

MobThe Grimrail
Image of The Grimrail
Race Vehicle (Mechanical)
Location Grimrail Depot
Status Crashed
Relative(s) Pauli Rocketspark (creator)

The Grimrail is an armored train that was built by Pauli Rocketspark for the needs of the Iron Horde supply and crew transportation, that is cruising throughout Gorgrond from Grimrail Depot.

At the end of the dungeon, the Grimrail crashes into a canyon, named in-game as Grimrail Crash Site.

The rails also connect to the Foundry Terminus and the Iron Docks.

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

At least two more Grimrail locomotives were built by the Mag'har Clans after their liberation. Their rails go from Hellsreach Citadel to the Blackrock Foundry and Grimrail Depot.


  • The Grimrail in the Grimrail Depot instance loading screen.

    The Grimrail in the Grimrail Depot instance loading screen.

  • Rear train cars instance map.

    Rear train cars instance map.

  • Forward train cars instance map.

    Forward train cars instance map.

  • During the war against the Lightbound.

    During the war against the Lightbound.

Former Warchief
Former leader
Former Warlords
Member races
Cities and towns
Clans and