
Harlan Sweete

  • ️Tue Jul 17 2018
BossHarlan Sweete
Image of Harlan Sweete
Title Lord of the Irontide,
Captain of the Irontide Raiders
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 12-52 Elite
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Irontide Raiders
Occupation Captain,[1] Pirate
Location Sweete's Landing, Freehold
Status Killable BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png
Deceased (lore)

Harlan Sweete was the captain of the Irontide Raiders. He used to be the first mate of Flynn Fairwind in another pirate crew, but the two had a falling out after a messy job and Flynn lost all taste for freebooting, and disappeared. Harlan took the nastiest of the crew and formed the Irontide Raiders.[2] Harlan has recently forced the smaller crews in Freehold to pledge loyalty to him.[3] He also sent Richard Tornsail to forcibly take over the smugglers cove of Anyport in Drustvar.

He made a deal with Lady Ashvane, who would provide them with Azerite weapons, which they would use against the Proudmoores to establish Ashvane as Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras. In exchange, Harlan would be named commander of the Kul Tiran fleet.[4]

To this end, when he was informed by Ashvane that House Waycrest of Drustvar, longtime supporters of the Proudmoores, was falling into a state of disrepair, he sent Captain Leadfist to establish a base at Chandlery Wharf. From there, Leadfist was to pillage, loot, and plunder through Drustvar: this would deplete House Waycrest's supplies, keep them destabilized, and prevent them from being able to support the Proudmoores, while filling the Irontide's coffers at the same time.[5]

He is the last boss of the Freehold dungeon and is killed by adventurers, with his death acknowledged in a later quest by Flynn.[6]

Adventure Guide

Harlan Sweete is the leader of the Irontide Raiders, and his vast wealth is only exceeded by his sliminess. Currently bankrolled by the Lady Ashvane, Sweete has been tasked with uniting the crews of those who sail the seas of Kul Tiras.


Harlan Sweete rolls his magically loaded dice at 60% and 30% health remaining, gaining advantages via Loaded Dice: All Hands! and Loaded Dice: Man-O-War.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Defeat or otherwise prevent Irontide Grenadiers from reaching their targets to avoid the effects of Black Powder Bomb.
  • Stand behind Harlan Sweet to avoid taking damage from Swiftwind Saber - until he's empowered by Loaded Dice: All Hands!.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Allies afflicted with Cannon Barrage can take heavy damage, keep them healed!

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Defeat or otherwise prevent Irontide Grenadiers from reaching their targets to avoid the effects of Black Powder Bomb.



Item Type
 [Sharkbait's Favorite Crackers] Mount
Agility one-hand sword
Azerite Leather helmet
Azerite Plate helmet
Azerite Cloth helmet
Azerite Mail helmet
Azerite Mail shoulders
Azerite Leather shoulders
Azerite Plate shoulders
Azerite Cloth chest
Agility Trinket

Objective of


Main article: Fairwind's "Friends"#Notes
Main article: Sweete's Orders#Notes
  • Taller men than you have opposed me, but they always came up short.
  • Think you can stand against me, swine? Allow me to educate you.
Cannon Barrage
  • Cannons! Blast these scurvy dogs to bits!
  • Men! Acquaint these scallywags with our heavy guns.
Avast, ye!
  • All hands on deck!
  • Swab the deck with their gizzards!
Killed a player
I love the sound of corpses hitting the deck.
  • Alright lads, gather their valuables. After I've had my pick, you can fight for the scraps.
  • Check their teeth for gold, boys. The rest is shark food.
  • You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. Never go against Sweete when booty is on the line!
  • Inconceivable...
  • No one better touch... my booty...


  • His character and design appear to inherit aspects of an early concept for Ashvane known as 'The Pirate Queen'.
  • Sweete's model uses the pygmy skeleton.
  • Sweete is voiced by Joe Ochman.[7]
  • Both his "classic blunder" and "inconceivable" voicelines are references to the film The Princess Bride, likely drawing a comparison between both of the character's short statures.


Patch changes


External links

Mob Dungeon final bosses

WoW Icon update.png
Bc icon.gif

Bosses in grey were redesigned in a later expansion or removed from the game.