
Bag slots

  • ️Tue Nov 15 2022

(Redirected from Bag slot)

The Bag slots or Inventory[1] are located above the Micro menu which contains a backpack, 4 slots for bag items, and 1 slot for a reagent bag. The default backpack is a static container that contains 16-slots by default but can be increased through other means. New bags that can be acquired can be smaller containers or bigger than the backpack itself.

The key ring button was considered part of this area but it has since been removed.

Your inventory in the game. All items not equipped on your character are stored here. One backpack is automatically provided for you. To fill the other four slots, you must purchase, find, or make additional bags.[2]

While the bar has five slots only four are changeable, the slot at the right-most end contains the backpack, which cannot be removed or replaced. Attempting to remove a bag from its slot with items will result in the message "Can't put non-empty bags in other bags." With Dragonflight, it introduced a special sixth slot that can be filled with a reagent bag, a new type of bag that is not specific to any profession.

Bank slots

Main article: Bank


Each character can purchase up to seven bag slots in the bank. The cost of the bag slots in the bank increases with each extra slot purchased, starting at 10s, then increasing to 1g, then 10g, then 25g for the rest, for a total of 111g 10s for all seven slots.

Empty bag slots that do not have a bag equipped cannot hold items (other than bags).


  • Prior to patch 10.0.0

  • Prior to patch 8.0.1

  • Prior to the removal of the keyring

    Prior to the removal of the keyring

  • Backpack icon

  • Patch 9.1.5 updated icon

  • Backpack button used as part of the bag slots with patch 10.0.0

    Backpack button used as part of the bag slots with patch 10.0.0

Patch changes



Always accessible




Expansion features



