
Cap'n Garvey

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
MobCap'n Garvey
Image of Cap'n Garvey
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 5-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Southsea Freebooters
Occupation Captain
Location Fray Island, Northern Barrens
Status Killable

Cap'n Garvey is a human located on Fray Island in the Northern Barrens. He leads the crew of Southsea Freebooters that took Fray Island.[1] The Maiden's Dagger is his flagship. Alicia Cuthbert is his most trusted officer.[2] He attacked ships coming to Ratchet. Tony Two-Tusk was his other lieutenant, but he was prone to mutiny,[3] since Garvey liked to hoard the loot his crew had earned[4] and also took all the best firearms for himself.[5] Both, the money and guns were retaken by a Horde adventurer and given to Tony, who did start mutiny against Garvey, which resulted in Tony taking control of the Maiden's Dagger

Objective of

He drops  [Cap'n Garvey's Head] for N [5-30] WANTED: Cap'n Garvey.


Ratchet security is a joke, open to the highest bidder. Our coffers will buy us the guards.
The Southsea Pearl and the Conquest will be joining us within the week to help with the invasion.
The Conquest will sail into Ratchet harbor first. Noise is her aim: Double-shot the guns, sew[sic] havoc.
I'll helm the Maiden's Dagger and lead the shore parties myself.
With Ratchet as our new base of operations, Orgrimmar harbor will be ripe for the plucking!



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

If not dead already, Jaina Proudmoore may have killed him along with the other pirates on Fray Island.[6]

Patch changes


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