

This article is about the types of dragons. For the expansion, see World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.

Dragonflights (aka flights) represent the overarching organizations that uphold the objectives of the dragons. They are significantly large and structured groups,[2] primarily made up of their respective color's dragons, though they also include lesser dragonkin such as drakonid, dragonspawn, and even mortals. In early history, there were many dragonflights (there were dragons in every color of the rainbow),[3] yet there were five flights that held dominion over their brethren. It was these five flights that the Keepers chose to shepherd the budding world, and the leaders of each group are called the Dragon Aspects. The five great dragonflights are identified by their coloration: black, blue, bronze, green, and red.

Lesser dragonflights and organizations beyond the main five also exist, which are usually off-shoots of the other flights in some capacity. After the fall of Deathwing, the dragons, including the former Aspects and Alexstrasza herself, lost most of their power, along with most of their eggs in the Wyrmrest Temple sanctums and their ability to further reproduce.[4][5] Following the blooming of Amirdrassil, the Aspects were empowered this time by Azeroth herself. Though gifted with their ancestral power again, it remains to be seen if their ability to reproduce has also returned.

Members of all the dragonflights used to intermingle a lot, but after the Dragon Wars, most flights now keep to themselves.[6] This did not affect the various lesser dragonkin left behind on the Dragon Isles, who appear to have been spared from the horrors that divided their kind. Five major oathstones are located at the seats of power for each dragonflight throughout the Dragon Isles.[7] These monuments of trust were created by the keepers when history began on the Dragon Isles to symbolize the bond between each flight and their titan patrons.[8] They serve as symbols of the dragonflights' power[9] and of their oaths to Azeroth.[7]


There were once many more dragonflights, but eventually five rose to prominence as the others declined. These five, red, blue, green, black and bronze, were tasked by the Keepers with safeguarding the world.

Following the events of Dragonflight, several other nascent dragonflights were elevated alongside these five to safeguard Azeroth.

Name Description Aspect Former leader(s) Capital(s)
IconSmall DragonRed2.gif Red dragonflight Granted dominion over life by Eonar the Lifebinder.  Alexstrasza the Life-Binder N/A Valdrakken,
Ruby Lifeshrine (Waking Shores)
IconSmall DragonGreen2.gif Green dragonflight Granted dominion over the Emerald Dream by Eonar the Lifebinder.  Merithra of the Dream  Ysera the Awakened Valdrakken,
Eye of Ysera (Emerald Dream)
IconSmall DragonBronze2.gif Bronze dragonflight Granted dominion over time by Aman'Thul the Highfather.  Nozdormu the Timeless One N/A Valdrakken,
Caverns of Time (Tanaris)
IconSmall DragonBlue2.gif Blue dragonflight Granted dominion over magic by Norgannon the Dreamweaver.  Kalecgos the Spell-Weaver  Malygos the Spell-Weaver † Valdrakken,
Nexus (Borean Tundra)
IconSmall DragonBlack2.gif Black dragonflight Granted dominion over the earth by Khaz'goroth the Shaper.  Ebyssian the Earth-Warder  Deathwing the Destroyer † Valdrakken,
Obsidian Throne (Waking Shores)
IconSmall DragonNether.gif Netherwing dragonflight Spawned from black dragon eggs infused with raw nether-energies when Draenor was torn apart. Moved to the isles and Azeroth at the behest of Wrathion and Vyranoth. IconSmall ProtoWater.gif Vyranoth N/A Valdrakken,
Netherwing's roost in Thaldraszus[61.2, 73.2]
IconSmall Thorignir.gif Thorignir A flight of storm dragons, originally upraised by Odyn to serve as his servants in mockery of the dragonflights. Most have chosen to follow Vyranoth to the Dragon Isles after Odyn refused to allow them to heed the call of the isles and treated them as slaves. Some remain on the Broken Isles, though are now treated marginally better. IconSmall ProtoWater.gif Vyranoth N/A Valdrakken,
Thorim's Peak
IconSmall DragonInfinite2.gif Infinite dragonflight Former members of the bronze dragonflight seeking to disrupt the timeways. They pursue a corruption of the main timeline to one where they rule supreme and control the dictation of events, in order to avoid what they believe to be worse fates. Some have joined with the Bronze dragonflight again to explore and learn from the past.  Murozond †
N/A Valdrakken

Other draconic groups

Several other organizations have cropped up, some of which claim to be dragonflights themselves. Most of them are offshoots of other dragonflights, predominantly the black dragonflight.

Name Description Leader(s) Former leader(s) Capital
IconSmall DrakeChromatic.gif Chromatic dragonflight Created by Nefarian using the blood of the various other flights. Unknown  Deathwing †
 Nefarian †
Blackrock Spire
IconSmall DragonTwilight.gif Twilight dragonflight Created by Sintharia by using the power of the nether dragons; feed vampirically on magical energies. Unknown IconSmall Deathwing.gif Deathwing †
IconSmall Sinestra.gif Sintharia †
IconSmall DrakeTwilight.gif Zeryxia †
IconSmall DragonVoid.gif Vexiona †
Twilight Caverns
IconSmall DragonNightmare.gif Nightmare dragonflight Green dragons who have been corrupted by the Emerald Nightmare. Defunct IconSmall YseraNightmare.gif Ysera †
IconSmall Xavius2.gif Xavius †
Emerald Nightmare
IconSmall Thorignir.gif Brood of Nithogg A brood of storm dragons that have refused to swear to the titans, believing themselves to be superior.  Nithogg N/A Nastrondir
IconSmall WhelpPlague.gifIconSmall ProtoWhite.gif Plagued dragons A failed attempt at creating a plagued dragonflight by the Cult of the Damned. Defunct  Vectus † Scholomance
IconSmall FrostWyrm.gifIconSmall Frostbrood.gif Frostbrood The elite frost wyrms of the Scourge; raised from the fallen blue dragons of Sindragosa's Fall and led by her as well. Defunct  Sindragosa † Icecrown Citadel
IconSmall ProtoFire.gifIconSmall ProtoAir.gifIconSmall ProtoEarth.gifIconSmall ProtoWater.gif Primalists An elementally empowered group of dragonkin and cultists who believe that Azeroth's true, elemental, form was usurped by the titans. Primal Incarnates:
IconSmall ProtoEarth.gif Iridikron
IconSmall ProtoWater.gif Vyranoth
IconSmall ProtoFire.gif Fyrakk †
IconSmall ProtoAir.gif Raszageth †
Dragon Isles

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Dragons group in five dragonflights that claim ancestry to the greatest of their kind. Each color is proud of its heritage and lineage and remembers the name of all those who have gone before. These flights are further separated into small family groups known as broods. Each occupies and holds territory within Azeroth‘s less populated areas. Some are commonly seen; others have nearly been driven to extinction by wars among their own kind.

Each of these five flights keeps secrets of its own and adheres to separate ideologies from the rest. They are led by powerful entities known as Aspects, one from each color, who rule over their flights as powerful gods looking down on their less fortunate descendants. For the most part, all dragons are of the same species with similar bone structure, anatomy, and physical capacity. Each flight, however, is distinct with different goals, interests, and ideals. The cautious traveler remembers the ancient words spoken by one of Azeroth's most powerful mages: Let sleeping dragons lie.[10]



  • The dragons in World of Warcraft.

  • The Dragonflights in Hearthstone.

See also


Lesser titan-forged