight the proto-dragon army, the Watcher Tyr used one of the not-living to catch the sister's attention.
Some time after, Malygos found his way to the three of them, and Ysera attacked him when he tried to kill the bound undead proto-dragon. As Tyr spoke with Malygos, Ysera freed the undead proto-dragon in order to make it see reason, an action which could have killed her if not for Malygos's timely intervention. After destroying the undead Malygos briefly succumbed to the hunger for flesh, but Ysera was able to recall him to his senses and Malygos was then cured by Tyr. Tyr then proposed hunting Galakrond and decided to stand by the proto-dragons this time, revealing a war hammer from beneath his cloak. Lastly, he pulled out an octagonal artifact, moving it to the three proto-dragons as it glowed, with the promise that he was "trying to ensure some future."
Alexstrasza would witness Galakrond returning outside the cavern, chasing Neltharion and Nozdormu. Malygos and Tyr moved to the entrance to witness their battle, and Tyr was overjoyed at the proto-dragons' coordination. Alexstrasza, Malygos and a now full-sized Tyr joined in the battle. Temporarily stunning Galakrond with his hammer, Tyr ordered the proto-dragons to flee as he stayed to battle the monster.
An unknown time later, Tyr met with the five proto-dragons, informing them that Galakrond was sleeping in a mountain range to the north and that it was the perfect time to attack. He told them to eat before doing so, and just before they left Tyr held the octagonal artifact before Nozdormu and Neltharion as he had to the others before. After doing so, Tyr vanished in the blink of an eye.
Tyr and the proto-dragons met up near Galakrond's slumbering place, which Kalecgos would later note in his visions was nowhere near Galakrond's Rest. Save for Ysera, they all began the battle against Galakrond, who had grown larger and even more mutated than before. Throughout the battle, the octagonal object on Tyr's belt glowed ever brighter. When Galakrond suddenly expanded in size without warning, Tyr's hammer could no longer harm him. With a flap of wings, Galakrond called up a massive wind that scattered the fighters. Ysera suddenly appeared and Galakrond attempted to devour her, but Tyr silenced his laughter with a mighty blow from his hammer. Tyr pulled Galakrond to the ground and began to mercilessly beat him even as Galakrond began mutating further - as he began to resemble a true dragon.
In the battle, Tyr's hammer and the strange artifact were knocked free from his person. Tyr reached to grab the artifact, just as Galakrond's massive maw came within range and the monster clamped down on Tyr's hand. Malygos moved to save Tyr, examining the bloody stump as Galakrond roared in triumph and grew ever larger. An unconscious Tyr was brought to a frozen lake by the proto-dragons, only to vanish from the shore. After being attacked by two not-living Alexstrasza and the others found they could not find Tyr where they left him, concluding that some beast must have taken him for food.
Alexstrasza becoming the first dragon of Azeroth.
After recuperating Alexstrasza and the others decide to hunt down Galakrond in order to kill him once and for all or die trying. It was during this time that Malygos feeling burdened by leadership role cast upon him gave it to Alexstrasza, after she took charge in response to his unvoiced question. Alexstrasza, along with the others would be stunned to learn that Galakrond had begun to devour the not-living in order to feed his hunger and shortly after would engage in battle with the behemoth. During the battle, Galakrond would ultimately be killed after Malygos and Neltharion forced a boulder down his throat.
After killing Galakrond Alexstrasza and the others were approached by two other watchers, who revealed that they had taken Tyr to help him. Agreeing to protect Azeroth with her friends the two watchers were joined by two others and the titans acted through the keepers to transform Alexstrasza and the others into the Dragon Aspects. Freya channeled the powers of Eonar into Alexstrasza, making her the warden of life. Since she had led the proto-dragons in the last assault against Galakrond, Alexstrasza was made the Dragonqueen.[13] One of the Aspects first actions was to encourage the rumor that they had been formed from Galakrond. This was done to prevent the truth about Galakrond from leaking to ensure no one would follow in the behemoth's footsteps.[14]
The Winterskorn War
When fallen Keeper Loken instigated the Winterskorn War, fought between the Winterskorn vrykul and the earthen, Tyr and his allies fought on the earthen's side. However, when Tyr realized that they could not win against the Winterskorn clan alone he called upon the Dragon Aspects for aid. The noble Aspects grew enraged upon seeing so many dead titan-forged. Their fury only deepened when they learned that proto-dragons had been enslaved. Without hesitation, the Aspects took wing and unleashed their powers on the Winterskorn's iron ranks.
Much as they had done in the fight against Galakrond, the aspects worked in unison to overwhelm and the vrykul army. Alexstrasza held the Winterskorn at bay with towering walls of enchanted fire. Malygos drained the magical essence that fueled the constructs and golems, rendering them useless. He also shattered the enchanted snares that bound the proto-dragons and set the beasts free. Neltharion raised mountains from the earth to corral and contain the vrykul and their giant masters. Lastly, Ysera and Nozdormu combined their powers to create a spell that would bring a decisive end to the conflict.
Ysera and Nozdormu enveloped the Winterskorn in a cloying mist that caused them the titan-forged to fall asleep. These incapacitated creatures were then locked away in tombs cities across northern Kalimdor. They would not know the peaceful slumber of the Emerald Dream. Rather, they would languish in a timeless, unconscious slumber for thousands upon thousands of years.[15]
War of the Scaleborn
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War of the Ancients
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Alexstrasza and the dragonflights empowering the Demon Soul.
Alexstrasza was one of the three dragon aspects that fought the demons of the Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients. It was also in that war that the black dragon Neltharion deceived his fellow Aspects, using the Dragon Soul (also now known as the Demon Soul) to steal a portion of their power. After the War of the Ancients ended, when Illidan, brother of Malfurion Stormrage, emptied three vials of water from the Well of Eternity over the river of Mount Hyjal, Alexstrasza, along with Ysera and Nozdormu, decided to use the Well as a tool to heal the war-ravaged land by placing a magical acorn from G'Hanir, the Mother Tree, into the new Well of Hyjal. The tree that grew from this acorn was proclaimed the original World Tree of Azeroth, and is named Nordrassil.
Later activity
At some point, Alexstrasza gifted two Prismatic Blades to the elven peoples of Azeroth. Quel'Serrar was handed to a kaldorei warrior, while Quel'Delar was entrusted to a champion of the quel'dorei.[16]
Alexstrasza officiated the Visage Day—the ceremony in which a dragon decides what their mortal form will be—for the bronze dragon Chronormu. Chronormu almost fainted on the spot when he heard that the queen would be attending. When she arrived to the ceremony atop Wyrmrest Temple, she kindly told him in private that she could postpone the ceremony if he liked since she'd heard that he'd had doubts about his choice of form, but he replied that he was ready. After it was revealed that Chronormu had chosen the form of the female gnome Chromie, Alexstrasza warmly smiled at her and said that it was good to meet her.[17]
Dahlia Suntouch offered herself to Alexstrasza and became a keeper of the Ruby Dragonshrine.[18]
823 BDP, Alexstrasza was approached by Aegwynn to join forces against a group of demons in Northrend. Led by Alexstrasza, the dragons and the Guardian fought against the Legion in Dragonblight.[19]
Tides of Darkness
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Ten thousand years later during the Second War, Nekros Skullcrusher, an orc of the Dragonmaw clan, was given the Dragon Soul by his Warchief Zuluhed after Deathwing led them to its resting place in the Redridge Mountains. Far from the mountains, Alexstrasza sensed the wards around the artifact breaking and grew concerned when she heard no word from its guardian Orastrasz. She and several of her red dragons hurried south, though she believed that some mortal had found the disc and Orastrasz was currently hunting for it and that it would be easy to help him retrieve. In truth, they were heading right into Deathwing's trap.[20]
Using the awesome power of this ancient artifact, Nekros and the Dragonmaw orcs captured Alexstrasza and her consorts, including her eldest consort Tyranastrasz. Nekros was but one orc and so could only focus on Alexstrasza, but the other dragons were kept in line by him lashing out at the Life-Binder with the Dragon Soul's power whenever they tried to save her. Alexstrasza was brought to Grim Batol, where she began laying new clutches of eggs. Nekros was quick to see this as a golden opportunity and the Dragonqueen was therefore forced to lay more eggs. The adult dragons were used as powerful war mounts, while the eggs would be raised as loyal whelps.[21] As she was magically kept in a constant state of weakness and pain and bound by mighty chains of adamantine steel,[22] Alexstrasza had no choice but to succumb to this terrible slavery, lest her unborn clutches be slain at the hand of her cruel captor. As the aspect of life, this caused Alexstrasza pain as it could no one else, and she cried for the deaths of her children and the deaths they caused.[23]
From afar, Deathwing rejoiced in Alexstrasza's imprisonment. He continued to subtly advise Nekros on how best to use the Demon Soul to control the red dragons. Not only would making the Horde stronger help his plan to restore the black dragonflight, but he also knew that seeing her children be used as tools for war would make Alexstrasza's heart suffer. And Deathwing would relish every moment of Alexstrasza's torment.[21]
Battle of Grim Batol
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After the Second War ended, Alexstrasza became more valuable to the Horde than ever, as a consummation of Horde military power. Thus she was to be protected at all costs. However, Deathwing, ancient traitor to Alexstrasza and her most hated enemy, who had partly arranged for her continued subjugation during the Second War, arranged an elaborate plot to draw her into the open and steal her children in the hopes of generating his own progeny. His plan, however, unwittingly facilitated her escape.
As the orcs began moving their captive dragons away from the fortress of Grim Batol in an attempt to safeguard their slaves from the reach of the Alliance, the caravan was attacked by Deathwing. During the battle that followed, Tyranastrasz was slain by the black wyrm, but the ancient Dragonqueen was set free and the first thing she did was to swallow her evil captor Nekros whole and to reclaim her children from the grip of the Horde. With the help of her former mate Korialstrasz, Alexstrasza then rejoined the remaining Aspects Nozdormu, Malygos, and Ysera. The human mage, Rhonin, destroyed the Demon Soul, releasing their powers and enabling them to drive Deathwing into hiding. Though Neltharion ultimately escaped the wrath of the other Aspects, the ravaged orc caravan still remains in the Wetlands swamps. Her fire-breathing children returned to their posts as protectors of all life and worked to rebuild their devastated race.
Forgotten oaths
For ten thousand years, Deathwing's fellow Dragon Aspects had lived without the full measure of their power, and the sudden return of their strength was physically and mentally exhausting. Needing to recover from this and her traumatic ordeal under the Dragonmaw, Alexstrasza and her flight sequestered themselves away to heal, both physically and emotionally.[24] As such, even as her consorts and children continued to have their impact on Azeroth, Alexstrasza's whereabouts were unknown to most, though Tyrande Whisperwind seemed to know where she resided at the time.[25] The Dragon Aspects had no real involvement in the Third War, but in its aftermath, the new Archdruid Fandral Staghelm asked her to bless the new World Tree, Teldrassil. The Dragonqueen refused.[26]
Wrath of the Lich King
This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.
The Dragonqueen traveled to Wyrmrest Temple in Northrend, where appeared on the top tier of the temple in Dragonblight in her visage form, resembling an unnaturally tall female high elf with pink skin, amber eyes, and horns. Alexstrasza also appeared in her draconic form at Angrathar the Wrathgate after the completion of [15-30] Return To Angrathar (where she will replay the cutscene depicting the battle there at the players' request) and in the Eye of Eternity raid in the Nexus, where she and her children will aid players in slaying the Spell-Weaver.
During the battle against Yogg-Saron in Ulduar, Alexstrasza appears in her elf form, along with the other Aspects, during a flashback of the creation of the Dragon Soul, ten thousand years earlier.
Alexstrasza was also visited by Kekek and Roo during the Children's Week. They wanted to see her in her dragon form, but she told them that there would be no space.
The Nexus War
At some point, she called upon the members of the Wyrmrest Accord to play their part against the blue dragons in the Nexus War. Malygos has declared war on all mortal spellcasters, especially the Kirin Tor of Dalaran, he also decided to realign the flow of magic to point toward Coldarra, where the Nexus gathered all this arcane energy. As everyone had an interest in not allowing the world to be torn apart,[27] the red dragonflight allied with the mortals against the Blue Aspect's crusade, partly because of a promise made by Alexstrasza to Rhonin after being freed from the Dragonmaw clan during the Battle of Grim Batol, that neither she nor her flight would harm the races of the rescuers. Alexstrasza is the head of the Wyrmrest Accord, the united effort of the dragonflights against Malygos' crusade.
At the end of the conflict, Malygos was defeated by Alexstrasza with a lot of help on the ground.[27] In his last breath, Malygos was questioning the reasoning of Alexstrasza's actions, imploring her to see that mortals would destroy everything.[28] Shortly after Malygos's death, Alexstrasza arrived and declared that the Nexus War had officially concluded.
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When Azeroth was attacked by the Emerald Nightmare, Alexstrasza ventured into Bough Shadow, where she rescued Broll Bearmantle, Tyrande Whisperwind, and Eranikus from being attacked by Lethon and Emeriss. Alexstrasza then convinced Eranikus to join the mortals in the Emerald Dream to search for Malfurion by saying that Ysera understood him and his motive for seeking isolation. When the Cenarion Circle purged Teldrassil of its corruption, she sensed its purity and blessed the World Tree so it may become the haven for nature it was meant to be. She then accompanied Malfurion to Darnassus, where he found Fandral's secret portal to the Emerald Dream. During the War Against the Nightmare, Alexstrasza stayed there defending the portal while druids were battling in the Emerald Dream.
Around that time, Tyrande, Lucan, and Thura became prisoners of the Nightmare Lord, who created a false vision of a captured Alexstrasza in order to break their hope.
Following the conflict's conclusion, she, along with her sister Ysera, blessed the new World Tree Teldrassil and presided over the marriage ceremony of the Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind.[29]
Cataclysm era
This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.
In the Twilight Highlands, Alexstrasza confronted Deathwing. After several minutes of battle, Deathwing and Alexstrasza fell towards the ground, clutched in each other's claws. Alexstrasza, exhausted and gravely injured, was found laying on the ground in her humanoid form, while Deathwing fell out of sight beyond the crest of the mountain. Calen (who likewise took elven form), an adventurer and the adventurer's drake raced to the dragon queen's side. Her voice wavered as she explained that the Earth Warder was dead. Like a phantom, the gigantic form of Deathwing rose up behind them. Calen exclaimed "he lives!" and the wounded Alexstrasza forced herself to sit up, stating that it was "impossible" for Deathwing to have survived the wounds she dealt him. Deathwing set the ground at his feet aflame and glowered over the group. Calen moved to put himself between his queen and Deathwing, while the adventurer threw Alexstrasza's body over their mount's back and took her to safety, despite her protests. Calen took his true form again, but he was completely dwarfed by the Black Aspect. Realizing he stood no chance of defeating Deathwing, Calen darted back and forth, shooting fireballs, in an effort to distract him while Alexstrasza escaped. He later stated that this was a partial victory, as Deathwing was gravely wounded and would need to go into hiding to recuperate. Alexstrasza was moved to Wyrmrest to recuperate.[30]
Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
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After the cataclysm, the dragons convened upon Wyrmrest Temple to have their first meeting with the blue dragonflight since the death of Malygos. Korialstrasz, not particularly liked by many of the blues, specifically Arygos, chose to stay behind and watch his newest clutch of eggs in the Ruby Sanctum. As Alexstrasza traveled to the meeting above, Korialstrasz discovered the Twilight Hammer within the sanctum, casting dark spells on the eggs. Confronting them, he discovered that their spells had mutated the hatchlings, transforming them into deformed chromatic dragons. When he touched a mutated egg, the infection passed on to him. It was then revealed to him that not only was the entire clutch of eggs infected, but every flight's eggs, in each of their sanctums. Half-mutated into a Chromatic dragon but thinking of his beloved Queen one last time, Korialstrasz summoned every ounce of his power and exploded the sanctum outward, destroying a good chunk of Wyrmrest Temple, and utterly obliterating himself and the sanctums. Along with the sanctums fell the thousands of corrupted eggs. While his death and apparent betrayal was a shock to the other dragonflights, Alexstrasza suffered the most. In sadness bordering on madness, she shattered the Wyrmrest Accord and fled to the center of Desolace, where she sat waiting for death. Thrall attempted to rouse her from her depression but could not.
Later, during a battle above Wyrmrest Temple, Thrall had a near-death experience after falling from extraordinary heights. In his vision, among other things he saw the truth behind Korialstrasz's actions. When the battle had ended, Thrall brought the news to Alexstrasza, who rejoined the fight with renewed purpose to not let her love's sacrifice be in vain.
Rage of the Firelands
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In patch 4.2.0, Alexstrasza, who has made a full recovery, is present in Nordrasil to cleanse the World Tree. However, the fearsome Druids of the Flame interrupt the ceremony and *kill*Thrall, much to Aggra's horror. Although Alexstrasza, Nozdormu, Kalecgos and Ysera conclude Thrall is lost in the elements, Aggra - determined as always - believes Thrall may be saved and wants adventurers to assist her in her rescue mission.
Charge of the Aspects
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While meditating, Ysera had a flashback to the creation of the Dragon Soul and realized that it might be the only weapon powerful enough to defeat Deathwing. Alexstrasza agreed that Deathwing had to be slain: "to protect life, there are times when we must destroy that which seeks to end it". She stated that he would need to be completely "unmade", for he had been twisted by the dark energies of the Old Gods and could not be destroyed by any physical assault.
Kalecgos suggested that the artifact could be modified to harm Deathwing, while Nozdormu proposed a plan to retrieve it from the past when it was in its purest form - during the War of the Ancients.[31]
Hour of Twilight
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Alexstrasza's past self appears in the Well of Eternity instance.
Alexstrasza also appears in the Dragon Soul raid. Like the other Aspects, she bestows her power upon the Dragon Soul so Thrall can use it to vanquish Deathwing once and for all.
The battle for Azeroth ended when a final attack from the Dragon Soul, infused with the essence of each Aspect, completely obliterated Deathwing. Alexstrasza revealed that Aggra is pregnant and stated that by averting the Hour of Twilight, the Aspects had fulfilled their great purpose. With their ancient powers expended, Alexstrasza and the other remaining Aspects became mortal.
Dawn of the Aspects (present)
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Adhering to their tradition to meet when the two moons of Azeroth were at particular cycle Alexstrasza and the other former aspects gathered together. At the end of the brief meeting Alexstrasza, along with Ysera and Nozdormu, decided that they would officially end the Accord one month from now, to the shock of Kalecgos. Later, Alexstrasza traveled to a human village in a forested land and watched children playing. Kalecgos sought her out there, and wanted to ask her for advice about an artifact he had found, but he understood Alexstrasza's pain and her reluctance.[32]
Later on, Alexstrasza and the others responded Kalecgos's request for a meeting, where using the artifact from Watcher Tyr reminded them about their past battle against Galakrond and that they didn't need to be aspects to help safeguard the world. Agreeing with him, the other three decided to continue their affairs in protecting Azeroth and that the Accord would continue. They also swore Kalecgos to secrecy about the nature of Galakrond, as they did not want anyone to follow in his dark path. As Alexstrasza was leaving, she took the spark with her and asked Kalec to thank Jaina Proudmoore in her part of the events.[33]
War Crimes
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Alexstrasza and Ysera were present at the trial of Garrosh Hellscream. She was the seventh witness, retelling the event of her torture in Grim Batol by the Dragonmaw clan. Yet, when questioned on what she would do if she could confront those who had inflicted such pain on her and her brood, she simply stated that she loved every creature on Azeroth — orcs included. She would pardon her torturers if they came from the past and genuinely asked her forgiveness, indicating that Thrall was an example of the possibility for redemption among all life when allowed to flourish.[34]
Deaths of Chromie
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Seeking leads on who wants her dead Chromie asks Alexstrasza if she's noticed anything suspicious and she mentions that the undead have been acting up at the Ruby Dragonshrine.
Battle for Azeroth
This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.
At the time of the Fourth War, Alexstrasza dispatched the red drake Zallestrasza to the region of Drustvar on Kul Tiras. Her mission was to locate the recently-revealed remains of the ancient dragon Vadekius, and perform a ritual to prevent them from ever being reanimated.[35] Zallestrasza was successful in the task and traveled on to deal with other business assigned to her by Alexstrasza.
In time, Alexstrasza and the red dragonflight would come under attack by forces of the Twilight dragonflight led by Vexiona. As the red and twilight dragons clashed, Kalecgos tried to send word to Alexstrasza about empowering the [Heart of Azeroth] with the powers of the dragonflights. Finding it odd that Alexstrasza remained silent in the face of Ebyssian and Merithra of the Dream empowering the artifact with powers of the black and green dragonflight respectively, Kalecgos became convinced that she was in trouble. Thus to that end, he recruited champions to come with him to the Vermillion Redoubt within the Twilight Highlands.[36]
After discovering the conflict, the pair aided the red dragonflight, with Alexstrasza personally considering their aid well-timed. As the twilight dragons were beaten back, Vexiona sough to flee but was ultimately confronted outside of Grim Batol by Alexstrasza, Kalecgos, and the champion. During the fight, Vexiona implored Alexstrasza and Kalecgos to join her and, in the face of their rejection, Vexiona trapped them in stasis. However, the champion was able to free the former aspects and subsequently forced Vexiona to flee from the battlefield. With her children now an eternally grateful, Alexstrasza vowed to empower the Heart of Azeroth and directed Corastrasza to carry the champion back to Silithus. Within the Chamber of Heart, Alexstrasza declared that her flight shall continue to protect Azeroth as long as they drew breath and as she channeled her power into the Heart Forge, she implored champions to accept this gift so that it may light a flame within them, to burn bright through the darkest times.[37]
Alexstrasza later journeyed to the Chamber of Heart where she joined with Kalecgos, Chromie, Merithra, and Ebyssian in empowering the [Heart of Azeroth].[38] She spoke of Ysera to Merithra and upon learning of her doubts, Alexstrasza encouraged her to be strong.
This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.
Following the fall of Ny'alotha and Azeroth beginning to heal at last from Sargeras' wounds, Alexstrasza returned to the Vermillion Redoubt, where she sought refuge and solace following the deaths of Korialstrasz and Ysera.[39]
While investigating the Night Warrior, Shandris and the Maw Walker who joined the Night Fae would meet the spirits of a former Night Warrior, Thiernax, and his husband Qadarin. While speaking with them, they were attacked by spriggans, and the leader of the band cursed Qadarin with its dying breath. Part of the counter-curse required a token of lost love, which Ysera, now residing in the Ardenweald, believed could be found with Alexstrasza as something she had been given by her last prime consort; Korialstrasz.
When the Maw Walker found Alexstrasza, the dragon queen explained that, while she had indeed loved Korialstrasz, she had never loved anyone more than Ysera, her sister. Happy to hear that she had found a new purpose and life in the Shadowlands, Alexstrasza gave the Maw Walker a small carving Ysera had made and gifted to her shortly after they'd been empowered by the Titans.[40]This would ultimately prove a sufficient 'token of lost love' to help break the curse on Qadarin.[41]
If the Maw Walker is a death knight, Alexstrasza will be hostile in her interactions due to the events of the Legion class hall quest,
[45] Draconic Secrets, especially if they approach her while riding the Deathlord's Vilebrood Vanquisher they obtained from the questline. After being given the small carving, Alexstrasza advises the death knight to leave as not all of her brood are as tolerant of them as she is.
The Vow Eternal
This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.
In his quest for the Dragon Isles, Wrathion had swallowed his pride and turned to Alexstrasza who sadly told him "It is a place that is lost to us." After the isles had awakened, she warmly welcomed every dragon who had arrived at the Wyrmrest Temple and informed the confused Wrathion and everyone else that they were feeling the call to home.[42]
This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.
Alexstrasza returned to the dragons' homeland, the Dragon Isles, arriving just in time to save Watcher Koranos from falling to his death.[43] As all the dragons had felt the call to home, she put aside her past disagreements with Wrathion and offered him guidance.[44] She also instructed Ebyssian and Wrathion to extend a formal invitation to the Dragon Isles to the Horde and Alliance, while having them warned that she would not abide their conflict on isles. The factions promised to honor their truce and instead sent the Reliquary and Explorers' League to work together as an expedition of discovery.[45]
Following the liberation of Raszageth, Alexstrasza convened with Nozdormu, Kalecgos, Koranos, and Wrathion to discuss the matter. Alexstrasza revealed to the confused Kalecgos and Wrathion, their history with Raszageth and the early war with the Primal Incarnates, of how it took everything to beat them back and seal them. When the outraged Wrathion demanded to know, she didn't execute them, she revealed that she didn't have the heart to do so, as they were once as close as clutch mates. However in the face of Raszageth's awakening and the possibility of the other incarnates being unleashed, Alexstrasza declared that they must reclaim their Aspect of their dragonflights must be made anew.[46] To that end she sought a disc within Uldaman, only to learn from Ebyssian and Wrathion that the Infinite dragonflight led by Chrono-Lord Deios had attacked and sent the disc to be lost through time.[47]
Alexstrasza also sent Majordomo Selistra to serve as her emissary to the arriving Horde and Alliance adventurers to the isles, with instructions to escort them to her at the Life Pools.[48] After adventures brought the Infused Dragon Egg to the majordomo, they believed that Alexstrasza would know what to do to save the whelp inside from the Primalists machinations.[49] After the egg was brought to her, she declared that the situation was dire, and that the eggs' only hope of salvation was within the Life Pools.[50]
When the Life Pools came under attack by Raszageth and her Primalists, she ordered her flight to protect the eggs, and then flew off to personally confront Raszageth.[51] As they clashed, she pleaded with Raszageth to see reason, to stop the fighting so they could have peace. However, Raszageth refused, pushed the blame for the war solely on the Aspects' shoulders, and wounded Alexstrasza, who found herself saved by Wrathion. An amused Raszageth decided to leave the pair, as she wanted Alexstrasza to watch as everything she cared for was destroyed before killing her.[52]
After being informed of the safety of the eggs by Selistra, she offered her gratitude to Wrathion, who was quick to try and recruit her and her flight's aid in claiming the Obsidian Citadel from the djaradin. Alexstrasza to do, after they had seen to the safety of the eggs, a declaration that confused Wrathion now that Raszageth had left. However, Alexstrasza was quick to point out that Wrathion didn't know her as she did, that she was an unpredictable foe, and that for now the red dragonflight must remain at the Life Pools to safeguard their future. Wrathion was quick to question if it was the dragon's future or her flights that she sought to safeguard, as the Obsidian Citadel was built to defend all the Dragon Isles, and implored that she couldn't abandon the legacy of his flight to the hands of their enemies. In response, she remarked that she would have expected him to care more for the protection of helpless eggs. Wrathion subsequently departed, determined to claim the citadel with the aid of his Blacktalon.[53] Having nothing but concern for Wrathion, she enlisted adventurers to go and aid him in her stead, while she helped focus on protecting the new generation of dragonkind.[54]
Sometime later, Alexstrasza was approached by Wrathion and informed that the last black dragon eggs were destroyed because of Sabellian. However when she demanded answers, Sabellian revealed that the eggs were perfect, that he in fact had used himself and Wrathion as bait to attract their enemies' attention, while his clutch of black dragons safely traveled by air to deliver the eggs. He then pledged his loyalty and that of his flight as Neltharion's heir to her. However, Alexstrasza was unmoved, recalling how Sabellian had played a part in Deathwing's twisted legacy, to which he had defended as being a matter of duty. Though she took the eggs under her care, she remarked that she would not get involved in their bickering and the matter of Aspectship between them was a matter for the black, not the red, to decide.[55]
Following this, she privately spoke with dracthyr adventures, admitting that she hadn't known of their existence until they reawakening on the Forbidden Reach and unclear as to what their arrival meant for the dragonflights, whether they would be a boon or bane to the defense of life. She then requested that they speak with the red dragonflight, to see what the oathstone meant to them, and to hopefully allow the dracthyr to understand more of where the dragonflights began and where they strive to reach. She further declared that there would be a home with them for the dracthyr.[56]
After Mother Elion successfully tended to eggs, the Dragon Queen declared that the future of all the flights was secured.[57] She then revealed that Merithra and the green dragonflight had entered the Emerald Dream in an attempt to empower their own oathstone, but had heard nothing since their slumber began. She thus suggested that they seek out the centaur that rule over the Ohn'ahran Plains, feeling that they would need their connection to the land and its spirits in order to rouse the greens.[58]
Sometime later, she traveled to Valdrakken within Thaldraszus, where Kalecgos would inform her and Nozdormu of his battle against Raszageth.[59] In the subsequent meeting, Kalecgos revealed that while Raszageth was fended off her storms still persisted around the Vakthros' tower. In return, Alexstrasza voiced her confusion on the matter as the other Primal Incarnates were not imprisoned within the Azure Span and wondered what else she could be after, turning to Nozdormu for insight. However, he revealed that his vision was still clouded and remarked that for all he knew, the Primalists could be within Valdrakken. Thus the aspects decided that they had to protect their home and search out any Primalists within the city.[60] A wise precaution as Captain Drine and the adventurer discovered that Primalists had infiltrated into the city and were seeking to create discontent against the Aspects.[61]
After the Bronze Oathstone was restored, Nozdormu sent the adventurer to inform Alexstrasza that all the oathstones were now active. She subsequently thanked them for all they have done for the flights and expressed her belief that with the oathstones active, they would be able to use the Mother Oathstone in order to regain their Aspect powers.[62] Sometime later she decided to show her mortal allies [Silver Scale],. that Tyr had left in their possession long ago, which served as a symbol of unity and friendship to the dragonflights. However as she revealed to it, Kalecgos noted that it pulsed with magic, which was a surprise to her and Nozdormu, who thought it was an example of the scale simply changing in their absence. However, Alexstrasza believed that their return to the Dragon Isles had awakened the scale, that Tyr had left them on the last enigma for them to investigate. Thus she directed Watcher Koranos and adventurers with venturing to Tyrhold for answers.[63]
As the pair investigated, they ultimately awaken the magic within Tyrhold by placing the scale within and subsequently used the scale to draw out the secrets about the place.[63][64] They ultimately created a spark, whose creation was felt by Kalecgos, who shared it with his fellow aspects, and the trio departed from Valdrakken to join the pair at Tyrhold.[65] After witnessing a memory of Tyr's departure from the original five aspects, Alexstrasza reflected that while it was a sad memory, she was grateful for the chance to hear his voice again.[66] She was expressed her hope that Tyr would be proud of their accomplishments and despite the hardships dragonkind thrives, only the aspects to then be stunned when the spark reacted to the "dragonkind thrives" and revealed a message from Tyr directing them to reactivate the forge within Tyrhold, while revealing that the Silver Scale was the key.[67] Following this task being taken care of, the forge was activated, where to the shock of all present, the silver scale had forged a new lifeless body of Tyr, himself. Though noting that the body didn't have the spark of life, Alexstrasza couldn't help but be overcome with gratitude that a long-lost friend had been returned to them, and expressed that they must do what they could to restore his true self, reflecting that the answers might be within the disc of Tyr.[68]
Following the return of Tyr's body and Merithra's ascension as the new Dreamer, but with the position of Earth-Warder still in dispute between Sabellian and Wrathion, Alexstrasza returned to Tyrhold in order to activate the Mother Oathstone to restore the Aspectral powers to flights. However to her shock, and the hidden Raszageth's glee, the ritual failed. After Raszageth revealed herself they blamed one another for the ritual failing, with Alexstrasza believing that the Storm-Eater had done something to prevent it from succeeding and Raszageth believing that Alexstrasza had proven unworthy on her own. Regardless of the reason, Raszageth quickly departed to liberate her fellow Primal Incarnates from their prisoner, causing Alexstrasza to give chase.[69] However the Dragon Queen was unable to stop Raszageth from breaking into the Vault of the Incarnates and sent Kalecgos, Khadgar, and adventurers into the vault to stop her, while she and Nozdormu to plan for whatever is to come.[70]
In time she was informed that while Raszageth was slain, she had successfully freed her siblings. Upon hearing this news Nozdormu found that his vision was still clouded but sensed a dark future was coming, which causes her to reflect that Raszageth's reckless haste had caused her death and that the other Incarnates would not make the same mistake. Khadgar noticed that she and Nozdormu were particularly concerned with Iridikron's release over the others, causing the pair to reveal that while Fyrakk and Vyranoth were loyal to the Primalists' ideals, it was Iridikron who had truly devoted himself to the war, striking dark bargains to do so. However, Kalecgos rallied them together by reminding them that only together do they have a chance at victory. Thus the group vowed to move forward together as one against the Incarnates and were determined to protect Azeroth.[71]
Embers of Neltharion
After the Incarnates opened the way into the Zaralek Cavern, Alexstrasza called upon Ebyssian, Sabellian, Wrathion, and the adventurer to enter and deal with Fyrakk.[72] After the group returned, she learned that Fyrakk had consumed Shadowflame and initially barred the Black dragonflight from returning, unwillingly to risk losing them, before Ebyssian convinced her that they had the strength to resist what lies below.[73] In the aftermath of Ebyssian being selected as the new Aspect of the black dragonflight, Alexstrasza declared that the threat of Aberrus had been quailed and had made them grow stronger, while declaring that soon Azeroth would welcome a s symbol hope from the Emerald Dream and that they would protect it. Alexstrasza then reflected on how long ago Neltharion was a dear friend and was filled with regret that she was never able to reach him, to help him break free of the corruption that blighted the entire black dragonflight. Acknowledging that she shouldn't linger on the past, Alexstrasza expressed hope that there were others she could reach.[74]
During this time, she and Kalecgos had decided the time had to put the essences of Malygos and Sindragosa to rest at the Veiled Ossuary.[75] After they arrived, she gave Kalec the honor of putting them to rest, only to then witness their memories reanimate.[76] After the memories manifested, Alexstrasza found going to the Memory of a Traitorous Sister (Malygos' last memory of her) before she and Kalec walked towards the memory of Deathwing. Upon seeing them, she reflected that despite being killed, they were unable to truly leave the world and recalled how it pained her to learn that Sindragosa had been risen into undeath by the Lich King. She and Kalecgos then departed as Senegos and Stellagosa investigated the manner.[77]
In time, Nozdormu felt the energy that transcends time in the Silver Scale and believed that this would enable them to collect memories that Tyr did not implement on the scale. Thus Alexstrasza accompanied him to Tyrhold, where they would send adventurers and Watcher Koranos to the Tomb of Tyr to acquire whatever memories were present. There, the pair obtained memories and witnessed Tyr's final moments, in which Zakajz the Corruptor made Tyr fight against corrupt each version of the Aspects. They eerily foreshadowed the future from Malygos' reasoning for enacting the Nexus War, the corruption of Neltharion into Deathwing, Nozdormu becoming Murozond, and Ysera corrupted by the Emerald Nightmare, before it ended with Tyr fighting a corrupted version of Alexstrasza herself. This disturbed Koranos who made the decision that they wouldn't share this news with the Aspects. After the pair returned, they uploaded the memories, however, a copy of Tyr only briefly moved before shutting down once more. Despite this setback, Alexstrasza declared that what may come, with or without Tyr, they would face the Infinite dragonflight together, that they were dragons and will rise.
Sometime later Alexstrasza sought to end the dragonkin rebellion, thus she spoke with Maldra Flametongue a former rebel to understand why the dragonkin were rebelling. As they conversed they were interrupted by Investigator Erima, who revealed that the rebels were discovered to have stockpiled explosives beneath Valdrakken with the intention of collapsing the aqueduct.[78] She thus sent Maldra, Erima, and adventurers to stop the rebels and taking prisoners to be questioned. Thus after the threat was extinguished, Alexstrasza questioned the prisoners at the Steelcliff Rampart to learn why they rebelled and learned that many of the dragonkin felt used, treated poorly, and taken for granted., with some believing that the dragons taken over their home in Valdrakken. She acknowledged that they had taken the dragonkin's allegiance for granted, that they must remember that what was home to the dragons was home to the dragonkin. The one point in which she disagreed was the notion that the dragonkin were made to fight and die in their wars, as she viewed the fighting as both dragons and dragonkin fighting together and not sending the dragonkin as troops to be used in war.[79]
After learning that the leader of the rebellion was Instigator Belaphon, Alexstrasza sent her allies to where the investigator was located and spread the word amongst the rebels that if the dragons vowed to treat them as equals, wanting them to solve the rebellion in the most peaceful way possible. While some of the dragonkin fought to the bitter end, others laid down their arms and returned to the fold. Meanwhile, Belaphon submitted and attended a meeting with Alexstrasza and Maldra to discuss formally ending the dragonkin rebellion. However, the Dragon Queen made it clear that this was done in spite of the violence of the rebellion, instead of giving into it while she acknowledged that the dragons had at times been disrespectful, inconsiderate, and unfair in their treatment of the dragonkin, many of the dragonkin killed in the fighting had been innocent. Thus she vowed from this day forward, the dragons would invite the dragonkin to join them in their work over demanding and requiring it, with them being respected as part of the flights over being mere servants of them. With this, the dragonkin rebellion was formally ended, as Belaphon rejoined the fold.
Fractures in Time
When Alexstrasza inquired if the clouds still accosted his mind, Nozdormu revealed that something worse had happened, a moment of clarity in which he had seen that the infinite dragonflight and Iridikron had struck a bargain, involving his descent into Murozond. While he was pessimistic about his fate, Alexstrasza declared that she and their allies wouldn't give up on him.[80]
Sometime later, feeling increasingly upset over the war against the Primalists Alexstrasza traveled to the Waking Shores, where she met with her old friend and Vyranoth, one of the Primal Incarnates. During this Vyranoth reflected on how Alexstrasza spoke to her after her imprisonment, recalling how the Dragon Queen had said that it "didn't feel like a victory without her." However, Vyranoth was enraged recalling how Alexstrasza promised how to not force the titan's will upon them and then did nothing when they warped the children, still in the shell of their eggs. In response, Alexstrasza declared that it was an abhorrent act that never should have occurred and that she regretted her part in it every day. She then mentioned that while Vyranoth had always fought for the good of dragonkind, Iridikron did not and simply craved vengeance. However, Vyranoth was unmoved, called her naïve, and declared that all that remained was vengeance. Despite this, Alexstrasza still had hope that Vyranoth and her would one day fight side by side again.[81]
At some point, Alulgultasza de Urgl-Blalul, the murloc version of Alexstrasza from Azmerloth arrived to speak with Soridormi and Alexstrasza. At this meeting, Alexstrasza learned that the timelines being pulled into Azeroth through the Time Rifts were attacking one another, and that echoes from the main timeline were attacking them as well. She accepted the offer of peace from her murloc counterpart and left the handling of the time rifts to Soridormi settle as she was more experienced in these matters.[82]
In the aftermath of Chromie and adventures stopping the infinite dragonflight from turning Nozdormu into Murozond, she formally thanked them. She was subsequently informed that while Nozdormu could not see where Iridikron had gone after he escaped through a void gate, he did behold burning embers encroaching upon Amirdrassil. In response, Alexstrasza stated that Merithra must be warned and that as dangerous as he was they had to leave Iridikron to his schemes and steel themselves for whatever Fyrakk and Vyranoth were preparing to unleash.
Fury Incarnate
Alexstrasza imploring Vyranoth to work with them to defend Amirdrassil.
Alexstrasza was made aware of Vyranoth's arrival to Valdrakken and learned that instead of destroying Amirdrassil as the Aspects thought, Fyrakk intended to claim its power as his own which as a reflection of his heart which Vyranoth declared had become cruel, blazing with insatiable malice, and wreathed in shadow. After denouncing him as her brother, Vyranoth prepared to depart when Alexstrasza implored her to stand by their side. Astonished by such a request, she demanded to know why she should, to which Alexstrasza pointed out that she was a protector of his world while acknowledging her own past failings and asked that she stand with them for all of dragonkind. After a moment, Vyranoth wordlessly followed Alexstrasza silently agreeing to her old friend's request.[83]
Guardians of the Dream
Alexstrasza joined the rest of the dragonflights in coming together to stand against fiery forces that threatened the Emerald Dream.[84] Following the death of the flame-aligned Elder Cassaphine, the Dragon Queen, Merithra, Tyrande Whisperwind, and champions were approached by Fyrakk. The Blazing briefly thought of attacking the group, before deciding it would be better to humble, humiliate, and break them.[85] Following this, Alexstrasza regrouped to the Central Encampment and convened with Merithra, Vyranoth, Tyrande, and Wrathion to discuss Fyrakk's decision to abandon his attack on Amirdrassil.[86]
Vyranoth warned that Fyrakk would return as he couldn't control himself for long, while Alexstrasza deferred to Merithra as to how they should defend her realm. Merithra declared that they must know if their enemies sought other places within the Dream, like the Wellspring Temple and the Eye of Ysera.[87] At another meeting, Merithra expressed her confusion as to why Fyrakk was holding back and placed his troops so far from his goal of claiming Amirdrassil. Vyranoth revealed that Fyrakk craved power, the power to subjugate, and that whatever he was planning, it was a means to that end. When Alexstrasza declared that they had to go and observe his soldiers and learn what they were up to, Merithra started to object, only for Vyranoth to declare Fyrakk was her responsibility now.[88] Vyranoth thus departed, discovered that Fyrakk sought the Wellspring, and upon her return, revealed this knowledge to Alexstrasza and the others.[89]
At some point, Alexstrasza and Ysera traveled to the Eye of Ysera, where they attempted to heal Gracus. However, after realizing it was his time, Alexstrasza was amongst the crowd that shared his final moments.[90][91]
After Merithra informed her that Amirdrassil was ready to bloom on Azeroth, Alexstrasza declared that Fyrakk must be stopped, No matter the cost.[92] Alexstrasza and her allies subsequently battled against Fyrakk's forces at the Verdant Pass. After learning that Ashendir Hartwood had used flame wards around the Wellspring Temple to prevent their allies from Azeroth from entering the Dream, Alexstrasza and adventurers set off to destroy them. Upon the destruction of the last ward, Alexstrasza was attacked by Fyrakk and forced to the ground. As the Blazing prepared to kill the Dragon Queen, he was attacked by Thrall. Upon seeing that the various leaders of the Dragon Isles, Horde, and Alliance entered the Dream, Fyrakk retreated. In response, Alexstrasza called upon the defenders of the Dream to stop him.[93] Alexstrasza led the charge against his forces in the battle before the Wellspring Temple.[94]
Following the death of Hartwood, Fyrakk shattered the barrier that protected the Wellspring Temple. In response, Alexstrasza gave the order for Fyrakk's death.[95] She later personally aided in the fight against him. Following the Blazing's death, Azeroth blessed the Aspects and restored their Aspectral powers. In the aftermath, she visited Amirdrassil when it bloomed on the Dragon Isles. During the subsequent celebratory party, Alexstrasza sat with her fellow Aspects, Ysera, Sabellian, Wrathion, and Emberthal, and reminisced with Tyrande over the times before the Sundering with Alexstrasza. The Dragon Queen admitted to adventures that it warmed her heart to see a celebration of renewal rather than victory, that it felt as if they kind was about to take wing for the first time, not as five Aspects, but as a unified people, and thanked them for all the adventure had done.[96]
Following the end of the party, she made her final farewells with her sister, before Ysera returned to Ardenweald.[97]
Seeds of Renewal
With her fellow Aspects by her side, Alexstrasza formally thanked Azeroth's champions for all they've done for dragonkind and named them, Champion of the Dragonflights.[98] She then directed them to meet with Tyrande and Shandris, who also wished to have words with them.[99]
Exploring Azeroth
This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.
In Year 42 ADP, as Thalyssra and Lor'themar traversed the Dragon Isles for a honeymooning spot, Wrathion served as their guide through the lands, at his and Alexstrasza's behalf.[100]
The War Within
This section concerns content related to The War Within.
Alexstrasza could be seen outside the Caverns of Time in Tanaris during the Bronze Celebration. She briefly spoke with Madam Gosu about delaying Wrathion's business.
Compassionate and wise, Alexstrasza treasures life in all its forms.[9] She firmly believes that few beings are truly evil and that even they are not necessarily beyond redemption, for change and growth is inherent in life. It can seek the light or the darkness, and it is only when it chooses the darkness so completely that life itself is endangered that there is no hope (as was the case with Malygos and Deathwing).[101] The Life-Binder has always behaved with dignity, courage, grace, and compassion, even in the face of inconceivable horrors and deep personal loss.[102] She is known to be a kind and patient mentor. Under her tutelage, only the most dedicated pupils acquire the title of "Life-Binder's Handmaiden".[103]
In her humanoid guise, Alexstrasza appears as a high elf[7] with brownish red skin, intricate horns, and a mane of fiery hair that has licks of flame constantly escaping from it. Only her eyes remain unchanged from her dragon form. Her face appears rounder than any night elf's, almost as if mixed with human traits.[104] In this guise, the Life-Binder doesn't usually display much modesty in her choice of clothing,[101] most often being dressed as a warrior maiden with intricate, colorful armor and a cloak resembling a membranous wing.[104] However, during the trial of Garrosh Hellscream, she instead wore a red-gold gown that covered her from neck to toe, leaving only her throat and arms bare.[101]
This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.
She prefers peace and solitude, although she will defend her lands with all her power against any who threaten them without due cause. She often uses her shapechange power to appear as a creature of nature, in order to see what encroaching mortals will do before revealing her presence. Alexstrasza is devoted to all forests, and to a lesser extent all other types of green and fertile growing things. She considers all natural woodlands her home, and she needs fear no beast within such lands. Although many of Azeroth’s natural creatures revere the Great Red Leviathan, she is not a goddess and does not pretend to be otherwise. Alexstrasza is rarely venerated by any particular group, although some elven communities pay her homage. Druids of the wild, in particular, appreciate her serene presence, considering her second in importance only to Ysera.[105]
Powers and abilities
The dragon-queen possess magics over all life. In the past, she has used great fire used to incinerate undead and rebirth fresh new life in their place.[106] Cleansing the body in favor life anew is well within Alexstrasza's grasp; however, removing the Plague of Undeath without affecting the body is beyond the scope of the powers that she controls.[107] Among Alexstrasza's abilities, she can regrow forests and heal the land. She can animate the dead and resurrect as evidenced with Bolvar Fordragon.
In Blackwing Lair, Vaelastrasz calls upon the power of Alexstrasza to aid the raid group in defeating his corrupted form. The raid is then given a buff called Essence of the Red, which essentially grants infinite mana, rage, Runic Power, and energy for 3 minutes.
Her breath causes flowers to grow, seen at Angrathar the Wrathgate and in [25-30] Hope Yet Remains. Other powers in Heroes of the Storm include turning an archer's arrows into a blossoming tree branch. The intense thickness of her scales causes ordinary arrows to bounce off, and she is rather agile in humanoid form, able to do an impressive backflip with ease.
Notable appearances | ||
Location | Level range | Health range |
Dragonblight | ?? | 4,387,000 |
Eye of Eternity | ?? | 43,870,000 |
The Mind's Eye | 83 | 7,096 |
Twilight Highlands | ?? | 55,020,000 |
![]() |
?? | 42,946,000 |
![]() |
?? | 5,087,000 |
Well of Eternity (instance) | ?? | 4,995,000 |
Dragon Soul | ?? | 467,900 |
Madness of Deathwing | ?? | 5,181,000 |
![]() |
?? | 293,233 |
Location | Level range | Reaction | Notes |
Firebreach, Emerald Dream[51, 69.94] | ?? Elite | Alliance Horde | Standing next to Merithra during the quests ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Central Encampment, Emerald Dream[50.76, 62.83] | ?? Elite | Alliance Horde |
Wrath of the Lich King
She is involved in the following quests: Azure Dragonshrine quest chain:
[15-30] Informing the Queen
[15-30] Report to Lord Devrestrasz
Angrathar the Wrathgate quest chain:
[15-30] Audience With The Dragon Queen
[15-30] Galakrond and the Scourge
[15-30] On Ruby Wings
[15-30] Return To Angrathar
The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a.
[74] Reborn From The Ashes or
[74] Darkness Stirs
Saving Crusader Bridenbrad quest chain:
[25-30] The Touch of an Aspect
[25-30] Dahlia's Tears
[25-30] The Boon of Alexstrasza
She finishes the quest from a Naxxramas item drop:
Battle for Azeroth
Objective of
- The Waking Shores
- Thaldraszus
Upon completing the meta Achievement [What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been] and receiving the
[Reins of the Violet Proto-Drake], players would previously receive a letter from Alexstrasza with her congratulations.
Time and Time Again
With the drums of war pounding in the distance, it is easy for the denizens of Azeroth to forget all that life has to offer.
You, on the other hand, have maintained the dignity of the good races of Azeroth with your ability to remember what we fight for. To not celebrate our victories is another form of defeat. Remember that well, reveler.
May others be inspired by your good cheer.
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder
War of the Ancients
This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.
- "It is good that Neltharion has Malygos to turn to. He has been quiet with me of late."
- "Neltharion... this is not you! You always sought to make the world one of peace, of harmony..."
Visage Day
This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.
- "Many ages have passed since we dragons first peered down from our roosts and watched the young mortal races begin to spread across Azeroth. As we saw their villages grow into cities, and their cities become kingdoms, the timeways told us that we must find a way to live alongside them. And so it was decided that we would each assume a form that would allow us to walk freely among their kind and see this world as they do."
Battle for Grim Batol
This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.
- "I... will... kill... you... someday..." (after being captured)
- Deathwing: "I have faced the ravages of time, the curse of nightmares, and the mists of sorcery, thanks to the others! What weapons do you bring?"
Alexstrasza: "Life... hope... and what they bring with them..."
Deathwing: "Then you're as good as dead already!" - "Nekrosss... You had them ssslay my children! My children!" (seconds before eating Nekros)
- "You will go through all I have gone through, Dark One."
- "Life is my Aspect, Dark One, and I, like all mothers, know both the pain and wonders that entails! For the past several years, I have watched my children be raised as instruments of war, slaughtered if they proved insufficient or too willful! I have lived knowing that so many died that I could do nothing for!"
- "I shall let you experience firsthand all that I have suffered..."
Wrath of the Lich King
This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.
- Gossip (Wyrmrest Temple)
Greetings, my <race> friend. You honor me with your presence. How may I help you?
Eye of Eternity
- Main article: Malygos (tactics)#Quotes
Twilight of the Aspects
This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.
- He...used his life energy to link the portals. To destroy all the contaminated eggs before anyone else became infected. I couldn't understand why there was so much verdancy that remained...Now I know. Somehow, I understand. He brought death with preserve other lives."[108]
This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.
- Greetings
- Yes Champion?
- It is the fires within, that burn the brightest.
- All life is to be treasured.
- Life begets life, and the cycle of life is reborn anew.
- Pissed
- Surely you were not brought into this world solely to bother me.
Twilight Highlands
- Main article: Enter the Dragon Queen#Notes
- Main article: Battle of Life and Death#Notes
Well of Eternity
- Bronze Drake yells: It is them!
- Bronze Drake yells: Heroes! We have been sent by Nozdormu! Quickly, on our backs, we must get you to the Dragon Soul!
- Bronze Drake yells: Sister, look! The artifact is surrounded by an aura of darkness!
- Bronze Drake yells: The Aspects!
- Alexstrasza yells: Come sister, it is time to end this, We will cleanse the Dragon Soul from the Old Gods dark influence!
- A dark force from within the Dragon Soul reacts violently to the cleansing!
- Ysera yells: It is too powerful!
- Neltharion yells: How DARE you touch my creation! It is mine...mine...MINE!
- Alexstrasza yells: Neltharion! What have you done? You have doomed us all to the madness of the Old Gods!
- Neltharion yells: IT IS MINE!!
- Ysera yells: He is lost to us sister. He is longer.
- Alexstrasza yells: The power of the Soul is tearing him apart!
- An Unknown Evil yells: Nooooo...Away...
- Neltharion yells: I WILL NOT BE DENIED!
- Neltharion roars.
- An Unknown Evil yells: AWAY!
- Bronze Drake yells: The Old Gods protects the Soul!
- Bronze Drake yells: The link to the portal must be broken! Quickly, to Stormrage!
Dragon Soul
- Main article: Wyrmrest Summit
- Main article: Ultraxion#Quotes
- Main article: Madness of Deathwing#Quotes
- "I thought the thing was ill until it took to the air. It flies as true as any of my own."[109]
- "I cannot help but wonder if things would have turned out different if the titans had elevated even one more dragonflight."[110]
This section concerns content related to Legion.
- Deaths of Chromie
Welcome to Wyrmrest, time-traveler. The council is at your disposal, should you need us.
Battle for Azeroth
This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.
- Chamber of Heart
The Aspects have watched over this world for eons. While there may only be a few of us left, I will do everything in my power to protect Life on Azeroth.
<Stay a while and listen.>
- Merithra of the Dream says: Life-Binder, might I ask you something?
- Alexstrasza says: Of course, Merithra. You may always speak openly with me.
- Merithra of the Dream says: Long did my mother lead the green dragonflight as the Aspect of the Dream.
- Merithra of the Dream says: Yet she always seemed... distant. As if she were in two places at once.
- Merithra of the Dream says: You knew her before you became Aspects. What was she truly like?
- Alexstrasza says: We were sisters. The only two of our brood to survive. Inseparable ever since our birth.
- Alexstrasza says: Some believed that as the smallest among us, she was also the weakest. They were wrong.
- Alexstrasza says: Ysera was strong in a way most could not understand. But hers was a strength on which Azeroth depended.
- Merithra of the Dream says: I do not know if I possess such strength. Or if I can fulfill the task that lies ahead of me.
- Alexstrasza says: Neither did she. None of the Aspects did. But we rose to the challenge, as will you. Have faith in yourself, Merithra.
- Merithra of the Dream says: Thank you, Alexstrasza. I will do my best to live up to my mother's legacy.
This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.
- Main article: A Token of Lost Love#Notes
This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.
- Initial at the Ruby Lifeshrine
The Ruby Lifeshrine was once the center of our flight. We must restore its former glory.
- After

The waters of this place empowered generations of dragonkind.
It is time they do so once more.
- Seat of the Aspects, Valdrakken
Life's blessings be with you.
- Vault of the Incarnates, Thaldraszus
I must charge you as the guardian of Azeroth once again, <name>.
There are none that I trust more than you to see this through.
- After

However we resolve this rebel situation, I believe we'll need to treat the dragonkin differently than we have.
- Central Encampment
This tree represents a rebirth for all of us: the mortals, the dragons, and even Azeroth itself.
We must safeguard it with all we have.
- Greetings
- Greetings.
- I will listen.
- Hoth al dan she.
- All life is worth saving.
- Where there is life, there is hope.
- What is it you seek?
- Embrace hope.
- Irritated
- Do you think I have "big mom energy"?
- Goodbye
- The red dragonflight will protect this world.
- Safeguard all life.
- Treasure the gift you have been given.
- The balance must be maintained.
- Fair skies, and strong winds.
- Life endures.
- From pain, we draw strength.
WoW's Anniversary
- Dialogue
- Alexstrasza says: Madam Gosu, I see you have business with young Wrathion.
- Madam Gosu says: With all respect Dragonqueen, what business of mine is business of yours?
- Alexstrasza says: I mean no disrespect, and do not wish to impede your business. Wrathion can be... impetuous. If his business were delayed, I would be grateful.
- Madam Gosu says: I see. Then we should discuss this another time, perhaps over tea.
Alternate timeline
In an alternate timeline where Thrall died as an infant, according to Korialstrasz, Alexstrasza understood that his work among the Kirin Tor would aid the red dragonflight and Azeroth.[111]
In Hearthstone
This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.
- Alexstrasza appears as a legendary card in Hearthstones Classic set. Her flavor text reads: Alexstrasza the Life-Binder brings life and hope to everyone. Except Deathwing. And Malygos. And Nekros.
- With the introduction of the Core set, the original Alexstrasza minion was rotated to the Wild format and replaced by Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, whose flavor text reads: Friendly Fire: Off
- In The Grand Tournament expansion, she is represented by the rare warrior card Alexstrasza's Champion, whose flavor text reads: "Put more spikes on her. No, more spikes. What part of 'more spikes' do you not understand? MORE SPIKES!" - Alexstrasza
- The Life-Binder reappears in the Descent of Dragons expansion as the legendary card Dragonqueen Alexstrasza. Her flavor text reads: Givin' lives and takin' names.
- Alexstrasza appears as a legendary Protector mercenary in the Mercenaries game mode.
In Heroes of the Storm
This section concerns content related to Heroes of the Storm and is considered non-canon.
Alexstrasza is a playable character in Heroes of the Storm.[112]
An artifact titled Alexstrasza's Scale was temporarily available in the game's alpha.
In the RPG
This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.
For someone of her power, the Dragonqueen is surprisingly compassionate. While Ysera has always favored the dreaming races and the students of Cenarius, Alexstrasza and her flight are known for avoiding killing if at all possible (as they are the defenders of life). Alexstrasza loves all living creatures and protects them, and only those who menace the dragonflights or the world face her wrath. Alexstrasza is supremely confident in her strength and righteousness. She does not seek out combat, but destroys only to punish or renew. In battle, she observes her foes carefully before striking at those she believes are the most deserving of her wrath. Enemies who flee when their leaders are defeated are generally allowed to escape, having learned a lesson they will not soon forget.[113]
For some time after, she and her fellow red dragons were at peace, but over time they began to argue about how best to shelter and protect the world. The rise to power of humans and other races left many believing that these new people were dangerous and should be destroyed, while others of Alexstrasza's ilk felt they should be educated to teach them right from wrong.[114]
Alexstrasza believed she knew a way to rejuvenate the Sunwell, but was too busy with affairs in Grim Batol.[115]
Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans
This section concerns content related to the canceled game Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans and is therefore non-canon.
In the canceled Warcraft Adventures, she was a huge red dragon depicted as far less kind and life-loving than her World of Warcraft incarnation.
In order to storm Durnholde, Thrall had to secure the aid of Alexstrasza and her dragons. He headed to her cave, hidden at Crestfall. During the encounter, she let loose on Thrall with fiery blasts, which he blocked with a special dwarven shield fortified with Alexstrasza's own scales. Alexstrasza was understandably unwilling to help Thrall, since she still hated the orcs for enslaving her during the Second War. She told Thrall that she would only agree to help him and his orcs if he managed to kill Deathwing, a feat that the young orc eventually managed.
Notes and trivia
- Alexstrasza shares the title of "Life-Binder" with the first Life-Binder that empowered her, Eonar.
- Prior to the opening of Ulduar in patch 3.1.0, Alexstrasza had the most health in the game, with 139,450,000 HP in her dragon form.
- Before Dragonflight, Alexstrasza's visage form was a recolor of Sylvanas Windrunner's model.
- One of the realms in World of Warcraft is named after Alexstrasza.
- Alexstrasza created the Ruby Dragonshrine when a single drop of her blood melted the snows of the Dragonblight and gave rise to a great tree.[116]
- Prior to patch 4.3 Alexstrasza used the
emotes of blood elf females. - Aside from her wisdom and beauty, Alexstrasza can be recognized by the gems on her wrists, the 2nd digit of her left paw, and her huge horns. She also has an opal chain on her chin.
- Alexstrasza was voiced by Barbara Goodson in Wrath of the Lich King and most of Cataclysm.[117] Since patch 4.3.0, she has been voiced by Wendee Lee.[118] Unlike most voice actor replacements in the game, Wendee Lee re-recorded all of Alexstrasza's previous lines as well.
- As of World of Warcraft: Legion, Alexstrasza was the only Dragon Aspect that has never been fought by players. Kalecgos, Malygos, and Deathwing are all raid bosses (although Kalecgos was not yet an Aspect at the time he was fought), Nozdormu (as Murozond) is a dungeon boss, and Ysera is fought in a quest.
- In ancient times, Alexstrasza saved the life of the vrykul Oktel by mingling her blood with his, and he subsequently became known as "Dragonblood".[119]
- Chronormu calls Alexstrasza "Allie".[120]
- It was originally stated in
[Charge of the Dragonflights] that Alexstrasza was picked by Eonar, the titan patron of all life, and given a portion of the titan's power. Thus forevermore, Alexstrasza would be known as the Life-Binder, working to safeguard all living creatures of Azeroth. Due to her supreme wisdom and limitless compassion for all living things, Alexstrasza was crowned the Dragonqueen and given dominion over her kind.
- During the Cataclysm beta, a companion version of her was found in the files:
[Lil' Alexstrasza].
- She eventually received a battle pet homage as Murkastrasza.
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This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore. |
Tyranastrasz was Alexstrasza's prime consort during the War of the Ancients. Tyran was described as her eldest of three consorts captured by the Dragonmaw clan of orcs. Korialstrasz was her most recent prime consort, and youngest of all consorts. That made him her fourth known consort. Korialstrasz sacrificed himself, to save the dragonflights from the corruption of the clutches of eggs in each sanctum below Wyrmrest temple by the Twilight Cult, during the events of the book "Thrall: Twilight of the aspects.". It is not mentioned who the second and third consorts were by name but it is stated that one perished trying to escape over the sea and the other had died of injuries inflicted by Deathwing.[121]
Aspectship restoration
It is currently unknown why Alexstrasza thought the Mother Oathstone ritual to restore the Aspectship to the flights would work with the Earth-Warder title and leadership of the black dragonflight in dispute. It is possible that she thought the oathstone itself would make the choice or had faith that the blacks had already settled the matter themselves.
- Heroes of the Storm
- Fanart
Load video
- Battle of Life and Death
- Fall of Deathwing cinematic
- Dragons of the Nexus – BlizzCon 2017 Hero trailer
- Dragonflight Announce Cinematic Trailer
- Legacies Chapter One
- Legacies Chapter Two
- Take to the Skies
- Kalecgos informs Khadgar
- The Storm-Eater’s Fury - Raszageth Confronts Alexstrasza
- Alexstrasza and Wrathion Argument
- Mother Oathstone Malfunction
- Post-Raid aspect debrief
- Aspect Underground Epilogue
- A Matter of Time
- Vyranoth Alexstrasza Convo
- Chromie Alexstrasza Nozdormu Epilogue
- Vyranoth Comes to Valdrakken In Game Cutscene
- A Crown of Flame - Guardians of the Dream
- Fyrakk at Amirdrassil
- The Bloom Begins
- The Tide Turns
- Blessing of Amirdrassil
- Aspects empowered
- Ysera returns
- Dragonflight Wrap up Conversation
Patch changes
See also
- Alex (battle pet)
- Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, TCG card
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Magazine Volume I Issue II
- ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos manual#Night Elves: the Sentinels
- ^ The Demon Soul
- ^
[Charge of the Dragonflights]
- ^
[Tempered Scale of the Scarlet Broodmother]
- ^ World of Warcraft: War of the Scaleborn, pg. 21
- ^ a b Before the Storm, chapter 10
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex, pg. 45
- ^ a b Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 172
- ^ Dawn of the Aspects description
- ^ World of Warcraft: War of the Scaleborn, chapter 2
- ^ World of Warcraft: War of the Scaleborn, chapter 1
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 45
- ^ Dawn of the Aspects
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 61
- ^
[Ancient Dragonforged Blades]
- ^ "Visage Day"
- ^
[15-30] Through Fields of Flame
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 148
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 141
- ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 155 - 156
- ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, Orc Buildings, Dragon Roost
- ^ Tides of Darkness
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 25
- ^ Unfinished Business
- ^
[11] Crown of the Earth
- ^ a b Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 99
- ^
[30R] Judgment at the Eye of Eternity
- ^ Stormrage
- ^
[30-35] Battle of Life and Death
- ^ Charge of the Aspects
- ^ Dawn of the Aspects Part 1
- ^ Dawn of the Aspects Part 5
- ^ War Crimes
- ^
[20-60] Life Preserver
- ^
[50] Investigating the Highlands
- ^
[50] In the Shadow of Crimson Wings
- ^
[50] We Stand United
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex, pg. 46
- ^
[60] A Token of Lost Love
- ^
[60] Mending a Broken Hart
- ^ The Vow Eternal
- ^ Dragonflight cinematic
- ^ 2022-04-20, WORLD OF WARCRAFT: DRAGONFLIGHT INTERVIEW WITH JACKIE WILEY AND TINA WANG. Blizzplanet, retrieved on 2022-04-22
- ^
[10-70] Aspectral Invitation
- ^ A Tempest Unleashed
- ^
[10-60D] Legacy of Tyr: Secrets of the Past
- ^
[10-70] The Djaradin Have Awoken
- ^
[10-70] A Last Hope
- ^
[10-70] For the Benefit of the Queen
- ^
[10-70] Who Brought the Ruckus?
- ^ The Storm-Eater’s Fury - Raszageth Confronts Alexstrasza | Dragonflight In-game Cinematic [SPOILERS]
- ^
[10-70] Exeunt, Triumphant
- ^
[10-70] Wrathion Awaits
- ^
[10-70] The Last Eggtender
- ^
[10-70] A Waking Oath
- ^
[10-70] Life-Binder on Duty
- ^
[10-70] Next Steppes
- ^
[10-70] To Valdrakken
- ^
[10-70] A Message Most Dire
- ^
[15-35] Nowhere to Hide
- ^
[10-70] Moving On
- ^ a b
[70] The Gift of Silver
- ^
[70] The Magic Within
- ^
[70] A Spark of Discovery
- ^
[70] Memories of the Past
- ^
[70] Parting Instructions
- ^
[70] The Silver Purpose
- ^
[70] Aspect Power
- ^
[70R] Vault of the Incarnates: Fury of the Storm-Eater
- ^
[70R] Together We Are Unstoppable
- ^
[70] A Crack in the World
- ^
[70] In the Wake of the Ashes
- ^
[70] Symbol of Hope
- ^
[70] Keeper of the Ossuary
- ^
[70] Sindragosa and Malygos's Rest
- ^
[70] Memories of Sindragosa and Malygos
- ^
[70] Cause Without a Rebel
- ^
[70] Persistent Dissidents
- ^ A Matter of Time In-Game Cinematic | Dragonflight | World of Warcraft
- ^
[70] Rough Edges
- ^
[10-70] A Murloc and a Dragon Walk into a Time Rift...
- ^
[70] Raise the Alarm
- ^
[70] Call of the Dream
- ^
[70] Between Fyrakk and a Hard Place
- ^
[70] Home in the Dream
- ^
[70] A Multi-Front Battle
- ^
[70] The Looming Cinder
- ^
[70] Tactical Withdrawal
- ^
[70] Requiem in a Dream
- ^
[Ancient Memories]
- ^
[70] The Bloom Begins
- ^
[70] Fighting Fire With Fire
- ^
[70] The Age of Mortals
- ^
[70R] Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope: Fyrakk
- ^
[70] Something Worth Celebrating
- ^
[70] Andu-falah-dor
- ^
[70] Fair Skies and Strong Winds
- ^
[70] A Place Beneath the Boughs
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Islands and Isles pg. 134
- ^ a b c War Crimes, chapter 22
- ^ War Crimes, chapter 5
- ^
[Life-Binder's Handmaiden]
- ^ a b Stormrage, chapter 12
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 90
- ^
[25-30] The Touch of an Aspect
- ^
[25-30] The Boon of Alexstrasza
- ^ Twilight of the Aspects, pg. 458
- ^
[Mottled Drake]
- ^
[Reins of the Violet Proto-Drake]
- ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
- ^ Dragons of the Nexus – BlizzCon 2017 Hero Trailer - YouTube (2017-11-03). Retrieved on 2017-11-04.
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 90
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 88
- ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 115
- ^ Echo of Sylvanas
- ^ Voice Work & Comedy: World of Warcraft
- ^ Andrea Toyias on Twitter: "So glad you love her! It is the amazing, beautiful and talented Wendee Lee! She almost killed herself with that voice and so many lines....but she made it through. And it is glorious! xx"
- ^ The Favored of Odyn#His Name Is Dragonblood
- ^
[45] Rewind
- ^ Day of the Dragon, pg. 58
External links
Primary dragon types | ||||||||||||
Other dragon types | ||||||||||||
Red Dragonflight |
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Dragonflights | ||||||||||||
Other draconic groups | ||||||||||||