
Emerald Nightmare (instance)

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
This article is about the in-game instance. For lore and history of the Emerald Nightmare, see Emerald Nightmare.
Emerald Nightmare
Emerald Nightmare loading screen.jpg
Location Val'sharah, Broken Isles
Race(s) IconSmall NightmareSatyr.gifIconSmall Satyr.gif Satyr
IconSmall NightmareCenarian Male.gifIconSmall NightmareCenarian Female.gif Cenarius' Children
Night elfNight elf Night elf
Green dragon Green dragon
IconSmall DragonNightmare.gif Nightmare dragon
IconSmall DireFurbolg.gif Furbolg
IconSmall NightmareAncient.gif Ancients
IconSmall NightmareFaceless.gif N'raqi
IconSmall Wisp.gif Wisp
IconSmall Lasher.gif Lasher
IconSmall Ursoc.gif Wild God
End boss IconSmall Xavius2.gif Xavius
Instance info
Type Raid
Player limit 10-30
Cross-faction? Cross-faction allowed

Emerald Nightmare is located in Val'sharah with its source being located at the tainted World Tree, Shaladrassil. From here the Nightmare Lord Xavius and his loyal satyr spread the corruption across both Emerald Dream and the physical world.

This instance opened on September 20th, 2016. Mythic difficulty and Raid Finder wing 1 opened on September 27th, 2016. Raid Finder wing 2 opened on October 4, 2016 (one week earlier than had been previously scheduled). The final Raid Finder wing opened on October 18, 2016.

Adventure Guide

The Emerald Dream was created by the titans as a blueprint for Azeroth itself - a verdant and perfect mirror that reflects the state of nature had it remained unspoiled by so-called civilization. For many years, the druids and keepers who are closest to nature have noticed signs of an unsettling presence stirring within the Dream. Spurred on by the Legion and Nightmare Lord Xavius, that creeping corruption has now burst forth, and will engulf all of Azeroth if it is not rooted out at its source.



To cleanse the Nightmare, the brave must ascend the great tree Shaladrassil, where the veil of dreams is thinnest.

Tormented Guardians

The Nightmare's sway is greatest over those closest to nature, clouding the minds of her stalwart protectors with fear and rage.

Rift of Aln

Deep within this dark and formless expanse, where reality shifts and the senses deceive, the Nightmare Lord awaits.

Opening dates

Date opened (US) Difficulty Wing/bosses
September 20, 2016 Normal & Heroic All
September 27, 2016 Mythic All
Raid Finder  [Darkbough]

(Nythendra, Il'gynoth, Heart of Corruption, Elerethe Renferal)

October 11, 2016 Raid Finder  [Tormented Guardians]

(Ursoc, Dragons of Nightmare, Cenarius)

October 25, 2016 Raid Finder  [Rift of Aln]


Getting there

Fly to Starsong Refuge in Val'sharah, and follow the road towards Shala'nir. The entrance to the raid is to the left over a series of bridges.

Maps and subregions


  • Clutch of Corruption

    Clutch of Corruption

  • Core of the Nightmare

    Core of the Nightmare

  • Mulgore


  • Un'Goro Crater

    Un'Goro Crater

  • Emerald Dreamway

    Emerald Dreamway

  • Ashenvale


  • The Hinterlands

    The Hinterlands

  • Duskwood


  • Feralas


  • Grizzly Hills

    Grizzly Hills

  • Moonglade


  • Rift of Aln

    Rift of Aln

  • Emerald Dream

    Emerald Dream


  • Clutch of Corruption: At the base of Shaladrassil, the withered husk of the once proud green dragon Nythendra remains guarding access to the Nightmare-corrupted Dream.
  • Core of the Nightmare: The Nightmare bleeds out into Azeroth, warping reality. Heroes will need to enter the Nightmare portals and cleanse the corruption sealing off access to the deeper depths.
  • Nightmare Grizzly Hills: Overlooking a dark and twisted Grizzly Hills, the wild god Ursoc waits to dispatch the enemies of his new master.
  • Nightmare Un'Goro Crater: A darkness grows in the middle of the jungles of this titan-shaped crater, the heart of corruption known as Il'gynoth beats from within a Nightmare-twisted world tree.
  • Nightmare Mulgore: Under the shadows of a broken mesa, the tormented soul of Elerethe Renferal lurks, spreading her webs of destruction as she finishes preparations to destroy those she feels betrayed her.
  • Emerald Dreamway: This once pristine glade has been completely consumed by the Nightmare thanks to the corrupting influence of Ysondre and the spirits of her companions, the Dragons of Nightmare. The way must be cleared if there is any hope of stopping the Nightmare's spread into Azeroth.
  • Nightmare Moonglade: The most sacred place in the Dream warps and collapses under the veil of the Nightmare, further harmed by the active corrupting influence of the demi-god Cenarius.
  • Rift of Aln: An endless abyss. Half formed, infinite darkness. This is the true soul of the Nightmare. This is the ultimate fate of Azeroth should her heroes fail to stop the Nightmare Lord.
  • The Emerald Dream: A pristine, untouched source of pure life. Can the veils of Nightmare be parted enough to find the path to this serene paradise?


Wing Bosses Monsters NPCs
1 - Darkbough Clutch of Corruption

Clutch of Corruption

Core of the Nightmare

Core of the Nightmare

Un'Goro Crater

Un'Goro Crater



2 - Tormented Guardians Grizzly Hills

Grizzly Hills

Emerald Dreamway

The Emerald Dreamway

The Hinterlands



Bough Shadow


Dream Bough


Twilight Grove



3 - Rift of Aln Rift of Aln

Rift of Aln

The Emerald Dream

The Emerald Dream

Ancient Rest



Boss Item Type
Nythendra Shadow Artifact Relic
Holy Artifact Relic
Life Artifact Relic
Frost Artifact Relic
Mail helmet
Cloth shoulders
Plate chest
Plate bracers
Mail belt
Leather belt
Leather boots
Melee DPS trinket
Caster DPS[note 1] trinket
Elerethe Renferal Fel Artifact Relic
Iron Artifact Relic
Blood Artifact Relic
Leather helmet
Plate helmet
Mail chest
Leather bracers
Cloth belt
Cloth leggings
Plate leggings
Mail boots
Healer trinket
Ranged DPS trinket
Il'gynoth, Heart of Corruption Frost Artifact Relic
Blood Artifact Relic
Holy Artifact Relic
Fire Artifact Relic
Cloth helmet
Leather shoulders
Plate shoulders
Cloth bracers
Leather gloves
Mail gloves
Plate belt
Mail leggings
Tank trinket
Melee DPS trinket
Caster DPS trinket
Tormented Guardians
Boss Item Type
Ursoc Blood Artifact Relic
Storm Artifact Relic
Iron Artifact Relic
Mail shoulders
Leather chest
Cloth bracers
Mail bracers
Plate gloves
Leather leggings
Cloth boots
Plate boots
Agility DPS trinket
Healer trinket
Tank trinket
Strength DPS trinket
Dragons of Nightmare Life Artifact Relic
Arcane Artifact Relic
Shadow Artifact Relic
Leather helmet
Cloth chest
Plate chest
Plate bracers
Leather bracers
Mail gloves
Cloth gloves
Mail boots
Tank trinket
Ranged DPS trinket
Healer trinket
 [Breath of the Undying Serpent] Artifact appearance
Cenarius Life Artifact Relic
Holy Artifact Relic
Storm Artifact Relic
Plate helmet
Cloth shoulders
Mail shoulders
Leather chest
Plate gloves
Leather belt
Mail belt
Cloth boots
Healer trinket
Melee trinket
Rift of Aln
Boss Item Type
Xavius Fel Artifact Relic
Arcane Artifact Relic
Fire Artifact Relic
 [Illusion: Nightmare] Weapon illusion
Shadow Artifact Relic
Cloth helmet
Plate shoulders
Cloth chest
Mail bracers
Plate belt
Mail leggings
Leather leggings
Leather boots
Caster DPS trinket
Tank trinket
  1. ^ Also drops for Enhancement shaman.

Patch changes

External links

Val'sharah is a contested territory

Map of Val'sharah

es:Pesadilla Esmeralda (mazmorra)