

  • ️Tue Nov 29 2011

Corastrasza Twilight Highlands (Drake form).jpg

Corastrasza Twilight Highlands.jpg

Gender Female
Race Red drake (Dragonkin)
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Red dragonflight
Location Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) Raelorasz (brother)

Corastrasza is the sister of Raelorasz and a member of the red dragonflight. She claims to be a seasoned trainer of red drakes.[1]


Wrath of the Lich King

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Corastrasza at the Nexus.

During the Nexus War, against her brother's will, Corastrasza ascended to one of the upper rings of the Nexus to observe some frighteningly powerful blue drakes to see which tactics best use against the blue dragonflight. When Librarian Serrah sent an adventurer to check upon Corastrasza,[2] she used that opportunity by allowing the hero to practice their aerial combat skills with her drakes.[1][3]


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Following the Cataclysm, she could be found at the Vermillion Redoubt in the Twilight Highlands, where she cared for the egg of Wrathion, until it was stolen by the agents of the Assassin's League.[4] She then briefly worked with a rogue adventurer and sent them to Ravenholdt Manor to hunt the egg.[5][6]

Battle for Azeroth

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During the Fourth War, Corastrasza transported the adventurer from the entrance of Grim Batol to Silithus: The Wound after the attack of the twilight dragonflight led by Vexiona.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Nexus, Borean Tundra[29.6, 24.8] 10-30 Elite Alliance Horde As a quest giver during the Borean Tundra storyline.
Vermillion Redoubt, Twilight Highlands[29.0, 25.0] 35 Elite Alliance Horde As a quest giver during the Fangs of the Father questline.
Vermillion Redoubt, Twilight Highlands 50 Alliance Horde During N [50] In the Shadow of Crimson Wings.


Vehicle This creature can be mounted.

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In Coldarra

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At the Vermillion Redoubt

Objective of

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Initial gossip at the Nexus, Borean Tundra

Most dragons would fear to tread here, <race>.

What could possibly bring a mortal to such a treacherous place?

Gossip after quests at the Nexus, Borean Tundra

My drakes have been eagerly awaiting your return, <class>.

Are you ready to take wing?

Gossip I am ready, Lady Corastrasza.

Fangs of the Father, Vermillion Redoubt gossip
Main article: A Hidden Message#At Corastrasza
Later gossip at Vermillion Redoubt

We've had no luck tracking down the missing black dragon egg.

Have you discovered anything, <name>?

Non-rogue gossip

<Corastrasza steps between you and the nearby corpse, her face wrinkled with concern.>

I'm sorry, <name>. This is a private matter for the red flight to resolve.

Please see if you can help the others outside.

Patch changes


External links

Borean Tundra Twilight Highlands Twilight Highlands