
Armies of Legionfall (quest)

  • ️Thu Apr 13 2017
Not to be confused with N [45] Armies of Legionfall.
NeutralArmies of Legionfall

Class Order representatives

Start Auto-accept
End Archmage Khadgar
Level 45
Category Legionfall Campaign
Experience 16,450
Reputation +10 Armies of Legionfall
Rewards 9g 70s
Next N [45] Assault on Broken Shore


Meet Archmage Khadgar at Krasus' Landing in Dalaran.

  • Meet Khadgar at Krasus' Landing


Thanks to your leadership, the <class> order has grown even mightier than I had dared hope. Alongside champions of the other orders, we now have a fighting force capable of driving the Burning Legion from our world.

It's time to end this invasion! Using the Pillars of Creation, we will dissipate the Felstorm and seal the Tomb of Sargeras.


You will receive:


Our forces are assembled. We are ready to begin.


On accept

Archmage Khadgar says: Heroes of Azeroth, your class orders have grown mighty throughout our campaign on the Broken Isles. Their strength, their courage, is needed now. The time has come to unite our forces and rid Azeroth of the Burning Legion.

On approach

Archmage Khadgar says: Welcome, <class title>. Let's get this assault under way, shall we?
Archmage Khadgar says: We will divide our forces to hit them from all sides at once.

Near Khadgar, all of the class order sub-leaders can be found: Darion Mograine, Meryl Felstorm, Ritssyn Flamescowl, Lord Jorach Ravenholdt, Lady Liadrin, Farseer Nobundo, Kor'vas Bloodthorn, Alonsus Faol, Emmarel Shadewarden, Iron-Body Ponshu, Rensar Greathoof and Havi. They have no dialogs. Curiously, Velen is missing despite appearing in the following cutscene.

Not getting this quest

Criteria of


  1. N [45] Armies of Legionfall
  2. N [45] Assault on Broken Shore
    1. N [45] Legionfall Supplies
    2. N [45] Begin Construction
    1. N [45] Aalgen Point
    2. N [45] Vengeance Point
  3. N [45] Champions of Legionfall
  4. N [45] Shard Times
  5. N [45] Mark of the Sentinax
  6. N [45] Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
  7. N [45] Intolerable Infestation
  8. N [45] Relieved of Their Valuables
  9. N [45] Take Out the Head...
  10. N [45] Championing Our Cause
  11. N [45] Strike Them Down

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