
Crimson Hall

  • ️Tue Dec 08 2009

The Crimson Hall is on the northern side of the map.

The Crimson Hall is an area inside the northern side of Icecrown Citadel. This section is the headquarters and home of the San'layn, the vampiric undead blood elves in the service of the Scourge. The area is luxuriously decorated in red decorations and scarlet coloured curtains similar to other blood elven decor. The Hall is connected to the rest of the instance by the Spire surrounding the Frozen Throne in the middle level of the zone.

The Crimson Hall opened on January 19, 2010, two weeks after the opening of the Plagueworks.[1]



  • Crimson Hall 01.jpg

  • File-Crimson Hall 02.jpg

Patch changes


  1. ^ Bornakk 2010-01-05. MMO-Champion BlueTracker - New Content today?. Archived from the original on 2010-01-05.

External links