
Azure Watch

  • ️Tue Jan 09 2007
AllianceAzure Watch
Azure Watch.jpg
Type Outpost
Leader(s) IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Exarch Menelaous
Race(s) DraeneiDraenei Draenei
Broken Broken
Language(s) Draenei
Faith(s) Holy Light of Creation
Affiliation(s) Exodar, Alliance
Organizations Alliance Hand of Argus
Location Azuremyst Isle, Azuremyst Isles
Status Active

Yes Inn          Yes Mailbox

Yes Stables

Yes Anvil & Forge

No Bank       No Auctions
Trainers Yes Class
Yes Profession
Travel Yes Flight Master(s)
No Mass-transit
No Portal(s)

Azure Watch is a Hand of Argus forward outpost[1] situated on Azuremyst Isle. Azure Watch serves as an intermediary town between the draenei starting area of Ammen Vale and the Exodar — the capital of the draenei.


Of particular lore, there is a night elf being cared for by the first aid trainer who wakes up screaming that she was surrounded by eredar and passes out again followed by the trainer's bafflement — stating that the draenei are in fact not eredar. This leads to a quest to demonstrate to the other night elves that the draenei are not demons but friends. The night elf will eventually realize this when you complete the quest The Unwritten Prophecy.

Travel Connections


Alliance The Exodar



Patch changes


  1. ^ A [1-30] Blood Watch

External links

es:Avanzada Azur pl:Azure Watch