
Classic jewelcrafting designs

Item Category Materials Skill Source Orange Yellow Green Gray  [Delicate Copper Wire] Crafting material 2x  [Copper Bar] 1 20 35 50 Trainer  [Rough Stone Statue] Other 8x  [Rough Stone] 1 30 40 50 Trainer  [Braided Copper Ring] Ring 2x  [Delicate Copper Wire] 1 30 45 60 Trainer  [Woven Copper Ring] Ring 2x  [Delicate Copper Wire]
1x  [Copper Bar] 1 30 45 60 Trainer  [Heavy Copper Ring] Ring 4x  [Copper Bar]
2x  [Delicate Copper Wire] 5 35 50 65 Trainer  [Malachite Pendant] Necklace 1x  [Malachite]
1x  [Delicate Copper Wire] 20 50 65 80 Trainer  [Tigerseye Band] Ring 1x  [Tigerseye]
1x  [Delicate Copper Wire] 20 50 65 80 Trainer  [Inlaid Malachite Ring] Ring 2x  [Malachite]
2x  [Copper Bar] 30 60 75 90 Trainer  [Ornate Tigerseye Necklace] Necklace 2x  [Tigerseye]
2x  [Copper Bar]
1x  [Delicate Copper Wire] 30 60 75 90 Trainer  [Bronze Setting] Crafting material 2x  [Bronze Bar] 50 70 80 90 Trainer  [Coarse Stone Statue] Other 8x  [Coarse Stone] 50 70 80 90 Trainer  [Elegant Silver Ring] Ring 1x  [Silver Bar] 50 80 95 110 Trainer  [Solid Bronze Ring] Ring 4x  [Bronze Bar] 50 80 95 110 Trainer  [Thick Bronze Necklace] Necklace 2x  [Bronze Bar]
1x  [Shadowgem]
1x  [Delicate Copper Wire] 50 80 95 110 Trainer  [Simple Pearl Ring] Ring 2x  [Copper Bar]
1x  [Small Lustrous Pearl]
1x  [Bronze Setting] 60 90 105 120 Trainer  [Bronze Band of Force] Ring 3x  [Malachite]
3x  [Tigerseye]
2x  [Bronze Bar]
2x  [Shadowgem]
1x  [Bronze Setting] 65 95 110 125 Trainer  [Gloom Band] Ring 2x  [Shadowgem]
2x  [Delicate Copper Wire]
1x  [Bronze Setting] 70 100 115 130 Trainer  [Brilliant Necklace] Necklace 4x  [Bronze Bar]
1x  [Bronze Setting]
1x  [Moss Agate] 75 105 120 135 Trainer  [Bronze Torc] Necklace 6x  [Bronze Bar]
1x  [Bronze Setting]
1x  [Lesser Moonstone] 80 110 125 140 Trainer  [Ring of Silver Might] Ring 2x  [Silver Bar] 80 110 125 140 Trainer  [Heavy Silver Ring] Ring 2x  [Silver Bar]
1x  [Bronze Setting]
1x  [Moss Agate]
1x  [Lesser Moonstone] 90 120 135 150 Trainer  [Ring of Twilight Shadows] Ring 2x  [Shadowgem]
2x  [Bronze Bar] 100 130 145 160 Trainer  [Heavy Jade Ring] Ring 2x  [Iron Bar]
1x  [Jade]
1x  [Bronze Setting] 105 135 150 165 Trainer  [Heavy Stone Statue] Other 8x  [Heavy Stone] 110 120 130 140 Trainer  [Amulet of the Moon] Necklace 2x  [Lesser Moonstone]
1x  [Bronze Setting] 110 140 155 170  [Design: Amulet of the Moon]  [Barbaric Iron Collar] Necklace 8x  [Iron Bar]
2x  [Large Fang]
2x  [Bronze Setting] 110 140 155 170 Trainer  [Moonsoul Crown] Cloth 4x  [Soul Dust]
4x  [Silver Bar]
3x  [Lesser Moonstone]
3x  [Small Lustrous Pearl]
2x  [Mana Potion] 120 150 165 180 Trainer  [Pendant of the Agate Shield] Necklace 1x  [Moss Agate]
1x  [Bronze Setting] 120 150 165 180  [Design: Pendant of the Agate Shield]  [Heavy Iron Knuckles] Fist weapon 8x  [Iron Bar]
2x  [Elixir of Ogre's Strength] 125 155 170 185  [Design: Heavy Iron Knuckles]  [Wicked Moonstone Ring] Ring 4x  [Iron Bar]
1x  [Lesser Moonstone]
1x  [Shadow Oil] 125 155 170 185  [Design: Wicked Moonstone Ring]  [Golden Dragon Ring] Ring 2x  [Gold Bar]
2x  [Delicate Copper Wire]
1x  [Jade] 135 165 180 195 Trainer  [Mithril Filigree] Crafting material 2x  [Mithril Bar] 150 170 180 190 Trainer  [Blazing Citrine Ring] Ring 1x  [Citrine]
1x  [Mithril Filigree] 150 180 195 210  [Design: Blazing Citrine Ring]  [Heavy Golden Necklace of Battle] Necklace 2x  [Moss Agate]
1x  [Gold Bar]
1x  [Elixir of Ogre's Strength] 150 180 195 210  [Design: Heavy Golden Necklace of Battle]  [Jade Pendant of Blasting] Necklace 2x  [Mithril Filigree]
1x  [Jade] 160 190 205 220  [Design: Jade Pendant of Blasting]  [Engraved Truesilver Ring] Ring 2x  [Mithril Filigree]
1x  [Truesilver Bar] 170 200 215 230 Trainer  [The Jade Eye] Ring 2x  [Elemental Earth]
1x  [Jade] 170 200 215 230  [Design: The Jade Eye]  [Solid Stone Statue] Other 10x  [Solid Stone] 175 175 185 195 Trainer  [Golden Ring of Power] Ring 4x  [Gold Bar]
1x  [Jade]
1x  [Lesser Moonstone]
1x  [Citrine] 180 190 200 210 Trainer  [Citrine Ring of Rapid Healing] Ring 2x  [Mithril Bar]
1x  [Citrine] 180 210 225 240 Trainer  [Citrine Pendant of Golden Healing] Necklace 2x  [Elemental Water]
2x  [Gold Bar]
1x  [Citrine]
1x  [Bronze Setting] 190 220 235 250  [Design: Citrine Pendant of Golden Healing]  [Amulet of Truesight] Necklace 8x  [Truesilver Bar] 200 210 220 230 Trainer  [Truesilver Commander's Ring] Ring 3x  [Truesilver Bar]
2x  [Star Ruby]
2x  [Citrine] 200 210 220 230 Trainer  [Figurine - Golden Hare] Trinket 6x  [Gold Bar]
2x  [Citrine] 200 225 240 255  [Design: Golden Hare]  [Figurine - Jade Owl] Trinket 4x  [Jade]
4x  [Vision Dust]
4x  [Mithril Filigree]
2x  [Truesilver Bar] 200 225 240 255 Trainer  [Aquamarine Signet] Ring 3x  [Aquamarine] 210 235 250 265 Trainer  [Figurine - Black Pearl Panther] Trinket 4x  [Black Pearl] 215 240 255 270  [Design: Black Pearl Panther]  [Aquamarine Pendant of the Warrior] Necklace 3x  [Mithril Filigree]
1x  [Aquamarine] 220 245 260 275 Trainer  [Dense Stone Statue] Other 10x  [Dense Stone] 225 225 235 245 Trainer  [Thorium Setting] Crafting material 1x  [Thorium Bar] 225 235 245 255 Trainer  [Figurine - Truesilver Crab] Trinket 4x  [Truesilver Bar]
2x  [Core of Earth]
2x  [Aquamarine]
2x  [Globe of Water] 225 250 265 280  [Design: Truesilver Crab]  [Ruby Crown of Restoration] Cloth 4x  [Greater Mana Potion]
4x  [Truesilver Bar]
4x  [Thorium Setting]
2x  [Star Ruby]
2x  [Black Pearl] 225 250 265 280  [Design: Ruby Crown of Restoration]  [Red Ring of Destruction] 1x  [Star Ruby]
1x  [Thorium Setting] 230 255 270 285 Trainer  [Figurine - Truesilver Boar] 4x  [Truesilver Bar]
2x  [Heart of Fire]
2x  [Star Ruby]
2x  [Breath of Wind] 235 260 275 290  [Design: Truesilver Boar]  [Ruby Pendant of Fire] 1x  [Star Ruby]
1x  [Thorium Setting] 235 260 275 290 Trainer  [Truesilver Healing Ring] 2x  [Truesilver Bar]
2x  [Heart of the Wild] 240 265 280 295 Trainer  [The Aquamarine Ward] 1x  [Aquamarine]
1x  [Thorium Setting] 245 270 285 300  [Design: The Aquamarine Ward]  [Gem Studded Band] 4x  [Thorium Setting]
2x  [Truesilver Bar]
2x  [Aquamarine]
2x  [Citrine] 250 275 290 305  [Design: Gem Studded Band]  [Opal Necklace of Impact] 4x  [Truesilver Bar]
2x  [Large Opal]
2x  [Large Radiant Shard]
2x  [Thorium Setting]
2x  [Mithril Filigree] 250 275 290 305  [Design: Opal Necklace of Impact]  [Figurine - Ruby Serpent] 2x  [Truesilver Bar]
2x  [Essence of Fire]
2x  [Star Ruby] 260 280 290 300  [Design: Ruby Serpent]  [Simple Opal Ring] 1x  [Large Opal]
1x  [Thorium Setting] 260 280 290 300 Trainer  [Diamond Focus Ring] 1x  [Azerothian Diamond]
1x  [Thorium Setting] 265 285 295 305 Trainer  [Emerald Crown of Destruction] 2x  [Huge Emerald]
2x  [Large Opal]
2x  [Blue Sapphire]
2x  [Arcanite Bar]
2x  [Thorium Bar] 275 285 295 305  [Design: Emerald Crown of Destruction]  [Sapphire Signet] 2x  [Truesilver Bar]
4x  [Blue Sapphire]
1x  [Thorium Setting] 275 285 295 305 Trainer  [Glowing Thorium Band] 2x  [Azerothian Diamond]
1x  [Thorium Setting] 280 290 300 310 Trainer  [Onslaught Ring] 1x  [Powerful Mojo]
1x  [Essence of Earth]
1x  [Thorium Setting] 280 290 300 310 Trainer  [Sapphire Pendant of Winter Night] 1x  [Essence of Undeath]
1x  [Blue Sapphire]
1x  [Thorium Setting] 280 290 300 310 Trainer  [Figurine - Emerald Owl] 4x  [Powerful Mojo]
2x  [Huge Emerald]
2x  [Arcanite Bar]
2x  [Thorium Bar] 285 295 305 315  [Design: Emerald Owl]  [Ring of Bitter Shadows] 2x  [Essence of Undeath]
1x  [Arcane Crystal]
1x  [Demonic Rune] 285 295 305 315  [Design: Ring of Bitter Shadows]  [Emerald Lion Ring] 2x  [Huge Emerald]
1x  [Thorium Setting] 290 300 310 320 Trainer  [Living Emerald Pendant] 4x  [Powerful Mojo]
4x  [Living Essence]
2x  [Huge Emerald] 290 300 310 320 Trainer  [Brilliant Blood Garnet] 1x  [Blood Garnet] 300 300 320 340  [Design: Brilliant Blood Garnet]  [Inscribed Flame Spessarite] 1x  [Flame Spessarite] 300 300 320 340  [Design: Inscribed Flame Spessarite]  [Radiant Deep Peridot] 1x  [Deep Peridot] 300 300 320 340  [Design: Radiant Deep Peridot]  [Solid Azure Moonstone] 1x  [Azure Moonstone] 300 300 320 340  [Design: Solid Azure Moonstone]  [Timeless Shadow Draenite] 1x  [Shadow Draenite] 300 300 320 340 Trainer  [Prismatic Black Diamond] 1x  [Black Diamond] 300 310 315 320 Trainer  [Figurine - Black Diamond Crab] 4x  [Pristine Black Diamond]
4x  [Black Diamond]
4x  [Thorium Bar]
2x  [Azerothian Diamond]
2x  [Arcanite Bar] 300 310 320 330  [Design: Black Diamond Crab]  [Figurine - Dark Iron Scorpid] 4x  [Dark Iron Bar]
2x  [Arcanite Bar]
2x  [Star Ruby] 300 310 320 330  [Design: Dark Iron Scorpid]