
Frostpaw tribe

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For gnoll in the Azure Span, see Frostpaw (Azure Span).
NeutralFrostpaw tribe
Main leader Unknown
Race(s) IconSmall DireFurbolg.gif Furbolg
Character classes Shaman, Trapper, Warrior
Capital Grizzlemaw
Other major settlements Rage Fang Shrine
Theater of operations Grizzly Hills
Affiliation Independent
Status Active

The Frostpaw tribe is a tribe of polar furbolgs located in the Grizzly Hills of Northrend. For thousands of years, these furbolgs have lived in peace within the city of Grizzlemaw with the other furbolg tribes, until corruption spread among them. Now driven with madness, they wage war with the Redfang tribe to seek control of Grizzlemaw.[1]


In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

A few stories claim Grizzlemaw was built on the site of the Frost Paw tribe's lodge and was made large enough to accommodate several furbolg tribes at once. The Frost Paw then invited other friendly tribes to shelter the winter with them. The resulting ties changed the furbolgs from scattered hunters to a stronger, more unified race, and the Grizzly Hills from ancestral hunting grounds to a loosely defined nation. Supposedly, the Frost Paws gathered the tribes together in part to fend off the Drakkari threat.[2]


  • Killing members of the opposite tribe gives a buff, Frostpaw Ally, that makes the player neutral with them for 5 minutes.


  1. ^ B [15-30] A Possible Link
  2. ^ Lands of Mystery, pg. 103 - 104

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