
Empyrean Society Report

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
NeutralEmpyrean Society Report
Start Ravandwyr [66.1, 32.3]
End Archmage Khadgar [70.8, 55.4]
Level 10-45
Category Mage Campaign
Class Mage Mage
Experience 7,740
Rewards  [Water Globe]
 [Glory of the Order]
1000 Order Resources

9g 30s (at level 108)

Previous N Mage [10-45] Final Exit
Next N Mage [10-45] The Council is in Session


Return to the Hall of the Guardian.


I find it hard to believe that Archmage Vargoth would be involved with such a malevolent group! There must be a good explanation for why he's been here...

Regardless, we had best return to the Hall of the Guardian and inform Meryl about what we've uncovered here.


You will receive: 9g 30s
Inv misc orb 01.png [Water Globe] Achievement reputation 03.png [Glory of the Order]

You will also receive:

  • 1000 Order Resources
  • 7,740 XP


Ravandwyr speaks very highly of how you dealt with the Empyrean Society, <name>.


Quest accept
Ravandwyr says: I will see you back in the Hall of the Guardian. Esara, you are welcome to join us there.
Esara Verrinde says: I'll do that. See you soon, <name>.
The two teleport themselves out.
Enter the room
Ravandwyr says: Khadgar, thank you for coming so quickly! He is declining rapidly!
Archmage Khadgar says: Hmm. This illness is magical in nature. You were right to summon me, Ravandwyr.
Meryl groans and clutches his stomach.
Archmage Khadgar says: There, there, old friend. We will figure this out...
Archmage Khadgar says: There must be more books on magical illness around here somewhere...
Archmage Khadar says: I know there must be something here that will help Meryl... But where....
Meryl chokes and coughs up bile.
Archmage Khadgar says: A Treatise On The Habits Of Ravens looks quite interesting! But, no, it will not help poor Meryl recover...
Archmage Khadgar says: Blast! This library is a disaster! We will have to clean it up if we are to have any hope of finding more texts on magical afflictions before it is too late...


  1. N Mage [10-45] Felstorm's Plea
  2. N Mage [10-45] The Dreadlord's Prize
  3. N Mage [10-45] A Mage's Weapon
  4. Acquire the chosen artifact:
  5. N Mage [10-45] The Champion's Return (arcane and fire)
  6. N Mage [10-45] The Great Akazamzarak
  7. N Mage [10-45] The Only Way to Travel
  8. N Mage [10-45] The Tirisgarde Reborn
  9. N Mage [10-45] A Conjuror's Duty
  10. N Mage [10-45] Growing Power
  11. N Mage [10-45] Rise, Champions
  12. N Mage [10-45] Technical Wizardry
  13. N Mage [10-45] Archmage Omniara
  14. N Mage [10-45] Building Our Troops
  15. N Mage [10-45] Troops in the Field
  16. N Mage [10-45] Tech It Up A Notch
  17. N Mage [10-45] Ancient Magic
  18. N Mage [10-45] An Unexpected Visitor
  19. N Mage [10-45] A Covert Operation
  20. N Mage [10-45] Prepare To Be Assimilated
  21. N Mage [10-45] What Is Going On Here?
  22. Complete both:
  23. N Mage [10-45] Final Exit
  24. N Mage [10-45] Empyrean Society Report
  25. Side quests:
  26. N Mage [10-45] The Council is in Session
  27. N Mage [10-45] Archmage Vargoth's Retreat
  28. N Mage [10-45] Following In His Footsteps

Level 45

  1. N Mage [45] Kalec's Plan
  2. Side quests:
  3. N Mage [45] Not A Toothless Dragon
  4. N Mage [45] The Enemy of My Enemy...
  5. N Mage [45] Impending Dooooooom!
  6. N Mage [45] A Terrible Loss
  7. Complete all of:
  8. N Mage [45] Into the Oculus

Patch changes

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