
Ashtongue Deathsworn

  • ️Tue May 22 2007
NeutralAshtongue Deathsworn
Main leader IconSmall Akama.gifAkama
Race(s) Broken Broken
Base of operations Warden's Cage,
Shadowmoon Valley
Quartermaster  Okuno

“The elite of the Broken tribe known as the Ashtongue, officially aligned with Illidan. The Deathsworn are Akama's most trusted lieutenants and are privy to their leader's mysterious motivations.”

— In-game description

The Ashtongue Deathsworn are a secret Broken subgroup of the Ashtongue tribe, under the command of the Elder Sage Akama. They were secretly planning to depose Illidan Stormrage as the master of the Black Temple.


Upon talking to Sanoru, players will become neutral with the Ashtongue Deathsworn. Reputation can be gained with the Deathsworn by completing some quest chains. You also gain rep by killing the mobs inside the Black Temple. A full clear of the Black Temple yields approximately 7750+ reputation, whereas a repeatable clearing of all the trash prior to the first boss, High Warlord Naj'entus, will yield approximately 570+ reputation per run.

Named members

Name Role Status Location
IconSmall Akama.gif Akama Leader Alive Warden's Cage Shadowmoon Valley
IconSmall Broken Male.gif Okuno Quartermaster Alive Ruins of Baa'ri Shadowmoon Valley
IconSmall Broken Male.gif Seer Kanai Alive Black Temple Shadowmoon Valley
IconSmall Broken Male.gif Seer Olum Deceased Serpentshrine Cavern Zangarmarsh
IconSmall Broken Male.gif Sanoru Alive Warden's Cage Shadowmoon Valley
IconSmall Broken Male.gif Udalo Deceased Arcatraz Netherstorm


<Ashtongue Deathsworn Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Pattern: Boots of Shackled Souls] 8g Leatherworking (375)
 [Pattern: Bracers of Shackled Souls] 8g Leatherworking (375)
 [Pattern: Redeemed Soul Cinch] 8g Leatherworking (375)
 [Pattern: Redeemed Soul Legguards] 8g Leatherworking (375)
 [Pattern: Soulguard Bracers] 8g Tailoring (375)
 [Pattern: Soulguard Girdle] 8g Tailoring (375)
 [Plans: Shadesteel Bracers] 8g Blacksmithing (375)
 [Plans: Shadesteel Girdle] 8g Blacksmithing (375)
Honored  [Pattern: Greaves of Shackled Souls] 8g Leatherworking (375)
 [Pattern: Waistguard of Shackled Souls] 8g Leatherworking (375)
 [Pattern: Redeemed Soul Moccasins] 8g Leatherworking (375)
 [Pattern: Redeemed Soul Wristguards] 8g Leatherworking (375)
 [Pattern: Soulguard Leggings] 8g Tailoring (375)
 [Pattern: Soulguard Slippers] 8g Tailoring (375)
 [Plans: Shadesteel Greaves] 8g Blacksmithing (375)
 [Plans: Shadesteel Sabots] 8g Blacksmithing (375)
 [Pattern: Night's End] 8g Tailoring (375)
Exalted  [Ashtongue Talisman of Acumen] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Priest)
 [Ashtongue Talisman of Equilibrium] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Druid)
 [Ashtongue Talisman of Insight] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Mage)
 [Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Rogue)
 [Ashtongue Talisman of Shadows] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Warlock)
 [Ashtongue Talisman of Swiftness] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Hunter)
 [Ashtongue Talisman of Valor] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Warrior)
 [Ashtongue Talisman of Vision] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Shaman)
 [Ashtongue Talisman of Zeal] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Paladin)


A quest chain that leads to Akama exists. It starts from either the Aldor Base, Altar of Sha'tar, or the Scryers base, Sanctum of the Stars, depending on your affiliation.

After you complete that chain, Akama begins another which eventually takes you to The Arcatraz.

After this chain, Akama sends you to Shattrath with a message for A'dal in the quest N [25-30] Akama's Promise (1000 reputation with Ashtongue Deathsworn and The Sha'tar). At this point, non-humans will have 1925 (Neutral) reputation with the faction.

Once the above quests are completed upon slaying Fathom Lord Karathress in Serpentshrine Cavern, an NPC named Seer Olum will spawn; talking to him will begin the following quest chain:

Patch changes

External links

es:Juramorte Lengua de ceniza fr:Ligemort cendrelangue