- ️Tue Oct 25 2022
A barbershop is a place where players are able to alter their character's appearance on Barbershop Chairs. They are able to change everything about the appearance of their race including gender.
Barbershop locations
Northshear Abbey, Trade District, Stormwind City [61.2, 64.4] – Northern part of the district.
The Commons, Ironforge [26.0, 49.6] – Right side of the passageway heading to Mystic Ward.
Nip and Tusk, Orgrimmar [40.8, 60.8] – North of the tunnel heading to Valley of Spirits, south of Valley of Wisdom.
Trade Quarter, Undercity [71.0, 47.2] – Upper level, near the eastern elevator.
Dalaran [51.8, 31.4] – Between Sunreaver's Sanctuary and the northern bank (same location in all versions of Dalaran).
Area 52, Netherstorm [31.0, 66.8] – Southwestern part of the town.
Cosmowrench, Netherstorm [66.6, 66.9] – A single chair in the only building (no npc).
Harbor Barber, Boralus [64.6, 28.1] – Just north of Dampwick Ward (next to raid boss target dummy).
Hide or Hair, Dazar'alor [47.4, 81.6] – In the Grand Bazaar.
Hall of Curiosities, Oribos [63.3, 68.4]
Customization options
- Main article: Barbershop interface
Every race and gender has a selection of multiple choices that are race and gender-exclusive options. Hero class characters have a number of options that are exclusive to those classes.
- Old
Patch changes
- ^ World of Warcraft official forums (12-07-2007). Night Elf Mohawk = False Advertising?. Retrieved on February 16, 2009.
External links
WowInsider Barbershop guide to druid forms