

  • ️Tue Jan 14 2020
Main article: Iron Qon
Image of Dam'ren
Title <The Frozen Sage>
Race Quilen (Beast)
Level ?? Boss
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Grand Courtyard, Throne of Thunder
Status Killable
Pet family Stone hound

Dam'ren is a quilen located in the Grand Courtyard of the Throne of Thunder.


  • Dead Zone - Dam'ren will directionally shield himself. Standing in the dead zone will cause all incoming and outgoing attacks to miss.
    • Freeze Mana - Dam'ren freezes a random mana user's mana. After 1-5 sec, Dam'ren will then Shatter their mana, inflicting 200,000 Frost damage to all enemies.
      • Freeze Spear: Frozen Blood - Dam'ren strikes Iron Qon's spear with ice, freezing the ground around it. Coming into contact with the frozen ground will inflict 200,000 Frost damage instantly and slow the player's movement, melee, ranged, and casting speeds by 25%.

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External links