
Crystal dryad

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The crystal dryads are a race of crystal-like dryads or frost nymphs in Crystalsong Forest, the Nexus, Suramar, and Bonich.

The crystal dryads of Northrend were created when the Highborne of Shandaral stole and attempted to use magic from the blue dragonflight to disastrous results. The spell crystalized almost all life within Crystalsong Forest, then known as Moonsong Forest, leaving the survivors as half-crystalized creatures.[1] Some of these dryads appear to be affiliated with the remnants of the Highborne, who were transformed into the crystal satyrs, under the Unbound.[2] Some crystal dryads can be found lurking in the Singing Grove of the Nexus, where they watch over the arcane plant life.

The shardmaidens of the Shattered Locus are dryads who were twisted by the magic of the failed arcan'dor.[3][4]

It is not explained why there are crystal dryads on Bonich, although it can be noted that they are not as aggressive as those on Azeroth.


Crystal dryads are an offshoot race of dryads and as such, appear incredibly similar to their natural cousins, as a result of their magical exposure, their skin darkly-blue, their lower half body dark and their legs a shining bright violet color, their hair is spiky and purple and their eyes glow blue. Those in the Nexus and on Bonich have more white features.





  • Dreamway Guardians in Hearthstone.

See also


Sapient species native to Azeroth

Ancient guardian
Unknown relation

This is a sub-template of Sapient Species