
Crystal Fields

  • ️Tue May 02 2023

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The Crystal Fields [56, 66] is a crystal-filled area in southeastern Zaralek Cavern surrounding the Nal ks'kol titan facility.

The area is bordered by Loamm to the north, Deephollow Lake to the northeast, Nal ks'kol to the southeast, the Sundered Flame Camp to the south, the Fanged Pasture to the southwest, and the Sulfur Wastes to the west.

Two public events take place in the area: N [70B] Discordant Crystals and N [70B] Whirling Zephyr.

Spinmarrow spawns to the northwest inside a cave (whose mouth is at [54.8, 65.9]), the Underlight Queen spawns north of the Sundered Flame Camp, and Alcanon spawns inside a small cave at [56.9, 73.1] to the southwest (west of the Sundered Flame Camp). The area is also occupied by Bone Collectors, Calcifying Crawlers, Crystalline Dustmoths, Crystalline Walkers, Preying Dustmoths, Redolent Whelks, Quartzite Sporebats, and Trudging Devourers.

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